
Sean also considered for a while before deciding to make his ability public.

After all, in another two years, the structure of the new world will be stabilized.

By then, the four emperors will coexist, and the world government will also take measures to announce the balance of power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Now that Arlong and the others can come back, it is also because Jinbei has accepted the amnesty.

These two years are the last leisure time, and after that, various major events will happen one after another.

And if you want to participate, you must have a high enough rank so that you can have enough freedom.

Sean also thought about whether to become a pirate, but then abandoned the idea.

Because he really can't stand sailing on the sea every day, it's boring.

Now we have to start attracting the attention of the headquarters.

After coming to his senses, he said to Badno:"It's the heavy fruit, a great fruit, it goes well with my swordsmanship, and I can fly"

"So why do you eat devil fruits when you are so strong? What if it is a strange ability?"

Sean waved his hand:"Don't worry about such details, just help me report it, and remember to station some soldiers in Kokoyasi Village."

The bald man looked at Sean speechlessly:"So you are going to the Grand Line?"

"Although it is inappropriate for a navy to say this, as a friend, I still want to remind you that the Grand Line is really too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I know what you are worried about, but I am really strong."

At this point, Sean slapped his forehead and remembered something, then said:"By the way, please help me contact Vice Admiral Garp."

Badno looked suspicious:"Huh? Why contact him, didn't you even want to see Vice Admiral Garp before?"

Badno was talking about the time when Garp came to escort the mouse and the squirrel. At that time, Sean's combat power was not up to standard.

So he didn't want to cause trouble, so he made excuses that he was injured and didn't see Garp.

After all, among the strong, a casual probe of the Observation Haki can roughly know the strength of the other party.

"When did I not want to see him? I was injured before."

Seeing that Badno wanted to say something, he quickly interrupted him and continued:"Just say that I saved a boy in the Kingdom of Goa, and I want to talk to him."

Badno stared at Sean for a while, and could only sigh and agree.

Although he always felt that he was very mysterious and powerful, he couldn't tell where the mystery was.

After all, Sean was born in Shuangyue Village, and he could find out easily.

But he knew one thing, Sean was a kind person and his friend, and that was enough.

"That's it." Sean stood up and just as he walked to the door, he turned around and said,"Remember to send someone to Kokoyasi Village."

Badno waved his hand impatiently,"Get lost, you only know how to order me around.……"

Sean turned around and went to the deepest forest on the island to do physical training.

After all, no matter how good your ability is, you will be useless if you don't work hard.



On a small island on the Grand Line, a group of seafood of different colors seemed to be resting.

"Boss A'long, are we really going to the East China Sea?"

A'long looked at Octopus Xiaoba with a ferocious expression and said,"That's right! It is known as the weakest sea area."

"With our strength, we can do whatever we want there, and let those weak humans have a taste of what we have suffered."

But for some reason, Xiao Ba had a feeling of uneasiness, because he had an intuition to avoid danger and seek good fortune since he was a child. He escaped from dangerous situations many times because of his intuition, so he believed in his intuition very much.

So he said to Aaron:"But... I suddenly feel a little uneasy now."

Aaron snorted coldly:"Think about Captain Tiger, he was framed by despicable humans"

"Don't you want revenge?"

Seeing this, the other seafood also spoke up

"You are a cadre, but you are so timid."

"This time it's our turn to rule them all!"

"We must let humans know the nobility of us fishmen!"

Seeing this, Aaron nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Ba sighed helplessly, thinking, at worst, I can just run away if something goes wrong.

"My dear friends, it’s time to set sail! For our bright future!"

"Roar, long live Boss Arlong" Seafood × N

Just like that, the Dragon Pirates embarked on the road to find a sense of superiority


Navy Headquarters, Sengoku Office

"There was a loud bang on the door, which scared Sengoku so much that he almost jumped up. He then looked at the person who came in.

It was that bastard Garp who had been making him feel annoyed all day long, so he said unhappily,"What are you doing here!"

Seeing that Garp ignored him and kept searching, veins popped out on his forehead and he roared,"You don't have to look for it! You won't find it!"

Finally, Garp found the senbei in the cabinet next to the lamb raised by Sengoku.

"Hahahaha, Sengoku, you can't do it, but I still found it."

Looking at Sengoku's angry expression, Cap was overjoyed while eating and pouring tea.

Sengoku waved his hand weakly,"Just tell me what you want to say, you don't want to come to me for tea, do you?"

"Ah... I want to take a vacation and go back to teach my grandson. My grandson finally got it and wants to be a sailor!"

Garp was really happy when he talked about this, because he had always been afraid that Ace would become a pirate like his father.

After all, he promised Roger to take good care of Ace, so he would rather he be a sailor than a pirate.

It's a pity that this little bastard was determined to be a pirate, just like Luffy, which made Garp tired.

So when he heard the village chief say that Ace wanted to be a sailor and hoped that Garp could spare the time to teach him, he immediately agreed.

Later, the village chief explained that it was a silver-haired sailor who saved Ace and changed Ace's belief.

This made Ace want to be a sailor. It was a little incredible to think about it, so he asked his adjutant to check and see who it was.

Although Garp was naive, he was not stupid. He keenly felt that this matter should not be that simple.

It's just that he hasn't investigated it yet. After all, it has only been a short time.

But Garp has made up his mind that if the person who comes is not kind, he must make the other party pay the price.

Sengoku looked at Garp with suspicion:"Your grandson? Didn't he always yell that he wanted to be a pirate?"

Garp's face turned green after hearing this. How could such a great man be so famous but his descendants only do such things?

So he glared at Sengoku unhappily,"It's another grandson, not this one. I can just go back and teach him by the way, let him have a taste of my beloved fist."

Sengoku looked incredulous,"What! You have another grandson? Dragon is back?"

Hearing this, Garp choked and stammered,"It's not that bastard who is back, it's a child I adopted before, two years older than Luffy."

It can only be said that Sengoku is worthy of being a 'wise general'. He is two years older than Luffy, and combined with Garp's hesitant attitude.

In an instant, he thought of a possibility.

So he asked,"He is Roger's child, right?"



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