boom! boom! soon.

The two sides started the second ball exchange.

After learning about Tachibana's power, Fuji also started to take it seriously.

His speed became faster and the spin of the ball became more intense, which shocked Kamio and the others. This Fuji didn't show his full strength.

Only Yuta remained calm.

On weekdays, he often competes with his brother, and he is very aware of his brother's strength. Although the level shown by his brother in the last goal was also very high, it was only 60% of the level. at the moment.

That's his brother's true strength

"This feeling!"

On the court.

Feeling Fuji's attack becoming more and more fierce, Tachibana couldn't help but a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Although he had only hit the second ball, he could feel the difference between Fuji and the previous ball.

It wasn't just the hit The power of the ball and the whole person's momentum were different.

However, Tachibana didn't feel nervous. Fuji didn't use his full strength, but he was still the same. For

Tachibana, it was just a warm-up.


Tachibana rushed out quickly, swung the racket, and slammed it down violently. The tennis ball flew out and hit Fuji in front of him like a burning bullet. With the power of one ball, Fuji's slightly narrowed eyes opened slightly, and he glanced at Tachibana opposite him with his peripheral vision, his eyes slightly focused.

"Didn't this person show all his strength?"


He raised the racket, and after once again removing the force from the tennis ball, he sliced it out.


The level of this ball is quite high. Not only is the speed amazing, but the tennis ball also contains fierce spin. , causing the tennis ball to draw a huge arc while flying.

Even if Shenji couldn't find any good way to fight back, even if he did, Fuji would probably take the opportunity to score.

However, Tachibana was not afraid. On the contrary , he swung his racket towards the tennis ball, and the tennis ball was in front of Fuji instantly.


Seeing this,

Fuji couldn't help but take a breath.

There was only one word for Tachibana's fighting style.


No matter how he attacked, he could always be blocked by Tachibana.




On Fuji's forehead. A cold sweat began to appear.

Even in last year's national competition, he was not suppressed by anyone, so after seeing the tennis ball hit him again, he immediately stepped out.

, stretched out his left hand and locked the tennis ball tightly like a sniper rifle scope.

Then he lifted the racket with his right hand and aimed it at the tennis ball from top to bottom.


The tennis ball was originally calm. It started to spin rapidly, and you could even vaguely see the white smoke. The next moment , the tennis ball hit Tachibana directly in front of him, but it didn't go as he expected. It bounced like that, but slid out close to the ground.

"What's this?"

Outside the court.

Kamio looked at the ball that Fuji just hit and said with a shocked face:"The tennis ball didn't bounce!"

"This ball!"

Fukaji on the side couldn't hide his surprise.

A spinning ball played at that angle can actually produce such an effect.

"this person!"

Looking at Fuji who was still maintaining his fighting posture, Shinji's eyes narrowed slightly.

If in the past Shinji had doubts about Fuji's reputation as a genius, then at this moment, especially after seeing Fuji After this shot, Shenji Yanran no longer had such thoughts.

This Fuji was indeed a genius.

Shenji thought that even if his skills reached Fuji's level, he probably wouldn't be able to think of such a move.


Although Tachibana was scored by Fuji, he did not panic. Instead, he smiled and said,"Was it Yan Huifan, one of your three returns just now?"

Rumor has it.

Qingxue's Fuji mastered three unique skills.

One of the moves, called Yan Flashback, has this effect after returning the ball.

If you guessed correctly, it should be that move.

"That’s right!"

Fu Er generous admission

"very good!"

Ju smiled:"This is interesting!"


Fu Er frowned slightly.

Most people would be instinctively wary after seeing his Yan Hui flash.

This person couldn't help but become more excited.

This made Fuji subconsciously alert.

After all, he didn't think the other party was arrogant. He could clearly feel the confidence that came from his bones.

So with the next ball , the tennis ball flew out and flew towards Tachibana. But the person ignored Fuji's shot and went straight forward.

"The power of Yan Huifan is indeed very strong!"

"But this move also has a fatal flaw!"


When Fuji heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

But then, after seeing Tachibana's actions, Fuji's eyelids twitched.

"Seen through?"

"That’s right! Tachibana smiled and said:"No matter how weird the spin is, it is only limited to after landing. In other words, as long as you hit the tennis ball before it hits the ground, and then hit the back spin that can offset this move, you can get it back!""

Say that.

Before the tennis ball hit the ground, Tachibana hit the tennis ball with great force.


The tennis ball passed by Fuji's ear, and the strong wind blew Fuji's short chestnut hair into the air. Then, he hit Fuji behind with a bang.

After the tennis ball flew out of the court, Tachibana smiled and said,"I'm right!""

"Tachibana-senpai is so awesome!"

Kamio's face showed a bright light.

Fuji had such a powerful move, but Tachibana actually broke it in the second ball.

Should I say that he really deserves to be Tachibana?

"it turns out!"

Yu Tai's face was shocked.

He knew that Tachibana was very strong, but he didn't expect that he was so powerful.

This was the first time he had seen someone crack his brother's Yan Hui so neatly. Flash.

For a moment,

Yuta looked at Tachibana in awe.



On the court.

Fuji frowned slightly.

He knew better than anyone else how powerful his move was. Even in the Kanto Tournament, it was considered a powerful move.

This person could actually crack it so easily.

" this person's strength more than just Kanto level?"

Thinking of this,

Fuji's eyes became more alert.

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