Baby5 came to Sean and looked at him expectantly with her little face raised:"Hey, Mr. Cloak, is it you who needs me?"

Seeing the anxious and expectant look of the little girl, Sean sighed slightly in his heart.

Her personality may be rare, but her experience is the norm.

However, pity is pity, and the bug still needs to be drilled, otherwise it would be a pity if the person you have worked so hard to train in the future is intercepted by others. After pondering for a moment, Sean squatted down, looked at the little Loli in front of him and said:"I really need you, and I need you very much, but I don't know if you can do it."

Baby5's eyes lit up, and she said quickly:"I will do it, I will definitely do it, please rest assured and leave it to me!"

"I need you to be needed by me alone, and no longer expect others to need you. Can you do it?"

"Can you just expect my response? I need you now and in the future."

Baby5's face froze. She had never heard such a request before and didn't know how to answer for a moment. She had to turn her head to look at her family members, and then at Doflamingo who was still venting his heat not far away, with a conflicted look on her face.

If she agreed, she would not be so"needed" in the future, but if she didn't agree, she would not be able to respond to the other party's"needs".

Luo looked at the man in amazement. Are the hearts of strong people so dirty? Is it okay to fool a little girl like this?

But then she saw Baby5 with a conflicted look on her face and looking at him, and Luo immediately put on a bossy look. Horse face.

Feeling the low pressure on Luo, baby5 burst into tears and hugged Sean.

Ever since she wanted to bully Luo but was bullied back by Luo, she would cry every time Luo was mean to her.

Seeing this, Sean hit Luo on the forehead with an iron fist of love.

Hearing a"dong", baby5 raised her head and looked at Luo with tears in her eyes.

Luo was squatting with his head in his hands with a wronged look on his face. Suddenly, he felt better and wanted to play a prank on Luo again.

Sean looked disappointed:"Luo, Luo, you are 13 years old, are you still so straight? If you bully her again in the future, be careful or I will beat you."

Luo's behavior reminded him of his childhood in his previous life.

When he was a child, he would bring a girl out to play, and his friends would say: You are so boring, you bring a girl out to play.

When he grows up, his friends will say: You are so boring, you only bring a girl out to play.

After seeing baby5 smile, Sean said earnestly:"People's joys and sorrows are different. Have you ever thought that the Don Quixote family's need for you is nothing more than 'convenience'."

Then he stretched out his hand and gently pinched baby5's little face, which was soft and cute.

"I know all about your childhood experiences.���It's your fault. You just didn't wait for the person who really needed you."

"Your loyalty and lack of love have become a tool for these scum pirates, a tool called 'convenience'"

"I will find a way to train you, and I will even give you something that is countless times rarer than a devil fruit, just because I need you, but I want you to protect yourself more."

Luo was dumbfounded. Why did this cloaked man treat him so differently when they were all children? He was either beaten or scolded. Woo woo, Luo felt wronged, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't envy.

Baby5 saw Luo's complicated expression, seemed a little envious? He burst into laughter immediately

"Hehe, will you, will you really need me in the future? Will you abandon me?"The little girl was scratching her fingers nervously.

This girl who was cautiously longing for love was praised by Don Quixote as"convenient" loyalty. How could he not feel sorry for such a girl?

Sean decided that when he returned to the new world, he would directly capture Lao Cai from the Babao Navy.

Well, it was definitely not because he hated the rough guy who fooled Baby5 in the original book.

Sean gently put his arm around her little shoulder and said seriously:"Unless I die, I will always, always need you."

Then he leaned close to Baby5's ear and whispered:"I'll tell you a secret. No one in this world can kill me~ I'm very strong."

The little girl understood. Although she didn't know why this could be considered a secret, she knew that the cloaked man made a promise to her.

A promise that he would never abandon her.

Then a blush climbed up her little face. Carislan's big eyes were filled with mist, and she nodded heavily:"Well, then please give me more advice. From now on, I will only belong to adults."

"Well, please give me more advice."

The little Loli felt that she was finally needed, and she was always needed. She was no longer treated as a tool. It was great.

Sean did not interrupt her address. He knew that this could not be changed overnight. Baby5's psychological fragility made her humble all the time.

I'll tell her when I fool Rosinante later. There is a month anyway.

No, it's not fooling... it's saving.

At this time, Luo on the side saw that Baby5 used tears to exchange for the gentleness of the cloaked man.

So he stepped forward and pulled Sean's clothes, raised his head, and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Sean was a little displeased:"What are you doing? Boys cry, be careful or I'll beat you."

Luo's face froze, and he looked at Baby5 on the side, and then he said with a stiff upper lip:"Help Krason, he is almost beaten to death."

Hearing this, Sean was startled and quickly turned his head to look at Doflamingo.

He saw Rosinante half lying on the ground with blood all over his body.

Doflamingo was kicking Rosinante while cursing.

"Why did you force me to kill my relatives for the second time?"

"Your betrayal chills my heart"

"You can die now, Rosinante!"

Just as Doflamingo raised his gun and prepared to kill Rosinante,

Sean appeared behind Doflamingo and grabbed his wrist.

""That's enough. I'm asking you to teach him a lesson, not to deal with him. Or do you want to disobey me?"

Sean said this in a cold tone, and began to slightly exert force on Doflamingo's hand. The combat power of 19999 is no joke. Even if Garp comes, it may not be useful. It was only when Sean reached this number that he intuitively felt the ceiling combat power of this sea.

It's not just about ability and skills, the most important thing is strength, pure strength.

Like Whitebeard, even if he was injured during the war at the top, he still stopped the Moby Dick with one hand.

So facing Sean's strange power, Doflamingo had a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

Because he couldn't break free anyway, this was the simplest and crudest force.

It also made Doflamingo clearly feel the gap with the opponent.

Although he was unwilling, he had to bite the bullet and said,"Your Excellency is joking. We still have cooperation, don't we? Since you want to save his life, then let him stay."


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