In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 107 : Twenty-five arrogances, once abolished! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Seeing Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm race, one by one came back to life.

Stand on the field again.

The live broadcast room of the earth and the live broadcast room of Dongyang Shenli Video Station.

All completely turned upside down.

Even at this time, most people don't know how this operation is done.

But it doesn't prevent everyone from being shocked by this operation - the scalp is numb.

Zhou Fangyu, who had been a complete failure, was resurrected from the dead at this time.

The twenty-five arrogances who originally thought the victory was in their hands, but at this time, they have almost been crippled by each other because of cannibalism.

In the end, it was still in the live broadcast room of the Earth's Flowers and Snows.

Some viewers guessed how this wave of operations by the earth players and the demon clan was achieved.

"Fuck, how did they survive?"

"Yeah, he just died obviously?"

"I remember, it seems that there are people in the demon army who specially checked and confirmed that these players and the demon clan were all dead before they piled up the corpses?"

"Damn it, I guessed it, I T.M guessed what was going on!"

"Don't hang your appetite upstairs, hurry up and say!"

"Do you still remember, the day that God's Domain was just reopened this time. One thing was announced once, that is, the brand-new Nether family, using the innate ability - Soul Seduction, to cheat!"

"Remember! At that time, a lot of people reported the cheating of the Nether Clan, saying that they could add an extra soul to help fight monsters by hooking their souls, and it would also double the speed of cultivation."

"I also remember that later officials seemed to say that this is not cheating, but a natural ability of the Nether family. Although it is used in the early stage, it will increase the speed of realm improvement. But there will be side effects in the later stage! 35

"I understand, I understand what's going on!"

"Haha, I believe many people have thought of it. Now this earth player and the monster clan are resurrected from the dead. It's just that the Nether clan used the ability to seduce souls, and when the two armies were at war, they took advantage of the chaos to hook out all their own souls. ."

"If the body loses its soul, it is naturally no different from death.

"But I heard from a nether tribe that I know, as long as the soul leaves the body for no more than 3 hours. After returning to the body again, there will be no reaction.

"Furthermore, it's very difficult to use the ability of soul hooking on uncooperative beings. The Nether family must be much stronger than the opponent. But for the life that actively cooperates, it is very simple to use soul hooking, and the speed is extremely fast."

"This can easily create an illusion for the demon army. That is, they will wipe out all the players on Earth and the demon clan with one impact.

"Got it, I understand it too. 35

"By using this method, players can first make the demon army think that the player and the demon clan are all dead.

"Then find a way to disguise as the other party and infiltrate the demon army, triggering internal conflicts between them and making them kill each other.

"Finally, the players are resurrected, and they just need to clean up the mess."

"Isn't it possible to do this, without revealing one's own strength, but still be able to defeat the opponent?

"The scalp is numb, this wave of operations is really beautiful.

"Scalp tingling +1..."

"Scalp tingling +10086..."

Just when the Earth audience was having a heated discussion.

The newly resurrected Earth players and demon clans are now getting ready to go.

And this time in front of them.

It is an army of broken Tianjiao Divine Realm races with only ten or twenty thousand left, and each of them is injured.

And those geniuses, at this time, are exhausted from fighting to the ground.

It is simply powerless to command his own God's Domain race to continue fighting.

Wu Weilie was floating in the air at this time.

His power was exhausted, and his body was covered in scars.

And around him, the four or five geniuses who besieged him were not feeling well either.

All were wounded.

When Wu Weilie saw—

Zhou Fangyu's god domain race that has just been killed.

At this time, they all stood up again.

I just felt a daze in my chest, and then I vomited out a mouthful of blood.

The soul is the most powerful and tenacious part of every demigod, deity.

Generally, the soul will vomit blood unless it suffers a serious mental injury.

Wu Weilie is now obviously suffering a mentally devastating blow.

"How is it possible? It's impossible? This T.M is not real!! 39

Wu Weilie, who has always been polite on the surface, actually screamed wildly at this time.

But no matter how he growls, rages, roars.

Nothing can change the final result.

"The warriors and the witches sprinted forward; the cultivators followed behind and supported them with Taoism; the demons flew in the air, hitting and killing powerful enemies!!

Di Jun flew into the air and shouted loudly.

Under his command, more than 3,000 earth players and monsters were like tigers descending from the mountain.

Form a charge formation like a sharp arrow.

After running for a few hundred meters.

One head rushed into the twenty-five Tianjiao, and the remaining more than 10,000 Divine Realm race teams.


