
Guroliosa hesitated to speak, although she was afraid of angering the other party, after all, she didn't know the other party's personality, but she still asked with a stiff upper lip:"What if? What if it is really lovesickness that is inherited here?"

Sean smiled. This old woman really cares about them.

"Hmm... How to explain it? You know what admiration is? Hancock might be in this feeling."

Guroliosa was a little confused and asked quickly,"What is admiration?"

Sean thought for a while and continued,"Admiration probably refers to the affection, respect, and admiration that children feel for their elders. The admiration here is not the admiration in love."

"For example, a child likes a certain elder more, but one day, this elder plays well with other children, and then she will be unhappy."

"Because she always feels that she is special in the other person's heart. I'll probably explain it this way, but I don't know if you can understand it."

Guluoliosa nodded, and once again asked with a stiff face:"But, what if it's not admiration, but love? And your voice won't be too loud, right?"

Sean had a wooden face under the mask, but he still explained slowly:"She is just reluctant to give up her dependence on me temporarily. She will forget it after a while. Children, emotions come and go quickly!"

Guluoliosa continued to nod, and once again asked with a stiff face:"I know all this, but what if? These are all your guesses, aren't they?"

Sean's forehead under the mask was throbbing with blue veins. Is this man a parrot?!!!

So Sean waved his hand domineeringly:"No what if!"

"But, if that happens, she will really die."

Sean was also a little confused, and subconsciously asked:"What should I do? I can't stay here forever."

Whether it should be said or not, the old ginger is still the spiciness, Gu Luoliosa finally waited for the words she wanted to hear

"Of course, if Hancock is really sick, you can ask her to come to you. It’s not too much to just meet once, right?"

Sean was a little dumbfounded. How could this be possible? They wouldn't meet again until eleven years later.

But he didn't know how to explain to her, nor did he want to tell this old woman that he was from the future.

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, Guroliosa asked with some confusion:"Is there any inconvenience?"

"Um……"Sean did not deny it and added,"She wants to see me in about eleven years, for some special reasons, but I'm sorry I can't tell you."

This time it was Guloliosa's turn to be speechless. Why did it take so long to meet?

She didn't dare to ask, so the scene fell into silence.

After a while, Guloliosa said faintly,"What if she really gets lovesick?"

Sean felt his scalp tingling. This old woman was really annoying. No wonder Hancock in the original book had such a bad attitude towards her so-called"pure teaching."

This is a character that will not give up until the goal is achieved.

But Sean was also moved by her. What if? Wouldn't it be a waste of a devil fruit and gene potion?

This is still a small problem. The key is that this time can already cultivate a top strongman.

After thinking for a while, Sean said,"Wait for me here." Then he turned and went out. When he was at the corner of the door, he took out a small box from the system space.

Then he took out a piece of paper, wrote down an address, and a few lines of words.

Then he put the note into an envelope, sealed it with wax, and put it in the box.

After everything was done, he carried the box back into the room and handed it to Guloliosa.

Then he told her,"If what you said really happens, then you have to give this box to Hancock, but there is a prerequisite, she must be strong enough, otherwise it will lead to bad consequences!"

"Also, you must keep this box safe and don't let anyone see it except Hancock and the others, including you. Otherwise, you will bring a devastating disaster to your country!"

After saying this, Sean didn't forget to intimidate the other party. He knew that this New Granny was very afraid of death.

Sure enough, hearing this, Guloliosa's face changed in fear, and she hugged the box tightly, looking around nervously.

"Don't be nervous, just remember what I said!"

Guloliosa repeatedly assured:"Don't worry, I will tell Hancock to practice well, and I will keep this box well. Even if I die, I will not let anyone open it."

Hearing this, Sean nodded with satisfaction, and then walked out of the room.

He began the daily training of the three sisters.

Time passed day by day, and finally the day of separation came.

On this day, Sean's time was up, and a blue light gradually appeared on his body, and then his body began to disappear little by little.

During the whole process, Hancock just looked reluctant, but she did not have the intense emotion of Baby5 rushing over and crying.

Sean thought it was good this way, otherwise every farewell would be accompanied by tears, how tiring.

So before disappearing, he only left a sentence

"See you here in eleven years!"

After Sean's figure completely disappeared, Hancock finally couldn't hold it anymore.

There was a mist in Caroline's big eyes, as if she would cry in the next second.

But she still wiped her eyes, not wanting the mist to condense into tears and roll down.

Turning to the two sisters, she said:"Come on, although Sean is gone, we can't be lazy!"

So, as time went by, Hancock also awakened her own 'king qualification'.

But in the course that Sean left behind, there were also detailed explanations on the techniques of Conqueror's Haki entanglement.

As she grew older, Hancock showed unparalleled talent.

During this period, Granny New came to ask Hancock about her situation from time to time, such as whether she still missed Sean very much, whether she had dreamed about him and so on.

Hancock, who had wanted to practice well and help a lot in the future, became more and more confused.

Since Sean left, Granny New always felt that Hancock wanted to turn sadness into motivation.

Little did she know that the other party was just because of Sean's words"It's hard not to step on an ant to death".

She just wanted to become stronger, protect the people she wanted to protect, and help the people she wanted to help.

It is true that Hancock felt very uncomfortable when they separated, after all, he was her benefactor. But later she focused on practicing, and she didn’t really understand that aspect of her thoughts, so the uncomfortable feeling gradually faded away. After all, they would still meet in the future, right?

But Guroliosa and her sister almost took turns brainwashing her, saying things like"You have to work hard to be worthy of that adult in the future, are you distracted today because of missing him? You are amazing, you can bear not to mention that adult for so long... and so on. Hancock, who should not have had such thoughts, changed everything as she got older.……


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