In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 164: The terrifying power of Karma Red Lotus! 【For subscription, please customize】\r

"Wu Junhou, do you think that with this army of mosquitoes, I can't do anything about you in a short time?!

Zhou Fangyu laughed and said:

"I'll let you know right away, the mosquito killer is amazing!! 35

Then, under his command.

The players instantly understood how to deal with this terrifying army of mosquitoes.

First of all, the warrior players with super defensive power formed a defensive formation on the periphery.

Resist the attack of mosquito hordes.

Then other players with long-range attacks will output firepower behind them.

On the last side, there are players who can perform the Thunderbolt Dao Technique, or control the power of the Thunderbolt Law.

They work in groups of two, using the principle of arc lighting.

The two released a relatively strong power of lightning, and then constantly adjusted the strength of the lightning.

Until the spectrum released by the lightning just reaches purple.

Millions of such player groups.

Millions of purple lightning "ultraviolet" mosquito killer lamps were formed.

The incomparably strong purple light dyed the entire sky of the island into a beautiful purple-red.

But this color is indeed a life-threatening sign for mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are naturally attracted to this light because of the special structure of their compound eyes.

Can't help sprinting towards the range where the light is located.

But on the periphery of these million purple lightning bolts.

But there are three or four million players ready to go.

At the same time, there are powerful armed fortresses and Terminator mechs waiting in line.

Just wait for the mosquito army to sprint towards the lightning lamp.

These players will saturate the army of mosquitoes halfway through.

Next, what happened.

It made Wu Junhou stunned and wanted to go crazy.

Make Zhou Fangyu laugh and be excited.

Let the earth players, monsters, nine infants and other gods races be extremely refreshing.

I saw tens of millions of mosquitoes on the small island frantically attacking the million purple lightning lights in the air.

Primitive instinct made them ignore Wu Junhou's orders.

Unable to restrain, he rushed towards the side of the day with a touch of beautiful purple.

On the way, all kinds of incomparably terrifying attacks exploded wildly in this terrifying army of mosquitoes.

The purple lightning lights in the sky are also deadly traps.

The bright "light beads" composed of millions of electric arcs will roast all the mosquitoes that come close to coke.

that's it.

Wu Junhou's last trump card is also his most powerful killer.

This terrifying army of mosquitoes.

It was hit by giant mosquito killers and saturation blows formed by players on Earth.

Destroyed quickly.

More seriously.

The island that was just covered by an army of mosquitoes.

At this point, it has become empty.

All the mosquitoes have flown away.

Leaving a lonely Wu Junhou.

He was still madly urging this medicine, Wang Ding.

Want to fight to the death.

Unfortunately, Zhou Fangyu obviously won't give him any more chances.

"Jiuying, take care of that dishonest guy with me.

Zhou Fangyu said with a sneer to Jiuying who was playing a mosquito game next to him.

When Jiuying heard Zhou Fangyu's voice, she immediately turned around and said:

"Okay, Lord Master!"

Then, Jiu Ying's huge body instantly came under Zhou Fangyu.

One of the dragon heads gently lifted Zhou Fangyu up.

Then, Jiuying took Zhou Fangyu and flew towards Wu Junhou on the island.

Riding the dragon and riding the wind, awe-inspiring, with the appearance of an emperor!!

Zhou Fangyu suddenly had such a sentence in his heart.

Soon, Jiuying had come to Wu Junhou.

At this point, the mosquito army was almost dead.

The strength of Wu Junhou's divine domain plummeted, and almost all the divine power in his body disappeared.

He is still desperately urging Wang Ding, the medicine, to refine the ambergris.

It's a pity that the divine power he has released now.

Even the divine fire in the medicine king cauldron could no longer be maintained.

Not to mention refining ambergris.

Jiuying held Zhou Fangyu's dragon head and stretched it forward, just on top of Wu Junhou's head.

"Wu Junhou, what else do you have to say now?! 35

Zhou Fangyu looked coldly at the top sons and daughters of the imperial capital.


Wu Junhou is the proudest, most powerful, and the top genius in the entire Eastern Empire.

He is a true genius.

He is regarded as an idol and a goal by countless young gods of the Eastern Empire.

But now, in front of Zhou Fangyu, he has become like a lost dog.

"Zhou Fangyu! Don't be complacent, I haven't lost yet! I will never lose!!"

Wu Junhou roared hysterically.

After that, he didn't even care about Yao Wang Ding.

He mustered the last trace of divine power in his body.

A trivial attack was sent to Zhou Fangyu.

Jiuying blew out Wu Junhou's last dying attack in one breath.

But he didn't show any contempt, instead he was extremely surprised:

"This turned out to be karmic fire?! Karmic fire that only exists in the prehistoric times!"

"Wu family son of a bitch, how can there be such a thing as karma? 35

Zhou Fangyu heard the name "Karma Fire".

Suddenly recalled, just after the earth player killed the bloody dragon.

