In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 166 : The chance to surpass God Emperor! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

Jiuying took the dragon clan in front of Zhou Fangyu.

opened his mouth and said to him:

"Master Master, this ancestral dragon ball has been completely opened by me using the ancestral dragon breath in ambergris.

"Now, you just need to input some divine power into it.

"The remnant soul of the real Huanglong in this Dragon Ball will appear in front of you.

"Just subdue it and incorporate it into your divine domain."

"The control of the entire Lost God Realm will fall into your hands!

Jiuying's words made Zhou Fangyu's mind.

Immediately transferred to this Dragon Ball.

He took the Dragon Ball from Jiuying's mouth.

Play with it carefully first.

From the outside, this is a milky white bead the size of a fist.

It may even be because of the hidden treasures.

This bead looks a little dull and rustic.

"This is Zulong's Dragon Ball?!"

Zhou Fangyu said in surprise.

Jiuying nodded and said:

"Yes, this is an orb that condensed from the top of the head when the ancestor dragon shed its skin!

"For other races, this Dragon Ball is nothing but a dust and water ball.

"But for the Dragon Clan, it is a supreme treasure."

"The dragon family who owns this dragon ball is being baptized by the ancestral dragon's air every day.

"It's like jumping over the dragon gate every day, and you can constantly temper your own dragon blood.

"At the same time, the soul of the dragon race can be greatly improved after being nourished by this dragon ball."

"More importantly, this Dragon Ball comes with a huge space."

"Only the blood of the Dilong clan in the dragon clan, as well as the aura of the ancestor dragon itself, can open this space."

"If you want to forcibly open this space, even the god emperor can't do it.

"Therefore, this is still the best treasure house for the dragon family.

Hearing Jiuying's introduction, Zhou Fangyu nodded.

This thing, in the future, can be placed in the East China Sea of ​​his own God's Domain.

There is the habitation of his god domain race, the dragon race.

Believe in your own god domain dragon family, under the daily tempering of this dragon ball dragon energy.

Bloodline and strength will increase day by day!

Follow the nine baby's method.

Zhou Fangyu slightly injected a bit of divine power into Dragon Ball.

Under the catalysis of this divine power, the space in the Dragon Ball slowly opened.

Dragon Ball, which was still extremely dim just now.

At this time, thousands of bright brilliance radiated out.

The island as black as coke is built like a crystal dragon palace under the sea.

At this moment.

A monk in a yellow robe.

From the space within the Dragon Ball, he came out.

Zhou Fangyu took a closer look.

This Taoist man has a wide nose and wide ears, a square face, and a righteous face.

He seems to be an upright, upright person.

"Junior gods, hello! I am the friend of the founding god emperor of the eastern empire of the gods world - Huanglong Zhenren!"

"Today, you can enter my lost realm and find my remnant soul from this dragon ball."9

"Prove that you are the "destined person" that Jiang Shang's fortune teller!

"After my remnant soul is integrated into your God Realm, this Lost God Realm will be under your control. All the God Realm props and all the surviving dragons.

"It's all up to you!"

"At the same time, I also left a treasure in this Dragon Ball.

"Have this treasure, and one day you will become a god-level god.""

"This treasure will help you escape the shackles of this godly world!

"Break through the realm of the god emperor and achieve the only god position. He truly has the preliminary qualification to unify the heavens and the world.

"I hope that at that time, after you have achieved the only divine position, you can follow my message in this treasure.

"Make up for my lifelong regrets and realize what I have left unfinished!

The remnant soul of this Huanglong real person is completely different from the remnant soul of the ancestor Ming He just now.

This passage can only be repeated mechanically.

No matter how Zhou Fangyu spoke, the other party did not respond.

"Master Master, this remnant soul is a trace of essence that Huang Longzhen forcibly extracted from his own soul before he died.

"He is not the real soul of Huanglong Zhenren, so he cannot communicate with people.""

"It's even more impossible to revive the real Huanglong.

Jiuying said sadly.

Zhou Fangyu could see that Jiu Ying really has deep feelings for Huanglong Zhenren.

He nodded.

No longer trying to communicate with the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren.

Instead, it directly opens the entrance to God's Domain.

The remnant soul of the real Huanglong was included in the realm of the gods.

Then put it into the core of the Great Desolate God's Domain.

Soon the remnant of the real Huanglong.

It completely melted into the core of the Prehistoric God's Domain.

at the same time.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly felt.

His own divine sense suddenly resonated with the surrounding space that had lost his divine domain.

Divine Intent was naturally integrated into the space of the Lost God's Domain.

Then, Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense began to expand infinitely.

It soon covered the entire Lost Gods Realm.

Just like in your own domain.

Zhou Fangyu even felt that he was in this lost realm.

You are almost omnipotent.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

The control of the Lost God's Domain has indeed belonged to Zhou Fangyu.

But because there is no divine nourishment for a long time.

The spatial structure of the Lost Domain.

It has been firmly glued to the space of the gods' world.

That is to say.

In the lost realm, everything can be moved.

Zhou Fangyu can really control it.

But I want to directly annex the entire Lost God Realm after the war of gods is over.

It's really impossible.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu is more like a lost domain.

The new housekeeper of this unowned "old house".

The things in the house, he can take away at will.

But the book in the room still does not belong to him.

Of course, even if it's just the housekeeper of this "old house".

The benefits that Zhou Fangyu can obtain are equally astonishing.

A benefit in the first place.

It was Zhou Fangyu in the Lost Domain.

I want to open the spatial entrance and exit of the Prehistoric God's Domain.

became incredibly easy.

There is no need to spend a lot of divine crystals to forcibly open a space gap.

This made it cost 12 million Divine Crystals just gnashing his teeth.

