
"My name is Tulong!"

Sean thought, wouldn't it be exciting to slay a dragon? What's more, he didn't want to slay the loach in front of him.

But the dragon above, the Celestial Dragon.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Garp and Sengoku on the side twitched their faces.

Kaido's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, covered with a shadow.

The pirates around heard the name of this young generation of the navy for the first time.

He gritted his teeth and said,"Very good, shorty, I'll remember you, you bastard!"

Sean glanced at Kaido with disdain:"I'm in the G5 branch, you can come over anytime, it's over to see if I'm going to cut you down!"


Just like that, Cornetto and Charlotte Linlin whispered something and then strode away.

Along with the four monsters, there were also many monster pirates from the old times who also smelled a scent called conspiracy.

So they left in a hurry, and after all the pirate ships had left, Garp sighed:"It seems that there are no idiots among the pirates surviving in the New World!"

At this time, Sean was also a little shaky, but he didn't dare to faint here.

Because from the direction where Sengoku had just looked, he discovered a breath that did not belong to their navy.

So he said to Sengoku:"I'm going back to sleep, you guys help me deal with it here, I'll come back when I've slept enough."

Zhan Guo understood, and was about to speak, asking Sean to send them back to the headquarters.

As a result, Sean left with a"whoosh", leaving only a faint blue light and shadow dissipating. Zhan

Guo was so angry that he wanted to beat this hateful kid to death.

Although Sean was not afraid, he was just afraid of what might happen, right?

And it was okay when he was fighting Kaido, once the tense spirit relaxed.

The feeling of fatigue immediately eroded Sean's whole body. Sean would never leave his weak side in the new world.

So Sean returned to his home in this world, Shimotsuki Village, Isshin Dojo.

As soon as he appeared in the living room, Koshiro and his wife and Lais, who were drinking tea and chatting, found Sean.

Seeing that except for the coat of justice on his back, Sean's whole body was tattered, revealing his strong muscles.

Lehman hurriedly stepped forward to support Sean and asked,"How are you, are you okay?"

Sean was just a little weak,"Master's wife, I'm fine, I just want to have a good sleep now. I just had a battle and I'm a little tired"

""Okay, okay, go and have a rest. We have taken care of your room."

Sean was too tired. He said hello and went to his room.

Sean slept for a full thirty hours, but he was still hungry in the end and woke up because of the aroma of food.

He walked out of the room with sleepy eyes and immediately saw several people in the dining room.

After seeing Sean, Koshiro said,"Go and wash up quickly. Your master's wife bought a lot of meat and is going to make a big meal for you to nourish your body."

Sean felt warm in his heart, nodded and went to wash up, changing his tattered training clothes and haori.

He carefully felt the changes in himself. He also benefited a lot from this battle, and it really made him understand where his current limit is.

Although he can fight a humanoid weapon like Kaido on equal terms, it is still not enough and still needs time to settle.

Develop your current talents completely, and then wait for the system to upgrade.

After washing up, Sean came to the living room, always feeling that something was missing.

Then he slapped his forehead, and his figure suddenly disappeared and came to Sean's house at the headquarters.

The two sisters should not have been home for a long time. If I don't pick them up, they will probably get angry.

Immediately, he appeared in front of the two sisters, carrying them back in one hand. Arrived at Shimotsuki Village.

Then without saying a word, he threw himself on the dining table and began to eat.

Fortunately, with Koshiro's reminder, Lyman cooked a lot of dishes. At this time, Lyman and Lais's daughter also came back.

As mothers, they were also very happy and hurried to the kitchen to cook more dishes for them.

They also missed their daughters, but they also knew that Sean had special circumstances and could not send them back in time.

The two sisters also missed the taste of their mother's cooking, and suddenly all the grievances were thrown behind their minds and joined the foodie camp.

After a long time, the family, who had eaten and drunk enough, sat in the living room drinking tea and chatting.

Kuina only reacted at this time, and hurriedly checked Sean's body to see if he had any injuries.

Sean asked curiously:"What's wrong?"

"I'm checking to see if you're injured.……"

"Stop kidding, how could I get hurt...wait, why do you think I would get hurt?"

Dashiqi took over the conversation:"Didn't you fight with others for more than ten days?"

Sean felt a little dizzy. He was thinking of some reason to comfort the sisters. He didn't fulfill his promise to take them home every week.

But they all knew it?

Seeing Sean's confusion, Lais got up and left, and came back with a stack of newspapers a moment later.

"We all know this, we've known it since the first day you fought the pirates."

Sean quickly picked up the newspaper and started reading.

《The sea is stormy again, and the pattern of the great shipping routes may be broken again!》

《Total war? Where will the new world go?》

《Fierce battle! The Navy's supernova versus the overlord of the pirates Kaido!》

《The headquarters' top fighters are all out! Pirates are joining the battlefield one after another!》

《The eleven-day battle came to an end. The Navy's super rookie"Dalong" defeated Kaido by half a point, and the pirates left with hatred……》

《In the turbulent new world, the battle for supremacy among pirates intensifies. What kind of situation will the world face?》


Looking at these reports, which were 90% true and 10% false, Sean was full of complaints and didn't know how to vent.

Seeing Sean sighing, Lehman asked,"What's wrong?"

Sean shook his head,"I just think it's a bit ridiculous. If I could beat Kaido by half a point, I wouldn't have to come back and fall asleep in seconds."

Koshiro was also a little curious:"So what happened to you in the end?"

Sean shrugged,"It's nothing more than the World Government taking care of its own face. It was Shanks and Whitebeard who advocated a truce that day."

"Now they are praising our navy, how shameless they are."

Kuina grumbled with a droopy face:"Why is this happening? They are deceiving the whole world! Don't all the pirates present know this?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, public opinion is still on our side, not to mention that the situation in the New World has not yet completely stabilized."

After thinking about it, Sean continued:"Don't be disappointed in the navy. Many times the navy is helpless. We just need to do our best."

Kuina nodded, hugged Sean's arm and said coquettishly:"I will work hard to practice, and I will help you in the future~"

Sean touched Kuina's little head,"Then you have to work hard, I'll wait for you in the New World."

The quiet Tashigi on the side also blushed, and looked eager to try, looking at Kuina with some envy in her eyes.

Just like that, Sean, the Dragon King who was discussed all over the world, spent a few days on vacation in Shimokatsuki Village.

He even brought the two sisters out without asking for leave.

…… ps: I will enter a new chapter tomorrow.

I will probably explain some things tomorrow.

The following plot is completely based on the original work.

I type slowly.

It takes me more than an hour to type one chapter.

For example, I have to find the nickname of the protagonist, Tu-se.

Because I just started writing, my speed is not fast enough.

It should be faster later.

In short, I will update steadily every day.

Starting tomorrow, I will definitely write for six hours!!!!

Thank you for your support.

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