In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 151: The angels in the prehistoric gods have mutated?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

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"The real name of the Terminator's power is actually called 'The Qi of Chaos'!

"... Chaos Qi?! 35

Zhou Fangyu heard this familiar, yet unfamiliar name.

Immediately stunned.

Immediately, there was a surprise in his heart.

He didn't expect it.

This Terminator power was unintentionally created by Baby Silla.

It turned out to be the Qi of Chaos in ancient legends.

In the ancient legends of Earth China.

Before the prehistoric world was opened up.

The whole world is in chaos.

There is no up and down, left and right, no past and present!

The whole world is made of a powerful and violent gas.

That is - Chaos Qi!

Later, Pangu was born, opened up the world, and formed the prehistoric world.

And the foundation that constitutes the prehistoric world is the Qi of Chaos.

It can be said that the Qi of Chaos is the source of all aura, divine power and energy.

But it's brutal!

Anything that enters the Qi of Chaos will become dust and disappear into nothingness!

Unless it is a saint of heaven, no creature can walk in the chaotic air!

Of course, this Terminator power created by Baby Silla.

Not the full version of Chaos Qi.

After all, the real Chaos Qi is extremely powerful.

Even a tiny bit can destroy the entire earth.

But this kind of chaotic air created by Baby Silla.

Already possessed one-billionth of the power of Chaos Qi.

In fact, it is the Qi of Chaos diluted 100 million times.

Just create enough Terminator powers and gather them together.

One day, the original Chaos Qi will actually be created.

And now, there is the core of the Great Desolate God's Domain that creates the Qi of Chaos.

Obviously also has the potential to recreate the chaotic space.

at the same time.

The innate aura transformed from the Qi of Chaos.

In this prehistoric legend, the energy required for all great power cultivation.

It will also appear in Zhou Fangyu's Prehistoric Realm soon.

Let him in the realm of God, all the existing prehistoric races.

Can absorb and cultivate innate spiritual energy.

"Six Zero Zero" rather than a lower level of divine power.

By that time, how powerful and terrifying Zhou Fangyu's divine race will be.

Simply unimaginable.

One day in the future, it is very likely that he will really become the ruler and master of the Great Desolation.

Possess the power of the entire flood.

It is estimated that by that time, Zhou Fangyu's realm and strength will also completely surpass God Emperor.

Push the limits of the gods' world.

Really grow into the sole ruler of the heavens and the world!

Shake your head.

Zhou Fangyu put aside the unrealistic imagination in his mind.

"I didn't expect that this leek who was doing things gave me a big surprise."

Zhou Fangyu smiled.

This time the earth almost came up with a third world war.

There are also tens of thousands of Divine Domain players who died.

In an instant, Zhou Fangyu left him behind.

After all, there are now as many as 20 million players on Earth.

40,000 to 50,000 died, and all of them were European and American players.

Such a little loss.

Only 100,000 new players need to be selected to enter God's Domain to practice.

Will make up for it soon.

But with Chaos Qi and Innate Spiritual Qi.

In the future, his prehistoric gods will undergo qualitative changes.

His dominion race.

No longer like other ordinary gods of the gods, they can only cultivate divine power.

But it can really be like the ancient races.

Directly cultivate the incomparably powerful innate spiritual energy.

As you can imagine.

The strength and combat effectiveness of each race in the future prehistoric gods.

What an explosive ascension of terror will appear.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu suppressed the excitement in his heart!

Waiting for the core of God's Domain to transform divine power into Chaos Qi.


He felt that in the core area of ​​the temple.

That incomparably powerful and terrifying core of the Great Desolate God's Domain.

It trembled slightly at this time.

6 days have passed in the world of gods.

Zhou Fangyu was supposed to have 73.83 million divine crystals.

But just teleporting the earth consumed 1.2 million divine crystals.

Create your own divine carrier in the time and space of the earth.

Consumed 13.2 million Divine Crystals.

Stretch out your little finger and run over some human beings on Earth.

Consumed 30,000 Divine Crystals.

