In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 158: The world of gods is just a dream?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

The race of the God Realm released by Marquis Wu.

At the beginning.

It looked just like a strange creature in the shape of a sea mussel and a scallop.

Although this sea clam looks huge.

But it doesn't seem to have any attack power.

But with Wu Junhou's order.

This sea clam suddenly changed dramatically.

Its hard shell cracked in an instant.

Turned into dark green scales.

All the mussels in its body swelled up.

In the middle appeared incomparably powerful bones and meridians.

Then, an extremely thick milky white fog began to appear around the entire sea clam.

in this fog.

A mythical beast tumbling up and down, like a snake and a dragon.

Slowly appeared in the fog.

Zhou Fangyu was shocked when he saw this mythical beast.

As the entire Lost God Realm was shrouded in more and more fog.

With the unbridled laughter of Wu Junhou continued to sound.

Zhou Fangyu finally confirmed the identity of the mythical beast.

He is the branch of the Dragon Clan in the ancient legends of the Great Desolation.

Stronger and more mysterious dragons than ordinary emperor dragons——

Mirage Clan!!

Mysterious, powerful, arrogant.

Mirage is an extremely mysterious dragon family.

They rarely show their true colors, and usually like to keep a low profile of birds and shellfish.

But in their true form.

Mirage has a huge and unparalleled 11 Jiao-shaped body.

The whole body is covered with golden green dragon scales.

And every time the Mirage reveals its true form.

They will swallow clouds and mist, covering their entire body in the clouds.

Although he has the same tyrannical strength and body as other dragons.

But the Mirage is truly feared by the world.

It's their terrifying illusions and ability to change the weather.


It is the best description of Mirage's powerful illusion.

A mighty mirage.

It can create a dreamy mystery covering a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

It traps all living beings in it and cannot escape.

At the same time, the Dreamland can block all exploration, detection, and peeping from the outside world.

Let outsiders never find out what happened in the secret.


as in the legend.

With the revealing of the full form of this mirage.

The entire Lost God Realm was shrouded in an extremely thick fog.

Zhou Fangyu tried to expand his spiritual sense outwards.

See if you can find your way out of the fog.

Or transmit information to the outside world.

But his spiritual sense only expanded outward by less than four or five hundred meters.

completely failed.

The entire Lost Gods Realm seemed to be a jar sealed by a dense fog.

Completely lost contact with the outside world.

in this case.

Gods outside the Lost God Realm, even if they investigate the situation in the Lost God Realm.

You can only see countless fantasies.

There's no way to see what's really happening here.

Meanwhile, the young gods of the Lost Realm.

Also completely lost the ability to send information to the outside world.

Keisha, the host, couldn't receive anyone's distress signal.

Of course, no young gods could be rescued.

At this point, the entire Lost God Domain has completely turned into a space that is isolated from the outside world.

everything that happens here.

The outside world will know nothing.

Young gods who originally had a trace of restraint.

will be completely out of bounds.

You can kill other geniuses at will.

To snatch and get what you want.

This will undoubtedly turn the Lost Gods expedition into a terrifying and bloody gladiatorial fight.

There is no security whatsoever.

Everywhere will become a dangerous murder.

"Zhou Fangyu, how does it feel to be isolated from the world and have no backup?! 35

In the thick fog, Wu Junhou's laughter came.

"Young Master, why should we talk nonsense with him.

"Just kill him directly and grab the divine beast he just tamed.

Another arrogant voice sounded.

After Zhou Fangyu heard this, his heart moved.

Little Lord?!

Logically, all the young gods involved in expeditions.

They are the top talents of the major cities in the Eastern and Western Empires.

Although there are differences in strength.

But identities should all be equal.

Why is this Tianjiao called Wu Junhou "Young Master"?

Could it be a descendant of a retainer of the Wu family in the imperial capital?


According to imperial law.

The retainers of the family and their descendants are not allowed to enter any school.

They can only be in the private school run by the family itself.

Learn how to become a god.

But if it wasn't a retainer of the Wu family, why would this arrogant call Wu Junhou "young master" willingly?

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking.

Wu Junhou's voice rang out.

"Don't worry. This kid has some weird tricks, and it may take us some effort to kill him.

