
After entering the prison here with trepidation, Cloe felt that the cruelty he had thought of was nothing compared to this place.

It was like a husky mixed with a wolf pack. He was so out of tune with them.

He was such an elegant gentleman, but everyone here was full of violent factors.

The cell where Cloe was detained was a large cell, and all the people were spies or rookie pirates who appeared near the headquarters.

There was no doubt that Cloe was classified as a spy.

Although it was unknown which forces these spies belonged to, there were obviously fewer spies than pirates.

So when the newcomers came in, the pirates' fists were ready to move.

So a prison storm drama was launched.

At this time, Cloe hated the pirates and the unreliable general.

As for Sean? Of course he didn't hate him, after all, Sean was stirring up trouble in the New World to maintain peace. As for why he hadn't been contacted for so long, he must have thought that he was training well in the training camp.

Otherwise, Sean, who went to the East China Sea from the headquarters to find him, could have caught him? Isn't that a joke?

Crow was very confident in his intelligence. He deduced that Sean thought he was in special training.

But Kizaru forgot about him and let him suffer in vain.

In this way, Crow began his career of sleeping on straw and tasting gall. He swore that he would arrest many pirates in the future!

There was no other way, because he was the weakest here and everyone wanted to bully him.

He made up his mind that after he got out, he would step by step get to a position above Sean. He wanted to be the worst Crow!!!!


In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

In the year 1504 of the Haiyuan calendar , in the office of the head of the base of the New World G5 branch

, sat a man with a slicked-back hair, glasses, and a black suit.

He sneered at a piece of news:"Oh, the Mamba Pirates, once one of the overlords in Roger's era, are just like this, and they were wiped out just like that."

Yes, this man is Crow.

Crow stood up, holding the newspaper tightly with tears in his eyes, walked to the window, and looked at the blue sea in the distance.

"Two years! Do you know how I have been living these two years? Finally, I have finally gotten rid of all those who bullied me!

Just when Cloe could no longer suppress his excitement and was expressing his inner feelings, a voice suddenly made him feel like he was falling into an icy cave.

"Who gave you the guts to disturb my lunch break!"

Cloe's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said,"Oh no!"

Then he was pressed down by a force of gravity, almost suffocating him. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the voice just now coming faintly:"Hurry up and finish your official business, and then follow them for special training."

Cloe sighed in his heart, he was careless.

On the sofa in the office, a man with a silver-white fever, wearing a black training suit and a white haori, slowly stood up.

His eyes were arrogant, and his expression was cold.

But... Cloe knew that these were all appearances. More importantly, he was narrow-minded.

Just when Cloe was daydreaming, Sean's question brought him back to reality.

"Tell me, what is this department thinking? I am so busy, but you still want me to escort those kings to attend the World Conference.……"

Cloe complained in his heart: I handled all the official business for you. No one dared to come to the G5 sea area to cause trouble because of your bad reputation. What are you busy with!!!

But he still said:"Maybe this year's World Conference is different from the previous ones, and your name should be able to suppress some evildoers."

Sean certainly knew the main content of this meeting, isn't it about the Revolutionary Army?

But it's okay to go for a walk, and by the way, wander around Alabasta to see if you can meet Robin

"Okay, you come with me this time. I will temporarily leave this place to the brothers Meng An and Monto. I will continue to take a nap. Please stop bothering me!"

""Okay, okay, I'll pay attention."

So Cloe tiptoed back to his desk.

Sean closed his eyes and took a nap, but opened the system panel.

【Host: Sean

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Combat Power: 19999"10 ordinary soldiers, 11~499 elite soldiers below lieutenant colonel, 500~4000 elite colonel to major general, 4001~7000 lieutenant general, 7001~9999 general candidate, 10000 general/Four Emperors, unlimited." (It is a combination of Daoli and ability, and the combined value is lower than the pure Daoli value.)

Ability: Heavy Fruit 'modified' Armament Haki Max, Observation Haki Max, Conqueror Haki Max

Skills: Prayer, Swordsmanship, Teleportation 'modified'

Warehouse: Mikazuki Munechika, Pure Gold Upgrade Edition * 9, Change of Clothes, Some Photos, Yunyun Fruit...

Plot Points: 299301]

Yes, Sean has accumulated a lot of plot points in the past two years, and has also spent a lot of them on training.

Finally, the combat power has been raised to 19999, but the system says that it will cost 300,000 plot points to upgrade.

Sean was almost mad to death, but it didn't matter if he was just angry for a while, anyway, his own strength was the foundation for his foothold in this world.

He never relied on the system, but only used it as a tool.

In the past two years, Sean has also been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, and his name"Dragon" has made the surrounding pirates terrified.

Two years ago, Clo was beaten every day in prison, and after a few months of beating, he also awakened the armed color domineering.

Then he began to counterattack in life, constantly tricking spies to prepare for his future revenge. He even beat the pirates who bullied him every day.

Until the idea came to his mind, he reported his situation to the jailer, saying that he had pried open the words of the spy.

So he reported it layer by layer, and Clo used the intelligence he had, and finally met Kizaru.

At that time, the first sentence Kizaru said when he met him was"Who are you?" Clo was so angry, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, so he told his experience.

In the end, Kizaru called Sean and took him away. Because he had made meritorious service, he was directly promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.

These spies were sent by the heroes who were fighting in the New World.

God knows how excited Sean was when he saw Clow.

Without saying a word, he said some heartfelt words to Clow, saying that he couldn't do without him.

Clow was so moved that he took him back to the G5 branch to handle official business in half an hour.

Kuina and Tashigi have grown up a little, and are gradually beginning to show their talents.

The talents of the two are called the new generation of monsters, and no one can compete with them.

If they were not too young, Sean would have taken them back to G5 to train them himself.

Bru bru bru~

Just when Sean was about to fall asleep, the Den Den Mushi interrupted his sleep again.

"Hello…Who is this? Don’t you know that you need to take a lunch break in the middle of the day?!"

An obscene voice came from the other side of the Den Den Mushi:

"This is really troublesome~ Have you decided which king you want to escort? You need to confirm the list now."

…… ps: Finally, let me explain that the combat power is similar to breaking the gene lock. The 1 point of combat power in each stage means breaking the upper limit of oneself. 4001 vs. 4000 is a sure win, because I really don't want to divide it into half-step quasi-school ninth-level peak perfection and the like.

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