In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 143 : The Lost Realm of the Ancient God! 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu followed behind Gabriel and Sima Yun.

Fly towards Gabriel's palace.

Although Kaisha was not holding Zhou Fangyu's arm tightly at this time.

But still leaning on his side, not a step away.

There is a domineering and powerful goddess like Keisha, who is like a little daughter-in-law.

If you want to say something unhappy in your heart, you are definitely deceiving yourself.

But think of the large group of suitors of the Western Empire behind Keisha.

There is also the struggle between the Angels of the Holy See and the Temple that she represents.

Zhou Fangyu felt an incomparable headache.

At this moment, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded, attracting his attention.

"The system obtains two treasures dropped from the soul of abomination. 35

"The first treasure is: a flute made from the skull of an ancient god!

"After testing, the Xun flute and the bone flute dropped by the Qi and Han troops belonged to the same god's skeleton.""

"But the function of the xun flute is more powerful. It can not only cover up the fluctuations of divine power and magic power. At the same time, it can erase all traces of divine power and magic power within a certain range, and eliminate the clues of time and space."

Zhou Fangyu was moved when he heard this prompt.

He really did not expect the bone flute in the hands of Qi Hanjun.

Even today, I hate the dropped skull flute.

Made from the bones of the same ancient deity.

Could it be that the Qi Han army was not only involved with the Night Demon Clan at the beginning.

Does it have anything to do with this truth?!

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, no matter what their involvement was, it had nothing to do with him.

Thinking so much is in vain.

He put the matter aside.

Throw in some spiritual thoughts, enter the realm of the gods, and take out this skull flute.

Check it out carefully.

The whole xun flute looks like a skull made of golden yellow crystal.

It's just that the mouth, eye sockets, and neck of the skull were closed by unknown objects.

On the contrary, the top part of the head has two rows of six small holes.

There is a big hole in the back of the head for playing the xun flute.

It is exactly the same as the traditional Chinese xun flute.

Even more unimaginable.

The terrifying divine might and divine power fluctuations contained in this skull flute.

Not even a single bit of it leaked.

All are sealed inside the xun flute.

If it weren't for Zhou Fangyu's direct contact with his spiritual sense.

It doesn't feel like this is a powerful artifact at all.

It is no wonder that this thing can erase all traces of divine power and magic power, and it can also eliminate the clues of time and space backtracking.

Just a pity.

Although this xun flute is powerful.

But it didn't do much for Zhou Fangyu.

It can also help him every time he enters the realm of the gods.

Completely eliminate the surrounding divine aura, to avoid being discovered by other gods.

Of course, if Zhou Fangyu wants to do something "bad"!

Use this thing to bring the divine breath and traces of the scene.

Even the surrounding time and space traces were all erased.

That is really unknowing.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was checking the xun flute.

The system prompt sounds again.

"The second treasure is: the membership certificate of the junior members of the Truth Society."

"Using this certificate, the host's spiritual mind can enter the exclusive space of the Truth Society!

"After systematic detection, this space is suspected to be the dojo abandoned by 11 Wa, the most holy goddess in ancient times, the Wo Palace.

"The space is divided into nine floors, and the certificate obtained by the host can enter the space of the junior members of the Truth Society, and meet, trade, and receive tasks with the junior members of the Truth Society.

"Please choose carefully whether to enter this space or not."

After listening to this tip.

Zhou Fangyu's eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

This mysterious truth meeting made him have a very strong curiosity in his heart.

An organization never heard of.

With the night demons lurking in Dongyang City, the hated clan, and the murder of Qi Hanjun, Zhang Bo, and Podos...

It's all about unresolved relationships.

But it doesn't seem to exist at all.

Even big men like Gabriel and Sima Yun don't seem to know the existence of this organization at all.

Zhou Fangyu had never heard of it before.

And now, from this certificate of membership of the Junior Society of Truth.

Zhou Fangyu heard the name of the ancient most holy goddess Nuwa again.

And the exclusive space of this truth club is Nuwa's snail palace!

This is beyond Zhou Fangyu's imagination.

Could it be that this truth has something to do with Nuwa in ancient Chinese legends?

If so.

Are the bone flutes and skull flutes in Zhou Fangyu's hands also made from the bones of some ancient demon god?

One mystery after another.

It made Zhou Fangyu unable to sort out his thoughts at all.

The answers to these mysteries are even less likely to be found.

at this time.

Sima Yun and Gabriel had already brought Zhou Fangyu and Kaisha.

Fly back to the gate of the Temple of Gabriel's Palace.

Zhou Fangyu temporarily pulled the spiritual sense out of the realm of the gods and stopped thinking about the truth club.

The four gods entered the temple one after another.

at this time.