"The most urgent task is to find the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren first.

"I asked Mirage to create a dreamy mystery and trap this kid."

"Wait until we find and conquer the remnant of Huanglong Zhenren.

"It's not too late to clean up this kid again!

With this voice sounded.

Zhou Fangyu only felt that countless mists came rushing around him.

Wrap him in layers.

He commanded the dozen or so races of the God Realm who guarded him around him.

Use the power of various laws, Taoism, secret methods, and magical powers to attack these mists.


These attacks are all like hitting an illusory space.

Fly farther and farther.

It didn't do anything to the rushing fog.

Thinking of that Wu Junhou at this time, he should have already set off to look for the remnant of Huanglong Zhenren.

Zhou Fangyu was completely anxious.

He saw that Alice, Taiyi, Dijun, Feng Hua Xue Yue and others could not help.

They took them all back into the realm of the gods.

Lest they also get trapped in this so-called fantasy mystery.

Soon, the fog around Zhou Fangyu gathered more and more.

These mists are not offensive in any way.

However, Zhou Fangyu was wrapped tightly, making him even a little breathless.

Zhou Fangyu burst out with all the power of divine power, supernatural power, and law.

But whether it is the powerful power of the power of the fifteen-color law.

It is also the power of supernatural powers such as the law of heaven and earth, seduction of souls, ever-changing and so on.

Or the terrifying power that Zhou Fangyu's Honghuang Godhead exudes.

There's nothing you can do about this fog.

Soon Zhou Fangyu gave up this wanton waste of divine power.

He simply stayed where he was and stopped moving.

at this time.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically again.

I saw the original layers of fog.

All of a sudden it disappeared completely.

The vision ahead suddenly became wider.

Zhou Fangyu carefully looked at his surroundings.

It was as if somewhere in the wilds of the deep earth.

Even faster.

Zhou Fangyu found that he seemed to have lost all divine power at this time.

There are no extraordinary abilities.

Just like an ordinary person, he stood on the ground in this wild.

Looking around from a distance.

A familiar city skyline.

Appears more than ten kilometers to the east.

"S City?! Isn't this the city where I lived before crossing? 35

Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself.

He squeezed his arm, it hurt!

Not at all like a dream.

Squat down and grab the dirt on the ground.

With the moist earthy smell of dew, it blows.

The truth penetrated into Zhou Fangyu's nose.

It was so real that Zhou Fangyu couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, how could I possibly go back to Earth?

"And turned into a completely normal human?"

"Could it be that my experience in 603 crossing the world of gods and becoming a demigod or child god was all a dream!"

Zhou Fangyu didn't believe it.

He looked around for everything that could prove that he was in an illusion.

But no, can't find any proof.

Even, Zhou Fangyu wanted to feel his own divine domain.

Open God's Domain and mobilize your own God's Domain race to come out.

No response at all.

It was as if everything I had experienced before was really just a dream.

Zhou Fangyu didn't want to believe it.

But no evidence could be found.

This sense of powerlessness drove him crazy.

"In my memory, when I crossed it, it was on the road in the suburbs of S City. I experienced a car accident.

"After waking up, I traveled to the world of gods. 35

"If I really just had a dream. 99

"Then I should be near that road now?"

Zhou Fangyu analyzed it.

Running around.

Soon, with the already incomparably vague memory.

He really found the road where the car accident happened that day.

Moreover, on both sides of the road, there are wrecks of vehicles that were smashed into.

It looked as if it was the line car he was riding in.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was in a daze.

Suddenly a red Beetle slowly stopped beside him.

"Hey, need a ride? I just happened to be heading back to the city?

A crisp female voice sounded.

Zhou Fangyu looked inside the Beetle's compartment.

A girl who wears sunglasses and looks pure and lovely.

Sitting in the car, he asked with a smile.

Don't wait for Zhou Fangyu to wonder why this girl is so kind and let him take a ride.

The girl suddenly surprised and said:

"Fang Yu, why are you here?

The girl jumped out of the car with a smile and ran directly in front of Zhou Fangyu.

Then he immediately took off the sunglasses on his face.

Zhou Fangyu was completely stunned after seeing the girl's appearance.

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