The two people on the ground blushed with shame.

When they were training before, although they felt that the teacher was very strong, they didn't have a specific concept.

They always thought that they could develop their own abilities, and one day they would be like the three admirals, and develop the fruit ability to the extreme.

Then they would not lose to the practitioners of domineering.

But now they know, because they can't even stand in front of the strong people of this level.

Although Zephyr doesn't have the domineering color, he is a strong man of the same era as Garp and Sengoku.

Sean nodded with satisfaction:"I didn't lie to you, although I don't know why you can't even use domineering after training under Mr. Zephyr."

"But you have to understand one thing, it is the strong personal ability that makes the Devil Fruit ability strong. For example, the ten hands of seastone on your back, Smoker, I'm sorry to say, that's just a toy."

After saying that, he squatted down and picked it up, without covering the domineering aura. Although Sean himself is not affected by seastone and can use his ability.

But he can't really show it, like those strong people in the New World, even if they are trapped by seastone, they can still use their brute force to break free.

Sean squeezed hard.

Snap -

Smoker's ten hands broke with a sound, and he looked dazed.

"Look, I am also a devil fruit user, I am physically strong, I am not afraid of your thing at all"

"When you can break the seastone with your bare hands one day, come and challenge me again."

Zefa looked at his two students who were thinking about something, and his face was also full of satisfaction.

"Go find other soldiers and help deal with this. Tell the new recruits to take a day off. I'm going to have a drink and chat with Sean!"

Just like that, Hina and Smoker watched Zefa drag Sean away.

They didn't care about the two people whose legs were still shaking.

"Hinai decided to work hard to train her body and cultivate Haki as soon as possible, and then go find that annoying Sean!"

Smoker looked hesitant, wanting to say that he would be beaten even if he found him. He was quite smart just now, why is he now...

However, Smoker also realized his problem. Perhaps he was invincible for those who were not strong or could not use Haki.

His natural system was invincible, but as long as he met someone who could use Haki and had strength, he would think that his ability was just like a target, and he also made up his mind to work hard to cultivate Haki.


In this way, Sean also asked Zhan Guo for two weeks of leave in the remaining time.

Because Huang Houzi had to hand over his work to Hong Gouzi, it would take almost two weeks to go back and forth.

So Zhan Guo approved Sean's leave.

Although Sean wanted to enter the system's training field to continue his training, he still curbed his impulse.

He wanted to draw ten times in a row!

But even if he couldn't go, Sean didn't fall behind in training. After breakfast every day, he went to the boot camp to chat and learn from Zefa.

But he would add gravity to himself, so the two of them wouldn't make too much noise when they fought, after all, they were both fighting with fists.

And Sean's name swept the entire Navy Headquarters like a hurricane.

Whether it was the top brass or the recruits, they all knew that a monster had come to the headquarters, a real monster.

At the age of 20, he was already the top combat force of the Navy Headquarters. Some people wanted to say hello, but when they saw his expression of keeping strangers away, they stopped.

This made Sean very helpless. He also liked to make friends, but others thought he would be a strict superior and dared not approach him.

Except for Hina and Smoker, they were also on vacation during this period.

As soon as it was light, they went to find Sean and asked Sean to give them some gravity training.

Zephyr was happy to see that his students were also thinking about making progress during the holidays.

A week will pass soon.

It is time for this batch of recruits to go out for internship.

Sean came to the training ship after washing up early in the morning.

Seeing Zephyr instructing the recruits on many matters, he did not disturb them and moved a beach chair to the deck to bask in the sun.

This time Sean took out his knife, because Weevil must be really strong.

Even with the attack and Zephyr's efforts to protect the students, Zephyr still lost.

So his strength should not be underestimated. Even if you are out there, you still have to be cautious.

Not long after, Zephyr finished training the recruits and came over

"Aren't you here to watch the new recruits? Why are you slacking off here?"

Sean raised his eyelids and said,"Okay, okay, I'm just slacking off.……"

Zefa smiled and didn't care.

In this way, under Zefa's leadership, the training ship sailed on the sea.

Looking for their target, a pirate group.

Although many of these recruits were injured in the process, they all completed the assessment indicators.

Sean also helped them recover from their injuries.

Seeing Sean's ability, Zefa was also shocked.

Although he had learned from Sengoku that this kid's healing ability was similar to a talent, he was still shocked.

Because he had never seen such a powerful healing ability.

As for the reasons given by Sean, the senior management could only choose to believe it.

What can you do if you don't believe it? Can you force it? Don't joke.

Although Sean was puzzled, he was about to return to the ship, why didn't the pig appear.

But he didn't relax his vigilance and turned on his observation.

At this moment, a small sailboat slowly approached here.

Sean squinted and looked at the small boat. It was just an ordinary small merchant ship.

Turning to look at Zefa, he saw that he looked relaxed, as if he didn't care at all.

Damn, this is the former admiral of the navy. If you don’t get beaten, who will?

So Sean hurried over and whispered,"There is a very strong guy on the ship, and there is an old woman……"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a black slash flying over.

Sean quickly pulled out his sword and swung out a red and black slash.

Boom - the slash exploded, and the sea sank into a large pit out of thin air. The seawater poured back and could not be filled up for a while. Just looking at this, you can already know the terrible strength of both sides.

Only those who can integrate domineering into the slash are the realm of great swordsmen.

This scene caught Zefa and the recruits on the side off guard. They all thought in their hearts that if it weren't for Sean, the ship would probably have been split into two.

Everyone who came to their senses took a defensive posture, because since the opponent dared to attack the warship, they must not be weak.

Zefa was sweating in his heart. If that kid hadn't been there, he would probably be in trouble.

Judging from the slash swung by the opposite side, he is not a weakling, and he has already taken care of so many recruits...

Thinking about it makes me scared, so I hurried forward and Sean is now together

"I was careless just now and didn't tell you in the first place. I'm really grateful to you this time."

Sean still stared at the small merchant ship and said,"Mr. Zefa, let the new recruits on the ship take the small boats and stay away. If there are not enough small boats, they can swim. This training ship may not be saved.……"

Zefa also looked solemn, because he also sensed the two people on the opposite side. The tall one was very strong, and the petite one, although not as strong as the tall one, was also quite strong.

So he turned back to Ain and said,"Ain, you are a capable person, take those with poor swimming ability and physical strength to the boat and leave, and the rest of you swim away. The opponent is very strong this time, and you can't participate. Notify the headquarters to send a warship to pick you up. You swim in one direction and swim farther, and do it."

""Yes! Teacher Zefa!"

Ai En understood and quickly gave orders. The navy's mobility was still sufficient. After a while, they were organized and left in the distance, but they did not go too far. They just waited at a relatively safe distance.

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