
Not to mention the subsequent developments on Hancock's side, Sean has now come to the place where the last crossing took place.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in a port, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

A small town not far away was even more ablaze, with ruins everywhere, but except for the sound of waves beating and the sizzling sound of flames burning, there was no other sound.

There is no doubt that this is another town that has been scourged by pirates.

So Sean quickly opened the map to check where he was.

In the 1500th year of the Haiyuan calendar, the West Sea, Otoste Island.

This is an island that Sean has never known, but the next moment, his eyes condensed, as if he was being watched by someone.

Following his feeling, he saw a man wearing a purple kimono and a purple cloak glaring at him more than a hundred meters away.

Sean squinted his eyes and saw that the knife in the other's hand was still dripping with blood. From the forehead, there were two hideous wounds that fell along his eyes.

The blood seeping out of the port made his eyes dyed bright red, making him look even more terrifying.

The cruel pirate's behavior made Sean unable to contain his anger.

"You killed all the people here?"

"You sent people to kill everyone here?"

Just as Sean was talking, the 2.7-meter-tall man opposite him also spoke angrily.

When these words came out, both of them were stunned at the same time.

"It's not me."X2At this time, Sean took a closer look at the man opposite him. Apart from the fact that he was not blind and looked a little younger, this was Yixiao, the"general" promoted by the world conscription.

This is the ultimate tool man. All the arrangements from now on can be insured by Yixiao.

And Yixiao was a little confused. He thought that the mysterious man wearing a mask and a cloak opposite him would be the mastermind behind this time.

As a result, the other party did not admit it. Yixiao still maintained a skeptical attitude because he felt that the other party was really strong.

So he asked,"Then how did you appear here?"

Yes, in Yixiao's eyes, Sean suddenly appeared not far from him, very weird.

"I have my reasons for being here." Sean shrugged and pretended to be nonchalant and asked,"By the way, who are you? Why are you here?"

Hearing this, the old man in his thirties smiled, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

Instead, he went straight to the point and asked Sean,"Why don't you tell me first so that I can judge whether you are an enemy?"

After that, he held the cane knife tightly in his backhand, staring at Sean with a serious face.

Sean didn't care about the other party's attitude. In this sea, if you inexplicably believe in a stranger, then wait for death. If it's Luffy, just pretend I didn't say anything.

"Is that so?"Sean suddenly appeared behind Yixiao.

Now Sean couldn't tell him that he came back from the future. For such a person, the slightest carelessness would arouse vigilance and even cause unnecessary trouble. It was still necessary to plan carefully.

Yixiao saw that Sean suddenly disappeared, and the next moment a voice sounded from behind him. The alarm bells rang, and the knife in his backhand pointed up behind him.

Sean's hands were covered with black armed colors, and he held the opponent's knife lightly.

There was no way. Not to mention that Sean's current strength has broken the ceiling on the sea, Yixiao, who is now in his thirties, has not reached the peak of the future.

So Sean said lightly:"Don't be excited, I just want to tell you how I appeared, then... what about you?"

Yixiao tried his best to pull out the knife but couldn't, and even the winding blue veins appeared on his temples.

Seeing this, Yixiao said solemnly:"My name is Yixiao. The people here were not killed by me, but were attacked by pirates."

Hearing this, Sean looked at the bodies lying nearby, and indeed found a group of people with varying degrees of fatal wounds on their bodies.

Some of the bodies seemed to be fatally wounded by gunfire, which were obviously two methods and two groups of people.

In fact, Sean was just asking casually. He didn't believe that a person who destroyed his own eyes because he didn't want to see the filthy world would kill like this.

Moreover, he was a general who ignored the face of the World Government and knelt down to apologize in front of the live broadcast.

Although he is not blind yet, he is probably going to be blind soon, because Sean saw the anger in his eyes.

Even the whole person's momentum looks a little sad.

Sean was also very curious about what happened that would make such a person have such thoughts of seeing everything and defilement, and even destroying his own eyes.

So he asked,"What happened here?"

After that, Sean sat cross-legged on the ground, motioning for the other party to sit down and talk.

Seeing this, he smiled without any hesitation, sat down cross-legged and began to tell the story.


Time goes back to a month ago, and Ranger Yixiao came to this island called Ottost to rest.

He thought the town on the island was beautiful, full of laughter and a positive atmosphere.

Even though it is far away from the naval base, it is also working hard and has its own armed forces to resist pirates.

So he planned to rest here for a while and then travel to other places.

The next morning, when Yixiao went out to find food and passed by a small stall, he smelled a smell that made him feel happy.

He went up to ask and learned that there was only one kind of food sold, which was buckwheat noodles.

Yixiao, who was greedy, hurriedly asked the boss for a bowl of buckwheat noodles.

After eating it, he was immediately shocked by the heavens, which made him feel warm and at home. In short, he fell in love with this buckwheat noodles.

Then he ate a portion of happy buckwheat noodles at this small noodle stall every day.

At this time, Yixiao even felt that the world might not be so dark, and there was also ordinary happiness.

I learned from the boss that he once dreamed of going out to sea, but he gave up the idea of adventure because his wife was pregnant.

His wife’s specialty is soba noodles, and it was this bowl of soba noodles that kept him here.

The boss learned his wife’s craft from her, and even after his wife had a difficult delivery, he still relied on this skill to support his son.

With this taste called happiness, he also had many fans who came to his place every day to eat a portion.

His adventurous spirit that had been rekindled was extinguished again, and he sold soba noodles diligently for thirty years.

…… ps: I know that a smile is also called a lifetime. Well, let me explain it first. Because of the translation problem, most people should be more used to a smile.

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