The geniuses in the sky only found out that they had been tricked at this time.

They all stopped killing each other, shouting that they wanted to re-command their own God Realm race, and fought to the death with Zhou Fangyu's God Realm Race.

But at this time, Zhou Fangyu's spirit had separated from the body of the fanatic demon clan "Little Diamond Wind".

Let Xiaodiaofeng follow the Twitter masters and their actions.

"Dear classmates, is it a little late for you to try your best now?"

in the sky.

Zhou Fangyu's spirit suddenly appeared.

In front of seven or eight Tianjiao who still have attack power.

"You are Zhou Fangyu?!35

One of Tianjiao said angrily.

"Yes, I am!" Zhou Fangyu laughed even more.

"Student, may I ask you to teach me again?

"You are shameless!

This Tianjiao has a rather big temper, and while scolding, he used the only divine power shock that ordinary demigods can use.

But the divine power in his body was extremely weak at this time.

After hitting it, I didn't wait to hit Zhou Fangyu.

He was blown away by Zhou Fangyu's divine power.

Easier than blowing out the candles on the cake.

"This classmate, do you call me shameless? Your 25 talents from major schools have united to besiege me as an ordinary contestant, isn't that shameless?

Zhou Fangyu asked back.

When this Tianjiao heard this, his face was ugly, and he didn't know what to say.

Zhou Fangyu didn't talk nonsense with him, just waved his hand and slapped the other party out.

At this time, other Tianjiao also saw that Zhou Fangyu was not weak.

more importantly.

At this time, people are full of divine power in their bodies, waiting to work at leisure.

And each of them is a remnant of defeated generals, and there is no way to fight back.

At this time, Wu Weilie managed to control the injury except for the soul, after calming down his mood, he flew to Zhou Fangyu's soul.

"Zhou Fangyu..." Wu Weilie shouted, and then he didn't know what to say.

Together with twenty-five Tianjiao candidates from Dongyang City, they besieged one Zhou Fangyu.

In the end, it had come to such a point that he had nothing to say.

But after thinking about it, he still asked unwillingly:

"Zhou Fangyu, did you defeat Qi Han's army with this weird method?"

Zhou Fangyu knew what Wu Weilie was thinking.

This self-esteemed Tianjiao is still unwilling to admit his failure.

He wanted Zhou Fangyu to admit that defeating him was just through weird tricks and conspiracies.

rather than the crushing of strength.

Zhou Fangyu originally wanted others to misunderstand his own strength.

Of course willing to cooperate with Wu Weilie.

"No way, I used this method to defeat Qi Han's army last time. I seized the opportunity for him to despise me, and finally defeated him."

"Today, you are also following the old path of Qi Hanjun."

Zhou Fangyu laughed.

Wu Weilie's spirit was weak at this time, and he was no match for Zhou Fangyu at all.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, he still did not act rationally, and just looked at Zhou Fangyu fiercely.

"Today's shame, I will definitely remember it in my heart, and I will return it a hundred times in the future.""

Wu Weilie still refused to admit defeat.

Zhou Fangyu laughed at this time, "Are you sure you have a future?

Hearing this, Wu Weilie felt a strong sense of danger in his heart.

"What do you mean by that?

Just as he said this.

In the arena, there are twenty-five god-level races from the heavenly arrogance.

It has almost been slaughtered by more than 3,000 earth players and monsters.

Even the most powerful earth dragon knights.

It is also because of the cannibalism and the killing of the other God's Realm races that have just been chosen by Tianjiao.

In the face of the offensive of the earth players and the demon clan, it is simply vulnerable.

Seeing this scene, Wu Weilie's bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

at this time.

A female player disguised as an Earth Dragon Knight.

Quietly ran to the poisonous snake family who had just arrived at the scene before.

The demigods who lead these poisonous snakes are of low strength.

In the recent Tianjiao civil war, he was accidentally blown up by a certain Tianjiao.

At this time, it is estimated that his soul has returned to his own realm.

After his divine domain race, the poisonous snake, died.

He will automatically withdraw from the preliminary round.

Therefore, at this time, these poisonous snakes have no one to control and command.

They were all spinning in place at this moment, like headless flies.

This is the IQ situation of the vast majority of demigod races.

This is also Zhou Fangyu's super-intelligence race like Earth players.

The most perverted place.

At this time, the earth player does not need his command at all.

According to the plan in advance, after they killed all the gods of the geniuses.

The earth players and the demon clan seemed to turn a blind eye to those poisonous snakes that were still alive.

Turned around and ran away.

at the same time.

