In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 153: Dangerous remnant soul?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

At this time, it was already Zhou Fangyu, a high-ranking child god.

In fact, you can easily fly in the sky.

But in order not to reveal his true state in front of this maid.

He still chose to use angel wings to fly.

After the two left the bedroom.

Zhou Fangyu was directly behind him, unfolding a pair of white light wings.

Then, he hugged the maid in front of him.

"Give me the direction, and we'll fly over, so fast! 35

Zhou Fangyu said in the maid's ear.

The maid blushed slightly and whispered:

"Okay, Lord Zhou Fangyu. Please fly in that direction.

Then, she pointed in one direction.

Zhou Fangyu hugged the maid and flew in the direction she pointed.

Less than 3 minutes.

The two came to the core area from the edge of Shenyun Island.

There are countless fallen gods and gods left over here.

These divine domains are all superimposed on the same spatial singularity.

Between each other, an incomparably magical space is constructed.

Only gods under the age of 20 are allowed to enter.

This is the place where countless fallen gods have voluntarily left their legacy to their descendants.

It is tens of millions of years in the history of the gods of the world.

The most dazzling heritage and treasure.

Especially this year, the realm of Huanglong.

Suddenly appeared in this mysterious Lost God's Domain space.

Completely break down the space barriers between all the Lost Gods.

An incomparably huge new Lost God Realm was formed.

At the same time, it also gives the young gods who are about to enter a chance to gain a huge leap in strength.

That is, in the realm of Huanglong real people, left behind.

There are still 300 nine-clawed golden dragons still alive.

And more than 4,000 five-clawed dragons.


This year's Lost Artifacts expedition.

Compared with previous years, the attention received and the intensity of competition are far greater than in previous years.

But it's such an incredibly important event.

Gabriel and Sima Yun suddenly wanted to stop?!

what is this?

Zhou Fangyu had this question in his heart.

At the entrance to the singularity of the Lost God's Domain, the two great empires slowly landed at the gate of the Temple of the Lost God's Domain.

The temple is constructed of an unknown metal material.

The entire building is one.

There are absolutely no traces and gaps of splicing.

Also on the surface of this unknown metal.

It is also engraved with countless esoteric and wonderful divine patterns.

These intricate and beautiful divine patterns are constructed into incomparably real picture scrolls.

There are gods who fight for death in the battlefield of gods and demons.

There are gods who come forward when facing the catastrophe of the gods' world.

There are gods who explore unknown space planes and are killed by monsters in different time and space.

In short, these gods are heroes and pioneers of the gods' world.

It is the splendid chapter of those great gods in the civilization of gods.

To all gods who see the surface scroll of this temple.

Couldn't help feeling awe.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was attracted by these pictures.

The maid, who had been released by him, said with a blushing face:

"Lord Zhou, please come with me, I will take you to Lord Keisha. 39

Zhou Fangyu nodded.

The two were one after the other, and soon came to the core of this temple.

The entrance to the lost realm.

Here, is a huge incomparably empty hall.

In the hall, a large number of young gods have gathered.

And the teachers of these gods.

They each broke into dozens of small groups, gathered together and whispered.

Zhou Fangyu took a look.

This time, there are at least four or five thousand gods who came to participate in the expedition.

This surprised Zhou Fangyu.

Unexpectedly, the outstanding gods of the eastern and western empires.

There are so many!

But think about the incomparably huge space area of ​​the world of gods.

And the number of demigods as high as hundreds of billions.

These four or five thousand arrogances can be regarded as one in ten million.

It can be seen from this.

How good and powerful these geniuses are.

More than 100 Tianjiao stand together.

It was just the divine might that emanated from them unconsciously.

It can make the surrounding space vibrate slightly.


Under the guidance of the maid, Zhou Fangyu came to a conference room next to the hall.

After walking in.

Zhou Fangyu saw at a glance that he was standing on the main seat.

Keisha, who was speaking to several of her subordinate gods, also saw him.

Keisha, who was still cold and serious just now.

At this moment, there was a sudden, incomparably sweet and warm smile on his face.

The gods just below were surprised at how the iceberg goddess suddenly showed such a bright smile.

Keisha had left them straight away.

Walk towards Zhou Fangyu.

The gods turned their heads in unison.

They stared dumbfounded at Keisha like a little woman.

Went to Zhou Fangyu's side.

He tucked his arm tightly into his own.

"Why did you stay in God's Domain for so long this time々||?"

"Worrying me to death. 35

Keisha asked worriedly.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the conference room, and all the male gods looked at him with extremely angry eyes.

He smiled wryly.

Knowing that he has become the public enemy in the hearts of these Western Empire male gods.

"Let's go out and talk!

Zhou Fangyu said.

Kaisha nodded and left the conference room with Zhou Fangyu.

when going out.

The two happened to pass by a young male deity.

Zhou Fangyu glanced at the male young god from the corner of his eye.

My heart is tight.

The male young deity turned out to be Hades.

It was the young true god who was in Dongyang City when Zhou Fangyu felt the aura of Uncle Zhang's divine power in him.

On the day Zhou Fangyu solved the case, he obtained the junior member card of the Truth Society from the haters.

I once suspected that Zhang Bo and Qi Hanjun were both members of the Truth Society.

So, is this Hades also related to the truth club?

Zhang Bo took away ten ancestral witch clay dolls.

Is it in the hands of Hades or other members of the Society of Truth?

these questions?

Zhou Fangyu has yet to find the answer.

But he always felt that after he completely solved these doubts.

He will definitely be able to find the ten Ancestral Witch Mud Puppets that Uncle Zhang took away.

