In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 109: The preliminaries are over, the bait has been placed, wait for the fish to be hooked! [

The next preliminary round.

For Zhou Fangyu and the more than 3,000 earth players and monsters he brought.

Basically spent in a very leisurely state.

Of course, at this time, he alone destroyed the record of twenty-five Tianjiao.

The other candidates in the arena must not know it yet.

But just now when Zhou Fangyu and Wu Weilie's spirit battle.

The terrifying energy fluctuations erupted.

Almost all the candidates in the arena clearly felt it.


Candidates from many schools have seen the army of twenty-five high school candidates.

It is heading in the direction where Zhou Fangyu is currently.

There are various indications.

The twenty-five arrogant gods' racial army must have had a terrifying slaughter and conflict with another powerful racial army.

This kind of top-level demigod fight, ordinary school candidates would never dare to get involved.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu's spirit observed in the sky for ten minutes.

It was found that there was no God's Domain race from any school participating candidates.

Dare to march towards Zhou Fangyu.

so that.

until the end of the preliminary round.

Zhou Fangyu and the earth players and demon clan he led.

They have never encountered any attacks from other contestants.

In short.

After more than 4 hours of repeated fighting and conflict.

In addition to the twenty-five Tianjiao and Zhou Fangyu, there are more than 2,300 candidates.

In the end, only 99 candidates remained.

Plus Zhou Fangyu, the easygoing guy.

There are exactly 100 candidates who can advance.

And just when the other contestants were fighting each other hard.

Zhou Fangyu is attached to the little diamond wind.

Chatting and spanking with twitter masters.

The two boasted to each other about their extraordinary "acting skills" and the number of "demon soldiers" they had killed.

As for other players.

Not as laid back as a Twitter master.

At this time, these guys are all touching corpses.

Seven or eighty thousand corpses of the Tianjiao Divine Realm race were on the scene.

Less than half an hour.

All were decomposed into various materials and resources by this group of players.

As for the weapons and equipment on these corpses, armor, magic weapons, and elixir crystals.

Of course it's already been scavenged.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

It is indeed the fourth natural disaster!

Wherever you pass, the ground is scraped three feet, and no grass grows!

Seeing Zhou Fangyu and the demon clan's eyelids jumping.

at this time.

The system prompt sound in the competition cabin was directly transmitted to Zhou Fangyu's mind.

【Participant Zhou Fangyu, the preliminary round of Dongyang High School League has all ended!】

[Your Divine Realm race currently has 32 dead, 3068 remaining Divine Realm races, and 19,300 other participating candidates' Divine Realm races, successfully advancing to the next round of competition. 】

【All the gods races you died have been resurrected!】

[Please participate in the one-on-one promotion match of this league at 10:00 tomorrow morning. The specific match list will be sent to your phone at 7:00 tonight. 】

【Now, do you choose to return to your realm immediately?】

The sound of the test cabin sounded.

Zhou Fangyu was overjoyed.

The league preliminaries are finally over.

Staying in this arena again, Zhou Fangyu feels like he can be blown to death by Twitter masters.

11 This guy can talk too much, it's really not comparable to ordinary people.

Zhou Fangyu is happy here.

Unexpectedly, things that made him even happier followed.

The system prompt sound also rang at this time.

"Congratulations, host! This time your divine race killed 19,300 enemy divine races, and extracted through the teleportation system to obtain 35 divine race birth cards.""

‘You can choose to turn these 35 races of the gods into the innate races in the gods!

"Or turn the 35 races of God's Domain into a selectable birth race for players on Earth!

"Players please choose as soon as possible!"

Zhou Fangyu was overjoyed when he heard the system prompt.

Unexpectedly, taking an exam, you can encounter such a good thing.

Think about it.

Right now, the number and types of races in the Innate God Realm are still too few in his own God Realm.

There are only a few demon tribes such as the Golden Crow, the Jade Rabbit, the Fox Demon, and the Cat Demon.

These 35 races of God's Domain, although none of them are powerful races.

Moreover, in the process of fighting just now.

I feel that these demigods of the God Realm race seem to have low IQs.

But it is used to fight the demon race and expand the number of innate races in the gods.

Also a good choice.


Zhou Fangyu chose to turn these 35 races of the gods into the innate races of his own gods.

