In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 122: Floating City and Floating Battleship 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

PS: There is one more chapter, it will be updated soon, look forward to it!

After Zhou Fangyu commanded the high-level people to announce the occasional announcement.

Can't help feeling.

The player's coquettish operation will always exceed the limit of your imagination.

Moreover, in a game, the more the number of players and the longer the time of playing the game, the higher the probability and frequency of the salacious operation.

After the number of players soared to 20 million.

I don't know yet, how many brand new tricks and "brain holes" there will be

Waiting for Zhou Fangyu to deal with it~ and deal with it!

No way, for free – cutting leeks is cool though.

It's cool to be a salted fish who won by lying down.

But the price is because these earth players are worried every day.

That's called gain and loss.

Zhou Fangyu also has nothing to complain about.

After all, it took him less than a month to increase the strength of God's Domain.

It surpassed the efforts of other gods for decades, or even hundreds of years.

These are also brought to him by the earth players.

Zhou Fangyu really loves and hates players.

You can only keep improving your skills and level of cutting leeks.

Make sure those leeks don't grow crooked.

After solving the problem on the player's side.

Zhou Fangyu's wine was completely sober.

He was no longer sleepy.

Continue to stay in the realm of the gods, and start to pay attention to the development of the demon clan.

Since the two holy mountains of the demon clan merged into one.

After becoming a towering "Little Buzhou Mountain".

The two major tribes of the Yaozu, the Golden Crow and the Jade Rabbit, began to prepare for the merger.

The demon emperor and the demon emperor commanded the little demons and built countless pavilions on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

The peak above the clouds is built like a dream.

It seems like a real heaven.

Of course, the actual scale is definitely impossible to compare with the legendary Heavenly Court.

But have to say.

Zhou Fangyu learned from this practice of the demon emperor and demon emperor.

saw their ambitions.

Become the co-lord of heaven and earth, the supreme of all races!

Living alone in the nine heavens, he is called the Emperor of Heaven!

The temptation to the demon clan is indeed great!

But Zhou Fangyu has no opinion on this.

As long as the demon clan's loyalty to him remains unchanged, they want to improve their status and identity in the realm of the gods.

This is not a bad thing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu decided to help the demon clan.

He first took the earth player side and invented a way to quickly improve his strength.

The voice transmission was given to the demon emperor and the demon emperor.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangyu also specially instructed the demon clan.

Temporarily suspend the construction of Heavenly Court, and work hard to improve your own strength.

As soon as possible, let the demon clan rise through the calamity, and the whole clan will achieve the strength of the fairyland.

Until then.

The overall strength of the demon clan will be different from what it is today.

The gap between human immortals and immortal martial arts.

It is bigger than the gap between Immortal Martial Great Perfection and Low Martial Elementary Rank.

After all the demon clan members become immortals.

Plus the upcoming dragon, phoenix, and unicorn three clans.

Even if the strength and number of players on Earth skyrocketed.

The innate races of God’s Domain are still able to firmly suppress Earth players.

Let them honestly serve Zhou Fangyu as leeks.

After Zhou Fangyu's voice transmission.

The demon race is his innate divine domain race.

Sure enough, his orders were implemented 100%.


The entire demon clan fell into a frantic cultivation.

Zhou Fangyu is very satisfied with this situation.

But soon he found a problem.

That is now in his Divine Realm, the highest cultivation technique secret book is only the middle level of Xianwu.

This is the prize he won through the league championship just now.

Among the demon clan, the most powerful demons, such as Taiyi, Di Jun, Xihe, Chang Xi, and Xiao Zhuanfeng, had already reached the advanced level of Xianwu at this time.

The cultivation techniques of the middle-level immortal martial arts are useless to them.

They can only rely on their own instincts, by absorbing the divine power in the divine domain.

Gradually increase your strength.

Of course this is not possible.

After realizing this problem.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly found out.

After the earth players created the "Evil Dao Rapid Upgrade" method.

Low martial arts, medium martial arts, high martial arts secrets, props, special buildings.

All will fall into an embarrassing situation of no great use.

Because players can directly upgrade from low martial arts, jump to immortal martial arts.

Since then.

Most of the existing low-level special buildings, mineral resources, and equipment magic weapons in God's Domain will be useless.

