In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 101: Go! Towards the city's high school league! [Subscribe, please customize]\r

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"Hint: Host, please pay attention, there are still 351 days until the time and space of the earth is accurately located by the Western Empire plundering group! 35

"Please improve your strength and the strength of Earth humans as soon as possible to avoid being looted by the looting group..."


Zhou Fangyu woke up from the bed by the sound of the system prompt.

Ever since I learned about the Western Empire's looting group, which is about to precisely locate the earth's space in a year's time.

He has been letting the system remind him of this every morning.

Sit up from the bed.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the time.

Saturday morning at nine o'clock.

There is only one and a half hours left before the opening ceremony of the high school league starts.

From the last time in God's Domain, the sacrificial ceremony of the demon clan.

Two full days have passed.

Think back now.

That evening.

At the demon sacrificial ceremony.

The matter of getting the incarnation of the demon clan by yourself - the little diamond wind.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but laugh a little.

As soon as the name "Little Diamond Wind" came out.

The Huaxia players present were all shocked.

Later, the Chinese viewers who watched the live broadcast on the earth were even more reminded of their youthful memories!

That night, there was a video of "Journey to the West Small Diamond Wind Appearance" at the Earth's Huaxia Station B.

It got an explosive billion views.

In a short time, Xiao Zhanfeng became the nickname of countless Chinese newborns.

Called the entire China.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu recalled again.

He is a small diamond wind.

When he bid farewell to Di Jun and Xihe, and left the sacred mountain of the demon clan alone.

The Twitter master took the initiative to find him and asked him to eat.

Thinking of this.

Until now, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but reveal a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

Because it was that night.

When he and twitter masters, romance.

When the three of them ate at the best restaurant in Shenzhou City.

When Zhou Fangyu was introduced to him by Twitter master 1510——

This time, after the public relations plan for the copy of the "Wanjie Martial Arts Conference" formulated by the earth players.

On the spot, I couldn't help but applaud.

to be frank.

At the beginning, Zhou Fangyu's request was too harsh.

Let's imagine.

3100 earth players and monster masters.

In the preliminary round of the city's high school league.

Not only have to face the siege of at least twenty arrogant gods.

The number of the other party is at least twenty times more than theirs.

It can't reveal its own strength.

It is also necessary to successfully defeat the siege of the 20 times the number of God's Domain races.

This kind of problem, even Zhou Fangyu himself can't think of any solution.

Even, before hearing about the tweeters' plans.

He has already thought about it.

It really doesn't work. In the preliminary round of this league, I would rather expose some strengths.

Let the 3,100 573 players on Earth and monster masters let go.

It is possible to directly put those Tianjiao Divine Realm who are ready to besiege them.

Break one by one, crush and beat.

Even if he exposed his own strength, he still felt a bad breath.

Anyway, Bai Qi had already told him.

On the day the league starts, a true god-level deity will be arranged to protect him.

Even if his strength is exposed, it has attracted the coveting of demons and other gods.

I believe that there is the protection of the true God arranged by Bai Qi.

His safety is still guaranteed.

But these "fourth natural disasters", the Twitter masters, once again gave Zhou Fangyu a big surprise.

The brain holes of these earth players simply made him feel dumbfounded.

The tough questions he poses.

I was stunned that these players came up with a very incredible cracking method.

And the success rate of this cracking method is still very high.

Even Zhou Fangyu heard this method from a Twitter geek.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, these arrogances are estimated to have committed sins in their previous lives.

Only in this life have I dared to besiege these earth players.

What makes Zhou Fangyu even more ironic is that.

This method does not reveal the strength, and can break the siege of the Tianjiao.

The specific idea is put forward by Twitter masters.

But the specific implementation plan was formulated by the old bridge of the nether tribe.

The two rivals turned out to be the best partners in the realm of the gods.

Where does this make sense.

Anyway, since that day I learned about the Twitter masters of their plan.

Zhou Fangyu was looking forward to this city-wide high school league.

Because now not only is he not worried, but because of cracking the siege of those geniuses, his strength is exposed, attracting the attention of demons and caring people.

On the contrary, he can pass the preliminary round of the league this time, lowering other people's evaluation of his strength.

Even, he is full of things that get full marks in the Divine Realm test.

After the preliminary round of the league.

It will be misunderstood by many people that he used opportunistic methods to get full marks.

just thought of.

His own God Realm race clearly has powerful fourth natural disasters.

And the daily income of divine crystals is as high as one million.

However, he was regarded as an opportunistic and powerless demigod.

When Zhou Fangyu dreamed, he would wake up laughing.

Isn't that exactly what he's dreamed of doing?

If time can be reversed.

Zhou Fangyu can't wait to be in the mock exam at Qingxuan High School.

It's good to get a zero score in the God's Domain test.

In short.

This "dungeon clearance" plan was jointly developed by Twitter and Laoqiao.

Very suitable for Zhou Fangyu's needs.

Like it was made just for him.

Therefore, since knowing this plan, Zhou Fangyu has been in a very relaxed mood these two days.

during the day.