··For flowers.....

The female player disguised as an Earth Dragon Knight.

Suddenly, a special magical power was launched against the poisonous snake family.

The simple-minded poisonous snake family suddenly burst out with a terrifying hissing sound.

Afterwards, the venomous snakes seemed to go crazy.

He rushed into the pile of corpses of the Tianjiao Divine Realm race.

They devoured these corpses frantically.

Especially the corpses of those Earth Dragon Knights.

As if these venomous snakes had some deep hatred with them.

The most bites.

And the female player just now disappeared without a trace.

what she just did.

Neither the Dongyang City Shenli Video Station nor the Earth's Live Show Room were filmed.

So no one saw this happening at all.

But Wu Weilie in the sky clearly saw it.

I saw on the ground, one by one the Earth Dragon Knights that they had worked so hard to cultivate.

They were injected with soul-sweeping liquid one by one.

And these soul-sucking liquids, but also T·M prepared by himself.

Wu Weilie's mentality completely collapsed.

He mobilized his soul and threw towards the ground frantically.

I want to prevent this from happening.

But Zhou Fangyu stopped him again.

"Zhou Fangyu, if you stop me again, I will fight with you!"

At this moment, Wu Weilie's face was grim, and his eyes were full of blood-red murderous aura.

It's like a demon who chooses and devours people.

Where is the appearance of the gentle and powerful son of the previous gentleman.

"Fighting with me? Hehe, when you wanted my life, did you ever think about this moment?

Zhou Fangyu sneered.

For each god, the race of the gods is their lifeblood.

Learned from Zhou Fangyu.

Wu Weilie wanted to use the Soul Shaking Liquid to seriously injure the soul of his Divine Realm race, causing him to be completely devastated.

In fact, the relationship between the two people is inexhaustible.

In this case, how could Zhou Fangyu let Wu Weilie go.

If it weren't for, in this playing field.

Even if he killed Wu Weilie's spirit, he could still recover as before.

Zhou Fangyu had already started, and Wu Weilie's spirit was smashed to ashes.

at this time.

The soul-sucking liquid injected into the body of the Earth Dragon Knight.

It started to take effect slowly.

In the sky, the souls of more than 20 Tianjiao began to gradually weaken.

The strength of God's Domain has dropped madly.

Wu Weilie felt the most profound among them.

Because he is the strongest among these geniuses present.

This feeling of gradually becoming weaker made this arrogant arrogant almost mad.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of Dongyang City Shenli Video Station.

Expert True God has found something wrong.

"There is something wrong with those poisonous snakes, they must have been manipulated. Poisonous sacs were put into poisons such as soul-sinking liquid.

Expert True God shouted to the camera.

Although, he immediately took out the communicator and contacted the on-site organizer of the league.

Let the referee deal with it immediately.

Hang up the intercom.

This expert is really like water.

Now, all the people who have been bitten by these poisonous snakes in the Divine Realm race are the elites and geniuses of the major middle schools in Dongyang City.

If all their strengths are greatly reduced.

So this year, the comprehensive scores of candidates in Dongyang City's college entrance examination are likely to decline seriously.

This will make the Nanyue Prefecture Government seriously question and criticize the work of the Dongyang City Governor's Office.

Affects the future future of the guarded adult Folding Sword.

At this moment, the hostess beside her suddenly spoke.

"I just checked, and the poisonous snake with those questions was brought over by a contestant."

"This candidate is a student of the key class of Qingxuan Middle School. Usually, he is very close to Wu Weilie."

"I don't know why his poisonous snake hides something like soul-sweeping liquid?

The hostess's words are actually well-informed.

Anyone who has seen the preliminary round can probably guess it.

This guy who appeared with a poisonous snake is estimated to be arranged by Wu Weilie.

As for the soul-sweeping liquid in those poisonous snake sacs, who was it prepared for in the first place?

Everyone guessed it.

It's just that no one knows why these poisonous snakes suddenly turned against each other.

The soul-shaking liquid was injected into the corpses of twenty-five arrogant gods.

can only say.

These twenty-five arrogances, especially Wu Weilie.

It's self-inflicted.

inside the arena.

Wu Weilie felt that his divine realm strength was passing and declining little by little.

He was completely insane at this point.

"Zhou Fangyu, I want you to die!!

Even if he knew, killing Zhou Fangyu in public here would not help at all.

But at this time, Wu Weilie, who had fallen into madness, was still unable to control his emotions.

He mobilized the last part of his body's divine power.

Crazy used his own killer.


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