In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 132: Fragments of the world of gods and demons! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

PS: The last chapter was harmonious, so I can't get out, so I can only write a brief description of the plot:

Heads of countries gathered together to discuss how to deal with China's infrastructure plan.

The new head of the lighthouse nation took the opportunity to detain the heads of various countries, and wanted to trigger a global war and destroy the world.

But it was stopped by the sudden appearance of Laoqiao and Twitter.

At this time, the new head of the lighthouse country turned into a monster, was defeated by Laoqiao and Twitter, and found a necklace from an ancient Egyptian tomb from him.

The two found that there was magic energy on this necklace, and planned to hand it over to the Lord of God's Domain in exchange for rewards.

After this incident, the heads of various countries planned to visit Huaxia and asked Huaxia to help them build a floating city.

Huaxia has set the date of visiting all countries to be two days later, which is the day when a large number of new players enter God's Domain.

Netizens jokingly called the visit of various countries to China as "the coming of all countries to the DPRK" after they learned about the incident.

China's influence and status in the world have increased several times for a while.

After Zhou Fangyu got the necklace, the system beep suddenly sounded.

"Host, after systematic testing, this necklace contains the aura of demons and abominations, as well as the divine aura of gods.

"This item should be an artifact made by a god, but it was contaminated with demonic energy and turned into a magic weapon."

"If you wear this necklace for a long time, you will lose your mind. And the wearer of the necklace will be transformed into a demon clan, trying every means to return to the demon world."

After hearing the system's answer, Zhou Fangyu was even more confused.

"Is this necklace an artifact contaminated by demonic energy?"

"But the DeWalter said it was something his nephew dug up from an ancient Egyptian temple. 39

"I used my spiritual sense to investigate, and this DeWalter definitely didn't tell a lie at that time.

"That is to say, the necklace "590" existed on Earth thousands of years ago?"

"How is this possible?"9

Zhou Fangyu questioned.

The teleportation system quickly gave the answer:

"According to the breath of this necklace, the system explored the space-time plane where the entire earth is located, and found that the source breath of this plane is 99.3% similar to the world of gods and demons."

"It's just that the energy and law strength of the Earth plane are far lower than the world of gods and demons.

"According to the system's speculation, the Earth plane is 90% likely to be a new plane formed by a space-time fragment split from the world of gods and the world of demons.

"Therefore, the system suggests that the host can completely integrate the earth's time and space into the prehistoric gods after his own realm has risen to the peak of the gods.

"The strength of the Prehistoric God's Domain will achieve an explosive improvement by absorbing the power of the origin of the gods in the time and space of the earth!"

"The host will also directly cross three or four great realms and directly break through to become the eternal gods, or even the 'supreme gods'. 35

"In this way, the host can save at least 100,000 years of God's Domain development and improvement time!

After hearing the prompt of this system

Zhou Fangyu was stunned.

He couldn't imagine that the Earth plane was so closely related to the world of gods and demons.

Could it be that the Earth's time and space really split from the world of gods and demons a long time ago.

If so.

So many questions in Zhou Fangyu's mind have explanations and answers.

But at the same time, more questions and mysteries appeared in his mind.

And these questions, now Zhou Fangyu can't find clues and answers at all.

It is estimated that only in the future his strength will be stronger.

to slowly unravel.

Now, what worries him the most is.

The content of the last prompt of the system.

Originally, Zhou Fangyu thought that as long as the rose thorns were used in their plan, all human beings on earth would move into the realm of the gods.

In this way, even if the plundering and looting group invaded the time and space of the earth and occupied it.

Zhou Fangyu has nothing to lose either.

After all, the largest group of leeks on Earth, all of them have entered their own divine realm.

Earth time and space are useless.

But what Zhou Fangyu didn't expect was that this earth space-time was so useful.

It can save him about 100,000 years of time.

At this time, the ownership of the Earth's space-time plane immediately became extremely important.

It is no longer something Zhou Fangyu can give up at any time.

Figured this out.

Zhou Fangyu immediately picked up the necklace in his hand and continued to ask the system:

"System, according to your test, this necklace is an item that hates a family of demons.

"That is to say, there were demons on earth a long time ago.

"I want to know, are there any gods or demons on the earth plane now?

