
And Sean, who was in seclusion, had no idea that the flapping of the butterfly's wings had already brought about a hurricane.

From this moment on, the direction of the world would no longer be determined by Sean's will, and the"plot" he was familiar with would have no reference value at all.

New World, G5 branch.

After a long journey, everyone finally arrived at G5, but since Sean had told him to practice in seclusion, no one could disturb him.

Unless it was a life-and-death crisis, he could not be disturbed even if the sky fell, because he was at a critical moment.

So even if Garp wanted to force his way in and drag Sean out of the house, Chloe and the sisters stopped him.

But Garp didn't care, because he had done what he should do, and it was enough to have an attitude here, after all, he came here as a personal identity.

So he could only have a good vacation here, and there was no rush at all.

Even Sengoku couldn't find fault with him, after all, the old man had to wait for Sean to come out of seclusion.

So Garp began to slack off during the day, and when Ace came back from his cruise at night, Garp gave Ace a second-stage guidance and taught him some of his own experience.

In this way, when Garp was happily slacking off, time passed very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

Garp almost forgot the purpose of coming here, and the magical thing was that Sengoku didn't urge him.

But this peaceful life was broken today by a flash man who ate the wretched fruit.

Kizaru, who seemed to be unmoved by anything in the past, was frowning and walking towards the house where Sean was.

Seeing this, Clo hurriedly stepped forward to stop him:"General Kizaru, Mr. Sean said that he cannot be easily disturbed at the critical moment of his training. I hope you can understand."

"No, the matter I am looking for him for is very important, and I cannot waste even a minute." Kizaru said to Cloe with some displeasure.

But Cloe acted like a butler who handled things impartially, and gently pushed his glasses with his wrist:"Really, no, this is a death order from Mr. Sean."

"I am a general! You are committing treason!"

"Get out of the way!" But Cloe refused to budge. If the people who broke in this time were Kuina or Tashigi, who were trained by Sean since childhood,

Cloe would definitely let them go. However, he always remained vigilant against those who had not followed Sean for a long time.

Even if Kizaru seemed to have some plan with Sean.

He would only listen to Sean. Sean said that unless a partner was in danger, no one should be allowed to go in and disturb them.

Well, even Kizaru was not allowed!

The two sisters, Garp, Ace and others in the distance had been on their way since they saw a flash of yellow light passing by.

At this time, as soon as everyone arrived, they saw that Kizaru and Cloe seemed to be about to have a conflict, and hurried forward to stop them.

"Borsalino, forget about you. Even I was stopped by these brats when I tried to force my way in. You should just forget it."

Garp was trying to comfort Kizaru.

Tashigi and Kuina stood directly beside Kuro, each holding the sword at their waist. If Kizaru made any unusual movement, they would draw their swords without hesitation.

Even Ace, during this period of time, had vaguely learned something from Kuro, and with Sean's previous teachings, he, a second lieutenant, also stood in front of Sean's door and confronted Kizaru.

Because the four of them were not following the navy of the World Government, but the navy with Sean, a truly pure navy.

The atmosphere was Everything froze for a moment, and the usually carefree Garp no longer had the excitement that his grandson was an elite in the navy.

He frowned, and felt more and more that what He was worried about might come true. It looked like Sean was really planning something big. He looked at Ace worriedly, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. If Ace betrayed the navy, he couldn't imagine what the scene would be like.

This was guaranteed by him and a few old buddies.

And Kizaru was also a little angry,"They don't understand, don't you understand either! Clo!! Don't force me to do anything to you!"

"Mr. Kizaru, even if you say that, I can't get out of the way, even if Mr. Sean comes out and punishes me, because this is what Mr. Sean ordered me to do."

Kuro still looks kind.

"Now the situation has changed! I must discuss this with Sean, otherwise you may all be in trouble!!!"Kizaru was getting more and more annoyed, but he had to calm down and speak.

Fortunately, it was a restricted area, and even if food was delivered, it was delivered by Clo, and other navy officers were not allowed to approach this area.

Otherwise, seeing an admiral being stopped outside the door by a major admiral would definitely cause an uproar.

Now when Kizaru spoke, he was increasingly disregarding Garp who was standing aside, because in addition to being anxious, he also believed in Garp. If you believe in the other party, you will not stab him in the back even if you know his position, because of ambiguous justice.

This was what Kizaru saw and summed up from Garp when he was young. He felt that Garp would understand him because he was practicing the justice of the other party.

Garp on the side had a complicated look on his face. After this dispute, he understood that even Kizaru was involved with Sean.

But the next moment, he firmed his expression, stood in another direction, and looked at the people on both sides.

First he said to Clo,"Why don't you little brats tell me why you disobey orders, even if the other party is an admiral?"

Then he looked at Kizaru:"Borsalino, does the justice behind you allow you to participate in the collusion with Sean?"

Then he sighed and looked at Ace with a complicated expression:"So, now I am the only navy?"

After Garp finished speaking, the scene was a little quiet, and Cloe didn't say anything.���To the always carefree Garp.

He actually guessed that there was collusion between Sean and Kizaru just from a few words, but this was all expected.

After all, Sean once said that these veterans are worthy of respect, and if possible, he wants to keep these veterans.

Continue to contribute to the navy career they love.

Garp, with a lonely face, saw the new forces in the navy, and even the mainstay admirals, were actually planning something. He couldn't help feeling a little sad, and then his face changed, and he shouted with grief and indignation:"Speak up, do you look down on this old bone of mine? If you don't explain clearly, even if I risk my life today! I will never allow you to tarnish the justice behind it!"

"Old man, we have not tarnished justice. My ideal is still the same, to become the king of the navy, the navy!"Seeing this, Ace quickly said


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