Sean, who was still in training, had no idea that his plan had been completely disrupted by his outstanding subordinates.

At the headquarters, Kuina and Tashigi were both commended, and their ranks were promoted to major generals.

Due to their special status, both of them were officers on their warships.

Ace directly became a second lieutenant. After all, no matter how great the merits were, it would be difficult to convince others without seniority in the navy.

Then, at the urging of Garp, several people leisurely set out on the road to G5, and Garp also went this time.

It was also to see what Sean was planning. Before leaving, Zefa and the others discussed it and asked in a private capacity.

No matter what Sean answered, he would put on the coat of justice and pretend that nothing had happened.

Just as everyone went to G5 to call Sean out, a test against Sean was brewing.


In the New World, Akainu, who was cruising, received a person from the World Government. The other party was sent by the Five Elders to find him. He was holding a red Den Den Mushi in his hand, and there were several anti-tapping Den Den Mushi beside him.

The representative of the World Government also went out tactfully, and the moment he closed the door, the Den Den Mushi rang.

Bru bru bru~

But Akainu was a little hesitant, because he knew that this Den Den Mushi was a little unusual. Logically, if the other party wanted to find him, there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

The anti-tapping Den Den Mushi was not a very precious thing to him. With his status, he had an anti-tapping Den Den Mushi when he made a phone call.

And the person representing the Five Elders was holding a suitcase in his hand. There was no doubt that he might be looking for him by chance.

Gritting his teeth, Akainu still answered the call, because for him, as long as it did not hinder him from killing pirates, everything else was fine.

"Sakaski, here is a mission for you. It's about targeting the Whitebeard Pirates. Are you... willing to do it?" A tentative voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi, because no one in the navy can clearly explain the relationship between the top leaders. Even if the Five Elders think that Akainu will not have any relationship with Sean, because they have fought several times, they still have to test it to see if it is still the radical Akainu.

Akainu narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and the cigar in his mouth was also extinguished by him.

But he said calmly:"Specifically? What about the motive? You don't want me to deal with it alone, do you? This is not realistic at all." The other end of the Den Den Mushi was also a little silent when they heard this, because they didn't expect Akainu to ask so many questions.

This is not in line with the character of their navy spokesperson, but they can't just reject Akainu like that. After all, it is normal for the other party to ask clearly, because this time they are targeting the man with Whitebeard.

So he explained a little:"There is no motive, I just think it's time to strike a blow against the arrogance of the pirates, and I won't let you deal with it alone."

"Whitebeard will bring people to the Navy Headquarters, and it will be a fierce battle. I hope you will cooperate with him." Akainu frowned:"How to cooperate? What do you want me to do?"

Then the Den Den Mushi made it clear what he wanted to do.

Although Akainu was determined to get to the bottom of things, which made them a little unhappy, after all, how could a subordinate question the boss?

However, Akainu still showed great interest in dealing with Whitebeard. No one knew how deep his hatred for pirates was.

As for the other party's promise or recommendation for him to be the Admiral of the Navy, Akainu sneered. He is not without opponents.

The Five Elders have high status and great power, but the power of their subordinate institutions is criss-crossed, and they also need to take care of some people's emotions.

And Aokiji happens to be... That's the object those people support, but none of this matters. What matters is that this time, they are targeting the Whitebeard Pirates directly.

This really puzzled him, but he decided to find his good friend Kizaru to analyze the intention of the other party's actions when he returned to the headquarters.

After all, there is no competition between Kizaru and him, and Akainu was also a little shocked that the World Government could decide the fate of a top pirate group.

But why don't they kill all the pirates? There are too many questions lingering in Akainu's mind, and he wants to talk to his friends!


On the other side, a man with broken teeth wearing a black turban and a white T-shirt was eating his favorite cherry pie in a tavern with a kind face.

This island is one of the islands protected by Whitebeard, and it is also the island that this man likes to visit the most.

This man is Marshall·D·Teach

He has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years. He repeatedly hides his ambition and greed, just to shock the world in the future.

During his lurking period, he did not sleep for a minute. He might be afraid that he would say something he shouldn't say when he fell asleep.

But even if he hid so deeply, he was still targeted.

At this time, someone walked in front of him, and then gently pushed a photo over, and then walked away without looking back.

Although it was a bit inexplicable, Teach still picked up the photo and looked at it.

But when he picked up the photo, Teach's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heartbeat skipped a beat unconsciously.

Then he looked around with a fierce face, and when he saw that no one was paying attention to him, he turned over the back of the photo.

There was only one coordinate, and it was the coordinate of this island. It seemed that it should be in the jungle over there in the scenic area.

Then Teach got up without any hesitation and went to the place where the other party asked him to go.

If Sean was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the devil fruit he had used the search function to find a year ago.

Natural system-Dark Dark Fruit.

Because from the map, it is in the deep sea, and even Sean at this stage cannot go down to that depth.

But it was actually obtained by the World Government, and it was even a tool to lure Blackbeard. Even Teach had been lurking for this thing for more than 20 years.

The World Government used it as bait, so you can imagine how profound the Celestial Dragons are.

Not long after, Teach came to a place and saw a man wearing a mask and a white suit, secretly preparing for battle.

In a muffled voice, he said with a fake smile:"Sir, do you have any purpose in coming to the island managed by our Second Division?"

The man looked at Teach, said nothing, and directly opened the black leather suitcase in his hand, revealing the fruit that Teach had just seen in the photo.

Suddenly, Teach's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes became fierce, staring at the purple fruit.

"Sir! Who are you?"


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