At the same time, all their birth points were placed around the sacred mountain of the demon clan.

From now on, the demon clan will rule over these 35 innate god domain races.

Finish these things.

Zhou Fangyu linked his divine consciousness to the competition cabin system.

Selected the option to "end the game immediately and return to your own God's Domain"


It's the same as coming to this arena.

At this time, in front of Zhou Fangyu's god domain race army.

A huge vortex appeared again in the void.

Soon, this vortex became a gate of time and space.

Open up the arena with Zhou Fangyu's God's Domain.

The earth players and the demon clan saw the gate of time and space suddenly appear.

Everyone knows that the first level of the copy should be over.

Under the command of Taiyi and Dijun, all 3100 people returned to Zhou Fangyu's domain.

It reappeared on the big square on the top of the mountain of the Yaozu Sun Holy Mountain.

Di Jun is the commander of this dungeon event.

Standing up to the Earth players and demon clan present, he briefly summarized the process and results of this event.

In short, the first level of the dungeon was successfully passed, and the plan that everyone made and practiced in advance was a great success.

Just wait for the reward of God the Father and that's it.

Most of the players present have also participated in several dungeon events in God's Domain.

Know the approximate process.

Now, the "Wandao Martial Arts Conference" has only passed the first level.

The city-building order reward they wanted most could not be obtained until the dungeon was over.


Now these earth players are most concerned about their own military exploits.

This is the best reward that players can get after each instance is over.

With these exploits, they can exchange many good things for free.

Especially these players on the scene, most of them have reached the peak of high martial arts or even great consummation.

They are only one step away from the Immortal Martial Realm.

However, there are very few fairy martial arts exercises placed by Zhou Fangyu in "God's Domain".

The conditions and prices you want to buy are also very expensive.

It is undoubtedly the most cost-effective to use the merits to exchange the martial arts secrets of the Immortal Martial Realm.

This is the most important reason why these Earth players are so active and enthusiastic about this dungeon.


When these players open their "game panel" and see the battle merit column, at this time, a very rich battle merit point has been added.

All were elated.

After the dungeon ended, their military exploits were all very high.

These battle points are Zhou Fangyu before entering the competition arena.

Let the "cross-border teleportation system" be automatically assigned to the player according to the player's specific performance in this "dungeon" operation.

Among them, the players with the highest military exploits are naturally Twitter masters and Laoqiao.

Because the entire customs clearance plan was created by these two people.

Without their plans, Zhou Fangyu was in this preliminary round.

Only by completely exposing one's own strength of the God's Domain race can he have a chance to defeat the siege of twenty-five geniuses.

It simply won't be as easy to win as it is now.

Therefore, it is only natural to give the Twitter masters and Laoqiao the greatest military exploits.

As for the remaining players, according to their performance and output.

They have won a lot of battles.

The players on the scene were all cheering and feeling very satisfied with this reward.

Zhou Fangyu was also very satisfied when he saw the performance of the Earth players.

These leeks are getting better and better.

You know, it seems that Zhou Fangyu gave these Earth players a lot of rewards.

But in fact, these rewards will eventually be used by players to improve their strength.

And the higher the player's strength, the stronger Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

The more divine power and divine crystals are harvested every day.

Therefore, in the end, these rewards are actually cheaper than Zhou Fangyu alone.

Earth players will not only work for him for nothing, but will also be grateful to him!

Of course, all of this, players do not know.

At this time, they had already jumped away from the sacred mountain of the demon clan.

Excitedly, they rushed back to their respective cities and exchanged their military exploits for what they wanted.

The strength has reached Gaowu Great Consummation of several human race and witch race players in the wild world.

After returning to Shenzhou City, he rushed into the gymnasium and martial arts pavilion even more excitedly.

Go to learn the first-level exercises in the fairyland that you want.

at the same time.

The little diamond wind possessed by Zhou Fangyu also followed the players away from the holy mountain of the demon clan.

He took his soul out of the body of this mad believer.

Commanded the soul of the little drill wind.

Let him follow the Twitter masters to fight monsters to upgrade and practice to improve.

And Zhou Fangyu's divine soul had already left the divine realm and returned to the main world.

In the huge Divine Power Arena.