What is lacking the most is the magic tricks, special buildings, mineral resources, equipment magic weapons, medicine pills, and other divine realm items above the Immortal Martial Realm.

After Zhou Fangyu figured this out.

Immediately withdrew from the realm.

Check the time.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Regardless of whether Lao Li was sleeping or not, he took out the intercom and called him.

"My little ancestor, what are you doing this evening?

After Lao Li was connected, he immediately complained.

Zhou Fangyu smiled embarrassedly "hehe":

"Old Li, I have a batch of second-hand divine power items. From low-level martial arts to high-level martial arts, I have everything!"5

"We will deal with you at a low price, do you want it?

Lao Li was confused by what he said.

"I said you kid, didn't you just buy a large number of God's Domain items from me recently?

"You don't want to sell the props you bought to me, do you?

Old Li dared not believe.

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"As expected of you, Old Li, you can guess it right.

"Except for the special buildings related to the practice manuals, puppets and medicine pills.

"The other items I bought from you for the Immortal Martial Realm, now I will sell them all to you again!"

"The price is only 20% of the purchase price, isn't this a good deal?! 35

When Lao Li heard this, he couldn't believe his ears.

"I said Zhou Fangyu, what the hell are you playing?"

"It's less than a month since the God's Domain item was bought back, and it's going to be sold again?!

"The loser is not as loser as you are?"

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu thought to himself:

"If you know, I used these things to cultivate more than 2.1 million races of the God Realm above the high martial level in a month."5

"I guess you won't call me a loser!"

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Lao Li will think that he is really crazy and is talking about dreams.

"Okay, Lao Li, I'll ask you if you want to buy this batch of goods. If you don't want it, I'll handle it for someone else.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Fangyu didn't have time to mess with Lao Li.

After he sold this batch of old divine domain props, he had to go to the Demon Hunting Bureau to buy a new batch of Xianwujing divine domain props.

At the beginning, this was the reward that Zhou Fangyu wanted back from Bai Qi.

As long as he participates in the league and wins the championship.

From the exclusive channel of the Anti-Magic Bureau, you can freely buy the props and practice secrets of the Xianwujing.

Now is the best time to cash in on this reward.

Otherwise, he will leave Dongyang City with the angel god Keisha in the morning.

Within 2 months, there will be no chance to go to the Demon Hunting Bureau.

Lao Li heard Zhou Fangyu say that he would sell his things to others.

Sure enough, I didn't bother to ask any more, so I quoted directly:

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to care what tricks you're playing. When you bought things from me, you spent a total of 1.47 million Divine Crystals.

"Throw away the resources and buildings related to the secrets of the exercises and medicine pills. 35

"About 1.15 million Divine Crystals in total.

"Now that you have used it for a month, I will give you 1 million divine crystals to recycle. I will never let you suffer.

Zhou Fangyu heard the price and knew that Lao Li was taking care of himself.

Otherwise, the price of second-hand God's Domain props is generally directly cut by at least 20%.

Zhou Fangyu knew that he bought these Divine Realm props.

It doesn't seem to have been used for a long time.

But the number and scale of the gods' races used are far more than ordinary gods.

God's Domain props are not things that can be used, they also have durability and use time.

So, these divine domain props bought by Zhou Fangyu.

Said it was less than a month old.

But the remaining durability is estimated to be lower than the Divine Realm props that others have used for a year.

"Lao Li, I just said that the price will be reduced by 20% and I will sell it to you.

"The price won't change."

"I immediately rushed to your store, you prepared 900,000 Divine Crystals for me, and I will give you all of my Divine Realm props.

After speaking, Zhou Fangyu hung up the intercom without waiting for Old Li to refute.

Then, he left the hotel directly.

He took out the teleporter and teleported himself to the door of Lao Li's "Wanglao'er Second-hand God's Domain Item Store".

Knock on the store door.

Old Li immediately opened the door.

"You're here so fast. If I didn't have some savings, I wouldn't be able to get the 900,000 Divine Crystals in a while!"

Zhou Fangyu was in a hurry to go to the Demon Hunting Bureau, and he didn't even chat with Old Li.

Directly enter the realm of the gods, and let the high-level puppet send an announcement to all players.

Let them leave all the city buildings, monster dens, resource mines within ten minutes...

The players don't know what's going on.

But also dare not violate the "system announcement".

These places were quickly withdrawn.

Zhou Fangyu saw that the players all evacuated.