At this time, he still has 59.4 million divine crystals.

But at the moment when the core of God's Domain trembled.

In his god panel, there are only 49.4 million god crystals left.

at the same time.

On the outer surface of the entire Prehistoric God's Domain.

Suddenly a layer of gray gas as thin as cicada wings formed.

This gas is extremely thin and rare.

But Wei Neng is only terrifying but beyond the limit of Zhou Fangyu's imagination.

The Prehistoric God Domain is absorbing this gray gas little by little.

It was transformed into a blue-black gas and slowly dissipated in the Divine Realm.

Zhou Fangyu's spirit instantly appeared outside the domain of God.

He felt the gray gas.

This is the legend!

The incomparably terrifying and powerful ancestor of all spirits - the Qi of Chaos.

And those blue-black gases are the legendary innate spiritual energy.

at the same time.

The peak of the holy mountain of the demon clan.

In the Heavenly Court Palace of the Monster Race.

Di Jun, Tai Yi, Xihe, Chang Xi and other high-level monster clan leaders.

I also felt the great changes in the Prehistoric God Domain.

A very familiar energy.

Instead of low-level divine power, it appeared in the Great Desolate God Realm.

All the demon clans soon discovered that their strengths were increasing like a rocket, skyrocketing wildly.

Estimated, another month or two.

Among the demon clans, many high-level demon clans will break through to the realm of immortals.

Become a real fairy-level monster.

Possess the power to call the wind and call the rain.

At that time, the strength of the demon clan will grow by leaps and bounds.

Become one of the sharpest swords in the hands of Zhou Fangyu.

It can be seen from this.

How precious is the innate spiritual energy?

It is the incomparably powerful gods and god kings, if they know the existence of this kind of spiritual energy.

I guess I can't help but crave it!

"There is still one day left in the world of God's Domain, and the expedition will begin."

"Now, my strength should be less than the entire Eastern and Western empires, all the young gods, right?! 35

"It seems that the five-clawed dragon and the nine-clawed golden dragon left by Master Huanglong in the Lost God's Domain this time will be in my pocket.

Zhou Fangyu thought excitedly.

Just at this time.

The system prompt rang again.

"Congratulations to the host, because a thin innate spiritual energy has appeared in your God's Domain. 35

"In the Prehistoric God's Domain, the cultivation speed of Human Race, Monster Race, Witch Race, Nether Race, Dragon Race, Phoenix, and Qilin has all increased by 100%, and comprehension has been increased by 100%.

"In the Prehistoric God's Domain, the birth rate of congenital spirits is increased by 100%."

"The gestation time of dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns has been shortened by half. From the original 50-year gestation time to 25-year gestation time."

"The birth time of Peng Kun's soul unit has been shortened to 10 years."

"In addition, because of the appearance of innate aura. In the temple, Houtu and Dijiang's bodies began to slowly repair."9

"It is estimated that after 50 years, Houtu and Dijiang's bodies will be repaired! At that time, as the incarnation of the host outside the body, the host can control Houtu and Dijiang to leave the realm of the gods and enter the world of gods to fight.

Hear the system prompts.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't be more satisfied.

He could already imagine that God's Domain would be a year or two away.

How prosperous and powerful will the prehistoric race in his own God Realm become.

What excites him even more is that.

Kunpeng, Houtu, and Dijiang are all due to the appearance of innate spiritual energy.

Reduced time to spawn and repair.

this means.

Near future!

Zhou Fangyu is about to have a group of powerful god-level god-level races.

At that time, his combat power will be greatly improved.

And the low-grade Tianshen hard steel, it is estimated that they can be hit by five to five.

Right now.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly felt a large number of Earth players.

Back in the realm of the gods.

The realm of the gods, which was extremely deserted just now.

It quickly became extremely noisy and lively!

What makes Zhou Fangyu feel relieved is that.

Through his spiritual observation.

After 20 months of development and practice.

