In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 161: Cruel blood sacrifice formation! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

To kill Zhou Fangyu as soon as possible.

The arrogant gods who guard Wu Junhou.

Suddenly, he chanted a spell against his own God Realm race.

There is an extremely obscure, gloomy, bloody strange divine power fluctuation in this incantation.

Melted into the body of the more than 100,000 God Realm races that they only know.

Soon, these God Realm races burst out with terrifying and astonishing attack power.

Directly swept the surrounding dragon blood wood.

Then, these gods races all rose up into the sky, killing Zhou Fangyu.

Only at this time did Zhou Fangyu see clearly the state of these gods~races.

I saw them one by one as if they were suddenly crazy.

His eyes were instantly filled with bloodshots, becoming incomparably scarlet.

Every race of the gods has become very tyrannical and ferocious.

Moreover, the bodies of these God Realm races have all become extremely thick.

It was like a balloon that was suddenly blown up.

A terrifying force erupted from within the body of each God Realm race.

"What kind of evil spell is this T・M that can actually make the Divine Realm race erupt with such terrifying power?!"

Zhou Fangyu said in surprise.

But just when he was about to summon the 20,000-strong army of the gods' race in the god's domain.

Jiuying broke out completely!

"turkey dog!"

Jiuying said coldly.

Then, his nine huge mouths burst out with terrifying energy at the same time.

Nine incomparably powerful laws.

It burst out in an instant, and a rainbow of nine colors was drawn in the sky.

This terrifying flying rainbow, in the blink of an eye, flew into the incomparably mad race army that was being lifted off.

A terrifying explosion suddenly resounded throughout the Lost God Realm.

One hundred thousand seemingly incomparably terrifying and powerful gods races.

In an instant, 30,000 to 40,000 were struck by this amazing explosive energy.

It caused countless casualties and completely lost its combat effectiveness.

The remaining fifty or sixty thousand gods races.

Although it is still extremely crazy, but because of the sweeping energy shock wave.

Swinging in the air.

In batches, they fell into the sea below.

It won't be able to fly any longer.

"What a terrifying power of law! This Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race is so terrifying, and one can burst out with such terrifying power?!

There are more than a dozen arrogant gods on the island who are responsible for guarding Wu Junhou.

All were stunned at this point.

He was completely shocked by Jiuying's terrifying strength.

"Hoo hoo hoo!!

In the sea, the fifty or sixty thousand gods races that just fell.

At this time, the whole body has been completely covered with scarlet.

I don't know what that spell was just now.

It can make the Divine Realm race become so violent and terrifying.

It can also be seen that these fifty or sixty thousand gods races lifted off again and came to kill the Nine Infants.

Jiuying is not entangled.

Turn around and take Zhou Fangyu to a higher altitude!

The remaining fifty or sixty thousand gods races thought that Jiuying was afraid.

All roared in excitement.

Then, they fly faster.

In the blink of an eye, he seemed to be catching up with Jiuying in the sky.

But right now.

Jiuying turned around again, like a huge bomb that fell from high altitude.

Relying on his extremely tough and terrifying body.

It is charging towards the God Realm race that is chasing after him.

During the impact of Jiuying.

He has nine dragon heads and a huge dragon tail.

All stretched out.

It was like ten terrifying sharp knives, spinning wildly.

The entire Nine Infants turned into a huge grinder in the air.

Howling rushed into the chasing and attacking army of God's Realm races.

bang bang bang...

A series of terrifying crashing sounds.

It was like the sound of heavy rain hitting the ground.

But with every crash sounded.

There will always be a divine race in the sky, cut into pieces by Jiuying.

In the air, blood-colored fireworks filled the entire sky.

It seems that there is a kind of cruel scarlet beauty

Soon, where Jiuying has passed.

No one of the gods' races is still intact.

All turned into stumps, limbs, broken arms.

As for those lucky not to be hit by Jiuying.

One or two thousand Divine Realm races that survived.

The scarlet in their eyes has now completely subsided.

Every God's Domain race shivered.

He was almost terrified by the terrifying sight in front of him.

Embarrassed, he turned his head and ran away.

