In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 105: Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm Race Completed?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

In the high school league live broadcast room of Dongyang Shenli Video Station.

The true god expert and hostess found a strange black spot in the panoramic screen of the arena.

This little black dot starts up surprisingly fast.

It seems to be a candidate for the competition, bringing his own team of God's Realm race.

Go single-handedly to attack the army of God's Realm races composed of twenty-five trainings.

But this is clearly not common sense.

Therefore, the true god expert and the hostess hurriedly broadcast the footage.

Pulled to this black spot.

Came for a close-up shot.

Wait to see the situation of this black spot.

Both were taken aback.

This turned out to be a team of only about 3,000 people from the Divine Realm race.

And even more astonishing.

In this team, the demigod candidates who were commanding on the spot were completely invisible.

It turned out to be two God Realm races, flying in mid-air, directing the actions of the entire team.

And, watch the team's direction of action.

It happened to go straight to the one—the divine domain race team composed of twenty-five geniuses.

According to the current speed of action of the two teams.

Probably another four or five minutes.

Both teams will meet.

He also said just now that it is impossible for candidates to compete in this competition to single-handedly confront the true god experts of other groups.

Embarrassed at this point.

He couldn't help muttering to himself:

"This candidate is really very powerful, so he dares to go it alone and confront these 25 teams of arrogance. 35

"Or did he know he couldn't make the cut, so he just broke the jar?! 35

The hostess next to her couldn't help but look forward to it:

"I think we'll find out soon enough."

"Because these two teams will meet soon!"

In the live broadcast room of Dongyang Shenli Video Station.

The two commentators were discussing Zhou Fangyu's team of the God's Realm race, and the team of the God's Realm race composed of twenty-five geniuses.

In the Fenghuaxueyue live broadcast room on the other side of the earth.

Countless viewers on earth are watching the live broadcast with excitement.

Rapidly galloping human warriors, cultivators, the ten major races of the witch race, the ten races of the nether race, and the coolest demon race flying in the sky.

in the sky and on the ground.

Arranged in three squares.

On the boundless Gobi, there was a huge enemy army looming in the distance.

run away.

Previously, there was no player who had a clear understanding of the strength of God's Domain players.

Live at this time.

Only to see the horror and power of these God's Domain players.

Here, the weakest Nether Race player.

It can also jump more than ten meters high, and one step spans a hundred meters.

Not to mention the old players of the human race and the witch race.

All of them are extremely powerful, and their speed is astonishing. A casual slap is enough to open up mountains and crack the ground. Any use of a Dao technique at will, can overturn rivers and seas.

As for those monsters flying in the air.

Even more enviable.

Just look at the huge air waves rolled up behind them when they fly together.

Everyone knows how terrifying and amazing the power that erupts when they move in the air.

Just when every viewer watching the live broadcast on the earth was shocked by the strength of the players in God's Domain.

That army was composed of twenty-five gods of the gods.

Finally got into live footage.

Viewers can even see through HD footage clearly.

See the front of this army.

The ferocious face of the lizardmen, the terrifying and ferocious ghost race, the arrogance and ferocity of the Earth Dragon Knight, and the domineering bravery of the giant bear clan...

All in all, twenty-five Tianjiao, leading twenty-five different ethnic armies.

Like a terrifying tsunami.

With an incomparably powerful momentum, and an overwhelming formation, the team dominated by players on Earth rushed over.

on the earth.

The audience at home, breakfast shop, office, playground, school at this time...

In the live broadcast, I saw such a terrifying "Dungeon Monster Big 々|| Army".

They were stunned.

"Such a powerful monster army? My God, can these three thousand players defeat them?"

"God, these monsters are simply demons from hell. No wonder the first level of this dungeon is required to hide their strength, otherwise the demon army will know the true strength of the players?! It is estimated that the demons behind these monsters are more powerful and Scary!"

"The number of players on Earth is estimated to be less than one-twentieth of that of others! How dare you retain your strength in this situation?! Could it be that the strength of the players in "God's Domain" has reached such a terrifying height?

"I can't wait to enter the realm of the gods right now, this game is too realistic and so fun! Even if it can't visualize items and strengths, I still want to play. I beg the official of the age of gods, and send me a game invitation next time. I'll kowtow to you..."

"Kneel down and kowtow +1..."

"Kneel down and kowtow +2..."

"Kneel down and kowtow +10086..."

The audience on Earth watched the live broadcast with excitement.

Looking forward to the players on Earth, when the "devil" army on the opposite side was killed.

Suddenly they noticed a strange thing.