The strength of the vast majority of Earth players has reached the high level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

Many of them even reached the pinnacle of the Immortal Martial Realm or the Great Perfection of the Immortal Martial Realm.

The Immortal Martial Realm is among the Divine Realm races of the Son God and the True God.

It is already a top level of strength.

Generally speaking.

Ordinary God's Domain races often take hundreds of years of God's Domain time.

In order to upgrade from the initial stage of the Immortal Martial Realm to the level of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Martial Realm.

But the Earth player only took one-tenth of the time of other God's Domain races.

The strength has broken through to this level.

It's really rare.

In addition, there are a large number of floating battleships, floating cities and other powerful divine weapons and divine mechanical equipment on the earth.

The combat power of players on Earth today.

Once it erupts in front of other gods in the world of gods.

Absolutely amazes all the gods.

But what satisfied Zhou Fangyu the most was not the strength of the players on Earth.

It is the player believers who worship and believe in the master of his domain.

The number has also skyrocketed to millions.

Although, for the gods of the Eastern Empire.

Faith doesn't matter at all.

Nor is it necessary for strength enhancement.

But it can be worshipped by the thorns of earth players.

Zhou Fangyu still feels very accomplished.

Moreover, there are many fanatics among the players.

Zhou Fangyu will be able to have a group of powerful angels in the fairyland.

This is the diversification of his God's Domain racial fighting ability.

As well as improving the strength of his Divine Realm.

All have great benefits.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu arranged a high-level puppet directly.

Specially responsible for informing and leading those Earth players who meet the standard of fanaticism.

Enter the temple of Shenzhou City.

Let these fanatics pass through the angel reincarnation pool and transform into the angel family.

Make sure that you can have a group of gods races in the fairyland before entering the lost gods.

In order not to lose the realm of the gods, and encounter other gods and gods, he will find that the strength of the other party's realm of the gods has reached the fairyland of people.

And he himself did not have the same level of God's domain race challenge.

That would be embarrassing!

have to say.

Baby Sila is the scourge of the earth.

But definitely Zhou Fangyu's lucky star.

Not only discovered and created "chaos".

It also gave Zhou Fangyu a super-pretentious opportunity in front of human beings on Earth.

Let countless earth players who originally had beliefs begin to believe in Zhou Fangyu, the master of the divine domain.

It didn't take long.

The high-level puppets actually found more than 8,300 fanatics from the earth players.

And one of them is willing to change the race.

There are as many as 7,100 players who have become angels.

After all, there is no need to practice hard to overcome tribulation.

If you change a race, you can become a master in Wonderland.

This kind of thing, very few players can resist.

Zhou Fangyu's reincarnation pool of angels, how to turn mad believers into angels.

Also very curious and looking forward to it.

Therefore, he placed God's Domain on the Angel's Reincarnation Pond.

Waiting for the reincarnation ceremony of the first fanatic to start.

I saw the first fanatic who was brought into the temple by a high-level puppet.

She is a female player.

It can be seen when she walks into the temple.

His eyes were full of fanatical admiration and infinite reverence.

Especially when she saw the statue of Zhou Fangyu in the temple, and Di Jiang beside the statue.

This player even fell to the ground, prostrated himself in front of the statue, and prayed in a very devout tone:

"Incomparably noble, powerful, and omnipotent Father God! Your devout believers, come to the temple to offer you my most sincere loyalty!!"

"I beg you to transform me into a mighty angel!"

"I will fight to the last moment for your glory and the safety of the entire Divine Realm!'35

Looking in front of the god statue, this blond, blue-eyed, beautiful European and beautiful player whose appearance surpasses the beauty of ordinary human beings.

Zhou Fangyu had no choice but to sigh.

Although European and American players are not as smart as Chinese players, they don't know much about Honghuang.

But it has to be said that Europeans and Americans are more likely to be cultivated into mad believers who are loyal to him.

This time among the 7,100 mad believers who are willing to reincarnate.

There are more than 6,700 players in Europe, America and other countries.

There are less than 400 fanatics among Chinese players.