Immediately use divine power to sell all the divine realm items planned to be sold.

All were uprooted from the God Realm, and then sent outside the God Realm.

This sudden scene shocked the players in shock.

In the past, when Zhou Fangyu arranged these buildings.

All when the "server" of "God's Domain" was shut down.

··For flowers........

Players have no idea where these special buildings, monster nests, and resources and minerals came from.

It's just a game content update.

But now, Zhou Fangyu is directly in front of them.

Taking these things away makes all players even more deeply shocked by the almost omnipotent and powerful means of Dominion of God's Domain.

And one of the female players, after seeing this scene.

But after seeing these buildings float into the air by themselves, and then fly farther and farther.

My heart was aroused by a strong curiosity and desire for research.

How do these huge buildings and monster nests fly freely in the air?

Can players do the same?

This female player couldn't stop thinking about it.

Standing beside the female player, there is also a unkempt Frankenstein.

And a player who looks like a doctor in a white coat.

These three people are the rose thorns, Frankenstein, and Doctor players who are most obsessed with technological creation technology in the game today.

at this time.

They are in a research institute of the Yanhuangzhilong Guild.

Discuss how to improve the safety rate of rookie players who are directly promoted to masters of the Immortal Martial Realm after birth.

After system promotion.

The crazy "evil upgrade" method for doctor players.

It has been completely popularized by the whole people.

But many players found that the success rate of using this method is actually not high.

Many players have committed suicide after being reborn.

Because I am not skilled in the art of faking the body.

Often lead to their birth, in the process of rapid ascension to the realm.

The body explodes.

Therefore, the three of them gathered together to find a safer and more convenient method.

Let most players learn how to build a body suitable for Xianwujing.

Increases the success rate of players when leveling up.

But I didn't expect to see such a grand and spectacular scene with my own eyes.

After watching this scene.

The rose thorn suddenly jumped up.

She excitedly shouted to the two tech madmen next to her:

"Doctor, madman, I thought about it, I thought about how to make large anti-gravity equipment in God's Domain.

The two quickly asked her to explain the rationale.

Rose with thorns 1510 said all the large anti-gravity equipment and related gravity weapons that he imagined.

After listening to the other two people, they all felt the design and idea of ​​rose thorns.

No problem at all.

Just put in enough resources.

It must be able to produce the anti-gravity equipment she envisioned.

Rose with thorns has been affirmed by two technical gurus, and is even more excited and excited.

She said excitedly:

"As long as my anti-gravity equipment is successfully manufactured this time. The plan that the three of us just mentioned will be realized!"

"Make full use of the attributes of our Huaxia infrastructure madman, and build a large-scale floating city and floating battleship in the God's Domain!

"In this way, in the future, our Huaxia players will be able to take an absolute advantage in the realm of the gods.

"think about it."

"Since the opening of God's Domain, how many times have we experienced dungeon operations, defense against foreign invasions, and anti-invasion operations in other spaces..."

"In the future, I think there will be more and more wars across time and space in God's Domain. Therefore, if we have powerful floating cities and floating battleships in China.

"In the future, we Huaxia will be able to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of "God's Domain" and completely surpass other countries on earth.

"Really bring God's Domain into a brand new era, a great era in which technology and divine power practice complement each other, promote each other, and grow and develop explosively!

Rose with a thorny excited tone.

In an instant, two other tech experts were infected, and they both felt the blood in their hearts welling up.

"Let's go, let's go to the president now - Fenghuaxueyue."

"With the support of him, the leader of the largest guild in the entire God's Domain, our plan can attract the attention of the Chinese government. 99

"Otherwise, let the government invest a lot of manpower, material resources, and money in the transformation and construction of the game world of God's Domain.""

"It is estimated to be very difficult."

The mad scientist immediately gave a more reasonable suggestion.

The doctor had no opinion, but also put forward his own ideas.

"I support your plan!"

"But one thing, after the construction of the floating city and the floating battleship, we cannot give up the in-depth study of the relationship between divine power cultivation and our body, spirit, and soul."

After all, "God's Domain" is a world where personal strength comes first. "

"We can't just rely on powerful floating cities and floating warships,

After the three people's opinions were unified, they immediately went to look for Fenghuaxueyue.

Then go to contact the Huaxia government.

Going to implement the crazy plan the three of them just came up with.


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