At school, he studied hard with Wang Haiyan and other students in the class, and enjoyed the remaining three months of high school.

After returning home at night.

He turned into a little diamond wind, and together with Twitter experts, Fenghuaxueyue and others, cultivated in the realm of the gods, fought monsters and upgraded.

Improve the cultivation base and strength of Little Drill Wind as much as possible.

In this way, his physical strength in the main world can also be improved.

Of course, in two days.

Zhou Fangyu went to see Lao Li again.

He spent more than 200,000 Divine Crystals.

In one go, I bought more than a dozen special buildings, resources and minerals, and practice secrets suitable for the demon race.

All of them were placed on the two holy mountains of the demon race in the God's Domain.

These buildings, resources, and exercises.

All of them are specifically aimed at the characteristics of the monsters that can absorb the power of the stars to cultivate.

Items that can greatly enhance the speed of Yaozu's cultivation.

With these props, I believe that the speed of the demon clan's strength will definitely surpass that of most players.

In this way, the demon clan can better balance and suppress the earth players in the future.

Let Earth players know that God's Domain is not a game in the future.

He could only choose to obey Zhou Fangyu's dispatch and command honestly.

Wake up.

Wash and eat breakfast as usual.

Haven't waited for Zhou Fangyu to get dressed.

His magic communicator rang.

After picking it up and connecting, an excited voice came over.

"Fang Yu, I broke through. I broke through to the peak of a demigod last night."5

Wei Changsheng shouted from the opposite side.

Zhou Fangyu laughed.

Before the college entrance examination, his best friend was able to advance by leaps and bounds in Divine Realm's strength.

He was also very happy.

It seemed that the divine crystals he gave to Wei Changsheng.

It was all used by this kid in the cultivation of the race of the gods.

In addition, Wei Changsheng's talent is not weak.

This time, he has accumulated a lot of money, and he has successfully broken through to become a peak-level demigod.

"Congratulations, your current strength in the realm of the gods, when you take the college entrance examination, you will definitely be able to test the ordinary gods university."

"If you work harder, you will break through to the great consummation of the demigods. It is estimated that it is not impossible to be admitted to the top ten gods universities in the empire! 35

"Aren't you going to participate in the preliminaries of the city's high school league today?"

"When we meet, I will give you another 100,000 Divine Crystals, and you will all smash the strength of the Divine Realm race."

Zhou Fangyu encouraged.

"No, this won't work. I've already taken your divine crystal once. I don't even know how to return it to you. Now if I take your divine crystal again, who am I?!""

Wei Changsheng immediately resolutely declined.

Zhou Fangyu knew Wei Changsheng's temper, but he didn't force it, and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, if you don't want it, I won't give it yet. 35

"Anyway, after today's preliminary round is over. I invite you and Wang Haiyan, the three of us, to go to that kebab shop together and have a good meal.

"Just like when we were in junior high school! Don't say you won't come!

Wei Changsheng heard that he could have a party with his two best friends today.

I was also very happy and immediately agreed.

The two briefly talked about the league again.

Zhou Fangyu hung up the intercom.

I just want to keep getting dressed.

The intercom rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was Wang Haiyan calling.

After connecting, a crisp and pleasant female voice came from the other end of the intercom.

"Fang Yu, are you sleeping in again? Why haven't you been to the school playground yet? We've all been here for ten minutes!"

Zhou Fangyu said helplessly:

"Today is the opening ceremony of the league, how could I sleep in.

"It's Wei Changsheng. He called me early in the morning and told me that he had broken through to the pinnacle of demigods."

"I chatted with him for a long time, and naturally I wasted time!"

Wang Haiyan said in surprise: "Longevity has broken through! This is a big happy event!"

But then, she gasped again:

"He broke through such a big thing, and he only told you about it, and he didn't tell me a word! This guy, too, is not enough friends!

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"You have to scold him, when I invite the two of you to eat skewers at night, you can let go of the scold! 39

Wang Haiyan said in surprise:

"Ah?! At night, the three of us can go to eat skewers together like in junior high school? 99

Zhou Fangyu says:

"If you keep talking to me, I'll be really late!"

When Wang Haiyan heard this, she quickly replied: "Yes, yes, come over quickly. We will talk when you arrive at school. 35

After speaking, she hung up the intercom.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help shaking his head and smiled, as expected of a tomboy, he was so carefree and flamboyant in everything he did.

He looked at the time, it was already more than 9:20.

The start time of the school ship is 9:30.

Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly put on his clothes.

Then he went out and used the divine power transmitter to teleport himself to the gate of the school.

Walk into the campus of Dongyang No.1 Middle School.

on the playground.

At this time, there were more than 100 senior high school students who were preparing to participate in the league.

A huge spaceship that covers the sky.

At this time, the sky is slowly falling.

Landing soon.

Zhou Fangyu rushed over quickly.

Found Wang Haiyan in the crowd.

"I'm here, haven't I been late?! 35 Zhou Fangyu patted Wang Haiyan on the shoulder and laughed.