Let their gods call and command them.

dare not look back.

And the dozen or so arrogant gods who guarded Wu Junhou.

It quickly slumped.

The death of a large number of God's Domain races caused their strength to plummet.

Soon, more than a dozen arrogant gods all changed back to the strength of demigods.

Even the godhead and godfire are crumbling.

Completely out of combat.

Just for a short while.

More than a dozen arrogant gods of the Divine Realm race army.

It was completely killed by a nine infants.

It can be seen from this.

A powerful race of the gods.

The astonishing combat power that erupted.

In many cases, far more than the staggering number of low-level gods races.

This is also the staggering number of players on Earth that Zhou Fangyu has.

But he never thought that he was really invincible in the world of gods.

Because, once the combat power reaches a certain level.

Quantity is no longer the deciding factor in winning or losing.

This is also, Zhou Fangyu has always been.

The main reason for paying more attention to the cultivation of high-end combat power in his own God's Domain.

Wu Junhou was frantically urging Wang Ding's divine flames.

I hope to be able to open the secret treasure Dragon Ball of the Dragon Clan as soon as possible.

But he didn't think so.

Zhou Fangyu was so quick to completely deal with his dozen or so guards.

This made him extremely shocked and at the same time extremely angry.

But at this time, he could only temporarily put down Yao Wang Ding.

Turn around and personally deal with Zhou Fangyu's next attack.

"Mirage, immediately release the fantasy secret to Zhou Fangyu!!"

Wu Junhou ordered the Mirage beside him.

The Mirage immediately faced Zhou Fangyu, releasing an incomparably thick white mist.

It's exactly the same as the white mist that pulled Zhou Fangyu into the fantasy realm.

Unfortunately, Zhou Fangyu came prepared this time.

The black eyed Pixiu around his waist instantly released a golden light.

The mist released by the Mirage will be eliminated directly.

Zhou Fangyu laughed and said:

"Wu Junhou, you didn't expect that I could find a treasure designed to restrain all illusions? 35

"Your Mirage is now a waste dragon!!"

Say it!

Zhou Fangyu directed Jiuying and rushed towards Wu Junhou.

But Wu Junhou did not give up resistance because the Mirage was ineffective.

He suddenly screamed wildly.

"You bastards, as the children of my Wu clan. Enjoying my Wu clan's support over the years, I have gained the strength and honor of today's arrogant gods.

"But even a small Dongyang City Tianjiao can't handle it. 35

"Keeping you guys is also a waste of my Wu family's resources."

"Since this is the case, it is better to use your soul and blood to make the last contribution to my Lord Wu. 39

Wu Junhou shouted and fell to the ground.

Behind him suddenly opened a deep black God's Domain space exit.

A streak of pitch-black light shone.

One after another figure fell around Wu Junhou.

These should be Wu Junhou's Divine Realm race.


These gods races are all made up of skeleton frames.

There was not a trace of flesh on them at all.

After the ten Skeleton God Realm races came out.

Wu Junhou ordered to them:

"Start the blood sacrifice formation, and let me devour the flesh and soul of all living beings on the scene.""

Ten skeletons nodded slightly.


They stood in ten strange positions in an instant.

Combined into a strange array.

Then, a bloody aura from a different time and space.

Suddenly the ten skeletons were linked together.

at this time.

Zhou Fangyu's pupils dilated instantly.

Because of a blood-colored wave like a tsunami.

In an instant, it burst out of the formation formed by these ten skeletons.

The entire island, except for the part where Wu Junhou stood.

It was all swallowed in.

Countless dragon blood trees, injured and landed gods races.

There are even more than a dozen arrogant gods who have been loyally guarding Wu Junhou.

All were engulfed by this bloody wave.

Soon, these dozen or so arrogant gods discovered that their flesh and blood, and even their souls, were all being melted and swallowed by this blood-colored wave!

"Damn! What the hell is this!

"No, the blood is poisonous!"

"We are finished, this guy Wu Junhou wants us to die! 35

"He wants to devour our flesh and soul, and help him kill Zhou Fangyu!

