
"I will also build a special tombstone for you to record you as the legendary pirate!" Sean said seriously.

"Hahaha, what an annoying little devil. Come on, Sean, I’ll let you see the real legend!"

"I couldn't ask for more!!!"

As soon as the Golden Lion finished speaking, he raised the two swords in his hands, covered with bursts of red light, and swung countless swords at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

""True Lion Chikirigaya"

This is a huge difference from the previous one. This time, Chikirigaya has more golden arcs, and the golden slash is wrapped in a black energy coat.

Every slash this time has the power of the slash that Sean blocked from Chikirigaya before.

The difference is that the golden lion's slash is overwhelming, and countless slashes are sweeping towards Sean.

At this moment, Sean also faced the pirate who paid the price of his life with the most serious attitude.

Sean held the hilt of the knife with his backhand, raised the tie in front of him, bent his legs slightly, and the blue veins on his arm holding the knife bulged. The red domineering aura was released from his body, gradually forming circles of erratic red and black that wrapped around Sean, and whispered:

"One object is one number, which is one Ganges River.

One Ganges River sand is one world.

Within one world, one dust particle is one kalpa.

Within one kalpa, the number of dust particles accumulated is equal to one kalpa.


As soon as the words fell, the domineering aura surrounding Sean gradually formed an unreality shadow, and then jumped up to meet the slash from the golden lion, but the huge slash disappeared like ice and snow before it touched Sean.

Sean's red figure was like a small boat on the sea, swaying under the golden ocean-like slash, but extremely stable.

Whoosh -

Sean appeared behind the golden lion in an instant, and the gold, red, and various battle energy aftermath also disappeared at this moment. The golden lion turned his back to Sean, panting and asked:"Sean, old man, are you still a legend?"

Sean replied softly:"Well, you are one of the few pirates I am willing to communicate with."

"Hahahaha, you are the one I recognize, go ahead and make some trouble, turn this world upside down……"

As soon as the Golden Lion finished speaking, the clouds above the sky where they were suspended suddenly split open into a huge gully that blocked out the sky and the sun. It was deeper than any other collision of the Overlord Color.

And the extremely high-quality compressed field below them suddenly made a roar.

The entire island gradually cracked into spider-web-like cracks, and finally broke into pieces of fist-sized gravel.

"Golden Lion Shiki, I recognize you too. You are the only one who can make me fight with all my strength."Sean said to himself

"Really... That's great."

After the Golden Lion finished speaking, he fell vertically downwards into pieces of rubble-like islands.

There was a smile of satisfaction on the corner of his mouth. If it weren't for the huge knife scar on his chest, he might have looked like an old man who had died of old age.

Sean looked at the satisfied smile and felt that this owl was���, the great pirate is also lonely.

In the Rocks era, he was not recognized and the pirate group was disbanded.

In the Roger era, he was not recognized by him and the pirate group was destroyed.

At the Navy Headquarters, he was still defeated and thrown into the Impel Downs when he was looking for his friends.

Now he is directly at the cost of his own life, just for the name of"legend".

He didn't know that Sean could chase him to the ends of the earth. Except for Sean, if he wanted to escape, few people in this sea could catch him.

This is a pirate who has been conquering all his life, a real pirate, not all kinds of weird beliefs.

So Sean recognized his strength, nothing more.

Looking at the dozen or so floating islands that were about to collapse, Sean sighed, sheathed his knife, stretched out his five fingers, and clenched them towards this large group of floating islands. The island that was about to fall at a very fast speed suddenly stopped its speed and fell down at a slow speed.

As for the island that was broken by them, Sean also used gravity to compress them again, forming a huge cube-shaped island.

A pit was reserved in the middle, and the Golden Lion and his two knives were placed in it.

Then it was closed again, and it looked like a huge stone tablet.

Sean also left five big words on it:"Legend - Golden Lion".

Then gravity was applied, causing the island to fall towards the sea below at a very fast speed.

Until it reached the bottom of the deep sea, it was considered to have done what he had just promised to the Golden Lion.

After exhaling deeply, Sean quickly used the system's map function.

"System, search for the location of the Piao Piao Fruit."

Then a map appeared with two dots, a black dot and a red dot.

The black dot was himself, and the red dot was the Piao Piao Fruit.

After seeing the location, Sean was stunned.

"So close?"

Yes, the Piao Piao Fruit was near him, on one of the floating islands.

Without any hesitation, Sean hurried to the island where the Piao Piao Fruit was.

After taking the golden Piao Piao Fruit, Sean left after placing all the islands. He went directly to the place where Amazon Lily and Hancock had agreed.

He arrived two days earlier, but it was not a big problem. He would deal with the Piao Piao Fruit first.

He opened the system's enhancement pool and first increased his own Heavy Fruit ability.

It still took 10 million to upgrade, and then he pulled up the Piao Piao Fruit in the system backpack.

It immediately became 50,000, and the success rate was 100%.

So he decisively clicked on the enhancement, and suddenly a sound of hammer knocking rang in his ears.

After a moment, the purple pattern icon representing the Heavy Fruit turned into a white pattern.

Then Sean felt that everything was different, such as the previous He wanted to pull down the meteorite from the sky.

Rather than saying pull, it would be better to say that he launched a gravitational attack to draw it down.

But now he can clearly sense the meteorite, although it is not big, but he can feel it.

The biggest change is that he feels that he doesn't even need to start or hit it when he wants to use any force in the future. He can directly control it out of thin air, which was completely impossible before.

The same goes for the ability to fly, no longer need to step on the air, stone slabs, and wooden boards.

Now it seems as if it is innate, although the strength has not increased.

But now his control over the ability has changed from proficiency to instinct, which is also a change in the quality.

Just like using Flying Thunder God to teleport before, now it is not just teleportation.

Instead, it has become a means for him to fight. Before, it was always a little short of it and could not be released smoothly.

Now, he can make a mark with just a thought.

…… ps: Don't think that the protagonist has to use all his strength to fight a Golden Lion. The strong men here can easily fight for days and nights without a clear winner. Moreover, the Golden Lion is a person who competes with Whitebeard Roger, and is on the same level as them. As mentioned earlier, although the protagonist has broken the genetic lock, he has not had time to practice, so they are still on the same level.

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