There was silence at this time.

More than 100,000 spectators watched the whole process of the preliminary round through the holographic projection screen.

But it is specific to the final result of each participating candidate.

It is still necessary to wait for all the candidates to leave the cabin.

to be finally determined.

On the floating booth in the center of the arena.

The doors of the more than 2,300 competition cabins opened one after another.

From the inside came out the candidates who were either ecstatic or bleak.

Until the last participating candidate walks out of the hatch.

The audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

The terrifying sound seemed to overturn the entire Divine Power Arena.

Zhou Fangyu had also left the competition cabin at this time.

as soon as it comes out.

He saw that Wang Haiyan was already standing in front of him.

"Fang Yu, you acted alone, and you didn't encounter any danger, did you? Have you advanced?"

Wang Haiyan asked nervously.

Obviously, she doesn't know!

The twenty-five Tianjiao army went to trouble Zhou Fangyu.

Not to mention, what kind of intense conflict broke out between Zhou Fangyu and the twenty-five Tianjiao army.

Zhou Fangyu also didn't want to tell Wang Haiyan these things, so as not to worry her in vain.

He smiled and said to Wang Haiyan:

"There is no danger. I found a corner in the competition venue and stayed at a leisurely pace. Then I successfully advanced!

Wang Haiyan said excitedly: "That's great, I also successfully advanced.

"Tomorrow, let's come together to participate in the promotion competition!"

Zhou Fangyu nodded

At this time, Wei Changsheng also came over.

He pulled Zhou Fangyu aside and asked in a low voice, "Those guys really besieged you?

Zhou Fangyu nodded.

"Are you okay?" Wei Changsheng asked nervously.

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"I made the cut and they all got knocked out. What do you think I can do?

"What matters is the people who besieged me."

Hearing this, Wei Changsheng slapped Zhou Fangyu on the shoulder excitedly.

"Good guy, I knew you had a way, but I didn't expect you to have such a way."

"Fighting twenty-five arrogance alone, this is the rhythm of sweeping all high schools in Dongyang City!"

At this time, Wang Haiyan next to him complained:

"I said, what are the two of you whispering? Are you going to say it behind my back?"

Wei Changsheng, this brat, immediately replied:

"We're talking about something that boys only say, are you sure you want to hear it?"

Wang Haiyan was taken into the ditch by his words.

She blushed and gave Wei Changsheng a hard fist on the shoulder.

"You bastard, I'm worried that you've ruined Fang Yu.

Wei Changsheng smiled and said, "I led him badly? He is much worse than me! 35

Just when these three best friends were talking and laughing.

On the holographic projection screen above the floating booth.

The information of the candidates who have successfully advanced this time has appeared.

Name, school, race number...

The audience watched one by one.

Many people quickly discovered a fact that shocked them.

In the qualifying list for this preliminary round.

Not a single one of the well-known Tianjiao candidates from the major middle schools made the cut.

A dozen middle schools, and the top twenty-five arrogances were wiped out.

When the incident was discovered, the audience was in an uproar.

Just then.

A group of richly dressed children of aristocratic families suddenly rushed down from the auditorium.

They broke through the barriers of security personnel.

All the way to the floating booth.

Soon, twenty-five arrogant, pale-faced Tianjiao walked vainly.

He was helped out by the children of these powerful families.

A middle-aged man headed by him, Qi Yu is arrogant, his face is handsome, and there is a faint image of wind and thunder in his eyes.

At first glance, it is a powerful god.

The whole body is majestic and inviolable!

He supported Wu Weilie, who had the most ugly face, and went straight to Zhou Fangyu.

"Student Zhou Fangyu, my son Wu Weilie doesn't know what offends you. I'll give you an apology first."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged deity suddenly turned cold and continued:

"But even if Wu Weilie offends you, he won't let you persecute him to this point! Life has brought his realm of the gods down to the first level of demigods!! 99

The middle-aged deity stood in front of Zhou Fangyu.

It seems polite, but the meaning in the words is extremely sinister.

When I came up, I wanted to give Zhou Fangyu the hat of persecuting classmates.

Zhou Fangyu did not eat this set at all.

"Why did Wu Weilie's realm suddenly drop to the first level of a demigod, he knows it himself. The referee also came to a conclusion on the matter. I don't have time here to waste time with you guys."

