Can you handle five seconds of paralysis?

Shenji's words plunged the entire audience into a dead silence.

Five seconds.

Fudomine, this second-year Ibu Fukaji, has actually improved his [sniper] power to this level.

If I remember correctly, in the first round of the Kanto Tournament against Qingxue, the opponent could only paralyze his opponent for three seconds.

In other words.

In the half month until the finals, has the opponent not only developed that set of combos, but also improved its sniper power? the other side.

Chitose in the stands could not help but look horrified.

He probably knew why Yagyu couldn't fight back.

It seemed that he was hit by the opponent's technique called [Sniper] and fell into paralysis.

But the question is, what kind of technique is this [sniper] that can paralyze the opponent for five seconds?

…… brush! soon.

Fukaji hit the ball again.

Although Niou and Yagyu took action in advance, they were not caught off guard by Yuta's half-volley.

But they couldn't resist five seconds of paralysis. soon.

Fukaji scored another goal.

The next two goals were also scored by Shenji.


Less than three minutes have passed since the start of the game.

In less than three minutes, Tachibana's doubles team won two games in a row. This was truly terrifying.


"This Ibu Fukaji!"

Tachikai Daichu.

Yanagi's eyes were fixed on Fukaji.

As the strategist of Tachikaidai, Liu was basically responsible for collecting intelligence on opponents.

And Shinji, as Fudomine's doubles player, The most powerful one attracted Liu's attention.


Liu did a lot of research on Shensi, but he didn't expect that he couldn't prevent him.


"Nioh, what should we do now?"

Being defeated by his opponent for two consecutive games, Yagyu immediately panicked. He was paralyzed for five seconds, which was impossible to break.

The most important thing was that when they were paralyzed, they didn't even have the chance to use the laser beam.

In addition,

Yuta's The half-volley speed is also extremely fast, and they cannot use the laser beam.

After all, the laser beam requires a certain environment to be used.

Nioh was silent for a moment, and then whispered to Yagyu.


When Niou finished speaking, Yagyu thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It seems that this is the only way!"


Game three.

Fudomine serves. at the same time.

This game was also served by Yuta. boom!

Lifting the racket, Yuta hit the tennis ball out. immediately.

After the tennis ball was hit back by his opponent, Fukaji struck again.

It's still his sniping. call out!

The tennis ball flew out.

Under the powerful counter-shock force, Niou's arm suddenly fell into paralysis.

However, Niou did not panic. On the contrary, he ran towards the bottom line at an extremely fast speed, while Yagyu quickly came to the frontcourt.

Not only that.

Nioh was standing very far back, almost several meters away from the baseline.

"This is.?"

Looking at Nioh standing outside the baseline, Kamio couldn't help but be surprised.

"I see!"

On the contrary, Tachibana saw something and chuckled:"Pull the distance apart so that you can extend the time of hitting the ball!"

"I have to say that these two people, Li Haida, are quite smart!"


Shenji also saw it, but he was not worried. On the contrary, he chuckled and said:"It's a good idea, but are you sure that Yagyu can block the offensive of the two of us while your arm is recovering?"

Say that!

Fukaji directly hit Yagyu with a ball.

In an instant,

Yagyu's hand fell into paralysis, and then Yuta made up for it and scored a point with a short ball.

Although Nioh's arm at the back recovered But because the distance was too far, he couldn't catch Yuta's short ball, and he could only watch the ball being taken by Yuta in an instant.

"Doesn't this work? Kirihara frowned.

"no way!

Liu said with a solemn expression:"The opponent's sniper attack is too powerful. No matter which one of Shenji and Niou takes the shot, they will be paralyzed for five seconds!""

"Nioh's distance can indeed relieve himself, but this is based on the fact that the opponent's goal in the second round is Nioh!"

"If the opponent doesn't attack Nioh, they will instead focus on Yagyu, especially a short ball like Yuta!"

"Yagyu couldn't take it because he was still paralyzed, and Niou couldn't take it because of the distance!"

A dead end.

In Liu's opinion, this is almost a dead end.

There is no way to break it.

…… boom!

"game! Fudoho, 3-0!"

Very quickly.

The third game was also won by Shenji and Yuta.


"Tachibana's double team was completely helpless!"

All around.

Everyone watching was shocked by this game.

