In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 141: The Difficult Hate Clan and the Mysterious Truth Society (Part 1)?! 【Subscribe, please

PS: The case-solving plot is just a adjustment, allowing the protagonist to actively develop more functions of the earth players, not the main plot, and will not write related content later.

When the gods present, heard Zhou Fangyu say.

He has found the murderer.

The case can now be solved.

They were all excited.

Kaisha even came to Zhou Fangyu's side excitedly at this time.

He took his arm again.

It seems that I heard Zhou Fangyu~ say the murderer at such a close distance.

She can be completely freed from the whirlpool of being framed since this day.

at the same time.

Zhou Fangyu's mind.

Dr. Han Niba sounded with a laughing voice:

"This beautiful lady, 90 percent of the time, has developed feelings of dependence, trust and love for you."

"At this time, you just need to pat her on the shoulder lightly. Say a word in her ear, everything will be fine, trust me."

"She will definitely fall, even if she still disdains you on the surface. But in her subconscious, she will also regard you as a guardian and a dependant. 35

"In this state of mind, a woman is even willing to do anything for the man she depends on..."

When Zhou Fangyu heard this, he didn't know what the devil was.

He actually patted Keisha's shoulder lightly.

"Trust me, everything will be fine! 99

At this time, Kaisha's body suddenly trembled strangely.

Then, she looked at Zhou Fangyu in disbelief.

It was as if he saw his only support.

Because this sentence is what her father in her memory has said to her countless times in her dreams when she was a child.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu was in perfect harmony with the father in his dreams.

Said the same thing.

This made Kaisha look at Zhou Fangyu's eyes completely changed.

Zhou Fangyu was embarrassed by her incomparably hot eyes.

He was extremely remorseful and didn't know what he was doing.

He actually listened to what Han Niba said.

Han Niba is very satisfied with this effect:

"It seems that this beauty's reaction to this sentence is greater than that of ordinary women.

"I guess she must have had a male elder whom she loved and admired immensely, who said the same thing to her when she was a child. So let her remember it to this day.

"You're lucky, this woman probably won't be able to escape from your hands."

Zhou Fangyu was even more embarrassed when he heard Han Niba's words in his mind.

to be frank.

Zhou Fangyu's current relationship with Keisha.

At most, it is limited to "greedy for her body".

I really can't say I like it, let alone love it at all.

Moreover, this iceberg beauty, known as the number one beauty of the angel race, and the first genius god of the younger generation of the Western Empire.

There are so many admirers.

The death of Podos this time also has a lot to do with his pursuit of Keisha.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu really didn't dare to get too close to Kaisha.

Make yourself the public enemy of the young male gods of the Western Empire.

Unfortunately, now Keisha's arm is like a hoop.

tightly wrapped around his arm.

I really can't take it.

In order to divert his attention, Zhou Fangyu had to continue to talk about the case and no longer entangle with Kaisha.

"Cough, Lord Gabriel, Lord Sima Yun."

"Next, I will take you step by step to find out the real culprit in this case based on the traces and evidence found at the scene."

Saying that, Zhou Fangyu found footprints, palm prints, fingerprints, murder weapons, and blood clothes on the scene in turn, lifted them up with divine power, and floated in mid-air, so that all the surrounding gods could see them.

Subsequently, he began to conduct a detailed analysis of the murderer's situation.

"Everyone should have seen my entire survey process just now."

"Now, based on the traces found on the scene of the crime, on the shuttle, as well as on the murder weapon and blood clothes, I will analyze the characteristics of this murderer for everyone..."

"First of all, this murderer is the god of the Western Empire!"

"The reason is very simple, the one who can let Podos relax his vigilance at close range and succeed in sneak attack must be a god he is familiar with!

"Therefore, the murderer cannot be a god of the Eastern Empire."

"Secondly, the murderer's job should be a repairman for spaceships and shuttles. 35

"And he is over 1.9 meters tall, very thin, and has poor psychological quality. It is estimated that this is the first time he has committed a crime. 35

"But the strange thing is that the murderer has professional anti-detection methods, which can completely eliminate all traces of divine power and traces of time and space at the scene!

"The god who committed the crime for the first time should not have this ability at all. Therefore, I guess that someone behind him should instigate him to commit a crime! 35

"Also, the killer's fingernails were very long, leaving some scratches on the inside of the shuttle.

