In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 118: The Angel God of the Western Empire - Keisha! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Just when Bai Qi was about to say that great good thing.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly felt that the time and space around him were frozen.

He was immediately shocked.

If you are in the realm of the gods, there are countless gods who can do this.

But it can be on the main plane of the gods world.

To be a god of fixed time and space.

That is definitely the master of the master.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was cranky.

Bai Qi on his side suddenly moved.

Just the blink of an eye.

Bai Qi rushed to the door of Zhou Fangyu's room.

He shouted to the door:

"Caisha, why did you birdman come here?"

Zhou Fangyu turned his head and looked outside the big hole in the wall, the frozen street and the sky.

Looking at the door of his own room, it was empty and dark.

Feel like you are having a nightmare.

And Bai Qi is also the protagonist of this nightmare.

at this time.

A blond, elegant, and tall god-level beauty walked in from outside the door.

Zhou Fangyu didn't even look with his eyes.

His sharp consciousness had already made him feel it.

The terrifying divine might radiated from the woman in front of her.

The power is so strong!

So that in the void, it collided violently with the air.

Countless tiny white spots of light are produced.

And these white light spots were all concentrated on the woman's back.

Formed a pair of huge white wings!

And the wings fluttered a dozen times in midair before they gradually dissipated.

This beauty like a goddess walked into the room with a cold face.

She looked at Bai Qi and smiled lightly:

"Old friend, we meet again. But your attitude towards the gods of our Western Empire is still so unfriendly. 39

Speaking of which, she took two steps forward.

It seems that at this time, I noticed Zhou Fangyu on the side.

Was staring at her dumbfounded.

"Huh?! You can move and see me?

The beautiful woman looked at Zhou Fangyu with some amazement, and smiled.

Bai Qi found out at this time.

Zhou Fangyu actually appeared after Keisha.

Still able to move freely.

He was also very shocked!

You know, Kaisha is among the younger generation of gods in the Western Empire.

The true god who is closest to the "five-eight-three" realm of the gods.

Known as the first genius of the Western Empire's angel family!

And her godhead characteristic is the control of time and space.

Ordinary elementary true gods, when she appeared.

Under the influence of her time and space divine power, they will be frozen in time and space, unable to move.

But Zhou Fangyu is only a junior child god.

He was able to move freely after Keisha appeared.

This is so shocking.

But Bai Qi's face remained calm.

He stepped in front of Zhou Fangyu.

Blocked Kaisha's curiosity and peeping at Zhou Fangyu.

"Caisha, you should know my character.

"If you dare to hurt this young deity. I have no guarantee that you will be able to leave the Eastern Empire alive.""

The expression on Bai Qi's face was flat.

But the threat in his words was extremely strong.

A playful smile appeared on Keisha's face.

"Didn't you ask me to protect this little guy and take him to this year's 'Lost Gods Expedition' event?

"From now on, I want to be with him for at least two months!

"Would you be able to follow us every day and see if I would hurt him?"

Bai Qi's face changed suddenly, and said coldly:

"You better not challenge my patience! I need a commitment from you, you know what I mean! 35

Keisha smiled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, although I'm curious as to why this little guy can break through my time-space confinement. 35

"But it won't hurt him."

“After all, the Western and Eastern Empires are now allies. 39

"If we fall out, those demons will be happy!"

"So, I won't touch this little guy, and I will protect him well."

Bai Qi's words to Kaisha didn't take it to heart at all.

"Immediately, in the name of your godhead, I swear to the will of the gods and the world, while Zhou Fangyu follows you and leaves Dongyang City!"5

"You will never hurt him, and at the same time will make every effort to protect his safety! Make sure he returns to Dongyang City safely!"

Bai Qi said coldly.

Hearing this, Keisha's face finally changed.

The smile on her face disappeared completely.

Looking at Bai Qi coldly, he said:

"Killing God Bai Qi! Do you think I would make such an oath?"

"Betting on my own godhead to keep this little guy safe?! 39

Bai Qi smiled at this time.

"I believe you will, because if you want to become a god within a hundred years. 35

"You have to get that thing!"