Wang Haiyan stood up and said:

"Look in the hatch of the battleship. The principal is standing at the door, looking at us.

After Zhou Fangyu came to Dongyang No. 1 Middle School, the principal has been on business trips.

Therefore, I have not seen this legendary hero who fights on the battlefield.

At this time, he was facing the brilliant morning sun.

Look towards the spaceship door in the sky.

I saw a tall and stout figure standing upright in the cabin door.

Although I can't see what this guy looks like.

But just by standing straight like a javelin, it can be seen that this person is definitely a soldier.

Wait until the spaceship is lowered to a height that Zhou Fangyu can see clearly.

As the principal, he has a slightly aged face and slightly freckled temples.

This made Zhou Fangyu's heart skip a beat.

You know, as the principal, it is said that he is a god of the Great Perfection level of the child god.

Only one step away is the true god-level god.

Such gods have a life span of hundreds of thousands of years.

It is generally impossible to show any signs of aging at all.

The reason for this external sign of aging in the principal.

It means that he must have suffered very serious injuries.

Even, his God's Domain strength may be from the true God level.

He was knocked down to the level of a child god.

Because only such gods can show signs of aging.

But even if he is a little old, this principal has an incomparably resolute, chilling, and tough temperament.

When people saw him, they didn't dare to despise him in the slightest.

On the contrary, it will be held in awe.

The spaceship quickly landed on the playground.

The principal standing at the door of the cabin, Wang Yanbin, swept his gaze over every candidate present.

When he saw Wang Haiyan and Zhou Fangyu, he paused slightly.

Then, the headmaster with an extremely serious expression showed a smile for the first time.

"Classmates, today is the time to test the strength of your Divine Realm. It is the first time in your life that you have participated in such a big battle.

"I don't ask you to achieve what kind of achievements, but you must absorb enough experience and lessons from it.

"Be fully prepared for you to truly embark on the battlefield of gods and demons in the future!

After speaking, Principal Wang waved his hand:

"Everyone boarded the ship, we set off immediately and went to the opening ceremony of the Dongyang High School League!

Wang Yanbin's words were loud and clear, and there was absolutely no nonsense or Mandarin to the point.

This made Zhou Fangyu's perception of him improve a lot again.

The teachers and students of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School were obviously accustomed to this style of Principal Wang.

Everyone was in an orderly manner, and under the command of the teacher, they boarded the boat one by one.

After the last teacher boarded the spaceship.

Wang Yanbin just returned to the spaceship and closed the hatch in person.

Then, the divine power engine of the spaceship made a huge roar.

The terrifying power lifted the huge spaceship like a mountain into the sky.

The teachers and students of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School came to the cabin of the spacecraft, in front of a huge transparent porthole.

In the rising sun, the vast Dongyang City is slowly waking up.

It was different from the morning in Dongyang City that Zhou Fangyu saw last morning when he was on the ground rushing to school.

from the spaceship.

It is possible to see more closely how grand and vast the city of this god is.

Countless magnificent buildings beyond the limits of human imagination.

Protected by transparent masks one by one, standing in the center of the city.

The brilliant defensive bursts exuded terrifying fluctuations of divine power.

The sky above the whole city is colorful.

Countless spaceships, shuttles, and battleships shuttled constantly over the city.

A large part of them are thinking of flying to the Shenli Arena in the city center.

It is estimated that they are all going to participate in the preliminary round of the high school league.

Thousands of ships were dispatched in unison, covering the sky and the sun.

The embellishment is extremely prosperous and magnificent.

Zhou Fangyu looked at such a majestic sight.

Imagine gods, even god kings and god emperors, standing above the entire god world.

Overlooking the gods, the feeling of being in charge of all living beings.

For a moment, endless pride rose in my heart.

It has such a powerful golden finger as the "cross-border transmission system".

Zhou Fangyu firmly believes that one day he will become the master of this world.

Lead the demon clan, the human clan, the witch clan, and the nether clan to sweep the world and conquer the heavens!

Just when Zhou Fangyu imagined the future.

The spaceship of Qingxuan Middle School happened to pass by the spaceship of Dongyang No.1 Middle School.

A few kilometers away, in the porthole of the Qingxuan Middle School spaceship.

Except for one Wei Changsheng who waved his arms excitedly after seeing him.

Zhou Fangyu also clearly saw that the man was polite in front of him.

Behind his back but to his death—


When Zhou Fangyu saw him.

Wu Weilie also smiled and nodded to Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu had no expression on his face, but he sneered in his heart:

"Laugh, I hope you can still laugh after the preliminary round.

at this time.

A huge stadium-like building.

Appeared in the view of the porthole of the spacecraft.

But it's not like a normal stadium.

This huge Divine Power Arena is floating in mid-air.

The originally huge spaceship, in front of this arena, the size gap is like an ant and an elephant.

Countless spaceships were easily parked in the airport outside the arena.

Looking at Dongyang No. 1 Middle School's own very entry into the airport.

Zhou Fangyu took a deep breath.

He silently said in his heart:

"City High School League - here I come!!"

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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