Although Renzu was also surprised by this game, he also knew that five seconds of paralysis could not be dealt with at all.

Let alone. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The opponent’s partner is a fast-break player like Yuta. It’s a dead end.


Fourth game[]

Li Hai's big serve.

This game.

Nioh and Yagyu kept coming up with new ways to try to break the situation.

But it didn't work.

No matter what they tried, they couldn't score. finally. competition is over


"Thirteen minutes!"

Everyone present looked at the time and found that only thirteen minutes had passed since the start of the game. They were all shocked.

What a speed of advancement.

Looking at the entire history of the Kanto Competition finals, there was no doubles team that could finish in thirteen minutes. Solve the opponent


"Ibu Fukaji and Fuji Yuta from Fudomine!"

"This kind of combination, even if you look at the whole country, no doubles team can handle it!"


In the stands.

Chitose was also deeply shocked by Yuta and Shenji.

Defeating Tatekai Dai’s Nioh and Yagyu in 13 minutes is terrifying.

"Itake Shinji!"

"Fuji Yuta?"

Chitose silently took note of these two people, especially Itake Shinji.

This person's ability shouldn't be too scary.




Yagyu brought Nioh to Sanada, ready to be punished by Sanada.

This was not the case in the past.

Every time someone among them lost, Sanada would punish them.

And this time, they even lost 6- 0 disastrous defeat, one can imagine Sanada’s anger

"Go and rest!" However

, what surprised Yagyu was that Sanada just said something lightly and didn't say anything more.

Although Yagyu felt puzzled, he still nodded and went to rest.

It 's just that he didn't understand.

He never said anything more.

Why did the stern Sanada change this time? Could it be that Sanada knew that they would lose? However, Yagyu didn't know.

It was not that Sanada knew that they would lose, but he had witnessed the whole game and knew that the fault of this game was not with Yagyu and Niou.

, it’s because Ibu Shinji’s ability is too difficult, even he and Yanagi didn’t think of a way to break the game.

In contrast, it was impossible for Yagyu and Niou to lose.

…… the other side.

Shenji and Yuta also returned to the team.

In fact.

In this game, Shenji didn't originally think of using this move at the beginning. After all, it was his biggest trump card.

The reason why he used it was because he was infected by the spirit of Kamio and Ishida. then.

He changed his previous calm style and used a trick from the beginning, and he and Yuta won the game with thunder.

However, through this game, Shenji also confirmed one thing.

That is, when his sniper power is increased to five seconds, he will indeed be invincible.

Although there will be national competitions in the future, those schools are not as strong as Rikkai.

In other words.

Even in the national competition, he can be invincible with this move


"~The next three singles matches will begin!"

"Rikkai University Affiliated High School Kirihara Akaya VS Fudomine Akutsujin!"

At this time, the broadcast of the singles three came out.

After hearing the broadcast, everyone's attention shifted from the previous game to this singles three.

Although in the second game, Yuta and Shenji's performance was amazing, almost They won the game in a crushing manner.

But the score was still tied, and it was still unknown which side would win the final championship.

With this thought, everyone turned their attention. The players sent by both sides in this game

"Aku Tsujin!"

"Kirihara Akaya?"

The Kanto Tournament drew lots. Although Kirihara and Akutsu fought, the draw was in progress when they fought, so they were not seen by people from other schools.

Even from the conversation between Sanada and Kirihara later, they were vaguely aware of They guessed that Akutsu and Kirihara had fought, and they could even tell that Kirihara suffered a loss, but they didn't know the specific situation of the battle.

That's why they saw Kirihara and Akutsunobu.���For a moment, these people started looking forward to it.

With Kirihara's character, he would probably seek revenge from Akutsu!

After all, they had heard that Rikkai's second-year ace Akaya Kirihara had a quite violent personality.

Unlike these people, the people in Rikkai were slightly worried. After all, Akutsu was too strong.

People from other schools may not have witnessed the lottery draw, but as members of Rikkai University, they did witness the entire process.

Kirihara was suppressed by Akutsu throughout the entire game. in addition.

Following the duel with Atobe, Akutsu even mastered the beast's aura.

Although Kirihara was training seriously during this period, they were still not too sure about whether they could defeat Akutsu.

After all, this guy even killed Hyōtei’s Aibu!.

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