
But Sean waited for a long time, but did not receive the usual screams of admiration. He lowered his head and looked at Kuina with some doubts.

Kuina looked at him as if she was looking at a fool, and Sean felt bad all of a sudden.

He said with an unnatural look:"What, what's wrong?"

Kuina rolled her eyes unhappily and said:"Sean, are you a big fool? You need to find a subordinate you can trust. Dashiqi is a good one. She is a trustworthy companion, and she has been trained since she was a child. She will definitely not betray you in the future. You said that you can make anyone have the qualifications of a top-level strongman, so why can't it be her?

Besides, even if you can't accompany us to train in the past few years, I will always be on your side~"

Hearing this, Sean slapped his forehead. Oh, that's right, even if it is used on a pig, it will become stronger. Instead of betting on a subordinate who doesn't have it yet, it's better to use it on Dashiqi. At least she is a kind person.

And with Kuina here, this is a trustworthy person. It seems that his judgment has been influenced by the original work.

And maybe he can get a wave of plot points.

Then he looked at Kuina with a look full of teachable meaning.

""Okay, call her up and let's go to my room together."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sean walked towards the cabin.

Kuina walked towards Dashiqi excitedly, took her hand, and ran straight to Sean's room without thinking.

"Hey, hey, Kuina, slow down, where are you taking me?"

"Go to Sean's room." Turning to look at Dashiqi:"I have something good to share with you~ It's my credit, otherwise Sean, that idiot, would never have thought of you."


Just like that, Kuina hurriedly brought Dasiqi, who looked confused, into Sean's room.

Sean first used his observation Haki to sense to prevent anyone from being around, and then pretended to take out two glass test tubes from his pocket.

The test tubes were filled with blue liquid, and the liquid was flowing in the test tubes, as beautiful as the stars in the night sky, full of mystery.

Sean first told Dasiqi about the effect of the potion, and Dasiqi was immediately shocked. There were such magical things in the world...

Without waiting for them to speak, Sean continued:"I got this thing by accident. There are only these two in the whole world. Originally, in addition to giving it to Kuina,

I wanted to use the other one to cultivate my trusted subordinates, but under Kuina's persuasion, I gave it to you. I hope you don't let Kuina down."

Hearing this, Dasiqi's eyes were red, and she looked at Kuina, not knowing what to say. Her little mouth opened and closed slightly, and she could only spit out two words out of thousands of words:"Thank you."

Although she is not very old, she understands that such things should not be owned by her. All this is because of Guina, the"sister" she has just met. She does not think that she has such a high talent.

Guina smiled sweetly,"I am your sister. We will be together in the future. I have always wanted to have a younger sister~"

Hearing this, Dasiqi also smiled widely and responded to Guina:"Yeah~sister."

Dasiqi silently made up her mind in her heart that no matter what happened in the future, she would face it with her sister as soon as possible. Sean watched the interaction between the two speechlessly, and quickly interrupted and said:"Hurry up and drink it. Remember, you can't tell anyone, anyone about this, understand?"

Both of them knew that the matter was of great importance, nodded repeatedly, and then picked up the test tube without hesitation and drank it.

""Gulp, gulp."

Not long after the two finished drinking, the glass test tube suddenly broke, and then turned into dust and fell.

But it disappeared before the dust touched the ground.

The duo who saw this scene were more convinced that this potion was extraordinary.

Kuina felt her body and felt no change, so she expressed her doubts.

Sean was also speechless:"This thing is not to improve your strength directly, but to improve your physique and talent. This requires training to bring out the effect. Remember, the reason why the strong is strong is because he is strong in himself, not in auxiliary items."

As soon as the voice fell, Dasiqi's exclamation was heard

"No! My myopia is cured!" Then he took off his glasses.

Now it was really hard to tell who was who.

Sean thought of Dashiqi's future royal sister wearing glasses... He shook his head to get rid of some unhealthy images.

With a dry cough, he stammered,"Actually, it's good for you to wear glasses."


Dasiqi was dumbfounded. Do you still need to wear glasses if you are not nearsighted?

Sean hurriedly explained:"At least this way I can tell you apart, and you look quiet and gentle, so glasses are suitable for you. You can take off the lenses and use them as decorations. They look very nice..."

At this time, Kuina was unhappy, and said tenderly:"Huh, do you mean that I won't look good in them?"

"How could that be? It's just that each of you has your own characteristics."

While the two were talking, no one noticed Dashiqi's strange expression.

She felt that her whole brain was a mess, and the words"very beautiful" kept lingering in her ears.

After the three of them talked for a while, Sean let them leave.

Then he took out a cigar and started smoking, puffing away in the room.

He felt like he had forgotten something, and after thinking about it, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

It turned out that he almost forgot to find a tool man. Without hesitation, he quickly picked up the Den Den Mushi and called Kizaru for the coordinates.

But no one answered for a long time, so Sean had to hang up while mumbling.

On the other side, the Navy Headquarters

"Bulu Bulu~"

Kizaru was walking on the playground when he heard the Den Den Mushi ring.

"Moses Moses"

"Hello, is this Zhan Taomaru? Moshi Moshi……"

A navy soldier following behind Kizaru said with a frown on his face:"Admiral Borsalino, you have a Den Den Mushi in your hand!……"

"Ah~ I said..."Kizaru suddenly realized,"No wonder there is no sound every time..."

Then he searched everywhere on his body and finally took out a Den Den Mushi. As soon as he took it out, it was hung up with a"click".

He scratched his forehead,"Who called me? I always feel like I forgot something. Forget it, don't think about it, as long as there is nothing to find~"

Looking at Admiral Kizaru walking in front with a clear conscience, the navy soldiers following behind him were also complaining wildly in their hearts.

Whether they can find you or not, something has happened! You are the admiral!! The highest combat power of the headquarters, it will be a small matter to find you!

Of course, they only dared to complain in their hearts, so they quickly followed Kizaru's footsteps.


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