boom! boom!

On the court.

The two sides clashed again.

With the buffer from the previous ball, Fuji's pressure became much less in the following game.

He started steadily.

Continuously hit the ball to the opposite corners on both sides of the Orange Court.

But will Tachibana let Fuji continue like this?

Obviously not.

Seizing the opportunity, Tachibana fired a violent ball

"Started again?"

Seeing Tachibana launching another offensive, Fuji couldn't help but frown. Immediately, his eyes were fixed on the sky.

"Then do it again!"

As the saying goes, again and again, again and again, three times and exhaustion.

Fuji's idea is very simple, even if it interrupts the offensive.

If it doesn't work once, then twice.

In short, it must not let the orange rise.


A crisp sound.

Tennis ball. Once again, he was hit high into the sky by Fuji

"Another lob!"

Kamio's eyes were startled.

"It seems that Fuji wants to use his previous trick again!"

Shen Si said in a deep voice.

"I don’t know how Tachibana-senpai will deal with it!"

Ishida said.

Fuji's giant bear counterattack is a way of using force. If you force a smash, Fuji will only seize the opportunity to score.

But if you don't use a smash, it will give Fuji a buffer. Time.

So. This made Ishida curious about how Tachibana would respond. However , what surprised Ishida was that this time, Tachibana chose to smash again.

"Is Tachibana planning to attack Fuji's move head-on?"

Ishida said a little surprised.

"it's useless!

Yuta on the side said:"Brother's move is designed to counter smash. I have tried to break this move many times in the past, but I was beaten back every time!""

In Yuta's view, although Tachibana is strong, he is probably helpless in the face of this move from his brother.



Orange in mid-air looked confident.

Looking at Fuji who was already in a posture below, he chuckled and said:"I have to affirm your talent for being able to develop such a move!"

"But just like the Yan Hui Flash move just now, your move also has flaws!"

While speaking,

Tachibana's racket violently smashed onto the tennis ball.


Everyone only heard a bang.

The next moment, a powerful tennis ball fell fiercely from Tachibana's racket.


Fuji shot.

And As before, he once again responded with the giant bear

's counterattack, but the moment he touched the tennis ball, Fuji's expression changed.


"Such power!"

Tachibana smashed the ball, and he used the giant bear to fight back, but he couldn't hit it back.

Then there was a snap.

The racket in his hand was directly smashed away by the sound.


Yuta was stunned.

My brother's invincible giant bear counterattack was unexpectedly broken by Tachibana with a direct blow.

"Orange is awesome!"

Fukaji, Ishida and others opened their mouths.

Especially Ishida.

He thought that Fuji's move would make Tachibana difficult. Unexpectedly, Tachibana cracked it on the second ball.

And he still used this method. The most direct way


But on the field.

Fuji was also stunned.

This trick has never been cracked since it was developed.

Even in the showdown with Tezuka, this move never went too far.

In this small fixed peak, it was actually cracked. opposite.

Tachibana fell from the air, and after waiting to stabilize his body, he said to Fuji:"Although the power of your move is not bad, it can restrain the opponent's smash!"

"But your own strength is not very strong. In other words, as long as the opponent's power exceeds the limit that you can withstand, it will be enough to break it!"


Hearing this,

Fuji fell silent for a moment. Then, he turned around and looked at Tachibana

"Been taught a lesson!"

It turns out that this is the weakness Tachibana mentioned.

But I understand that the other party can see through the flaw in his move at a glance, which still surprises Fuji.

You know.

But even Tezuka didn't notice this.

For a time,

Fuji became more and more curious about the identity of his opponent.

"Wait... Tachibana Yoshihei?"

At this time,

Fuji thought of the name the opponent said before the game.

Before, he didn't think much about it.

Mainly because this is Fudo Peak.

But now after seeing Tachibana's strength, especially after seeing Tachibana After two of his three moves in a row, Fuji began to think about the name.

Then, he seemed to have heard the name somewhere, and finally remembered it.

Remember, Fuji's eyes were suddenly startled.

"Tachibana Yoshihei!"

"Kyushu duo Tachibana Yoshihei?"


Fuji recognized Tachibana.

The opponent was obviously Tachibana Yoshihei, who led Shiraku Junior High to kill everyone in this year's national competition.

No wonder the other party felt familiar with him.

It was him?

"How did you end up at Fudo Peak?!"

I can't help but be shocked. After all, Tachibana is the ace in the Lion Kingdom.

How can I not be surprised when such a person appears on Fudo Peak?"

"Are you that surprised?"

Ju Ze smiled.

"I moved to Tokyo and then came here."

Tachibana was not surprised that Fuji recognized him.

After all, Qingxue entered the national competition this year, even though they did not meet Qingxue in the competition.

But as the ace of the Lion School, he was not 2 I must have heard of it

"I remember you used to have blond hair, right?"

"Why now?

Fuji asked curiously.

Regarding this,

Tachibana explained:"Since we have changed the environment, we naturally have to change our image, so I shaved it off!""


Tachibana shaved off his blond hair because of Chitose's incident.

But this was his private matter, and Tachibana didn't want to mention it to anyone.

So, he made up an excuse at random.

"Is that so?"

Fuji nodded.

But even though he knew this, Fuji was still surprised.

Tachibana Yoshihei, the former ace of Shiraku Country, actually transferred to Fudomine.

In addition, after learning Tachibana's identity, he was very surprised about Fudo. Fuji is not surprised that Feng Neng has such a big change.

After all, Tachibana is very strong, so it is no surprise that he does this.

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