Of course, Chinese players also have strengths.

They are more suitable to become the prehistoric race, and the degree of fit with the witch race and the nether race.

Obviously more than the players in Europe and the United States and other countries.

Soon, this European and American player entered the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

The moment she entered the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

A milky white light.

Flowing out from her brain.

This white light was like flowing water, and soon filled the entire reincarnation pool.

Then, the angel statue at one end of the Reincarnation Pond suddenly exuded an incomparably powerful holy energy.

This energy absorbed all the white light in the pool.

Then, entered the body of the angel statue.

When no one responded.

The angel statue seems to be alive.

Fly from the edge of the pool.

Rotate around the female player for a week.

Afterwards, the angel statue returned to the distance, and a powerful milky white light burst out from its eyes.

Shine on the female player.

Soon the female player's body was completely melted by this white light.

It turned into a puddle of milky white liquid.

It blends directly with the milky glow of the pool water.


The milky white light of this pool suddenly gathered together.

It slowly turned into a solid shape.

It was as if a pair of invisible giant hands had pinched out a statue.

Soon, a family of angels with huge white wings behind them, incomparably elegant and holy temperament, exuding terrifying light and divine power all over their bodies.

appeared in the reincarnation pool.

Seeing, this female player is about to complete the entire reincarnation process.

Become a powerful human fairyland angel family.

at this time.

The sky above the Shenzhou City Temple was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

The terrifying thundercloud is active on the temple.


The terrifying tribulation thunder directly passed through the roof of the temple.

It hit the angel transformed by the female player.

"How is that possible? I remember the angels of the Western Empire, when they were promoted to the fairyland, there was no catastrophe at all?! 35

"Isn't Heavenly Tribulation something that only the Divine Realm race of the Eastern Empire will encounter?

"Why does this female player break through to the fairyland, why does it attract a catastrophe?!

Zhou Fangyu murmured to himself in disbelief.

at this time.

In the sky, there was a powerful and terrifying cyan-black gas.

Suddenly shot into the body of the female player who was about to be transformed into an angel.

"Innate Reiki? Why does Innate Reiki appear?"

Zhou Fang 3.9 Yu felt even more incredible.

But before he could figure it out.

The female players in the reincarnation pool have undergone amazing changes again.

I saw a pair of white wings behind her, turning into a pair of mysterious fire wings.

Terrifying flames, drought, and the breath of death erupted from her body.

Angelic Light energy within her.

All turned into a strange blue-red energy.

at the same time.

Her appearance and temperament have become more powerful and domineering.

Totally contrary to the gentle, holy angelic temperament.

In the end, a strange cyan black clothes appeared on the female player's body.

The entire conversion process has come to an end.

at the same time.

The tribulation thunder in the sky also hit this female player.

But soon, the strange cyan black clothes absorbed all the tribulation thunder.

In the female player's eyes, there was a flash of blue-red light.

It exudes an extremely powerful and terrifying aura.

Zhou Fangyu saw this reincarnation that completely exceeded expectations.

I have already guessed that the Angel Reincarnation Pool in my God's Domain may have undergone an astonishing mutation.

A new race reincarnated.

Not a so-called angel at all, but a strange race that has never been seen before.

Zhou Fangyu searched his brain.

There is simply no way to find out the name of this strange race.

at this time.

The system prompt sound really gave the answer immediately.

"Congratulations, host, the angel's reincarnation pool in your god's domain has undergone a mutation. After the mad believer is reincarnated in this reincarnation pool, he will directly break through to the middle-level of human fairyland, which is one level higher than ordinary angels. 35

"This mutant race is a powerful race in ancient legends. It possesses incomparably powerful supernatural powers, as well as extremely strong potential and talent."

"This mutant race is..."

Hear the variant race name given by the system.

Zhou Fangyu knew that he really made a lot of money this time.

And the holy son of the angel family is absolutely unthinkable.

This treasure from Zhou Fangyu last time.

In Zhou Fangyu's divine domain, such a terrifying mutation could have occurred.

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