Without Clow saying anything, Kuina on the side, and Ace who was supporting Dirk, also released their own domineering aura.

Under the collision of the three domineering auras, the ground cracked, and the already broken ground was turned into powder under the entanglement of black and red arcs.

Clow chuckled and said,"I didn’t expect that the emperor of the new world also likes to play such childish tricks. Who do you think you can scare?"

"Hmm? Kaido narrowed his eyes, exuding a dangerous aura, and said in a cold tone:"Tell me, I can keep a few of you at the cost of serious injuries?"

Indeed, as arrogant as Kaido is, he would not think that he can take these people down without any damage.

This is a naked threat, but who is Kuro? He was beaten by the pirate spies of the New World before joining the navy.

There are no friends with excellent psychological quality.

"Then why do you think I didn't come here with a lot of fanfare, but instead got rid of one of your cadres and a big boss first?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. It seemed that there were only three fighters left on Kaido's side. No, Jack had been seriously injured.

As for the navy's side, there were Crow, Kuina, and Tashigi. It was a pity that Ace had been fighting for many days.

Otherwise, if they could have stopped the seriously injured Jack and King for a short time, the remaining three would have had a chance to get rid of Kaido.

From this point of view, the situation has indeed reversed.

However, there was no sign of dejection on Kaido's side. Instead, he let out a deafening laugh:"Hahahaha, just the few of you? Stop kidding!"

"Do you think I have a few big bosses?"

Sure enough, when Kaido's voice fell, a ship appeared on the distant horizon.

A fat man was dancing on the bow, and there were several senior cadres beside him.

Although Kaido had a posture of winning, Cloe was not panicked at all. He slowly took out a stone from the arms of his suit.

He whispered:"Guess what will happen if I crush this stone?"

Seeing this scene, Kaido's face suddenly changed and became a little ugly.

Because he knew what this meant, Sean's subordinates all had this stone. As long as they crushed it, Sean would appear immediately.

That was a ruthless man named"Tulong", who was not worried about offending the Celestial Dragons.

With the opponent's unparalleled mobility, bringing a few generals here, it would be a big trouble.

This wave, I predicted it. You predicted my prediction.

Seeing Kaido silent, Cloe continued:"The guys above don't want to break the current balance, but we still have to save face for our navy."

"So I came here this time, but if you insist on continuing, then it’s hard to say what will happen to the people who come later. My boss doesn’t care about any orders."

Kero looked at the other party with a smile. Kaido is reckless and often breaks into the naval fortress without thinking, but he has to distinguish between people and time.

Otherwise, he would not be alive until now, so he knew that Kaido would definitely retreat, but at this stage he couldn’t know their purpose of coming here!

Intuition told Crowe that the water is deep here, otherwise Kaido would not be so desperate to come here to support Jack.

After weighing the pros and cons, Kaido could only remain silent, looked at Ace coldly, and then led his men away. As soon as

Kaido left, Dirk , and then he completely collapsed to the ground. The experience of the past few days was definitely the most exciting in his naval career.

Looking at the desolate and dilapidated island, it is hard to imagine that it was once an island full of vitality.

The earth collapsed, countless abyss-like gullies spread from all directions, countless dead trees, and various lifeless plants.

All of them show the dead silence of this island. Only then did Cloe look at Ace with satisfaction:"You are very good, you should report to the headquarters with Major General Dirk first, and then the headquarters will appoint you to join the G5 branch."

This is something Cloe knew a long time ago, and he also knew the true origin of Ace. He is the son of Pirate King Roger.

In the navy, who can really protect Ace, wait for him to become famous, and stay in the navy without fear of rumors.

Only Sean can do it, because he has the ability that the world government is afraid of.

Now Sean's ability has been known to the whole world. Not only is his ability weird, but his strength is indescribably powerful.

""Okay, I'll go to the headquarters to report to Grandpa first, and then I'll go to the New World. Next time! I must break off Jack's other tooth!"

Ace looked at the ivory in his hand with some excitement. He felt that this was his trophy, worth 450 million Baileys.

Although this experience made him a little scared, it was followed by endless fighting spirit. He was still too weak.

If he could be stronger, he might be able to arrest Jack before the other side's reinforcements arrived.

""Kro, Sean hasn't come out yet?" Kuina asked.

Kro looked at her with some resentment:"I also want him to come out earlier, but apart from delivering meals every day, I haven't seen him much."

"At least you can still go out to sea with Tashigi on a warship, but I can only handle official business every day. Do you think I am happy?"

No! You can't imagine how happy I am! Cloe added silently in his heart.

Dirk on the side realized that the mysterious and powerful vice admiral was actually a lazy guy. He even needed help to handle official business. He just didn't know what the other party was doing every day.

Kuina smiled embarrassedly. Indeed, she and Tashigi strolled on the Grand Line all day long. They would probably be awarded medals when they go back this time.

After all, they had a direct conflict with the Beasts Pirates this time.

This will undoubtedly give the navy's new recruits a shot in the arm and let them know that there is definitely more than one supernova in the navy.

In the future, there will be a steady stream of talents joining to contribute to curbing the power of pirates.

Then everyone left. Cloe returned to G5 alone, and the rest of the people had to report to the headquarters.

If nothing unexpected happens, everyone will participate in the awarding of medals, except Cloe.

For the time being, the rank of major general is the end of Cloe's career. There is no way. Who made his boss lazy? Without Cloe, can he still practice well?

But Cloe didn't care. He just wanted to enjoy the close relationship between the military and the people and stroll around the residential area like an old cadre.

When some residents saw him, they would have starry eyes and even gave him some specialties. Cloe often said no.

But his body also honestly accepted everyone's kindness, and then bought it with his salary, although the gifts were not very useful.

But for Cloe, this was undoubtedly a recognition and food in his spiritual world.


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