Zhou Fangyu, who released more than 20 million Earth players from God's Domain.

A big sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no need to spend another 12 million Divine Crystals.

Send these Earth players back to the Prehistoric Realm.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu finally turned his attention to the Earth player.

After the wonderful "mosquito lamp" battle just now.

The Earth player is fighting the remaining mosquitoes at this time.

An inhumane hunt was carried out.

Earth players have not spared any mosquitoes.

Killed mosquitoes, the corpses were also divided up by them.

All of them have become the materials that they will use to refine weapons and make equipment in the future.

Zhou Fangyu even saw that some players had already started flying far away.

It is estimated that it is prepared in this so-called "copy" map.

Are there any other monsters to fight?

Another player got into the sea.

I want to find some sea monsters from the sea to kill.

Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to let these guys continue to toss.

Otherwise, wait a while if there are other arrogant gods.

Just passing through this sea.

Seeing all over the sky, all of them are Zhou Fangyu's god domain race.

That Zhou Fangyu's trump card and strength can be considered to be completely exposed.

to be frank.

A sub-god-level deity with more than 20 million races of the gods.

This thing is so creepy!

Zhou Fangyu really dared not let other gods know about it now.


He now has absolute control over the Lost God Realm.

Gather these players and send them all back to God's Domain.

became a lot easier.

I saw Zhou Fangyu waved his hand, and the divine sense directly controlled the space of the Lost God Realm.

It will be within a radius of ten kilometers.

All Earth players instantly moved to the sky above the island.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangyu does not need to spend a divine crystal.

Once again, a huge entrance to the Great Desolate God's Domain with a diameter of 30 kilometers was opened.

The direction of this entrance is just right to catch the Earth players in mid-air.

The next thing is simple.

Zhou Fangyu directly threw all the players on Earth.

Then, these earth players all fell into the prehistoric realm.

Then, Zhou Fangyu instantly closed the entrance to the Prehistoric God Realm.

··For flowers·……

In the end, Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense entered the prehistoric realm.

Instruct all high-level and middle-level puppets in the entire God's Domain.

Responsible for notifying these players, according to their "performance" in the copy just now


Go to their respective cities to receive the corresponding military merits and rewards.

At this point, the matter of the players on Earth has been resolved.

Don't say it yet.

It just so happened.

Here, Zhou Fangyu has just taken all the players from Earth back to God's Domain.

His divine sense sensed it.

One or two hundred kilometers away.

There are dozens of gods of the Eastern Empire.

It was slowly flying towards the direction of the island.

at the same time.

in another direction.

There are also hundreds of gods of the Western Empire.

In the same direction of the island, he flew over tentatively.

Because there is a lot of mist created by the Mirage.

Both groups of young gods flew very slowly.

And there is no way to directly spy on Zhou Fangyu on the island.

This also gave Zhou Fangyu a bit of buffer time.

It is estimated that the shocking battle between Zhou Fangyu and Wu Junhou just now was too loud.

This time, these young gods were attracted and came over to find out.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while.

Now he controls the entire Lost Gods Realm.

If you want to do it absolutely.

Kill all the young gods of these Eastern and Western empires.

It's also easy.


But he is different from the ambitious Wu Junhou.

Zhou Fangyu doesn't have that many secrets to keep.

I didn't even think about conspiracy to usurp the throne!

In Lost Gods Realm, kill so many young gods below.

Not only will it not bring him any benefit.

Instead, it will bring him a lot of trouble.

Such a thankless thing.

Zhou Fangyu is not willing to do it.

Since he couldn't kill these guys, Zhou Fangyu didn't bother to meet them.

Otherwise, the other party asks what happened here.

He also has to figure out how to make up a story.


Zhou Fangyu took advantage of the young gods of the Eastern and Western empires.

There are hundreds of kilometers away from the island.

An opportunity that will not come in a short period of time.

A wave of hands.

I want to take the medicine king ding and ambergris left by Wu Junhou on the small island into the realm of the gods.

Next, put the island outside the sea.

Taking advantage of Wu Junhou's death, the mirage who wanted to escape.

Directly use the divine sense to slip up.

Throwing the Dragon Ball in his hand.

Then close the inner space of Dragon Ball directly.

Don't worry about the guy running away.

Done with this.

Zhou Fangyu sat on the dragon head of Jiuying.

Let him fly into the air with himself.


Zhou Fangyu from God's Domain.

He took out that somewhat terrifying weapon of gods and demons - the head flute of the gods.

He quickly removed the traces of divine power and divine aura that he had left on the scene.

All wiped away.

As for the time and space backtracking clues.

Zhou Fangyu remained motionless.

Anyway, this Lost God Realm is full of young gods.

No one can use the time and space retrospective magical powers at all.

There is no related equipment.

That being the case, Zhou Fangyu did not do much.

at last.

Zhou Fangyu carefully observed the divine aura left by the remnant of the real Huanglong.

There are also traces of divine power and divine aura of Marquis Wu and his dozen or so retainers, the arrogant gods.

Deliberately kept on the island.

After a while, the gods of the East and the West came here.

It is easy to make wrong judgments based on the situation.

They would think of the great war that took place on this small island.

It broke out between the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren and Wu Junhou.

This also happened to fulfill the previous worries of Gabriel and Sima Yun.

The remnant of Huanglong Zhenren is an extremely cruel and negative remnant.

When this remnant met Wu Junhou and the others.

And then a fierce battle ensued.

In the end, both sides lost.

All died in this battle.

After doing all this.

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now the scene is set up perfectly!

"Let's see if there is any Sherlock Holmes among these arrogant gods who can see through this little trick I arranged!"

Zhou Fangyu said to himself with a smile.


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