In charge of the live broadcast of Fenghuaxueyue.

When the two teams are about to collide.

Suddenly, he brought the well-known female player Rose Thorn, a Twitter expert, the old bridge of the nether tribe, and a Yaozu Xiaodiaofeng who was very familiar to the Chinese audience.

Left the team of players on Earth.

Thinking of running away in another direction.

It quickly disappeared from the sight of the earth player team and the demon army on the opposite side.

I don't know where to go.

The audiences on Earth were stunned and puzzled by the sudden turn of the live broadcast.

And the demon army in their eyes is over the sky.

Wu Weilie, who was in charge of leading and commanding this army, felt a little strange at this moment.

Zhou Fangyu's army of the god domain race, with his unique aura of divine power.

With a swagger, he rushed to the front of the army of the God Realm race composed of twenty-five arrogances who specially besieged him.

It's a completely self-defeating posture.

However, Zhou Fangyu, who should have appeared most at this time, was not at all in command of his own team of God's Domain races.

When the two teams are about to meet.

In Zhou Fangyu's team of God's Realm races, there are five or six God's Realm races, as if they were running away.

Just ran away without a trace.

it looks.

Zhou Fangyu seemed to be completely vulnerable, and he didn't have the stubborn resistance he had imagined before.

There is no Wuweilie plan.

It takes twenty-five Tianjiao turns to besiege to defeat Zhou Fangyu's scene.

Moreover, this genius was said to be a legendary god by Bai Qi.

After I went to Dongyang No. 1 Middle School, I didn't seem to have a good relationship with my classmates there.

After all, if you have a good relationship, why not go to other candidates from Dongyang No. 1 Middle School to form a team?

Even when the two armies were at war.

This Zhou Fangyu himself was too frightened to show his face.

Could it be that he knew he would lose and was afraid of losing face, so he refused to show his face?

Just when Wu Weilie's mind flashed countless questions.

The army of the God Realm race composed of twenty-five geniuses has already collided with more than three thousand earth player teams.

At the beginning.

These earth players and monster clans also killed hundreds of arrogant racial armies.

It looks really strong and powerful.

But soon.

Under the collision and siege of more and more Tianjiao ethnic armies behind.

This 3,000-strong Zhou Fangyu divine domain race team.

The screams began to erupt one after another.


"Hey, I'm hanging up..."

"God, I can't do it..."

In short, all kinds of screams were heard endlessly.

Then, I saw a player on earth and a demon clan in the air.

They fell to the ground and died.

There are more and more corpses.

The team is dying faster and faster.

The twenty-five arrogant racial army seems to be really invincible and invincible.

Just after a collision.

There are more than 3,000 Zhou Fangyu races in the divine realm, and there are not even one out of ten.

The two teams collided again.

All Zhou Fangyu's god domain races at the scene seemed to have died in the end.

The corpses on the ground were densely packed together.

It looks absolutely magnificent.

At this time, twenty-five Tianjiao armies formed an army of seven or eighty thousand God Realm races.

Just over a thousand people died.

Not much to lose at all.

Seeing this scene in the sky, Wu Weilie felt extremely excited at first.

But it soon felt weird, and it always felt like something was wrong.

But can't find the problem.

Wu Weilie used his spiritual sense to repeatedly probe the ground.

The corpse of Zhou Fangyu's divine race.

There is no breath, it is a completely lifeless corpse.

Ying (Li Zhaohao) should have no problem.

He thought about it for a long time, but to no avail.

Wu Weilie shook his head.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he directed the other geniuses.

Assemble the respective Dominion race teams.

Then put the corpses of Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race together.

After they are all gone.

Then arrange the scapegoat prepared in advance to come and poison these corpses.

But in the distance that Wu Weilie can't see.

At this time, You have always looked exactly the same as his God Realm race.

Even the divine aura is disguised as a divine domain race team.

He had quietly touched behind them, thinking that they were sneaking here.

Taking advantage of these Tianjiao's various opportunities to gather the army.

Infiltrated into the divine domain race team of Tianjiao.

Just when Tianjiao was about to leave with their own God Realm race team.

In this strange Dominion race squad.

A guy with a weird bias.

Suddenly, I complained to a few other partners around me:

"The acting skills of those people are too bad. Before they die, the screams are too fake. If you have the opportunity, you must hire an Oscar winner to teach them how to act!"

"Okay, Twitter, stop complaining. It's a good show to fool these guys!"

"Okay, keep your mouth shut, don't reveal our identities. Now let's start acting according to the plan!


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