"In addition, can the demon locate the coordinates of the earth's time and space through this necklace, or other similar magic tools?"

The system prompt sounded immediately:

"Host, when the entire earth plane was just detected, the system did not find any signs of gods and demons.

"The necklace itself cannot allow the demon to locate the coordinates of the time and space of the earth, but just now, because the necklace controlled Dewalt's body, a battle broke out with Twitter experts, Laoqiao and others.

"The magic fluctuations caused by this battle will reverberate throughout the entire time and space."

"When the Western Empire's plundering and looting group invades the time and space of the earth, they will open up the time and space channel between the world of the gods and the plane of the earth.

"At that time, there will be a great possibility for the abominable demons hidden in the world of gods to feel the magic fluctuations of the earth plane through this space-time channel. 39

"And then discover the existence and space-time coordinates of the Earth plane.

Hearing the system prompt, Zhou Fangyu patted his forehead.

I feel like my brain is about to explode.

This earth time and space is really ill-fated!

There are Western raiders and looters before, and then there are demons who hate a clan.

If Zhou Fangyu wants to keep the ownership of the earth's time and space in his own hands.

After becoming a peak god in the future, he will be able to ascend to another day in one step.

to the height of Gabriel today.

Then he would have to face these two upcoming enemies in the future.

Of course, the best way is actually to kill the Western plundering regiment in advance.

In this way, the hated clan will not be able to discover the earth plane.

But Zhou Fangyu is now only a middle-level child god.

Even if the number of his God Realm races is huge.

It can even draw a tie against a normal true god.

But if you fight against a peak true god like Keisha, then you are really courting death.

Therefore, even if Zhou Fangyu is lucky.

I was able to meet this unfortunate Western plundering and looting group in advance.

He also couldn't beat the opponent at all.

Not to mention annihilating the opponent.

Therefore, in the final analysis, everything in the world of gods depends on strength to speak.

If Zhou Fangyu can reach the realm of gods now.

Would he still be afraid that this raider group would find Earth's time and space?

Figured this out.

Zhou Fangyu's urgency to improve the strength of God's Domain is even higher.

First of all, in the shortest time, let all 20 million players on earth break through to the fairyland.

This is his first goal to achieve.

Although there is now a way to upgrade the evil way.

When the player enters the realm of the gods, he can be directly promoted to the first level of the fairy martial realm.

But the real race of the gods with the strength of Xianwujing.

That is to say, among the gods of the sub-god level, they can occupy an overwhelming advantage.

In the gods of the true god level.

There are many races in the realm of the gods in the human fairyland, and even the races in the realm of the gods in the fairyland have many true gods.

Therefore, the method of upgrading the evil way of the earth players can also help Zhou Fangyu to earn more Divine Crystals every day.

Really want to quickly improve their own God's Domain strength.

The strength of 20 million earth players must at least reach the human fairyland.


Zhou Fangyu also wants to raise the strength of the demon clan to above the fairyland as soon as possible.

In this way, the innate races can maintain the suppression of the earth players.

In addition, he has to think of a way.

Let the three races of dragon, phoenix and unicorn be born as soon as possible.

If all three goals are achieved.

Zhou Fangyu's strength is estimated to be at least a supernatural child god.

You can even become a god at birth.

by that time.

Zhou Fangyu also initially possessed the strength to compete with the Western plundering and looting groups.

After thinking about this.

Zhou Fangyu's expedition to the Lost Gods Domain.

more focused and active.

Because, I want to let the earth players and the demon clan break through to the Immortal Martial Realm.

is very easy to achieve.

after all.

Now, in Zhou Fangyu's Prehistoric God Realm, there are ready-made secrets of the Great Perfection in the Immortal Martial Realm.

As long as the training resources can keep up, plus the spirit of players desperately leveling up.

It is estimated that the Great Consummation of the Immortal Martial Realm of the whole people will be realized soon in the Divine Realm.

But after arriving in Wonderland.

The strength of the Divine Realm race will undergo reborn changes.


God's Domain Cultivation Technique Cheats and God's Domain Items above Human Wonderland.

They cannot be purchased with Divine Crystals.

These things are all the strategic resources that the major forces value most.

Hardly sold to outsiders.

Zhou Fangyu is now facing this problem.

