
Sure enough, after organizing his words, Rosinante asked with a serious face:"Although what you said shocked me, I also have a few questions to ask."

Sean nodded to indicate that he could ask directly if he had any questions.

"First, according to what you said, the surgery fruit is related to some very important things. Do you want to be the beneficiary of the immortal surgery, so you took it from me?"

Rosinante stared at Sean, as if trying to see something from his face.

Sean shook his head and said,"I don't need it. This sea has more than just this thing that can prolong life. And I also hate being alone, otherwise I wouldn't return to this point in time to try to rewrite history!"

After thinking for a while, Rosinante continued,"The second question, why do you think we can help you? What do you want us to do? Two little ghosts, and a guy like me who is half-baked?"

Sean didn't expect that Rosinante didn't even count himself in the number.

He said with some embarrassment,"Actually, I have some arrangements for these two little ghosts. As for you...well, I want you to be their behavioral observation and survival energy material processing senior specialist for the time being."

"Oh?" Rosinante raised his eyebrows, somewhat confused.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Although he asked this, Rosinante was still looking forward to it. This senior commissioner sounded no ordinary.

Before Rosinante could satisfy himself, Sean's lips moved and he gently uttered two words:"Nanny."


Luo wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh. His shoulders trembled.

Baby5 on the side didn't have so many concerns. He had been taught a lesson by Rosinante before.

He laughed out loud immediately,"Haha, a nanny can't hit anyone casually!"

Rosinante's face turned black. He was a little displeased that this little Lolita dared to laugh at him, but he didn't dare to do anything. After all, there was someone behind her.

After a pause, Rosinante directly asked the last two doubts:"Where do you get the confidence to deal with the top? Also, can you prove the authenticity of your words?"

Sean also said seriously:"I am sure, and this is one of the reasons why I can trust you, because you once told Luo that the D clan is the 'natural enemy of God'.’……And I know more about the D clan than you, but I can't tell you now."

At this point, Sean narrowed his eyes and looked at Jun:"When you stabbed Rosinante, you heard it, right? He cried and told you that he didn't feel any pain, and he felt that you were the one who was in pain, right?" As soon as the voice fell, Big Luo and Little Luo looked at each other, because Rosinante had used the soundproof wall both times.

Sean continued to add:"That was what Luo said to Zhan Guo, about every little thing about you, and Marshal Zhan Guo had a good relationship with me at that time, and he also talked to me about it."

"And most importantly, you are just one of my candidates, not necessarily! Think about it."

After that, he ignored the two of them and let them discuss it. He turned around and chatted with the little Lolita, and checked his personal dashboard by the way.

【Host: Sean

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Combat Power: 19999"10 ordinary soldiers, 11-499 elite soldiers below lieutenant colonel, 500-4000 elite colonel to major general, 4001-7000 lieutenant general, 7001-9999 general candidate, 10000 and above general/Four Emperors, no upper limit." (It is a combination of dao power and ability. The combined value is lower than the pure dao power value.)

Ability: Heavy Fruit 'Kai' Armament Haki Max, Observation Haki Max, Conqueror Haki Max

Skills: Prayer, Swordsmanship, Flying Thunder God Teleport

Warehouse: Mikazuki Munechika, Yumeng Senmaru 'Kai'*5, Pure Gold Upgraded Version*9, Change of clothes, Several photos, Yunyun Fruit...

Plot Points: 178341]

Seeing so many more plot points suddenly, Sean's mouth curled up.

I thought to myself, it seems that it is just as I thought, just by Rosinante not dying and getting the surgery fruit, I can directly get 3 years of plot points.

If I go back to an earlier time directly for the next two times, I am afraid that I will get rich, and then I can use the training camp without restraint.

After a moment, Rosinante said to Sean:"I promise you that I will become their babysitter, but what do you want to do? Why do you cooperate with Doflamingo?"

Sean was happy. If Law was also developed, there would definitely be more plot points.

After a moment of silence, he said:"Let's not talk about Doflamingo, just Law, I will give you a potion to improve your physique and greatly improve your talent. Your physical skills alone will be comparable to those of the admirals."

"I hope Luo can follow the Don Quixote family, master their intelligence, and even replace him! The most important thing is that their family's underworld talent is too high, they will become underground intermediaries, and I need their power to help me do other things."

Yes, Sean was thinking about the intelligence that Doflamingo could provide. When the time comes, the surgery fruit tree will be modified so that it has no side effects, and then someone with a different body shape will be found to infiltrate the World Government.

Not to mention the Revolutionary Army's plan, just using the telekinetic power of the surgery fruit can help people rise step by step in their careers.

Think about it, all the idiots in the World Government in the early stage have been controlled and are no longer needed. They will be killed by gangsters on the sea.

The undercover agents he arranged will be promoted through the"big case" created by Doflamingo.

However, we still have to find an absolute force to suppress Doflamingo, and then think of a way to get in touch with the Revolutionary Army.

Find an absolutely strong man to join the Revolutionary Army, and cooperate with the undercover of the surgery fruit to save more people in the slave industry.

Then look through the talent information of the World Government, supply talents to the Revolutionary Army undercover, and help some cadres fake their deaths.

It is estimated that he will become the second in command before Sabo, and strive for a higher prestige than Dragon!

In simple terms,���The undercover agents of the World Government used the Operation Fruit to kill the hostile political parties and rescue the talents that the World Government needed to eliminate. After all, they were all enemies of the World Government.

Doflamingo was promoted as the underground spokesperson. On the surface, he was engaged in the underworld industry, but in fact he cooperated with the Revolutionary Army to eliminate the cancer and absorb talents.

What the Revolutionary Army conveyed at that time was not Dragon's thoughts, but the thoughts of a certain Xiao. It's exciting to think about it.

But everything is just an idea, and it still needs to be implemented!

Luo and Rosinante seemed a little silent.

Sean also saw what they were thinking,"Don't worry, there will be no danger. I will find a monster that can suppress him and balance him. Ambition that does not match his strength is just a dream after all. Doflamingo? He is just like that."

Then Sean explained to these people that when they return to the future, the history they changed will not affect Sean. The moment they go back, they will awaken the memory here and agree on a time to meet in the future.


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