【The junior comes from the prehistoric world. The Queen Mother of the West, a monk in the West Kunlun Mountains, gave the senior a peach tree with top innate spiritual roots. 】

A voice suddenly sounded next to Chu Yi's ears.

The work on Zhutian Projection received a large amount of reward, and a proactive message came to notify him.

Innate peach water!

One of the ten great spiritual roots of the prehistoric times, this is the most valuable reward that Chu Yi has received so far.

【You have received a friend request from the Queen Mother of the West in the prehistoric world. Choose whether to agree or not. 】

The Queen Mother of the West in the prehistoric world adds a friend request?

Chu Yi was startled.

The Avenue of All Heavens Projection, a platform that spans the chaotic heavens, actually has this familiar routine of giving gifts first and adding friends later.

With goodwill toward his first 'rich' fan, Chu Yi agreed to the friend request sent to him by the Queen Mother of the West.


Chu Yi was quite curious about the demeanor of the creatures in other worlds among the heavens and the worlds.

The avatar of the Queen Mother of the West is the image of a woman in palace attire, which is quite similar to the style of a royal sister on earth.

Chu Yi accidentally clicked on the other person's profile picture.

Suddenly, my mind was pulled in by a wave of attraction.

It seemed like I saw a misty, hazy scene...

There is a person in the water.

Um? So familiar to the prehistoric world,

West Kunlun Mountains

, a huge Tianchi water, as clear as gems, with hazy fairy aura and dense mist.

Many fairies bathe in it.

Various kinds of fairy grass and flowers on the shore are fragrant, full of fragrance, and very pleasing to the eye.

There are female fairies walking back and forth, rushing to Yaochi.

The so-called Yaochi is the essence of the water in Kunlun Tianchi, which is formed by the combined efforts of all immortals.

Ordinary fairies can bathe in Tianchi, such as the Queen Mother of the West, or noble fairies who come by invitation, will meet in Yaochi.

Sometimes when I feel tired, I take a bath in Yaochi.

At this time

, the Queen Mother of the West was still worried. Her long black hair was bathing in the clear water of Yaochi, and her immortal muscles and bones were moistened by the soft waves of the heavenly water.

The scenery in the field is very beautiful and misty.


Suddenly, the Queen Mother of the West screamed, using her magic power, her whole body seemed to be flowing with auspicious colors, and she had already put on fairy clothes. She left the Yaochi.

Just now, she felt as if her whole body was penetrated by a beam of eyes.

But this is her own dojo, and she has innate power. Protected by the formation, even the saints of heaven cannot break in silently.

Could it be...................................................................................................................................................

In the inn room

Chu Yi touched his nose and couldn't help but smile.

I didn’t expect that the picture of this prehistoric female fairy is so beautiful!

The real person is much more beautiful than the avatar.

But it’s understandable.

In the prehistoric world, all the female fairies who can be ranked high are born with feet.

The Queen Mother of the West is also the essence of Taiyin, which supports the body and appears in form.

It is not under the two goddesses Chang Xi and Xi He on the lunar star, but only above it.

What's the Ice Geng Jade Bone?’,‘It seems that it is not an exaggeration to describe her as"alluring the city and the country."

"In the backend of the creator of Zhutian Projection, adding friends actually has such a function. Click on the other person's avatar to view the other person."

"Even if my cultivation level is enough, I can separate a spiritual thought into the other party's world."

Chu Yi pondered for a while.

He gave up and went to see Queen Mother Moses.

He didn't even reply to the message sent by the other party.


It is the foundation to stand up in the world.

The emperor-level strength in the nine-star fantasy world is very strong, compared to Most immortals in ordinary worlds are much stronger.

But when placed in top immortal systems such as the Supreme Westward Journey World, the World of Conferred Gods, and the Great Desolate World, they are still insufficient.

"The Great Emperor will not be the high point of the realm, but the starting point"

"My short-term goal of releasing a second mythological work has been accomplished"

"Now, it’s time to start becoming an immortal."

Of course, this immortal is not the immortal sought by the Wanlong Emperor and the supreme beings in the restricted area in the black sky world.

Nor is it the mortal immortal who was later transformed by the Emperor of Heaven!

After more than a month of browsing in the projections of the heavens, Chu Yi , is no longer a novice.

Whether it is the prehistoric immortal or the red dust immortal in the fantasy world.

It is far from being comparable to the immortals in the earth's mythological era.

Otherwise, the works he published will not cause a stir in the world. Such a huge response.

And the immortal he wants to prove must be the strongest immortal among all the heavens and worlds.

It is the supreme mythical 'immortal'.

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