How to get the divine domain exercises and divine domain props above the human fairyland.

One way is to wait until after college.

According to his strength, the school will provide him with the divine realm exercises and props of the fairyland.

But this method was too slow, and Zhou Fangyu couldn't wait.

Another method is to join a certain power and obtain the secrets and props of the cultivation technique above the fairyland from the great power.

This method is even more unacceptable to Zhou Fangyu.

He likes to be unrestrained.

Let him join a force and listen to other people's orders every day.

Might as well kill him.

The last method.

Naturally, this Lost Gods Domain expedition.

in the lost realm.

There is a high probability of finding the secrets and props of the gods above the fairyland.

Even if Zhou Fangyu was in the Lost God Realm, what he got was not something he could use.

The same can be brought out and exchanged with others.


Lost God's Domain is that Zhou Fangyu now wants to quickly improve his strength.

A great opportunity not to be missed.

After figuring this out.

Zhou Fangyu's attention to this Lost God Realm exploration activity has been raised to an unprecedented height.

"I hope that during this Lost God's Domain expedition, I can find a large number of God's Domain practice manuals and props resources above the fairyland. 39

"Besides that, if this time I want to return to Dongyang City safely!

"The case that Keisha is involved in must be resolved as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, it is estimated that something will happen sooner or later! 35

Zhou Fangyu was in his heart at this time.

There is already anticipation for the upcoming Lost Gods expedition.

There are also concerns that Keisha's case may affect him.

at this time.

His intercom suddenly rang.

Zhou Fangyu took out the intercom, and after connecting, a beautiful female voice immediately came from the opposite side:

"Lord Zhou Fangyu, it's almost time for the dinner.

"I'll go to the courtyard where you live now and take you to the dinner party, okay?"

Listening to this voice, it should be the maid who just led the way.

Zhou Fangyu remembered when he heard the maid's words.

Tonight Gabriel will be hosting a dinner to entertain several "VIPs" from the Eastern Empire

Moreover, among these "guests" of the Eastern Empire.

Another is a young candidate from Nanyue Province.

And Zhou Fangyu can be said to be a fellow.

"No problem, come here now. I'll wait for you in the yard.

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, he hung up the intercom.

He took a deep breath and jumped off the bed.

Looking at the time on the intercom, it was already 7:50 pm.

It was completely dark outside.

Get out of the room.

Under the gazebo in the yard, there is a pile of covered meals.

It was probably lunch prepared for him.

But on this day, Zhou Fangyu spent all his time on the Divine Realm and the Earth.

No time to come out at all.

Of course every lunch.

Touching his already hungry stomach, Zhou Fangyu shook his head helplessly.

Can only wait for the dinner before eating!

at this time.

The maid who just brought him to the courtyard has already entered the courtyard.

"Lord Zhou Fangyu, are you resting well here?"

"If there is any problem with 3.9, feel free to let me know!"

the maid asked with a smile.

"Very good, no problem." Zhou Fangyu said casually.

"Okay, then please bring me to the dinner party. Lord Gabriel and Lord Keisha are already there waiting for you.

The maid laughed.

"Well, you lead the way!" Zhou Fangyu nodded.

The two are in tandem.

In the huge palace, I walked three or four kilometers away.

Only then did he come to the front of a huge and splendid palace.

In the palace, there was a burst of wonderful harp playing.

As soon as you hear it, you feel a sense of relief.

Zhou Fangyu followed the maid into the palace hall.

At this moment, in the palace, there was a long table floating in the air.

On both sides of the long table, there are also twenty back chairs floating.

Gabriel was sitting on the main seat of this floating long table.

And the person who played the harp turned out to be Keisha from the angel family.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Kaisha, who was floating in the sky, covered in white halo, and elegantly playing the harp.

I can't see her usually domineering and strong side.

Just like in the legend, a very kind, gentle and beautiful female angel.

It's like spreading his love for the world.

Just when Zhou Fangyu didn't know, should he show his flying ability.

When I flew to the long table and sat down.

Keisha's performance just ended.

But right now!

Outside the palace, there was a burst of warm applause.

“Wonderful, really wonderful!”

Everyone in the hall turned their heads and looked out.

Everyone was astonished to see who the talking god was!

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