Piercing their ears was completely useless and very stupid, causing them to be unable to hear other sounds, not even the voices of their teammates!

Su Xingcan and Qin Hailong were going crazy, how did Qin Tianming do it?

【A millionaire blogger made improper remarks such as supporting the massacre of a city by alien beasts. The relevant departments have intervened in the investigation, and 53 film and television cultural companies are involved.……】

【Pipi Jiang's first film received a low score. Pipi Jiang, who has complained about many bad movies, only scored 3.4 points for her own movie. The August movie season was like a mixed bag. On one hand,"My Sisters" broke through the 500 million box office, and on the other hand,"Gamera vs. Tyrannosaurus Rex" exceeded the 900 million box office mark, while Pipi Jiang's movie released at the same time was a complete flop.……】

【A train in Qiqihar was forced to stop by a strange beast, and thousands of people on the train died. When the military arrived, the entire train was already on fire and the body of the train was burned. The scene was very heartbreaking!】


Qin Tianming was furious when he heard this, and endless anger surged in his heart.

The giant statue of Vajra God and Demon driven by the power of anger rose from the ground. The angrier he was, the more solid the figure of Vajra God and Demon became, and the more realistic the details became, one could even see the eyelashes of the angry Vajra.

The angry Vajra's eyes widened, and the golden giant sword pierced straight into the sky. Even though his spiritual energy was consumed like the sea, Qin Tianming had no intention of retreating.

His spiritual energy was drained in an instant,"System, replenish my spiritual energy!"

【Ding! The host has been replenished with spiritual energy to full, funds -1 million]

Instantly draining all the spiritual energy of a peak Xuan level, what kind of battle is this?

The figure of the King Kong God and Demon Colossus is almost as big as the Bat King, unprecedentedly huge.

Qin Tianming finally understood why this sword was called King Kong's Fury. The more anger he has, the higher the upper limit of King Kong's Fury.

As long as his spiritual energy is sufficient, he can exert power beyond the Xuan level and even beyond the ordinary Earth level.

A sword pierced a big hole in the shoulder of the Bat King, and the blood kept flowing. Everyone was extremely shocked.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

So domineering!

Qin Tianming regretted that he was going to stab the heart, but the Bat King dodged it!

Although the Bat King is huge, he is very agile. It is difficult for a big move like Qin Tianming that needs to be charged to hit the Bat King's vitals.

The Bat King felt the pain and suppressed his anger, saying,"Damn human, you have no chance of winning. Although you hurt me, I am a great man and I will not bear grudges. I promise you, as long as you are willing to submit to us, I will recommend you to the throne of the Cang King. The Cang King attaches great importance to human geniuses."

"You don't mean to say that under the command of that King Cang, there is a human genius who is about the same age as me, but whose strength is beyond my reach, right?"Qin Tianming smiled

"Just know it. Following King Cang, you will get real evolution. Exotic beasts are the protagonists of this era. The inheritance of mankind has been broken for a hundred thousand years. The current human beings regard rubbish skills as treasures and want to enlighten their disciples, delaying more talented people. This is very stupid."

"When the battlefield of the heavens begins, the earth is just a speck of dust among countless heavens. We need to resist the common enemy. Only under the leadership of our alien beasts can the earth shine among the heavens!" The

Bat King kept lobbying, but Qin Tianming sneered,"Let the alien beasts become the masters of the earth? This won't work. Their IQ is too low. I'm afraid that it won't be long before the earth becomes a colony of the powerful from outside the domain!"

"……"The Bat King snorted coldly,"Human boy, it's not your turn to despise our intelligence. Humans are just smart, but if you want to survive, you can't just have brains!"

Qin Tianming now understands the thoughts of those aliens and human traitors. I'm afraid they think so too.

They think that humans are too weak and can't gain a foothold in the battlefield of the heavens.

Qin Tianming smiled,"Although I am still young and don't know much, and I have only been in contact with cultivation for a few months, but I understand one thing. The existence of a race is by no means based on strength alone, but also on civilization. If a race does not have its own civilization, it will sooner or later be assimilated by other races and civilizations!"

Everyone couldn't help but look up and look at Qin Tianming. They absolutely agreed with Qin Tianming's point of view.

But... what the hell is that young and only practicing for a few months?

"is that a lie……"Yu Sichu muttered quietly.

Su Meng also thought it was impossible. People like them have been practicing since childhood, and when ordinary people were still living ordinary lives, they had already seen strange beasts and even fought in some unknown lost land.

Almost all wealthy families are like this. Several generations of their families are cultivators or extraordinary people, so they can have such cultivation at this age.

But what the hell is Qin Tianming?

Practicing for a few months?

He became stronger than them?

This is impossible!

The people on the ground had inexplicable expressions, feeling like flies that had eaten honey. They didn't know whether they should be happy that humans have such geniuses, or sad that they are useless.

Only a group of deaf people in the sky looked at each other in confusion. What's the matter?

What happened?

Why do they all have this expression?

Su Xingcan broke the wings of Bat King No.1 in the sky with a punch. Bat King No.1 was about to use mysterious energy to recover, and Qin Hailong followed closely. The tide rolled in the sky, wrapped around the other wing of Bat King No.1, and kept pulling in the opposite direction, breaking it abruptly.

Su Xingcan was a little surprised. After not seeing each other for a few years, Qin Hailong has become stronger again. The

Qin family sea vein is worthy of being ranked among the top three veins among the dragons lurking in the sea and ascending to heaven. Its strength is indeed terrifying.

Its control over water is amazing, and it has brought out all the characteristics of water to the fullest, not inferior to some people in the southern seas.

Bat King No.1 felt pain. It was still a little reluctant to face two human strongmen. It roared,"Electromagnetic King, quickly deal with her, come and help me!"

Electromagnetic King frowned. He had been confronting the silver-haired girl for a long time.

He really couldn't bring himself to do it, and sighed,"Pingping, I had no choice. The Thunder Clan had already fallen into decline. At that time, if I had not followed King Cang's order and released King Thunder, the Thunder Clan would have suffered a devastating disaster!"

King Electromagnetic told the truth. It was actually King Cang who took the initiative to find the Thunder Clan and wanted to join forces with the Thunder Clan to dominate the northeast region and occupy the Changbai Mountain and Greater Khingan Range.

But the Thunder Clan disagreed, saying that they would never live with strange beasts.

King Cang was furious, but there was nothing he could do. At that time, King Cang did not dare to go to war with humans directly, so he privately found King Electromagnetic and persuaded him to release King Thunder. This is what happened later. King Thunder retaliated against the Thunder Clan and destroyed the Thunder Clan.

"Why didn't my father and the others agree to King Cang's request, but you succumbed to his tyranny?"

Lei Pingping asked, trying not to let her tears flow.

"I... I think my brother is too stubborn. He has always believed that humans are invincible and that humans are the protagonists of the battle between Earth and the heavens... But the world has changed. One hundred thousand years have passed, and humans have experienced a major fault. They are no longer invincible, and the Thunder Clan is no longer the Thunder Clan that suppressed the heavens in the mythical period!"

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