
"It is true that some people can cut through flames, but if your flames are hot enough, they will be vaporized before they even touch you, let alone cut through."

Sean continued,"Although this is a theoretical statement and you may not be able to do it, you are not just a flame. With your powerful physical and sword skills, who can cut through your flames?"

In addition to Hancock, her two sisters also showed fascination and envied their sister.

Next, Sean continued to instruct Hancock in her practice, and her two sisters also worked hard on the side.


Just like that, after two weeks, Sean finally understood the talent of this"empress". Her original talent was definitely stronger than his original one. He had to practice until he was seventeen to reach the realm of a great swordsman.

But that was the result of his practice day and night since he came to this world.

But Hancock's talent was surprisingly good. She never complained of being tired or in pain, and she always completed the tasks assigned by Sean beyond the standard.

It is estimated that in a few years, she will be able to reach the general/emperor level. I still have some expectations when I think about it.

On this day, after a day of practice, Sean sat by the campfire with them to eat dinner.

Marigodrew was feasting on the food, and Sandasonia on the side bumped the former with her elbow.

Marigodrew was a little confused:"What's wrong? Today's barbecue is delicious."

Sandasonia leaned close to the other's ear and said,"Don't you think your sister seems to be absent-minded today?"

"Is there any?"

Sandasonia looked disappointed and scolded in a low voice:"You only know how to eat! Look at this……"Then she quietly pointed to Hancock across from her.

Mary Godru looked over and saw Hancock holding a big bone and drawing with a small knife out of boredom.

So she turned around and asked,"Sister, what are you doing?"

"I don't know either. I asked my sister today, and she doesn't know what's going on either, but it's definitely not a good sign. I plan to go find Granny New tomorrow to see what's going on."

Sandasonia whispered.

With Sean's hearing, it was normal to hear what the two sisters said, so he looked at Hancock.

Hancock noticed that someone was looking at her, so she looked up.

When she saw it was Sean, she smiled sweetly:"What's wrong, Lord Sean?"

But Sean didn't notice anything wrong, he was still the cute Hancock.

But he still said casually:"Are you worried about something? Also, don't call me Lord, or I'll be angry."

Hancock's face froze, she was a little at a loss, and could only assure repeatedly:"I know, Shaw, Sean."

After saying that, the originally stiff little face blushed slightly, but soon, the bright big eyes dimmed.

Seeing this, Sean exclaimed in his heart, wow, this is indeed the empress with the fastest and most magical face change.

She changed her face so many times in just one minute, she must be a good actor.

Then he asked,"What's wrong with you?"

The two sisters who were concentrating on eating on the side also pricked up their ears quietly, wanting to see what was wrong with their sister.

Hancock hesitated and couldn't explain it.

Sean had to stroke Hancock's little head gently with his big hand, and said in the gentlest voice possible:"If you trust me, you can tell me what happened, and your two sisters are also worried about you."

Hancock looked at her two sisters. Although she was eating, her eyes still involuntarily glanced at her.

Little Hancock stammered and asked,"Xiao, Sean, are you, are you leaving soon?"

Sean immediately understood, it turned out that the little guy couldn't bear to leave him.

He smiled and whispered:"There's nothing we can do about it, but as long as you become stronger, we can still meet again on the sea in the future, right?"

"Moreover, at this time, I was one year younger than you, and I didn’t have as good a talent as you do now~ You have to work hard for a wonderful reunion in the future~"

Hancock hesitated to speak, so Sean had to continue to comfort her,"I promise you, I won’t forget you, let’s make an appointment eleven years from now, okay?"

Hancock was afraid that she would make Sean hate her, so she had to force a smile and nodded.

It seemed that everything had returned to normal, but Sandasonia knew her sister very well.

Her sister still had a problem, but she just kept it in her heart. She decided to ask New Granny after she went back tonight.

Hancock couldn’t explain why she was sad. Every time she thought of Sean leaving, she felt so heartbroken that she couldn’t breathe.

Even if she knew they would meet again in the future, she would still be sad.

She just wanted to rely on Sean, or she would be very happy if Sean praised her progress, and she liked to listen to Sean’s interesting experiences.

She also admired Sean and thought he was her idol. At the same time, she was very grateful because it was this person who saved her sisters from the edge of the abyss.

(Don't rush to criticize, you don't understand love at such a young age.)

The meal ended so hastily. The sisters held hands as usual, and Sean took Hancock's hand and teleported them back to Nine Snakes City.

Yes, Sean left a coordinate there, and provided pick-up and drop-off. Because Sean didn't want to be discovered, he lived alone in the tent.

After sending the three Boa sisters back,

Sean went straight into the tent, lay down and fell asleep.


In Nine Snake City, the three sisters who had just returned to the palace said good night to each other and returned to their rooms.

After a while, Sanda Sonia quietly slipped out of the room and walked towards a place.

The three sisters followed Sean to practice, and Granny New knew it, because they asked Granny New to help hide the fact that there was a man on Daughter Island from the current emperor.

Otherwise, they would have to be punished when they went back before, so how could they come out again? Because they told Granny New that they wanted to learn from a strong man.

Granny New knew that this was the great benefactor who saved the three sisters, and once wanted to visit the other party, but the three sisters prevaricated with various reasons.

Granny New did not dare to force her way to the door, let alone let the current emperor expel this man, because they used exaggerated methods to describe the strength of this man.

It was frightening to hear, not to mention the natural devil fruit that Hancock ate. If such a rare thing can be ignored, you can imagine the strength of the other party.

Of course, they did not tell Granny New about the genetic potion, and they revealed the existence of Sean to Granny New, and they were also approved.

She had been to this country before, and knew that some strong men were so powerful that they could destroy the world, so she didn't dare to provoke Sean, fearing that he would be angry and destroy their home.

Besides, wouldn't he only stay for a month? It was almost time.

…… ps: Thank you all for the small and big gifts. I wish you all happiness and good health every day. Let me say here that Hancock will not fall in love at such a young age, and there will be no abnormal plots in this book, so don't worry.

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