
In the following time, Sean and the others enjoyed the delicious food.

With the help of Sean's repulsive force, the large merchant ship was heading to the naval base at a very fast speed.

Then, when it was about to dock, Sean flew directly into the sky and silently watched below.

This was a naval base fortress, so it was very eye-catching that a merchant ship with half of its deck destroyed suddenly appeared in the port. The oldest girl represented the group of trafficked girls to negotiate.

Although Sean's sudden disappearance made them feel a little uneasy, they had all come to the naval base.

They still explained their experiences in detail according to Sean's teachings.

Soon, a base commander with a rank of major general was alarmed.

Then, under the arrangement of the major general, they contacted the naval branch in the sea area where many girls were located.

They couldn't send every girl, so if anyone's home was within his jurisdiction, they would send them directly.

Those who were farther away would be sent to the jurisdiction of the next naval base and handed over to other naval forces.

Although it would take some time to send them all back in this way, it was not a big problem.

Just as a navy soldier was helping them arrange accommodation.

The three Hancock sisters quietly left everyone's sight.

As soon as they reached the blind spot, Sean stepped on a wooden board and landed in front of them. Before they could react, Sean grabbed their collars and threw them up, then took off directly into the air and flew towards the direction of Amazon Lily Island.

It was the first time for the three of them to fly in the sky, and it felt so novel, but they got bored after flying for a while.

Hancock asked,"Um, can we know your name?"

"Just call me Sean."

Sandasonia, who has a relatively high IQ, asked,"What was it that you wanted to talk to us about just now?"

Sean thought about it and decided to talk about it here. Anyway, he has now thoroughly developed the Heavy Fruit.

It's just that when floating without anything, he still can't achieve the innate feeling of other people's abilities.

It's just a little bit less smooth, but it's still possible to chat while controlling the wooden board to fly.

Sean organized his words,"Hancock, you are the next emperor candidate, right?"

The three sisters were a little confused. How did this person know?

Sandasonia, who had the most rational brain, imagined a scene in which Sean directed and acted to save them. The more she thought about it, the more she felt her scalp tingling.

Looking at her expression, Sean's face under the mask turned black, thinking that he had created the image of a weird uncle for them. He quickly interrupted the other party's imagination:"If I say that I will come back here for some reason in the future, will you believe it?"

In fact, in Sean's imagination, the location of the Amazon Lily Island is very good.

It is both a legal country and a closed country, and privacy is very guaranteed.

In the future, when you have a meeting with your younger brother, you can go to the vicinity of Rock Field Harbor, which has first-class privacy.

Rock Field Harbor is where Rayleigh swam ashore. Except for the navy's newly invented"seastone" technology, no one else can enter there.

Because in addition to the doldrums nearby, there are also nests of huge sea kings.

As for the navy? I am the navy!

After hearing Sean's shocking words, Hancock nodded and said,"I believe it!"

Brain master Sanda Sonia and foodie Marigodre usually regard their sister as the backbone. Now that they heard her answer, they kept silent and waited for the next words.

This time it was Sean's turn to be confused. He hadn't finished the long speech he prepared, so why did she believe it?

This made him very uncomfortable. After a moment of silence, he asked,"Why do you believe it?"

Little Hancock said:"Because you saved us, in fact, until now, I dare not imagine what our future would be like if you were not here."

"Aren't you afraid that I have other intentions?"

"I'm not afraid, and you won't, I can feel that you have no ill intentions."Hancock said firmly on her face.

Because she felt that the other party gave her strength and saved them, and that fruit, the other party didn't have to give it to her if he didn't want to, so she felt that he would definitely not harm her.

The little girl's world is so beautiful, even though she was almost dragged into the abyss not long ago.

Sean smiled dumbly after pondering for a moment, and then took off the mask. He felt that he really had the problem of empirical dogmatism.

He always felt that he had to fool people, but he forgot that for children, they would only believe you simply based on their feelings.

If you are good to him, he is willing to believe you in everything and is willing to be good to you, and vice versa.

Suddenly Sean felt a little melancholy. Thinking carefully, it seemed that except for Cloe who succumbed to his force.

The others he met, he thought that fooling was just a sincere fooling.

There is no deception that can make them become tools. Ace untied his knot because of himself.

Nami saved Bellmère and captured the Dragon Pirates because of him, and even quarreled with Marshal Sengoku in front of her.

Baby5 also did it because she really loved this girl and promised that she would always need her, so that she would know that someone would care about her.

As for Xiao Luo, it was also because Sean cured his disease, saved his father Da Luo, and even gave him a super rare potion to increase his strength.

Now Hancock is the same. She can obviously take the fruit for herself, but she uses the method of exchange to not bully the little girls.

Sean is very disappointed. He knows that he is not a very smart person, but he didn't expect that he could only fool children.

Adults will not easily be fooled by his sincerity. Promise him, and you'll know just by looking at Kizaru.

Hmm? No, there's one more. If Rosinante believed it, he would believe Xiao, the only adult. It seems that he has gained something!

Thinking of this, Sean felt much happier. Even if his thoughts turned around a thousand times, it was only a moment.

When Sean showed a happy smile, the girls were stunned.

Hancock simply felt that this smile was emitting pink bubbles.

The other two sisters thought that this strong man was so young.

Sean smiled and said,"You're right. I have no ill will towards you. I even want to help you!"

"Help us?"×3

"Yes, this story starts four years later.……"

Then Sean used the same words he used to Rosinante to continue to speak to Hancock and the others.

They were almost caught and sold, so of course they naturally hated the World Government.

Then Sean also said something about the country of Amazon Lily being affected by Yunyun, which frightened the girls.

Sincerity is a must, but in order to fool Rosinante, Sean was serious.

He would never allow Rosinante to come to him one day and ask if he was fooled.

This is my last stubbornness!

…… ps: The children's chapter will soon be over, thank you for your small and big gifts, and your five-star reviews! Thank you!!! The next one is Golden Lion! Although the official has not stated that Golden Lion has the Conqueror Haki, I think that since he is a legendary pirate who competes with Roger and Whitebeard, it is better to arrange him. I think everyone can understand. (Actually, I am afraid of being criticized)

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