The system beeps.


He obtained a remnant soul and a racial birth card.

These two things seem to be related to this flood of karma.

have a very close relationship.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu hurriedly turned over the prompt from the system.

Sure enough, the remnant soul he obtained came from a well-known big man in the Great Desolation.

And that race birth card is also a very well-known race in the Great Desolation.

The remnant soul of the ancestor of Ming He!

The Racial Birth Card of the Asura Clan!

Zhou Fangyu was shocked after reading the prompt.

"Wu Junhou, is the Red Lotus of Karma on you?"

The sudden question of Zhou Fangyu made Wu Junhou equally surprised.

"How do you know Karma Red Lotus? Impossible, there is no god in the world of gods who know this treasure!!""

Wu Junhou shouted loudly.

Afterwards, he knelt down on the ground extremely weakly, looking at Zhou Fangyu with a grim look on his face.

"You are a member of the Truth Society? It turns out that you are also a member of the Truth Society!

"No wonder you were able to solve the disappearance of Podos so quickly that day!

"It turns out that all this is a play written and directed by your truth club! 99

Wu Junhou's words completely confused Zhou Fangyu.

"What are you talking about? Who said I was a member of the Truth Society?

Wu Junhou sneered:

"You're still pretending to be stupid?! Three years ago, Zhang Bo, a junior member of your Truth Society, brought a masked and mysterious senior member and said he wanted to cooperate with me!"

"With the help of the Wu family's unique time-space shuttle array, we have entered a sea of ​​blood space formed by the lost realm of the ancient gods!"

"Received several treasures, as well as some powerful gods.

"Among those treasures, I took away the Red Lotus of Karma, and your people took away two precious swords."

"Among the Divine Realm races, I subdued the bloody flying dragon and the blood sea god mosquito from the Asura family.

"You have conquered the four major demon kings in the Asura family.

"This matter, apart from me and your Truth Society, no third party knows about it."

"You also said that you are not a member of the Truth Society?!"

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved slightly when he heard this.

There was a hint of embarrassment on his face after being dismantled.

Then, pretending to be annoyed, he asked:

"Since you already know my identity, why don't you hand over the Karma Red Lotus."

.Otherwise, you also know the means of our truth meeting. ""

"Be careful I'll let you live, you can't die!"

Zhou Fangyu pretended to be vicious.

I didn't expect it to actually work.

After Wu Junhou heard "you can't live, you can't die", a trace of fear and panic flashed on his face.

He trembled and said: "Okay, I'll give you the Karma Red Lotus!

After finishing speaking, Wu Junhou really came from his own divine domain.

Slowly took out a bright red twelve-pin lotus.

On the surface of this lotus flower, there is also a layer of faint blue flame.

among the flames.

You can faintly hear the mourning of countless unjust souls.

Chilling to hear.

After Zhou Fangyu saw the lotus flower, he was immediately determined.

This must be a legend in the wild.

The accompanying magic weapon of the ancestors of Minghe - Karma Red Lotus.

But just when Zhou Fangyu wanted to take over the lotus.

Then Wu Junhou suddenly attacked.

"Eat my soul, refine my soul, sacrifice my blood, melt my power, and destroy the world with karmic fire!!

With Wu Junhou's words sounded.

The Karmic Fire on the surface of the Karmic Fire Red Lotus suddenly surged wildly.

The huge flame enveloped Wu Junhou.

First, the last bit of divine power remaining in his body was drained.

Then, his flesh and blood was peeled out little by little and was swallowed by the red lotus.

In the end, even Wu Junhou's soul let out an incomparably mournful wailing.

Refined by Red Lotus.

Immediately after.

The karmic fire of the red lotus watch (the king's Zhao) layer broke out completely.

The incomparably terrifying karmic fire instantly vaporized everything around him.

Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying stepped back immediately.

But the speed of their retreat.

It can't compare with the speed of Karma's expansion.

With the current strength of Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying.

They can barely resist the temperature of this karmic fire.

But it is the terrifying karma that can defile and corrode all living beings in the world.

But it's not something Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying can compete with.

Wu Junhou this guy is ruthless.

It's really Zhou Fangyu's life.

Even at the last moment of death.

Even if you lose your soul, you will never be resurrected.

This guy will also drag Zhou Fangyu, the enemy, to be buried with him.

Soon the red lotus karmic fire completely shrouded the entire island.

The speed of Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying had reached the limit at this time.

But he was still completely engulfed by the monstrous karmic fire behind him!

At this moment, Jiuying wrapped Zhou Fangyu with her own body.

Do you want to give him a chance to survive?

While Zhou Fangyu was moved, strong unwillingness and anger broke out in his heart.

He did not believe that he would be on this island.

He was killed by such a villain as Wu Junhou.

Zhou Fangyu firmly believes that he will find a way to break the game!

Let yourself and Jiuying get out of this terrifying karmic fire alive!

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