Gather the bodies of the twelve ancestor witches.

Reproduce the power of the first formation in the Great Desolation - "The Great Array of the Twelve Capitals".

Even restore the true God of Pangu.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about the traces of the 10 Ancestral Witch Mud Puppets.

Kaisha has taken Zhou Fangyu into a huge reception room.

"Fang Yu, you are here."

Sima Yun nodded and smiled when he saw Zhou Fangyu.

"Master Sima Yun.

Zhou Fangyu agreed immediately.

Gabriel frowned.

But after seeing Zhou Fangyu, he still smiled and said to him:

"Fang Yu, you have stayed in the God's Domain for a long time this time."

"Waiting Keisha is as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

In the reception room, all the high-level gods of the Eastern and Western Empires are sitting at this time.

Seeing that the two bosses are so polite to Zhou Fangyu.

These deities were also very discerning and greeted Zhou Fangyu with a smile.

Zhou Fangyu also greeted them one by one.

"Hello everyone!

Finally, Zhou Fangyu walked to the back seat of the reception room and sat down.

Sitting with him were representatives of several top talents from the East and the West.

Sitting next to Zhou Fangyu happened to be Zheng Tianqing from the Southern Yuezhou Prefecture.

"I feel like I'm much more handsome than you. Why can't such a beautiful goddess be my girlfriend?"

"You're lucky too.

Zheng Tianqing looked at Kaisha beside Zhou Fangyu and said in a low voice.

"Maybe... it's me who has more connotation than you.

Zhou Fangyu laughed.

"Fuck you!" Zheng Tianqing lightly hammered his shoulder.

The two chatted and laughed.


The seats in the parlour were full.

Gabriel, who was sitting on the main seat, opened his mouth and said:

"It was originally planned for this expedition. An hour is the time when the activity will start.

"At that time, the entrance to the spatial singularity of the Lost God's Domain will be opened, and the geniuses who participated in the event this year will also enter the Lost God's Domain to explore."5

"But just last night, Lord Sima Yun and I checked the situation in the Lost God Realm for the last time.

"Found an amazing situation!"

"A remnant of the real person Huang Long awakened in the Lost God Realm."

Gabriel's words caused an uproar among the gods present.

"Huang Long Zhenren's remnant soul has awakened..."

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he heard this.

You must know that in the Lost God Realm, although there will remain the divine aura and fragments of the godhead of the fallen gods.

But almost never heard of it.

There have been remnants of fallen gods.

The soul of the god is the source of all the power of the god.

Generally speaking.

As long as there are remnants of souls, a god will not fall.

Just fall asleep.

After countless years, the remnant soul recovered.

Gods can also be resurrected.

But the Lost God Realm is generally a special space formed after the gods have completely fallen.

In the lost realm of a god, his remnant appeared.

This is really a very strange thing.

It's a very dangerous situation.

Because no one can say what the state of this remnant soul is.

It is very likely that in this ray of remnant soul, only the consciousness of Huanglong's killing is left.

Then, the remnant souls along the way are very likely to control the Lost God Realm.

The surviving Divine Realm races.

Including those nine-clawed golden dragons and five-clawed dragons.

Crazy attack on all gods who enter the Lost Realm.

If this kind of thing really happened.

Then the arrogant gods who entered the Lost God Realm.

There are likely to be numerous casualties.

Even the whole army was wiped out.

This is also the main reason why Gabriel and Sima Yun intend to suspend this expedition.

Of course, the appearance of remnants brought great danger.

It also brings huge opportunities.

A young goddess who entered the Lost Realm.

If you can get the approval of this ray of remnant soul.

And absorb it into the core of his own domain.

Then you can directly gain control of Huanglong Zhenren's Lost God Realm.

Although, it is impossible to directly annex the entire Lost God Realm like the battle of the gods.

But it can also be obtained in Lost Dominion.

Allegiance to all Dominion races!

At the same time, you can also harvest all the artifacts or artifacts left in the lost gods.

Soon Gabriel will lose the latest on the Dominion.

The dangers and opportunities that may be encountered after the remnant soul appears.

It was explained to all the gods present.

(Wang's) "..Well, I believe everyone has understood that if you continue to hold this expedition, there may be dangers!

"Faced with this situation, Master Sima Yun and I cannot decide whether to hold this expedition again."

"Now, please express your opinions!"

"See if everyone agrees to suspend this expedition?!

"After we figure out a way to eliminate the remnants, we will restart this expedition!

Gabriel's voice fell.

The arrogant gods present exploded in an instant.

Could it be that this year's expedition is really going to be cancelled.

You know, each deity has only one chance to take part in the Lost God Realm expedition once in a lifetime.

If missed this year.

Then they will not be able to participate in this activity again in their lifetime.

And in this reception room, the deity with the most explosive mentality and the most unacceptable to cancel the expedition.

Naturally it is Zhou Fangyu.

In the realm of Huanglong, there are not only the golden dragon and the divine dragon that he is determined to win.

more importantly.

The real Huanglong is one of the great gods of ancient times.

The only one that officially appears in the historical records of the gods' world.

It is Zhou Fangyu's important clue to find the relationship between Honghuang and the world of gods.

If unable to enter his lost realm.

Zhou Fangyu will completely lose the chance to find the relationship between Honghuang and the world of gods.

Not to mention which powerful golden dragons and divine dragon bundles can be obtained.

It is also impossible to use the dragon energy of these dragons to catalyze the birth of the dragon family in his realm as soon as possible.

So, for this Lost Gods expedition.

The most important deity is Zhou Fangyu.

He must not accept that Gabriel and Sima Yun cancel the event.

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