
Sean returned to the dormitory and did what he said. He sat cross-legged on the bed and opened the system training ground.

Then Sean felt his body being pulled, as if he was sucked into a whirlpool.

A small black dot appeared in front of him and slowly sucked Sean's whole body in. Not long after, only a tiny dust was left on the bed.

Yes, the training ground is to provide any training for the main body. You will not be injured or die in the training ground.

When he opened his eyes, Sean was in a starry sky.

He opened the control panel and appeared on a continent after some operation.

Then a series of light balls appeared in front of him. Not long after, the light balls dispersed, revealing a figure.

Whitebeard, Big Mom, Red Hair, Roger, Rayleigh, Sengoku, Kaido...

Yes, the way Sean chose to train was to summon all the strong men with Conqueror's Haki, and he could only fight with Conqueror's Haki.

These people were all in their prime, but the plot was a bit fast because he also changed the speed of time.

His current plot points are only enough to stay here for a month, but it's not a big problem. He won't get hurt here, but he can feel the pressure.

After all, it's too difficult to improve the Conqueror's Haki to a high level. Maybe at the intermediate level, you can learn the difficult skill of entanglement.

But it's not enough. Only when you reach the level of a true Conqueror with both"mind, skill and body" can you be an absolute strong man.

Not to mention Roger, only Shanks has reached this level in the entire ocean. (Don't argue, if you want to argue, go argue with Oda, he set it this way.)

Sean exhaled slowly and then chose to start


Everyone present had a scarlet glow in their eyes, and a force as strong as a substance burst out from their bodies, sweeping towards Sean.


Sean also burst out with a terrifying aura, colliding with the seven domineering auras on the opposite side.

Including Sean, the eight people were surrounded by black and red arcs of electricity.

The sky was also shaken in half in an instant, and soon the clouds in the sky were completely shaken away.

After a while, Sean couldn't hold on any longer. These seven people were at least as strong as him, and some were even stronger than he was now.

His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the ground under his feet was trampled into spider-web-like grooves.

Then a cherry blossom-colored energy flowed in Sean's arm, which was the Ryusakura of the armed domineering aura.

The fists of the seven people on the opposite side were also covered with red, orange, cherry blossom-colored and other domineering auras.


Sean kicked his right leg and rushed towards Roger at a ghostly speed, with his fist wrapped around Roger's face.

Roger clenched his fist and swung it out, and black and red energy light burst out from Roger's body.

Then it collided with Sean's fist, but there was a little gap between the fists, and it was stopped, and he was slightly distracted.

While Sean was slightly distracted, the fists of the other six people followed one after another


Sean was knocked thousands of meters away, leaving a gully several meters wide along the way.

Sean struggled to get up slowly, a flash of white light appeared, and there was no injury on his body.

Looking at the position of the seven people standing opposite, he felt the huge pressure coming at him.

Sean murmured,"So... so strong."

After experiencing this punch, he finally realized the horror of the domineering color entanglement.

It is a higher level of energy than the armed color, more penetrating, as if reaching the soul directly, and if it is not strong enough, let alone fighting back, you can't even stand steadily.

Although the swelling heart was slightly cooled, it was followed by an indescribable excitement.

""Come on!"

Sean rushed to Whitebeard with fighting spirit. Compared with Whitebeard's height, Sean looked like a child.

He rushed to Whitebeard and kicked him with a whip kick. Whitebeard also bent his legs. Whitebeard could use the domineering color to entangle, but there was still some space.

But he was not as domineering as Roger, so Sean could also react when others attacked.


Before the others could attack, Sean used the force to leap backwards and jumped up. The ground finally couldn't bear the pressure and sank into a big pit.

Then the six people attacked Sean in the air, but he was knocked away again after two attacks.

The familiar white light flashed again, and Sean looked at the opposite side with excitement.

Although he was still crushed, he could definitely feel that his domineering aura was getting stronger.

On the sea, no one could use such a training method, not to mention gathering so many top masters.

Even if they were hit, they would be seriously injured, but here it was not a problem at all, and even their physical strength was greatly strengthened.

"Keep going!"

Then, Sean started a cycle of rushing forward, getting knocked away, rushing forward again, and getting knocked away again.



Practice without time, Sean has been practicing in the training ground for nearly a month.

I saw that the whole person's spirit and energy have undergone tremendous changes. Without deliberately restraining his momentum.

The ground on the ground also cracked into small gullies, which is the sign of becoming a true hegemon. He exudes a strong momentum all the time. Without deliberately bursting out the domineering color domineering, he has reached the intensity of others' deliberate bursts.

Looking at the seven people on the opposite side, only Roger and Red Hair's domineering color can compare with him.

This is also true, after all, the others are devil fruit ability users.

The war is about to break out.

At the beginning, both sides burst out with domineering color domineering, although Sean is still at a disadvantage.

But the embarrassment of the past is gone.

His figure flashed and appeared in front of Roger. In addition to the ryuukaku domineering, his fist was also wrapped with domineering color domineering.

His fist collided with Roger's, and red and black lightning burst out from their fists and spread everywhere.

The other six people attacked him soon after, but this time he was not knocked away. Instead, he was surrounded by Ryuu Haki and resisted.

After pushing Roger away with the force, Sean jumped back and jumped out of the attack range.

He took a slight breath and felt the injuries on his body.

"It's okay, not as serious as I thought. It's time to go out."Sean twisted his wrist and said to himself.

During this period of time, he learned to wrap his body with Ryusakura like Oden. Although this move consumes a lot of domineering, it is not a big problem for him. It is the only choice when he is surrounded and beaten.

The Conqueror's Haki is already at the same level as Roger and Shanks.

A flash of white light, and Sean's injuries recovered.

Looking at the time, nearly three days have passed in the outside world, although he has said hello to Badno before.

But disappearing inexplicably will still make people feel terrified, so he decisively withdrew from the training ground.

A vortex appeared and sucked Sean in.

When he opened his eyes, he was back to his room.

The soldiers outside the door heard the sound, pushed the door in, and were a little surprised. Although they were curious why he came in through the window, they still looked at Sean and said,"Major Sean, Colonel Badno has been looking for you for a day. It seems that he has something urgent to find you."

"I understand. I'll go now.……"

Then Sean put on his coat of justice and walked out



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