"And that thing is very unfortunate, it happens to be in the guard's hands of the folding sword!"

"The reason why we are at ease is to let you take Zhou Fangyu to participate in this year's 'Lost Domain' expedition."

"Because of this! 35

When Keisha heard this, she broke out:

"Enough!! Are you blackmailing me?!"

She growled.

The white wings behind it flashed out instantly.

An incomparably strong divine might gushed out from her.

Huge energy fluctuations.

Pushing Zhou Fangyu back a few steps, he finally stopped.

Bai Qi faced this momentum and didn't take a step back.

His face was full of indifference, and he didn't care about Keisha's outbursts at all.

Keisha saw his reaction.

In the end, he had no choice but to retract the wings behind him, completely suppressing the momentum of his whole body.

"Bai Qi, I hope you can understand. Facing the common enemy of demons, the Eastern and Western empires must cooperate in order to resist their invasion. 35

Keisha said helplessly.

"Hehe, it's as if you never thought about invading the Eastern Empire."

Bai Qi didn't ignore him at all, and retorted:

"If it weren't for the demons who opened up the time and space channel to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"You were crushed by them. Would you be willing to ally with our Eastern Empire?

Keisha felt a splitting headache.

Every time I face this killer.

She will always be scolded by each other in various ways.

As if Keisha once invaded the Eastern Empire.

"What you said is already history."

"Now the high-level officials of the Eastern and Western Empires have signed an alliance agreement.

Keisha could only go on to explain:

"Until the demons perish, neither of us will be able to violate this agreement.

"So, now we are allies.

"As for the relationship between the two empires in the future, it's not something we little people should worry about. Now, can you talk to me properly?"

Bai Qi also knew that he had to accept it as soon as he saw it.

It is not good for him to offend Keisha, the angel god.

"no problem.

A smile finally recovered on Bai Qi's face:

"I can totally talk to you.

"As long as you are willing to swear, protect Zhou Fangyu's safety! 35

"If you don't want to swear, our deal is over!

"If you want that thing, wait for the next life!

Keisha calmed down instead.

She thought about it and looked at Zhou Fangyu next to her.

With a smile on his face, he said:

"Interesting, a senior high school student who is just entering the realm of God can make you so nervous. My interest in him is getting bigger and bigger."

After saying this, she gave Zhou Fangyu a deep look.

Looking at Zhou Fangyu behind his back, I couldn't help but get chills.

Fortunately, in the end Keisha compromised.

She laughed:

"Okay, I swear.

"The will of the gods is above all, the god Keisha, the god named Seraph Mommatis, the godly space-time controller... I swear to you here!"

"During the two months that Zhou Fangyu followed me, I will never hurt him, and will do everything possible to protect his safety! Protect him back to Dongyang City safely!"

Keisha's voice fell.

The terrifying Tianwei suddenly descended.

A bolt of void lightning flashed across the entire space.

The photo of Zhou Fangyu's home is extremely shining.

Then, in Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm, suddenly there was a blue thread that no one else could see.

Linked him to Keisha.

Zhou Fangyu could clearly feel it.

Within two months, once Keisha put him in danger, or even hurt him.

That Kaisha's own divine domain and divine personality will be severely damaged.

even die instantly.

It seems that the oath of the gods world is not something that can be talked about casually.

If you swear, you break your oath.

Unless you don't go back to the god world for the rest of your life.

Otherwise, they will be severely punished by the will of the gods.

After Bai Qi heard Kaisha's oath, he was obviously relieved.

"Kaisha, I hope you will keep your vows and bring Zhou Fangyu back safely. 35

"When the time comes, as a reward. Lord Guardian will definitely give you that thing.

Keisha sneered:

"You better do what you say.

"Otherwise, His Majesty the Holy Son will seek justice for me.

Bai Qi firmly said:

"You don't have to worry, we are guarding the adults, and we have never broken our promises in our life."

Keisha nodded.

The reputation of the folding sword in the entire gods world is indeed very good.

Otherwise, she would not agree to take on the task of protecting Zhou Fangyu.