The long table floating in the center of the temple has been removed.

Changed to normal seat.

Gabriel took the center seat.

Sima Yun sat where he started.

Zhou Fangyu and Kaisha were seated next to Sima Yun.

Gabriel suddenly sighed at this moment, looked at Sima Yun and said:

"Master Sima Yun, this year's Shenyun Island expedition is organized by our Western Empire."

"I didn't expect something like Podos to happen, and the hated clan invaded the island, but I didn't notice it. Just now, I was silenced on the spot, but I couldn't stop it. Such a shameful performance really made Lord Sima laugh. !

Sima Yun waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Half a month ago, there was a sudden change on Shenyun Island, and the legendary ancient god's realm suddenly appeared on Shenyun Island.

"Furthermore, the Lost God Realm of this ancient great god directly annexed and merged the Lost God Realm of other fallen gods.

"Fortunately, the new Lost God's Domain that was finally formed is the same as before."

"Only young gods under the age of 20 can enter, and there are no powerful and dangerous divine races."

"Among them, there are many more opportunities left by the ancient god."

"It also makes this year's Lost God's Domain expedition a major opportunity for the young gods of the two countries to grow by leaps and bounds.""

"But at the same time, the appearance of this ancient god's realm has also aroused the coveting of many forces. 35

"It is precisely because of this that the high-level officials of the two countries arranged for our two gods to come here to sit in person in order to prevent major changes. 35

"Therefore, it is normal for truth and hatred to appear!

"After all, the truth will be most interested in the legacy of the ancient gods.

Having said this, Sima Yun smiled.

"As for the aura that just suddenly appeared, quenching the hatred!"

"I believe that Lord Gabriel has already guessed who it is? 35

Gabriel smiled bitterly:

"Apart from the old loach from the Truth Society, who can escape after taking a shot under my nose!"

"I suspect that this hatred can erase the traces and breath of divine power this time, and even eliminate the clues of time and space retrospective. It is also the handwriting of this old loach. 35

Sima Yun nodded, apparently agreeing with Gabriel's statement.

"Since Lord Gabriel knew it was him, why should he be angry?

Gabriel sighed and said:

"This truth will always be haunted.

"There are members of our two great empires and the ten demon clans."

"Every time something big happens, there is a shadow behind them."

"Especially this old loach, who has been besieged by us more than a dozen times, yet he can escape every time."

"This time, I thought I could take him down."

"I didn't expect him to escape again.

"I can't help but feel annoyed."

"Forget it, truth will not be a problem that can be solved in a day or two. Put his business aside for now.

"Let's get down to business first.

Speaking of this, Gabriel's expression returned to normal, looking at Sima Yun and said:

"Master Sima Yun, this time our Western Empire, the god who arranged to preside over the expedition to the Lost God's Domain, was originally Podos!"

"But now that Podos is determined to be dead, another god must take his place. 39

"I mean, to have Keisha in this role.

"I don't know, what do you think."

Sima Yun heard this.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Kaisha, who was obsessively staring at Zhou Fangyu.

He laughed:

"If Lord Gabriel is not worried, Goddess Keisha will favor this boy Fang Yu.

"I have no objection to this.

Gabriel laughed and said:

"The god who presides over the expedition only has the right to rescue the young gods who are in danger in the lost gods at any time.""

"Zhou Fangyu's strength must be the strongest among the young gods participating in this expedition. 35

"I arranged Keisha to be the host of the event, staring at this kid all the time, not just to help him. Instead, I was afraid that this kid would kill me and reimburse me all the young gods of my Western Empire.

Sima Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Lord Gabriel is right."

"Then let Keisha be the supporter of this event.

Kaisha just stared at Zhou Fangyu in a daze.

At this time, he suddenly heard Sima Yun's laughter, and then he came to his senses.

Later, she heard Sima Yun say that she would be asked to preside over this event.

Keisha wanted to decline.

But on second thought, this can better protect Zhou Fangyu's safety during the event.

Immediately changed his mind:

"Lord Gabriel, Lord Sima Yun, I am willing to serve as the support god for this event.

After speaking, the goddess also glanced at Zhou Fangyu.

Seeing Keisha's performance like this, Gabriel shook his head and couldn't help but say:

"Women's colleges don't stay in the middle! The words of the Eastern Empire are really good!"

Keisha blushed again at the words.

The number of times she blushes in a day today is estimated to be more than the sum of the times in her life.

Zhou Fangyu saw Keisha behave like this.

I have to say in my heart that it is not sweet or unhappy, it is impossible.

As for Keisha's suitors, as well as the angel family behind Keisha and the Holy See Temple.

Zhou Fangyu was too lazy to think about it.

He just needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Fully develop the role of this plug-in for earth players.