He finished coldly.

Then, he turned around and grabbed Wei Changsheng and Wang Haiyan, trying to leave the booth.


Behind the middle-aged deity, the deities of other powerful families shouted when they saw that Zhou Fangyu wanted to leave.

Several gods even came behind Zhou Fangyu and surrounded him faintly.

The audience at the scene all discovered the situation here at this time.

Everyone is talking about what just happened.

Because, the holographic projection screen on the scene just did not broadcast the process of Zhou Fangyu's battle with 25 Tianjiao in the competition arena.

Therefore, the audience at the scene now still doesn't know anything about what happened to the 25 Tianjiao.

At this time, seeing so many children of aristocratic families, they surrounded an ordinary contestant.

For a time, these audiences were also confused about the situation.

The Divine Power Arena, which was still extremely noisy just now, became extremely silent at this time.

Everyone was paying attention to Zhou Fangyu on the booth and the powerful family that surrounded him.

Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense.

A male voice suddenly sounded, echoing throughout the arena.

"Those who surrounded the contestant Zhou Fangyu, please disperse immediately. This is the scene of the city's high school league held by the guard house, not the compound of your powerful family!

After hearing this voice, the gods of the powerful family all changed their expressions.

Killing God Bai Qi!!

Three years ago, a child of a powerful family in Dongyang City.

Holding his identity, he made trouble in the guard house.

It was killed by this Bai Qi on the spot.

In the short ten years of Bai Qi's ten years in Dongyang City, countless children of aristocratic families have been killed or abolished.

These powerful families have long regarded Bai Qi as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

But Bai Qi is the true god who ranks first in lethality under the gods in Dongyang City.

These noble families wanted to kill him, but they couldn't do anything about him.

Finally had to avoid him.

Now, Bai Qiming is posing for Zhou Fangyu.

This made Wu Weilie's father, Wu Qianjun, shrink his eyes, and began to weigh the pros and cons in his heart, and did not dare to act rashly.

at the same time.

On the holographic projection screen on the floating booth, the scene of Zhou Fangyu and twenty-five Tianjiao's battle just now began to be played.

Until the final match referee appeared and made the final decision.

The cause and effect of the incident are already very obvious.

Twenty-five Tianjiao teamed up to kill Zhou Fangyu alone.

However, he was completely defeated by Zhou Fangyu's strategy.

In the end, twenty-five Tianjiao prepared the soul-sweeping liquid to harm Zhou Fangyu in advance.

All injected into the corpses of their own Dominion race.

This led to the elimination of all 25 Tianjiao.

Their gods' realm strength also plummeted, and they all became elementary-level demigods.

Although I don't know why these twenty-five arrogances want to besiege Zhou Fangyu alone.

After all, in the eyes of the live audience.

Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race is not too strong.

Only 3,100 God Realm races, not to mention, rely on conspiracy and tricks to defeat the 25 Tianjiao coalition forces.

But no matter what the cause and effect were, twenty-five Tianjiao went to besiege one person with absolute strength, and in the end they failed.

In this case, what face do you have to find trouble with Zhou Fangyu?!

a time.

All the gods and the audience shouted the words "Zhou Fangyu" loudly.

Showing support for Zhou Fangyu.

When Wu Qianjun saw the fishing reels of the audience, he had completely fallen to Zhou Fangyu's side.

In front of Bai Qi, he and others were unable to seek benefits.

In the end, he could only give Zhou Fangyu a vicious look.

Afterwards, he waved his hand and brought Wu Weilie, as well as twenty-five other geniuses.

Go downstairs.

But I don't know if it was intentional or not.

Just when Wu Weilie passed by Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly said a word in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Aren't you surprised? After I opened up the realm of the gods, why did I break through to a demigod of the Great Perfection Realm in less than a week?!"

Finish saying this.

Zhou Fangyu immediately turned around and walked towards Bai Qi.

"Senior brother! Didn't you say you were going to send a true god-level god to protect me? When will that person arrive?

Although Bai Qi was strange, why did Zhou Fangyu suddenly ask this question.

But he still answered casually:

"Oh, that true god, 577 will come to you at seven or eight tonight.

