Reflected in the heaven and earth

, the mythical Nuwa still did not stop. Together with the human king, she descended from the sky and returned to the earth to wipe out the evildoers of Kyushu!

The war cry of humanity is so loud that it stirs the thunder of the earth!

In mythology, Nuwa evolved yin and yang with her hands. One became taiyin, and the other became sun!

The King of Humans imprinted the law, and his army swept across the world, reorganizing the rivers, lakes and seas, and once again shaping the earth and water of Kyushu.

He also beheaded a giant turtle, chopped off its limbs, and stood on the four poles of the world to support the sky.

All the scenes have come to an end!

【The sky is replenished and the four poles are upright】

【Therefore, if the sky is round and the earth is round, humanity will prosper】

【It is the way of humanity, the first living being in the myths of the heavens.】

【All things in the world, the origin of the primordial beginning, and all creatures of all races, all surrender to humans】

【The practice of all races in future generations is the body of one person, which is the highest, most holy and perfect state.】

【The origin of all eternity and the eternal legends all originate from this! 】

The brilliant sound fell.

The powerful man from all realms was shocked. At the last moment, he seemed to see a powerful human king standing in the mythical world, looking towards all heavens and all realms! boom!!!!

Everyone, regardless of their level of cultivation, comes from that vast world.

They were all overwhelmed by a beam of extremely powerful pressure that Pei Mo could not control. The big black dog in the world of Black Sky stood up outside the mythical world and said:"It has been decided. From today on, I will be a humanoid creature! After all, the humanoid is the strongest. , I am the number one black emperor in the world!"

Ye Hei and others were holding their mouths tightly shut!

But everyone finally solved a mystery, that is, in the world of Black Sky, although there are thousands of races who are kings in the ancient times!

But in the end, even powerful men like the Wanlong Emperor, Qilin Emperor, and the Great Emperor Stone Emperor of the Holy Spirit lineage, their final forms were all humanoid!

"The strongest human form turns out to be the origin of myth. Among the fragments of blood imprints of all races, the information that the human form is the strongest form has already been imprinted in the unexamined mythological era!"

The thought came to this!

Even the geniuses such as Huo Linzi, the Holy Prince and others were filled with emotion.

At this moment, the Ancient Emperor Wanlong was full of blood and had regained his majestic young appearance, but he did not join the ranks of the Ancient Emperor again..

His eyes were faint!

As if he had traveled through eternity.

He said softly:"The Void Emperor, the Hengyu Emperor, the Wushi Emperor, the most amazing emperors in history appeared among the human race. It is indeed not a coincidence, but an inevitable one."


"Among all the races in this universe, in terms of bloodline, qualifications, and naturally powerful creatures, there are countless, but at the end of the day, the human race is the strongest!"

The dragon girl looked at her father's expression with some sadness, and asked:"Father, are we still looking for revenge against that human holy body?"

"Let’s talk about it later. Although I have transcended the limit of longevity and am halfway across the realm of the Great Emperor, I am still half a step away from becoming an immortal. Originally I didn’t know where the flaw was, but this time I watched the mythical chapter"Nuwa Mends the Sky" and I finally knew where the flaw was."

"What are the flaws of my father?"

"The way of all races, the human form is the strongest!"

"Immortality is perfection, immortality, and the ultimate, and it must be in human form. As a father, you need to prepare for a transformation disaster!" Ancestor Hongjun , Sanqing, Jieyin and others in the prehistoric world , Zixiao Palace, all woke up, opened their eyes, and their eyes were very complicated! All races of creatures, the human race is the strongest! But Nuwa was created in the prehistoric world The emergence of the innate human race, what an opportunity, what kind of fortune is this?? If in the past, everyone just regarded the human race as a pawn to replace the two Lich races, then that would be it. Whether it is ancestor Hongjun or Taiqing I actually don’t think much of the human race. It’s just that the former regards the human race as a chess piece of heaven, and the latter regards the human race as a chess piece to become a saint and compete for luck. But after today

"After seeing it, my concept needs to change. Junior Sister Nuwa cannot be allowed to act haphazardly among the human race."

Taiqing Laozi's eyes flashed coldly!

"I am the leader of the Human Religion and the biggest voice of the human race. Whether it is the Human Emperor or the Human King, it is my duty to educate the human race."

The other saints also have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Anyway, the other saints have made a highly unanimous decision to preach to the human race!!!

Even if the human race now has the Virgin Mother Nuwa, what about Lao Tzu's human teachings?

They You can also add sand into it and arrange your own Taoism.

Ancestor Hongjun thought of more!

He thought of another Tao besides the main Tao.

Since the human race has such a deep connection with mythology, he also wants to Only when the chess pieces are placed among the human race can they be completely controlled.

Moreover, the prehistoric status of the human race can be improved quickly.

What kind of demon clan?

What kind of witch clan?

Hum! The ancestor has already done what he wants to do to deal with these two clans. Obedient and Stinging's plan is now being accelerated.

Before it is implemented, I want to give these saints and good disciples control to avoid any changes!

Six dark red pills appeared in the hands of Patriarch Hongjun, raised his eyes, and prepared Speaking to the six great saints of Tiandao, suddenly! Nuwa's aura began to soar in the main hall

, and even tore the roof of Zixiao Palace! The saints of

Tiandao second heaven, the saints of Tiandao third heaven, the saints of Tiandao fourth heaven, the fifth heaven , Sixth Heaven......................

One mouthful of Nuwa's realm soared to the ninth level of the saint of heaven!

This is the most holy realm of heaven!

The Great Perfection of the Heavenly Sage!

Even Hongjun had reached this stage by relying on the jade disk of creation and his identity as a demon god of heaven.

"ah!! ? ?"

"Junior sister Nuwa, you! you!"

Sanqing, Yingyin Saint, and Zhunti Saint were all dumbfounded.

The six dark red pills in Hongjun's palm quietly took them back at this time.

Because he could not see through Saint Nuwa at all now.

Although his cultivation level was not high He reached the realm of heaven, but Nuwa gave him a somewhat dangerous feeling.

"The way of creation is essentially the way of matter. Thanks to the Lord of Myths, Nuwa understands it!"

Nu Wa opened her eyes, and there were pure material elements accumulating in them. All the Tao and laws were decomposed into the most basic and simple particles.

Although she is still a saint of the way of heaven, Nu Wa's way has been faintly separated from the way of heaven. The framework of the Immortal Way taught by He Hongjun!

It is developing in the direction of creation as the source and the materialism of the world!

At this moment, she ignored the surprise and questions of other saints, but immediately in the projection of the heavens, towards"Nuwa Mending the Sky"" chapter rewarded countless spiritual roots and treasures, and launched a friend request to Chu Yi's author backend in the name of thanking the Lord of Myths.

In fact

, Nuwa knew that this kind of enlightenment grace could not be thanked by any treasure, even if she herself Doing everything for the Lord of Myths in person, even becoming a disciple, would not be able to repay this kindness.

This was just a partial expression of my feelings.

And she was not sure whether an existence like the Lord of Myths would accept her.

That was it.

While Nuwa was unconscious, several heavenly saints in Zixiao Palace escaped from the hands of Ancestor Hongjun in a daze, and each left the hall in despair.

With complicated expressions and different plans in their hearts, they returned Arrive at their respective dojos............................................................................................................................................

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