In the future, it will have the power to crush all gods and demons.

also need to worry about these so-called suitors,

And those bullshit power struggles between the Angels and the Temple?

Connected to this.

Zhou Fangyu's eyes on Kaisha also became hot.

have to say.

To be able to conquer such a domineering and powerful angel goddess.

For every man, it is definitely the most fulfilling and refreshing.

Keisha blushed even more at his gaze.

Get back to your seat quickly.

Don't dare to look at Zhou Fangyu again.

But there was an arc from the corner of her mouth.

The goddess was obviously very happy to be stared at by Zhou Fangyu so much.

Gabriel sees this happening.

Shaked his head again.

He turned to look at Zhou Fangyu and said with a smile:

"Fang Yu, you helped Kaisha to clear the suspicion this time.

"He also helped us, the Holy See, to find out who killed Podos. 35

"The three treasures of the angel family that His Highness the Holy Son promised to reward, I will arrange for the gods to send them to you tomorrow. 99

"At the same time, I myself will reward you with a treasure."

"It will play a big role in your adventure into the Lost God's Domain. 35

"Hope you like it! 35

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu hurried out of the queue and bowed to Gabriel.

"Thank you, Lord Gabriel for the treasure. Year

Without any excuse or modesty, Zhou Fangyu directly accepted Gabriel's reward.

Bai Qi once told him that gods are also human, but they are the most greedy, powerful, and selfish people.

Therefore, the gods can be omnipotent and become incomparably powerful.

Therefore, the gods must fight!

As long as you can improve your own strength, all the false name and face are not worth mentioning.

Gabriel nodded, liking Zhou Fangyu even more.

With a wave of his hand, something popped out of his divine domain.

It fell into Zhou Fangyu's hands.

"Here, this treasure is called the God's Domain Race Tamer. 55

"In the lost gods of the fallen gods, there are often many godless races without owners."

"The souls of these gods are born from the gods, so they are different from ordinary races in different time and space planes.

"They can enter your domain and become your own race of the domain.""

"But it is often very difficult to domesticate these unowned gods."

"However, with this divine domain race domesticator, you can make the soul of the unowned divine domain race directly link to the core of your divine domain in a short period of time. Become your divine domain race."

"With this thing, you may have a huge harvest in this Lost Gods Domain expedition!

Gabriel's voice fell.

Sima Yun immediately said:

"Fang Yu, quickly thank Lord Gabriel.

"This kind of treasure is only owned by the Holy See of the Western Empire. The number is extremely rare."

"With it, this Lost Gods expedition. You might really be able to soar into the sky.

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved when he heard this.

"Two adults, just listened to the two of you."

"The realm of the lost gods expedition is the realm of an ancient god."

"The young gods who can participate in this event may have a great opportunity to grow by leaps and bounds.

"Is it because there are many godless races in this ancient god's realm?

Gabriel nodded and said:

"That's right, this ancient god's realm race is currently in a state of no owner. 35

"And because it hasn't been nurtured and taken care of by the Lord of God's Domain for millions of years.

"The souls of these dominion races have become very weak.""

"Easy to capture and tame by other deities.

"What's more important is that this ancient god's realm races are all divine realm races with very powerful and terrifying potential.""

"Once a young god has tamed these divine races and nurtured them carefully to restore their vitality.

"Then his strength will inevitably increase terribly."

Zhou Fangyu heard this, and his curiosity about this ancient god had reached its peak.

"Lord Gabriel, I don't know what the name of this great god is? What kinds of races are there in his realm? 35

Gabriel was about to answer.

Suddenly, a god walked in outside the temple.

"Lord Gabriel, we have found Podos' body. 35

"Just park outside the temple now.

"What other instructions do you have?!

This god is the captain of the temple detective team - Steve.

Gabriel thought for a moment and said to Zhou Fangyu:

"Fang Yu, you simply write a report on the process of solving this case."

"Then give this report to Captain Steve and let him forward it to His Majesty the King of God!

After speaking, Gabriel looked at Steve and said:

"I won't look at Podos' body."

"You hand over the body to Bishop William, and let him take it back to the temple to deal with His Royal Highness the Pope."

Steve bowed in response: "Yes!""

Zhou Fangyu was waiting for Gabriel to tell him the name of that ancient god.

Suddenly interrupted by Steve.

Then Gabriel arranged to write a "case report".

Almost died.

In order to complete Gabriel's request as soon as possible, get the name of the ancient god and the race of the gods.

Zhou Fangyu immediately threw his divine sense into the divine domain.

Afterwards, he directly put his spiritual sense into the chat group of the 8-person case-solving team.

Since I just hated being caught.

Zhou Fangyu closed the holographic projection in front of the 8-person case-solving team.