"This, and a fragment of a cracked fingernail I found in the shuttle, attests to that!99

"I guess this nail level was accidentally dropped when the killer was fighting with Podos!

"With so many characteristics, and it is estimated that the murderer should be among the gods watching the scene, I think such a murderer should be easy to catch!

Speaking of this, Zhou Fangyu smiled and looked at Steve beside him.

"Captain Steve, don't you send someone to find the murderer?!"

Steve just woke up like a dream.

"All the members of the detective team, immediately follow the description of Mr. Zhou Fangyu and find out the murderer for me.""

At this time, hundreds of detective team members, as well as thousands of Knights Templar members.

All acted.

No god dared to doubt Zhou Fangyu again.

Even the extremely arrogant Wu Junhou lowered his arrogant head at this time, and did not dare to question Zhou Fangyu any more in terms of solving the case.


Under the careful search of the gods of the Holy See.

A middle-aged deity who seemed harmless to humans and animals was surrounded by detectives and knights of the knights.

The other onlookers quickly avoided far away.

For fear of being affected by this middle-aged god.

at this time.

The surrounded god was nervous and shivering.

It doesn't look like any murderer at all.

Plus he wasn't wearing a repairman's uniform at this time.

For a time, the gods were a little suspicious.

Could this god be the murderer of Podos?

But when everyone looked at this god carefully, all the gods were shocked.

The god's height, size, hygiene, fingernail length...

Countless details are exactly the same as what Zhou Fangyu said.

At this point, the god saw himself surrounded.

She was so frightened that she shivered and burst into tears.

He turned suddenly.

Running towards a direction that has not been fully closed yet.

But Steve, who was standing nearby, was well prepared.

He shouted, "I still want to run!"

Afterwards, he opened his own divine domain, and pulled out a pitch-black chain from it.

When the chain left his divine domain, a terrifying flame suddenly burst into flames.

He slapped the god who wanted to escape directly.

He was swept away and landed heavily on the ground.

This middle-aged god is also a first-level true god.

Not completely subdued by this attack.

He struggled to open the God Realm, wanting to let his God Realm race come out and help him get out of trouble.

But Steve was one step ahead of him.

More than a dozen terrifying skeletons covered in flames rushed out of his realm.

Directly block the exit of the god's realm that escaped the gods.

Then, use the fire of hell to burn all the gods' races prepared out of them.

The fleeing gods died instantly and a large number of the races of the gods.

His divine power and divine realm strength plummeted immediately.

At the same time, a heart-piercing howl came out of his mouth.

Because, at this time, Steve has the black flame chain in his hand.

Just lock him up.

The soul flame from hell scorched and twisted this guy's soul.

"You are guilty! Let me judge your soul!"

Steve roared, and his head suddenly turned into a skeleton.

Terrifying flames burst out from his empty eye sockets.

At this moment, the fleeing deity let out a howl of incomparable pain, like a dying beast.

Tears streamed down his face, and he was in a mess.

And the black flames in the eye sockets of Steve's skull have been surging out.

The soul of this god is about to be completely burned to ashes.

But at this moment, Zhou Fangyu shouted.

"Captain Steve, there is a man behind him who instigated him to kill Podos, we can't kill him now!

The always grumpy Steve.

Hearing Zhou Fangyu's words, he really stopped his attack immediately.

will be held firmly in chains.

The escaped god, who was completely unable to open the Divine Realm, was thrown on the ground.

No more "judging" his soul.

Stand aside, Gabriel who just wanted to stop Steve.

At this time, the divine power that was about to be surging was withdrawn.

In his eyes, there was more than just admiration for Zhou Fangyu.

More than a trace of fear and shock.

The charm of the godhead is often illusory.

But it actually exists.

Gods with this kind of charm are often able to easily assimilate and lead other gods, fighting and fighting for the same goal.

Gabriel in his hundreds of thousands of years of life.

I have seen too many great gods.

But there are still only a handful of gods who can be called the gods with the charm of the godhead.

Zhou Fangyu is obviously one of them.

"Alas, if he is the god of the Holy See of Light in the Western Empire, how wonderful it would be!"

Gabriel exclaimed.

When Sima Yun heard this, he suddenly laughed:

"Don't you have Arthur too? That young god is no less than Zhou Fangyu!"

"No, for the time being, Arthur is far superior to Zhou Fangyu in terms of the strength of God's Domain!""

