At this moment, Sean had a serious face, and his aura gradually rose. This was the aura of a great swordsman.

Sean pulled out the knife without even the domineering aura and swung it gently towards the pirate ship.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. They had never thought that Sean wanted to attack the pirate ship from such a long distance.

And with a knife? Cutting the air?

But before they could doubt it, they saw Sean put away the knife and uttered a few words.

""Iaido·Suck it, it's fierce."

In an instant, a blue energy ball of one hundred meters high and one meter wide appeared out of thin air and rushed away.

The place where the slash passed through the sea surface was split as if it was cut by the sea god, revealing a bottomless trench.

In the blink of an eye, the slash passed through the black spot and then flew to the horizon.

At this moment, everyone stared at the"wound" of the sea that had not healed for a long time with a look of horror.

For those merchants, what followed was a full sense of security. After all, with such a powerful navy, why should they be afraid of pirates?

But the recruits were full of respect.

Kuina Dashiqi looked at Sean with admiration. They also wanted to be able to do it one day, to split mountains and break seas with a single strike.

The most horrified person among the crowd was definitely our Captain Clo. He just watched the blue light fly out with a whoosh, and then the black dot in the distance disappeared.

All his plans were destroyed by this absolute force.

Before he could say anything, the seawater began to flow back into the gully that was split by Sean.

The impact force caused by the backflow of seawater gradually made the merchant ship and the warship begin to shake.

The impact became stronger and stronger. Soon, a huge wave was set off in the distance, which frightened everyone so much that their legs went limp.

"How, how could this happen?…"

"Oh my god, we are all going to die if this huge wave hits us. What should we do?"

"Woohoo, I have an 80-year-old mother and a 3-year-old daughter, I can’t die……"

Everyone was immersed in grief, and they didn't dare to blame Sean. After all, Sean's original intention was to protect them.

What if he was angered and killed him here? Although he was in danger of death, he would definitely die if he was killed on the spot.

Sean looked at the two little girls on the side and found that although their faces were pale with fear, they were holding his sleeves tightly.

But they gritted their teeth and said nothing.

Sean couldn't help but sigh, these two people have the talent of generals, and they can go out and say that they have seen all kinds of storms and waves in the future?

Clo was so regretful at this time. Why did he let those rubbish come over? Not only did they not help, but they also got themselves involved.

At the same time, he also understood his own insignificance and how narrow-minded he was. The amazing sucking fierceness just now left an indelible shadow in his heart.

His men were so far away, maybe the ship was gone, but there was still a possibility of survival, but he... Hey, thinking of this, he couldn't help but join the crowd of the grief atmosphere group.

Sean was too lazy to talk nonsense. He looked at the huge waves getting closer and closer, jumped up, and his arm gradually turned black after he pulled out the knife.

Then, it was wrapped with the domineering energy of cherry blossoms, which gradually wrapped up with the position of holding the handle of the knife until it reached the tip of the knife, and then another silver-black slash was swung out.

This time, the domineering energy of the flowing cherry blossoms was added, and the straight slash cut through the waves.

Then there was a loud"bang bang bang" sound, and all the huge waves seemed to be exploded from the inside wherever the slash was.

The super huge wave that was nearly 300 meters away from them turned into a torrential rain and poured down.

Everyone was soaked, well, except Sean and the two girls, because Sean applied the repulsive force to them, which was a delicate job.

If it was not used properly, people would be bounced away, so it could not be applied to too many people, and it was definitely not laziness.

But everyone didn't care at all, after all, they almost realized the true meaning of death again.

So everyone cheered and shouted excitedly, as if to vent the haze in their hearts.

Clo watched Sean split the sea so casually, and smashed the natural disaster so casually.

Suddenly he was filled with mixed emotions. He was happy to survive, but also sad about the next situation.

After all, it was a light punishment to lock him up in the branch for life, because not all criminals were qualified to be imprisoned in the Imperial Prison.

Small pirates like them would generally be shot or sent to some branch prisons.

Thinking about the ups and downs he had gone through, he felt even more sad.

At first, he was just a young man who liked to pretend to be a gentleman in front of the villagers. Although he had some talent and a high IQ.

But he could have his own hobbies, right? What he liked most was that everyone nodded and greeted him when he walked on the street.

But once, he finished off a pirate and looted his treasure.

So he embarked on the road of pirates in a daze, and even established a pirate group with a group of useless subordinates.

I thought, I'll just be a pirate, it doesn't matter anyway, as long as I use strategies and carefully plunder wealth, and when I get tired of it in the future, I can quit.

So Clo planned to hide his identity and sneak into the merchant ship. When the time comes, with a command, hundreds of pirates will rush over to rob, which will be a perfect show.

But he died before he could accomplish his mission. He met an extremely powerful navy, who humiliated me.

First, he pretended to be ignorant and watched the performance, making himself feel like a clown in a circus.

Then, when he wanted to conquer with his strength, he was cruelly slapped in the face, which made him realize how weak he was.

Thinking of continuing to use strategies, he was still cut down by a sword.���He sank his pirate ship.

He thought, forget it, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison, but God played a joke on him again, raising huge waves as if to swallow him up.

Just when he was about to freak out, the hot man swung his knife again and saved everyone present.

At this moment, he understood the power of this silver-haired navy man, who could kill people and save people.

He was like a clown, constantly struggling between being caught or dying. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. This was a fucking life.

The more he thought about it, the more wronged and sad he felt, and finally he began to sob softly.

Sean ignored him, turned around and said to the civilians on the merchant ship:"You must pay attention to the privacy of the merchant ship in the future, and don't let the pirates fish in troubled waters. This time you are really lucky...

Don't look at his strength, but it's easy for him to kill you all."

Yes, Sean knew Crow's trick, the spoon, which was about the same speed as the Navy's six-style razor, but it was a low-profile version, a mindless rush. From this, we can see that Crow is smart.

So Sean said goodbye to everyone on the merchant ship and boarded the warship with Clo.

…… ps: (In SBS, Oda said that the speed of Shave and Spoon is comparable, but the disadvantage is that they don't know who to attack.)

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