"Okay, let's get down to business.

Keisha smiled and asked:

"When do I and this little guy leave?"

"The organizer of this Lost God's Domain expedition is our Western Empire. I have to go to Shenyun Island in advance and complete a lot of preparations."

Bai Qi thought about it and said:

"The day after tomorrow at 9:00!"

"Tomorrow, this kid will also participate in our Dongyang City League."

"After he wins the championship, he bids farewell to his friends."

"You can take him away.

Keisha nodded and smiled:

"Okay, the time to leave is set."

"I'm too lazy to explain to this little guy about the Lost Gods expedition."

"Explain it to him yourself."

"I can keep him safe, but I won't be his nanny."

"How much benefit he can get from this Lost God's Domain expedition depends on his own strength!"

Bai Qi said angrily:

"Got it, got it. No one wants you to be a babysitter!

Keisha smiled slightly, turned around and walked out of the door.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

The surrounding time and space, at the moment when Keisha disappeared.

It returned to normal in no time.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu looked outside the door of the room, where Kaisha disappeared.

I looked again, behind the big hole in the wall of the room.

Spaceships, shuttles, and pedestrians returning to normal on the streets in the sky.

It took half a day to respond.

"Senior brother, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"What you said, the true god that the Anti-Magic Bureau brought to protect me is this Kaisha?

"What about the God's Meteor Island and the Lost God's Domain expedition... What do you mean?

"Also, why should I follow this Kaisha and leave Dongyang City the day after tomorrow?"

"It's too sudden, isn't it?

Bai Qi was questioned like a machine gun by Zhou Fangyu, and was blocked for a long time and could not speak.

When Zhou Fangyu stopped talking, he found a chance to speak.

"Boy, anything else is cheap and good!

"I'll tell you..."

"This time, in order to find Kaisha to protect you, Lord Guardian has promised to give it to him, but he has kept a treasure that he has kept for many years!"

"And, in order for you to win the entire Nanyue Prefecture, a place to participate in the 'Lost God's Domain Expedition' event."

"Two days ago, Lord Guardian, I personally rushed to the Nanyue Prefecture, found the Lord of the Prefecture, and pleaded for a long time with my face down!"

"It was only then that the Lord of the State Government agreed to give you one of the only two places available in the entire Nanyue State House this year.

"It can be said, for you guy. It can be said that guarding adults is exhausting!

Bai Qi angrily pushed Zhou Fangyu back.

Zhou Fangyu did not appreciate it, and still doubted:

"This expedition to the Lost God's Domain is the great thing you just said?

"How come I never heard of it?"

"More importantly, why do you and the guards insist on letting me leave Dongyang City?"

"It's just over 2 months away from the college entrance examination.."

"I'm not staying in Dongyang City right now, which affects the results of the college entrance examination. What should I do?"

Bai Qi saw that he was still not on the road.


"As far as your current strength is concerned, it means to resume the present and sleep until the college entrance examination. This year's Nanyue Prefecture College Entrance Examination champion is definitely yours.

"A trip to Dongyang City will affect your performance!"

"The reason why we want you to leave Dongyang City temporarily. 35

"It's because a genius god like you is too precious and scarce. 35

"There are too many demons in Dongyang City now, and they must all be staring at you.

"more importantly."

"In the preliminary round of the league, you offended twenty-five aristocratic families again.

"Wu Qianjun came to trouble you tonight, do you want to encounter it a few more times? 35'

"Now, let you follow Kaisha to leave Dongyang City temporarily."

"As soon as the eyes of the demons and those powerful people can't find you for a while, their attention will gradually shift from you. In this way, you will be much safer!

'Secondly, this adventure in the Lost God's Domain is a rare opportunity. 33

"Every year, the Eastern and Western Empires will organize a group of the best senior high school students to board the Shenyun Island in the Shenwei Sea! 35

"Let these candidates enter the Lost God Realm formed after the fall of the gods, and conduct adventures and competitions."

"I can tell you that there are very precious resources and props in this Lost God's Domain."

"If you enter the lost domain of the Eastern Empire gods!"