Gabriel turned his head, looked at Sima Yun, and said with a smile:

"Old friends, their strength gap can be made up.

·For flowers......

"In my opinion, soul and spiritual power are the things that determine the upper limit of a god!"

"Although the current Arthur surpasses Zhou Fangyu in terms of charm and strength, but in talent and wisdom, he is not as good as Zhou Fangyu!

Sima Yun smiled and said nothing.

But in his heart, he was extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, this real high-level god of the Western Empire.

Enter so much respect for Zhou Fangyu.

It seems that he has to change his focus this time around.

Just give Zhou Fangyu, the young god, more opportunities to show himself.

Sima Yun thought of this.

Suddenly, the eyes lit up, and an inspiration flooded into my heart.

"In the mountains in the southwest of the empire, didn't we discover an incomparably powerful entrance to the space-time plane? 35

"The gods above the true god cannot enter, but the gods in the true god realm can pass freely.""

"In that place, it is said that there are secrets and treasures that will make him a god emperor.

"Why don't you give Zhou Fangyu, a young god, a qualification to enter that plane of time and space?"

"Maybe, I can make my Eastern Empire, a million years later, reappear a god emperor, completely suppress the Western Empire and demons, and truly achieve the status of the overlord of the world!""

But soon, Sima Yun shook his head again.

Put that thought aside for now.

In that mysterious space-time plane, only 10 gods can be entered in 10,000 years.

This place is too precious and rare.

Zhou Fangyu is not a disciple of any sect in the empire, let alone the background and blood of the king of gods.

It is very difficult to get this place.

When his strength really reaches enough to subdue the younger generation of gods in the entire empire.

It's not too late to think about it.

Nearby Zhou Fangyu had no idea.

Sima Yun and Gabriel, two big bosses, because of his appearance, many thoughts and thoughts flashed in their hearts.

Today's Zhou Fangyu's arm is still tightly hugged by Kaisha.

in pain and pleasure.

Went to the deity who was caught.

"I just asked the people from the detective team, you are the Vatican's spacecraft and shuttle maintenance technician - Michel, right? 39

In front of this incomparably thin Michel.

At this time, he was still crying bitterly and didn't answer Zhou Fangyu's question at all.

Steve tossed his skull and roared angrily at the god:

"Mielle, answer Lord Zhou Fangyu's question immediately, or I will turn your soul to ashes.

Miele was clearly very afraid of Steve.

He sobbed and replied:

"Yes... yes, I'm Michel!"

Zhou Fangyu continued to ask:

"Were you there when Abbots left the tarmac three days ago?

Miel replied:

"I... I got a call from Lord Podos at the time.

"I rushed to the tarmac immediately.

"At that time, at the scene, I really felt the divine aura of Lord Abbots."

"But I didn't care."

Zhou Fangyu nodded and continued to ask:

"At that time, did you encounter a sudden attack? A god attacked you, then threatened you with your life, and gave you a powerful artifact...

"Then, according to his request, you boarded the shuttle of Podos..."

"Then, like crazy, you seriously injured Michel uncontrollably."

"Under your astonishment, that god tricked you into killing Podos completely."5

"Then, according to the other party's request, you hid Podos' body.

"Then, repaired the flying shuttle and drove it into this cave."

"Finally, you are in a panic, with a black bag that will kill Podos!"

"Am i right?""

Mielle looked at Zhou Fangyu as if looking at a terrifying monster.

"You, why do you know so well?"

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Because, the traces at the scene told me everything.

"Also, I also guessed that Podos' body has been hidden in your dormitory by you. Right?

Michel stopped crying now.

He said dumbly:

"Are you an omniscient god emperor? Can you know this kind of thing?

And what Michel said at this time.

But he expressed the common thoughts of countless gods at the scene.

Zhou Fangyu just made a series of divine operations.

It has undoubtedly shocked everyone present.

At this time, Kaisha put her arms around Zhou Fangyu's arm, and she was even harder.

Who would have thought.

A day ago, she still needed the young god she swore to protect.

Now he has become her patron saint.

The wonderful fate made Kaisha's feelings for Zhou Fangyu at this time extremely complicated and strong.

Zhou Fangyu saw the gazes of the surrounding gods.

I could feel Keisha's incomparably hot eyes.

He knows, after tonight.

No matter how low-key he is in the future.

It is also inevitable to be famous in the whole world of gods.

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