In the wave of blood, more than a dozen arrogant gods burst out with roars full of anger.

・・For flowers...  

Among them, a leading Tianjiao.

Tianjiao, who has always been the most loyal, looked at Wu Junhou and asked:

"Master! What are you doing?!

"We are your retainers! Why don't you even spare us!""

Wu Junhou smiled cruelly and said:

"Since you are my retainers, isn't it reasonable to die for me?"

His words made Zhou Fangyu, who was flying in the air, couldn't help fighting a cold war.

This guy is simply more vicious than the most sinister poisonous snake.

Even his loyal retainers were the targets of his arbitrary abandonment and slaughter.

"Wu Junhou, you must not die."

"Wu Junhou, we are ghosts, and we will not let you go!"

Several arrogant gods roared in despair.

Wu Junhou laughed wildly and said:


"Didn't you say that you are loyal to me?"

"Now I'm just using your flesh and soul to summon my most powerful race of the gods! This should be your honor!! 35

Wu Junhou finished speaking.

He turned around suddenly, his face full of unbridled tyranny.

Looking at Zhou Fangyu is like looking at a dead man.

Because, his blood sacrifice formation has been successful!

With the flesh and soul of these dozens of Tianjiao, plus the blood and life of countless gods races and dragon blood trees.

He spoke and summoned, from that extremely bloody and terrifying different time and space.

An incomparably terrifying and powerful monster.

With that monster.


No matter how powerful Jiuying is, it will definitely be defeated.

At that time, Zhou Fangyu will be easily killed.

Then, he will take away the dragon's secret treasure, as well as the remnant soul of Huanglong real person inside.

Obtain the secret that can surpass the power of the God Emperor.

At the same time, get all the inheritance of Huanglong Zhenren.

These are enough for him to become a god king or even a god emperor in just a hundred years.

In ten thousand years, it will be enough to surpass God Emperor.

The million-year plan of the Wu family.

It will become a reality on his Wu Junhou.

At that time, the entire Eastern Empire, and even the entire God World.

All will become the territory of his Wu Junhou rule.

His divine realm will also be incomparably powerful, enough to overwhelm the heavens and the world.

In the blood wave, more than a dozen arrogant gods gradually melted.

But before they died, they all stared at Wu Junhou with murderous intent in their eyes.

Afterwards, they let out shrill screams and screams.

The bloody wave completely destroyed their flesh, soul, and soul.

All melted into scarlet blood.

at this time.

The blood-colored tide has devoured enough flesh, soul, and soul.

It seemed to come to life in an instant.

Slowly floated into the air.

Then, a channel of a strange time and space was opened.

in the channel!

A huge bloody flying dragon with a body length of more than 50 kilometers, composed of flesh and blood.

With a very brutal and violent atmosphere.

From the space-time channel, it slowly flew out.

"Bloody dragon! Kill that nine-headed dragon and that god for me!"

Marquis Wu roared wildly.

The bloody flying dragon turned its huge head and used dexterous movements that were completely incompatible with its size.

Madly turned his huge body.

Then, the bloody dragon flew directly towards Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu.

While flying, the bloody dragon also opened its huge mouth.

Towards Jiuying's body, a flaming flame with a strong poison burst out!

in this flame.

With an extremely terrifying bloody smell.

Just get a little light on it.

Even with Jiu Ying's incomparably powerful body, it is estimated that he could not resist.

Jiuying hurriedly burst into the fastest speed.

In an instant, he flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and only then did he escape the attack of this poisonous flame.

But soon, the bloody flying dragon chased after him again.

Looking at the bloody flying dragon chasing after him.

Both Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying frowned.

Such a terrifying, weird, huge bloody dragon.

The strength is estimated to have reached the first level of the Earth Fairyland, and even the strength of the middle level of the Earth Fairyland.

And Jiuying is now only the Great Perfection of Human Wonderland.

huge power gap.

It made Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu feel the unprecedented pressure.

A careless.

This time, Zhou Fangyu won't talk about capturing the dragon's secret treasure and the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren.

I'm afraid even his own and Jiuying's lives.

All may be lost on this island.


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