The next day. nine in the morning.

The on-campus selection competition officially begins.

Kamio, Fukaji, Ishida and many other first years stood in the crowd.

Although I learned from Luo Chuan yesterday that as first-year students, they can also participate in the school ranking competition.

But Kamio and the others still felt unreal.

To know.

In the past, Luochuan wouldn't even let them touch the racket, and in private, he suppressed them many times.

Some time ago.

They even quit the tennis club collectively and established a new tennis club privately in the school.

It stands to reason.

Luo Chuan should be more strict with them than before. result.

He even asked them to participate in the school ranking competition.

Even though the facts are before their eyes, Kamio and the others still don’t believe it.

"Am I dreaming?"

Kamio couldn't help but said.

Then he squeezed his thigh hard. After feeling the real pain, he realized that this was not a dream.

It was real.

At this time,

Tachibana came over.

See Like.

Kamio, Fukaji, Ishida and many other first-year expressions are all serious.


"Are you all ready?"

"The intramural ranking competition will begin in a few minutes!"

Tangerine asked with a smile.

"Tachibana-senpai, I want to know, what is going on? They bullied us like that some time ago, and now they want us to participate in the school ranking competition!"

The person who asked this was Masaya Sakurai.

This question was also what others wanted to ask.

The contrast between before and after was really too great.

They once thought that it might be Tachibana's fault.

But after thinking about it, they felt This possibility is unlikely after all. Ju Ke lost to Luo Chuan.

"Actually...that guy is not as bad as you think!"

Ju thought for a while and then said it.

"What's the meaning?

Hearing this, everyone looked at Ju, who smiled and said,"That's what it means literally!"

After saying that,

Orange urged:"Okay!" The school ranking competition is about to begin. Get ready quickly. Don’t you want to become the official candidate? This intra-school ranking competition is a good opportunity!"

"To take advantage of!"


Tachibana left

"Not a bad opportunity?"

Looking at Tachibana leaving, and then looking at the upcoming intramural ranking competition in front of them, everyone was ignited with strong fighting spirit.

Although I don't know why the director of Fudomine agreed to let them, the first-year students, participate in the intramural ranking competition.

But Tachibana is right. If they miss this time, they don’t know when the next one will be. , will Luochuan agree to their participation? Everyone is very motivated.

…… five minutes later.

The school ranking competition officially begins.

Kamio, Fukaji, Ishida and other first-year students strutted into the field with their rackets in hand, found their respective competition areas and started the game.

As for Tachibana, he stayed beside Luo Chuan and quietly watched Kamio and the others' performance.

"Speaking of which, do you think Kamio and Fukaji can be selected?"

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Tachibana can tell that Luo Chuan still values the first years Kamio and Fukaji very much.

Letting Kamio and the others participate in the school ranking competition was probably deliberately arranged by Luo Chuan.

Its purpose.

It is probably because he wanted to Let's see if the strengthened Kamio and the others can become the main candidates.

If not, there is no need for Luo Chuan to wait for Kamio and the others to finish their strengthening.

From this, it can be seen that Luo Chuan attaches great importance to Kamio and these first years.

"You won’t know this until the game starts! Luo

Chuan said with a smile.

But after saying this, Luo Chuan already had the answer in his heart.

After all, Fudomine's level is not high, or even very low.

Kamio and Fukaji are very good first-year students. These two They have been undergoing intensive training for the past month. If they can't become the main players, then Luo Chuan should consider whether to let these boys start picking up the ball again.

And the fact is as Luo Chuan thought.

Everyone won the game with absolute strength at the end of the day.

Except for Uchimura Kyosuke and Mori Tatsunoku, everyone else won the game 6-0.


…… same.

The same goes for the second day's game.

Although the competitiveness is higher than that on the first day, because the opponents on the second day are basically promoted from the first day.

But Kamio, Fukaji and the others still won a great victory. finally.

When the last on-campus ranking match ended, the results of the ranking match came out. in.

Fukaji, Kamio, and Ishida won all eight matches.

Masaya Sakurai, Tatsunori Mori, and Kyousuke Uchimura had seven wins and one defeat. in addition.

The three of them lost this match, not to the members within Fudomine, but to Fukaji, Kamio, and Ishida.

"Everyone gather!"

After the ranking match, Luochuan gathered everyone together

"Next, I will announce the results of this school ranking competition!"

Hearing this,

Fukaji, Ishida and Kamio all looked at Luochuan with uneasy expressions. The latter smiled faintly and announced the list of candidates.

"Those who advance to the main selection are: Fukasaki Itake, Akira Kamio, Tetsu Ishida, Masaya Sakurai, Kyosuke Uchimura, and Tatsutori Mori!"


Hearing this, the faces of Shenji, Kamio and others were shrouded in ecstasy.

Have they been selected?

While they were excited, everyone felt dreamy.

One second they were picking up the ball, and the next second they became Right choice.

This feeling is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

"The above is the list of six members who have advanced to the main selection! Luochuan smiled, and then looked at the six first-year students including Kamio, Shenji, and Ishida.

"So...then train hard!"

"Don’t live up to my expectations!"


The six people looked solemn.

"very good! Luochuan nodded with satisfaction, and then disbanded the team.

The Fudomine people gradually left, but Kamio and the others were still immersed in great excitement.

Official team members.

They became official team members!


At this time,

Orange came over


Everyone's face was filled with excitement.

Immediately, one of them, Kamio, talked about the questions he had always had.


"I want to ask you something……!"

"What you want to ask about is the hell-like training that Luochuan arranged for you some time ago, right?"

Before Kamio opened his mouth, Tachibana already knew what Kamio wanted to ask.


Kamio nodded.

"That was specially arranged by Luochuan for you, and the purpose is to help you improve your strength!"

Tangerine explained.

"Then they bullied us in the past?"

Kamio asked again

"This is also a test for you!"

"In Luo Chuan's words, if you can't even stand this setback, how can you play football!"

Ju laughed.


Hearing this

, everyone, including Kamio, took a breath.

It turned out that they had wrongly blamed Luo Chuan all along.

Those bullying, those trainings that tortured them, turned out to be Luo Chuan's test for them.


Kamio The eyes of others looking at Luo Chuan no longer had the hatred in the past, but only a kind of incomparable awe.

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