"Then it is possible to obtain the powerful divine races of human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals, as well as various high-end divine domain secret books, equipment, magic weapons, and medicinal pills..."

"These things are not like things in the Immortal Martial Realm, you can find channels to buy them!"

"No matter how many god crystals you have, you may not be able to buy the gods' races and gods' items above the human fairyland. You can only rely on yourself to go to the different time and space planes and collect them little by little!

"But if you can enter the Lost God Realm, these things can be easily obtained.

"Such a good thing is in front of you, boy, do you really want it or not.

Bai Qi threatened:

"I immediately went to the guardian and asked him to give this place to other senior high school candidates!

Upon hearing this, Zhou Fangyu realized that this Lost God Realm could obtain such great benefits.

Immediately changed his mind:

"Hehe, senior brother, don't be angry, what I said just now was just teasing you! Don't take it seriously!"

"I'm going, can't I go?

Bai Qi said angrily:

"You kid, you really don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

"If it wasn't for seeing that your talent is too amazing. Such a good opportunity would not have been given to you!

Zhou Fangyu sneered and asked tentatively:

"That senior brother, Lord Folding Sword has given me so much care and benefits. I don't even know how to repay him? Otherwise, you can give me an idea!"9

Bai Qi glanced at him and smiled:

"Don't play that clever little boy.

"Master Guardian is a high-level god, and you don't need a newly promoted god to return anything."

"Lord Guardian, let me give you a sentence, in the future you will become a true god, and even after the gods, if Dongyang City is in trouble, come back to help your hometown.

"Even if you repay him! 35

Hear this!

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but feel awe in his heart for this guard!

Have such a heart!

No wonder there are so many gods in Dongyang City!

Great respect and admiration for this guard!

Treat him like a father and a brother!

"Okay, tonight's event is over."

"After the end of the league tomorrow, hurry up and say goodbye to your two friends and Mr. Zhong Kangxiu. 35

"At 3.9 in the morning the day after tomorrow, let's go to Shenyun Island with that guy Keisha.

"With her protection, even if I meet the prince of the Night Demons."5

"She can also take you to a safe escape. 35

Bai Qi finally ordered Zhou Fangyu.

Then, he was about to turn around and leave.

Zhou Fangyu saw that he was about to leave, so he quickly caught up and asked the last question.

"Senior brother, is there no danger at all when exploring the Lost God's Domain?

When Bai Qi heard this, he smiled at Zhou Fangyu:

"The Lost Realm itself is not in any danger."

"But the senior three candidates who went to explore are not all good babies. 35

"In the Lost God's Domain, there is no rule of the main plane to suppress. Any demigod can summon his own God's Domain race at any time to attack other demigods.""

"That is to say, candidates can kill each other."

"As long as you don't get caught and evidence."

"Even if you kill other candidates, no one will trouble you after you come out.

"Of course, because the candidates who can enter the Lost God's Domain are not much different in strength from each other. The number of candidates who die every year because of this is actually very few.

Speaking of which.

Bai Qi looked at Zhou Fangyu with a weird face.

"It shouldn't be too dangerous for you to enter the Lost God's Domain."

"I'm more worried about other candidates who have entered the Lost God's Domain. If they meet you, they should be more dangerous."

"After all, the average examinee is at most the level of entering the realm of gods."

"How can you be so perverted, you have just been promoted to a god, and you are already a junior child god."

Zhou Fangyu smiled embarrassedly when he heard this.

He said to himself:

"Old Bai, you don't know, I'm not a junior child god, but a middle-level child god.""

Seeing that Zhou Fangyu didn't speak, Bai Qi turned around and wanted to leave.

Zhou Fangyu pulled him again.

His face was serious, as if there was some important secret that he wanted to tell Bai Qi.

Bai Qi saw Zhou Fangyu so serious.

also became serious.

"You kid, say something quickly, don't make people lose their appetite!"

Bai Qi scolded.

Zhou Fangyu nodded and said something very important with great seriousness.

After Bai Qi listened to Zhou Fangyu's words.

The pupils in his eyes instantly dilated, and the expression on his face changed dramatically.

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