boom! boom!

On the court.

The two exchanged blows quickly.

As for Tezuka, this guy is really mentally strong. At least, most people won't work so hard when their team is 0-4 behind and they know they are outmatched.

But Tezuka was different.

Even though he knew the outcome, he still persisted.

But facing Luochuan, Tezuka's persistence was destined to be in vain.

In less than three minutes, Luochuan won another round.


In the last round, Luochuan also had an absolute advantage. finally.

When the whistle blows, the whole game is over.


Luochuan wins



"Tezuka was even blocked!"

Before the game, who could have thought that this game would have this result. After all, Tezuka is quite strong. Even Inoue didn't expect that against Tezuka, Luochuan could still perform like he did against Atobe. Achieving such a great victory.

Everyone in Qingxue looked at the defeated Tezuka with mixed feelings.

They thought that if Tezuka played, they might be able to win. Even later, after seeing Tezuka unlock the limit of training, they felt I felt that Tezuka could turn defeat into victory.

The result was still a disastrous defeat, but they didn't know what to say.

After all, Tezuka lost in a head-on confrontation. No one expected this. Is the director so strong?

When he was fighting against Atobe, he wasn't even at his full strength. At this moment, Tezuka's racket suddenly fell down, and everyone in Qingxue looked at it intently. , Tezuka suddenly held his shoulder, a look of pain flashed across his face

"what happened?"413 Regarding this, everyone in Qingxue felt puzzled.

On the contrary, Fuji realized something, and his eyes immediately became worried.

"Could it be that……!"

Fuji guessed that Tezuka most likely had an old illness caused by using this power. After all, he knew that Tezuka's hand was not completely healed.

"Has the limit been reached?"

Luochuan glanced at Tezuka indifferently.

In fact, as early as the sixth game, he noticed something strange about Tezuka. The power of the bat was obviously much weaker.

Obviously, driving to the limit of hard work caused Tezuka's Tezuka's old illness, but this was within Luo Chuan's expectations. The extreme strength of the arm itself would be a burden, and Tezuka's injury had not fully healed. In this case, how could it be possible to use this power rashly? won't get hurt

"Let’s heal the hand injury completely before coming back!"

After saying something lightly, Luo Chuan turned around and left the field.

Looking at Luo Chuan who left, Tezuka couldn't help but frown.

He didn't understand why Luo Chuan said this.

Even if he cured his hand injury, but Qingxue had already lost this competition, and they would not be able to compete in the subsequent national competition. Under such circumstances, how could he make a comeback?

However, Tezuka did not think too much and regarded it as Luo Chuan's will.

After picking up the racket, Tezuka returned to the team.

"Tezuka, your shoulder?"

After Tezuka returned to the team, Oishi immediately asked

"It seems that the power of selflessness in the past caused the old illness!"

Tezuka said solemnly


Hearing this, Dashi's face couldn't help but change, and everyone else's eyes also became worried.


"Just a little problem!"

"In addition, after this competition, I plan to go to Kyushu for treatment until I am completely healed!"

Originally, Tezuka thought that his hand was healed, but it still didn't seem to be the case.

Although there was no attack on the wrist in this game, there was a problem with the shoulder.

For this reason, treatment is necessary.


Oishi and others nodded.


Tezuka left with Qingxue's team.


Looking at the Qingxue people who were leaving, Tachibana couldn't help but feel regretful.

"With Qingxue's strength, it was not difficult to reach the top four in the country, but in the end, he stopped in Kanto!"

Although there were some strong teams in previous years that were eliminated early, it is the first time that a school like Qingxue, which has the strength of the top four in the national competition, was eliminated in the first round of Kanto.

"Do not worry!"

"They will come back! Luochuan suddenly said


"What's the meaning?"

Hearing this, everyone, including Ju, looked at Luochuan with curiosity in their eyes.

Hasn't Qingxue been eliminated?

Why did Luochuan say that Qingxue will make a comeback ?

"That’s literally what it means!"


After that,

Luo Chuan left straight away.

Ju looked at Luo Chuan who was leaving and couldn't help but frown.

He understood the meaning of Luo Chuan's words. It seemed that even if Qingxue lost this time, he could still participate. National competition.

But the problem is.

Qingxue has been eliminated in the first round of the Kanto competition. In this case, how can Qingxue participate in the subsequent national competition?

After thinking for a moment, Tachibana did not think of an answer.

Let's dig deeper.