They didn't let them see what happened next in the world of gods.

But the chat group did not close.

Therefore, these 8 people are all in the chat group at this time, chatting in full swing.

In addition to discussing the facts of the case.

Eight people also conducted an in-depth discussion on the magical "game" of God's Domain.


These high-IQ guys have long believed that God's Domain is just a game.

But they don't care whether God's Domain is a game or not.

These case-solving geniuses can bring them stronger case-solving methods and abilities to the Divine Realm.

And what new criminal methods can God's Domain bring to the earth.

I'm very interested.

Zhou Fangyu was also very interested in their discussions.

But there is no time to spend here at this time.

He first distributed all the rewards promised to 8 people through the chat group.

Everyone has obtained a complete set of resources and exercises that directly enhance their strength to the first stage of the Immortal Martial Realm.

With these things, they can use the evil way upgrade method.

In a short period of time, his strength skyrocketed to the first level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

Among them, Dr. Han Niba, who was the main investigator of the case, also won an additional 10,000 divine crystals.

To be honest, the reason why Zhou Fangyu gave him such a generous reward.

It's 597 who really wants to see, this IQ, EQ, and means are all superb.

Han Niba, who has almost reached the peak of human beings.

In his realm, what new tricks can be played.

After the rewards are distributed.

Zhou Fangyu immediately asked eight people to solve the case and write a case report.

This requirement is very simple for 8 people.

Therefore, 8 people did not have any excuses.

Everyone, you speak my word.

In less than ten minutes, a detailed and detailed case report was written.

Zhou Fangyu took the written report and read it again.

Very comfortable in my heart.

This kind of has a large number of capable leeks, which can be harvested by oneself at any time.

Just don't be too cool!!

Satisfied, he let go of the 8 people who solved the case.

There are also 13,000 criminal investigation experts behind it.

Zhou Fangyu turned around and took the report out of God's Domain.

Then, he handed the report to Gabriel.

Gabriel was not surprised that he had just entered the realm of the gods.

He thought that he was going to the realm of the gods, and took a pen and paper to write a report by himself.

How could this god come to think of it.

A young god who only has the realm of the sub-god, the race of the gods in the gods.

It has reached the point where he can help him solve the case, and even write a case-solving report for him.

After reading the case report, Gabriel felt that there was no problem.

Turned it over to Steve and let him take it away.

Steve dared not delay.

Immediately out of the temple, he personally escorted the body of Podos.

I rushed to the holy city where the Pope is located - Fandigang.

The case report of Zhou Fangyu was arranged by Steve as a member of the detective team.

I personally drove the shuttle and sent it to the palace of the God of Light in Sharon, the capital of the Western Empire.

Five hours later.

The King of Light personally got the case report.

This mighty and powerful God King was a little surprised that the Podos case could be solved so quickly.

But then, he was attracted by the case report in his hand.

The report clearly describes a young deity of an eastern empire.

How to find a large number of footprints, palm prints, fingerprints, bloodstains and other traces at the scene...

Then, the suspect's height, weight, and even living habits were deduced little by little and rationally.

The suspect was finally identified.

and caught him out.

As for the suspect, he hated the disguise of the clan, and was silenced by the sudden appearance of aura.

The King of God doesn't care about these things at all.

Naturally, there are subordinates who continue to investigate and resolve these matters.

He showed Zhou Fangyu's keen observation and reasoning ability in the whole detection process.

Rather very interested.

"Interesting, this young god of the Eastern Empire may have a great future!"

"Besides, that little girl Keisha seems to have fallen in love with this young god!"

"Would you like to take this opportunity to dig this young god from the old Niubi Daoist in the east?!

Thinking of this, the King of Light showed a meaningful smile.

at the same time.

In the palace of Gabriel.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't wait to ask:

"Lord Gabriel, this time we are going to enter the Lost God Realm. Which ancient god was formed after the fall? 35

"In this Lost God Realm, what other God Realm races are there?

Gabriel laughed:

"This ancient god is a good friend of the founding god emperor of your Eastern Empire. I am not as familiar with him as Si Ma Yun. Let him introduce you to him.

Sima Yun did not refuse.

He smiled and introduced to Zhou Fangyu the situation of this ancient great god, as well as the races of the gods in his lost gods.

Zhou Fangyu heard the name of this great god and the race of the gods in the lost gods.

He was completely stunned.

In my mind, I kept roaring and asking:

"How could this ancient god appear in the world of gods?!""

"Why did his Lost God's Domain appear on Shenyun Island?!

If what Sima Yun said is true.

This Lost Gods expedition.

For Zhou Fangyu, it is not an ordinary opportunity to increase strength.

Rather, an opportunity that might reveal the ultimate secret of the gods' world.

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