
Just like that, a private gathering ended. After Sean took the two sisters home, he took a bath and went to sleep.

But before going to bed, he always felt like he had forgotten something, and fell asleep unknowingly.

On the other side, Cloe, who was taken to the military court by Kizaru to go through the procedures, was also taken to the detention room.

Looking at the cold wooden bed and the small window on the wall where the moon could be vaguely seen, Cloe felt a little uncomfortable.

Because after Kizaru took him to the military court, he suddenly received a Den Den Mushi call, and then a dazzling light flashed.

The person disappeared, and he didn't say a word to the people in the trial seat, so Cloe was in tragedy and was almost killed as a spy who infiltrated the navy.

Fortunately, after his painstaking explanation, he finally made it clear that he came to join the navy and his superior was a subordinate of Admiral Kizaru.

They knew that Kizaru had greeted them, but they were not sure if it was this person, but just in case, everyone started to go through the procedures. If it was, they would just take the person away when he came.

The following questions were nothing more than what he had done, why he became a pirate, why he joined the navy, and so on.

According to regulations, the navy that recruits pirates will be demoted even if they pass the review.

But Sean is so famous that the top brass are eager for him to be promoted quickly so that they can be sent to garrison in the New World.

After all, the weak can't survive there.

Although it was done quickly according to the procedures, there was still doubt about Clo's identity because no one came to pick him up. He was taken to the interrogation room and told to wait for his superior to pick him up, and he could go out.

But no one came to find him until midnight. Clo looked at the moon in the sky and shed tears of regret.

Why be greedy? If he hadn't been greedy and killed the pirates, he wouldn't have been mistaken for a pirate, and he wouldn't have met the devil Sean later, and he wouldn't have been locked up here.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.…………

The next morning, a marine came to knock on Sean's door, and Sean had to open the door with sleepy eyes.

Seeing Sean open the door, the marine immediately saluted and said,"Colonel Sean, Marshal Zhan Guo wants you to go to the playground. He has something to talk to you about."

Sean was a little confused. Why did the old man Zhan Guo want to find him so early in the morning? And go to the playground, but he didn't think much about it.

After asking the two little girls to get up and go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast when they were hungry, he followed the soldiers in his coat of justice.

Not long after, he came to the playground. At a glance, Sean was shocked beyond words, and immediately became angry.

He was not angry that he was pulled here early in the morning to be used as a tool, but angry at the person who hurt these men in front of him like this.

Yes, when Sean arrived, he saw thousands of marines with varying injuries.

The one with the broken arm stood there like a pine tree. The one in the wheelchair stood up straight even though he had no legs. The rest were all strong and strong, and there were even some people dying on stretchers.

This scene shocked Sean's heart. At this time, he deeply felt the cruelty of the sea. He also understood that the navy could not be maintained by a few high-level officials and a few top combat forces. These people were the backbone of maintaining order. People like them only had a deterrent effect rather than a practical effect.

Looking at the strict discipline of these soldiers, he knew that the navy full of personality and rebellion seen in anime were a minority after all.

At this moment, Sean's eyes were slightly red, and he hated the pirates very much, but he forced himself to calm down in less than a moment.

Don't let anger overwhelm your mind, keep your original intention, there may be many evil people, but no one is born evil, only when the higher ones fall, the sea can return to peace.

Everything he sees is justice!

He is in charge of injustice, he is in charge of crimes, as long as it is a crime, he will not kill a good person by mistake, nor will he wrongly accuse a bad person.

After repeating this deep breath several times, he released his ability in front of Zhan Guo and thousands of remaining soldiers.

There were too many people missing limbs this time, and he used up two-tenths of his physical strength to allow their cells to divide and regenerate, completing the feat of regenerating the broken limbs.

Although Sean had used excessive physical strength after calming down, he still showed his acting skills, pretending to be physically exhausted and unstable.

Fortunately, the soldier next to him was quick to support him and prevent him from falling. Sean secretly gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo hurriedly shouted loudly not far away:"Quick, bring up the food to replenish Colonel Sean's physical strength!"

At this time, Zhan Guo turned his head to look at the thousands of soldiers in front of him, and met them under the starlight.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and the crowd excitedly changed from whispering to shouting in disorder, venting their emotions of rebirth.

"Ahhhh! My arms have grown back. This time I must work harder to catch those bastards!"

"That’s great, it’s really great. Every time I see my wife and children working so hard to take care of a disabled person like me, I want to end my life, but I can’t bear to do it. I didn’t expect that I would be able to stand up again this time!"

"It was Colonel Sean who gave us a new life! I heard that Colonel Sean will continue to use his abilities to help us in the future…"

Thousands of people looked at Sean who was sitting on the ground eating breakfast.

They saluted in unison,"Thank you, Colonel Sean!"

Just these six light words, but the group of soldiers shouted loudly, as if they were carrying a heavy weight.

Sean also felt their excitement and gratitude. They were all upright men and couldn’t say anything touching.

Sean just stood up and returned the salute and continued to sit down to eat breakfast. It’s not that Sean didn’t respond and pretended to be aloof.

He really didn’t know what to say. They should thank him. If he has the ability, isn’t it his duty to help these unsung heroes?

Yes, in Sean’s heart, they are heroes. They have seen and experienced the darkness of this world, but they still love life.

So Sean just sat down silently, but in the eyes of other marines, this was completely selfless, just like the navy in the navy comics, the same heroic Jay, made them yearn for it. (Well... in the comics of the comics, it's like fighting Sanji's family)

Sean would never have thought that his casual actions would bring him so much change in the future as time goes by.

After eating and drinking, Sean followed Sengoku back to his office. As soon as he sat down, he pulled Sengoku's lamb over and rubbed his head.

The lamb could only be angry but not say anything, looking at Sengoku eagerly.

As soon as Sengoku sat down, he threw a document to Sean,"The headquarters originally decided to let you join a branch casually, and then slowly promote.

After all, if you are directly airdropped as the base chief, it is inevitable that there will be internal dissatisfaction, which is not a good thing, so it is decided to promote you to brigadier general and go to the new world to become the acting base chief.

After all, the base chief in the new world is generally held by a lieutenant general.

" ps: The plot will be accelerated next.

The rank of brigadier general does exist.

It is a transitional rank, similar to the rank of colonel, before officially becoming a general.

There will be no nonsense setting of the nine-layer half-step peak perfection in this article.

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