"Don't run around tonight, there shouldn't be any demons coming to you right away.

Zhou Fangyu smiled and said, "Oh, then I'm relieved!"

The conversation between the two, the others present did not have much reaction.

After all, there have been many demons in Dongyang City recently.

Human geniuses and demigods like Zhou Fangyu are the favorite targets of demons.

Bai Qi attaches great importance to the safety of Zhou Fangyu, his younger brother.

It is normal to find someone to protect him.

But Wu Weilie, who was walking outside the booth, shrank his eyes.

Keep this in mind.

Then he turned and left.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Wu Weilie's back.

He actually knew in his heart that with Wu Weilie's IQ, he must have guessed that this was a trap he stepped into.

But even if he knew that this was a trap, Wu Weilie would definitely step in.

The reason is very simple, although the powerful children can get the help of the family.

But once it loses its value, it will also be abandoned by the family.

Wu Weilie is 18 years old this year.

If he can't get the god-king-level exercises bestowed by the Folding Sword as the number one scholar in the college entrance examination, he can't be admitted to the top ten gods universities in the empire.

Next year, wait for his younger brothers to go to high school.

His position in the family will plummet.

Now, Wu Weilie, whose strength has dropped sharply.

The only chance is to obtain the secret of Zhou Fangyu's short-term power surge.

In a short period of time, he has broken through again from the Beginning Demigod to the Great Perfection Demigod.

Otherwise, after the college entrance examination, Wu Weilie will be completely abandoned by the family.

Therefore, even if Wu Weilie knew that Zhou Fangyu had set a trap for him, he would have to step in through gritted teeth.

Otherwise, he will be doomed.

This is Zhou Fangyu's conspiracy, forcing Wu Weilie to do something to himself.

In this way, he can justly kill Wu Weilie and get what he wants.

Of course, in order to prevent Wuwei's death and threatening his own safety.

Zhou Fangyu had to save himself a back-up.

After Wu Weilie and his party all left.

Zhou Fangyu came directly to Bai Qi's side and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, at six o'clock tonight, you come to the large junkyard near my house to find me. I have something very important to tell you."9

Bai Qi looked at him suspiciously.

"What the hell are you doing kid?"

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"If you were originally, I wouldn't care about the matter of your Demon Hunting Bureau this time!""

"I quit this league directly."

"Anyway, the championship rewards you give are not so attractive to me!"

Bai Qi looked at Zhou Fangyu.

I don't know what's wrong with this kid.

"You kid still threatened me?"

"Why is this a threat? This is a request from a junior!" Zhou Fangyu said with a smile.

Bai Qi was fine tonight.

He was too lazy to mess with Zhou Fangyu, the slicker.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, a trip to the junkyard will not be without a piece of meat.

He reluctantly said:

"Okay, I'll definitely go there to find you when the time comes, that's alright.

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" Zhou Fangyu smiled and thanked him.

Then he dragged Wei Changsheng and Wang Haiyan away.

Before walking out of the Magic Arena.

No one saw the sneer on Zhou Fangyu's face.

"My last straw, Wu Weilie couldn't help but catch it."

"Tonight, as long as he appears, don't even think about leaving alive."

That's right, this is the bait that Zhou Fangyu gave Wu Weilie.

And Bai Qi is the insurance that can ensure Wu's mighty strength and cannot be broken.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu couldn't really take his own safety.

All on Bai Qi.

Don't forget, after he obtained the Supreme Godhead Fragment and the Godhead of the Qi Han Army.

It has already gained the ability to enter and leave the domain of God anytime, anywhere.

Now, the only difference between Zhou Fangyu and ordinary gods is that they cannot allow the race of the gods to appear in the main world.

Once Wu Weilie's means threatened Zhou Fangyu's safety.

It's a big deal for him to hide in his own realm.

If Wu Weilie and his methods dared to forcibly break into Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

Zhou Fangyu will let them know what is Wang Yanghai who is caught in the people, the people, the war and the war.

2.1 million earth players who are not afraid of death.

It will definitely allow all the gods who break into Zhou Fangyu's realm and whose strength is below the gods.

Ten dead!

Now, the bait is ready, the insurance is ready, and even the escape route has been arranged.

Zhou Fangyu just had to wait for the big fish to take the bait.

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