If Qingxue can really participate in the national competition, Qingxue will definitely go to the national competition draw.

Thinking of this,

Tachibana picked up his golf bag and followed Luo. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

…… at the same time.

The competitions between Tatekai Dai and Hyokui also ended one after another.

Like Fudoho, Hyotei and Tatekai Dai advanced one after another, and both won strongly with 5-0. now.

Lihai is a big competition area.

Although Tatekai won the game, Sanada did not lead the team away immediately. Instead, he sat on a chair.

About ten minutes passed like this, and a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Surprisingly, it was Liu who went to watch the match between Seigaku and Fudoho.

"(bfcj) How was the match between Seigaku and Fudomine?"

Seeing Liu coming back, Sanada immediately asked

"Fudomine took away Seigaku 5-0!"

"In addition, Tezuka, who debuted in singles, also lost, and he was defeated 6-0 by Fudomine's director!"

Tezuka lost 6-0?

When Liu said this, everyone in Lihai fell silent.[]

They expected Seigaku to lose. After all, Seigaku lost miserably to Fudomine twice in the regional competition and the metropolitan tournament, and they both lost 0-3.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of Seigaku defeating Fudomine in this Kanto Tournament is undoubtedly extremely small.

But Tezuka lost, which was something they did not expect.

It can’t be said that I didn’t think of it.

At least I didn't expect that Tezuka would be defeated 6-0.

After all, Tezuka is very strong, one of the top players in the country. Although he is as famous as Atobe in Tokyo, they know very well that in terms of strength, Atobe cannot compare to Tezuka.

Especially Sanada.

He had practiced tennis hard for so many years just to defeat Tezuka. But now, he learned that the goal he wanted to defeat was defeated by someone else, and he was defeated forcefully without any suspense.

Even with Sanada's proud temperament, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Looking at the silent crowd, Liu continued:"It seems that we still underestimated Fudoho's strength. This team is stronger than we imagined!"

"Genichiro, I think we need to take some measures!"

"In my opinion, Fudo Peak has completely threatened us!"


Although Yanagi was also concerned about Fudo, he didn't care too much. In his opinion, even if Fudo is very strong, they should still be able to defeat Fudo with their strength, even if Yukimura is not around.

But after watching Fudo After the match between Feng and Qingxue, Liu Yanran no longer thought so.

This team was stronger than they imagined.

Otherwise, they would have to deal with it in the next match.

It is very likely that they will suffer a loss if they establish the sea.

"It is indeed necessary! Sanada nodded, then turned to Yanagi and said,"Have you collected the information on Fudomine?""

"It’s all here!"

Liu raised the notebook in his hand towards Sanada.

Sanada took the notebook and started to study it with the others.

…… the other side.

Ice Emperor Division.

Ninzu, who was watching the match, also told Atobe about the match between Seigaku and Fudomine.

After hearing that even Tezuka was defeated 6-0, Atobe, who had always been proud and wanted to seek revenge from Luo Chuan in this Kanto competition, also fell silent.

Atobe is not stupid, and at the same time, he is not that reckless either.

Being able to sit in the position of Minister Hyōtei for three years, Atobe relied not only on his strong strength, but also on his flexible mind.

Although in the past month, he has found professional coaches to be his sparring partners, and even found five at once.

The strength is not what it used to be.

But against such a powerful opponent who can hit zero blocks, can he really beat that guy?

The final answer is not sure. the reason is simple.

Atobe couldn't defeat Tezuka, let alone when Tezuka reached the limit of repeated training.

"Although you may not want to hear the next words, Atobe, but if you meet that guy in the competition, with your strength, you will be very powerful.……!"

Renzu looked at the silent Atobe and said, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Atobe.

"I know what you want to say!"

"Do not worry!"

"I'm not that stupid!"

Renzu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He was really afraid that Atobe would go his own way and seek revenge on Luo Chuan. In this case, it would be difficult for them to defeat the Ice Emperor.

After all, in terms of strength, their Ice Emperor is not as good as Li Hai Da



Atobe left with Hyokui's team.

Although he gave up seeking revenge on Luochuan, Atobe did not give up on winning the team competition.

Even if he could not defeat Luochuan, if he could defeat Fudo in the team competition Feng, this can also vent his resentment.

According to the schedule, if they advance all the way, they will meet Fudo Feng in the semi-finals. Later, Atobe approached his coach Sakaki Taro and began to study strategies to defeat Fudamine.: Vạn Đạo Tề Minh

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