In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 174 : The senior members of the mysterious truth society have appeared?! [Please subscribe,

Zhou Fangyu quickly opened the god panel.

I want to see my current realm of strength.

[God's Mansion Interface]

【Birth name】: Zhou Fangyu

【God name】: Hongjun

[Level]: True God (Intermediate)

[Divine Flame]: 239,000 (239 million Divine Crystals)

【Godhead】:Honghuang Godhead

[Holy job]: Dao of the Wilderness and Heaven

【Sect】: none

[race]: human

[Racial Strength]: 19.1 billion points

[Mastering the Law]: Wind, Thunder, Earth (New), Poison, Ice, Water, Fire, Wood, Gold, Time, Space (New), Soul Seduction, Soul Gathering, Black Water Power, Ghost Power, Blood Sha Power, Dragon Soul Power

[God's lifespan]: 49,982 years (50,000 years for the middle level of true gods)

[Mastering the exercises]: The basic divine power exercises of the Eastern Empire

[God Skills]: Ever-changing, Soul Seduction, Puppet Art, Heaven and Earth, Angel Wings, True Dragon Flame, Calling Wind and Rain, Soaring Clouds and Driving Mist, Asura Fighting Body, Blood Sea Blood Drops

[God's Domain Interface]

[Type]: Honghuang God Domain

[Time]: 1-100 times the time flow rate of the main world

[Characteristics]: It can speed up the cultivation speed of all the prehistoric races and increase their probability of comprehending the laws of heaven and earth; ② Law of Entropy Increase: It can improve the absorption efficiency of divine power in the divine domain and double the daily amount of divine power acquired; 3 The blessing of the god of light : The breeding rate of the gods in the gods is increased by 10 times, and the number of resources and minerals refreshed by 1 times; 4 female reincarnation pool (mutation): the mad believers of the gods can be reincarnated in the reincarnation pool with the power of their own beliefs. the female family.

【Area】: 90 million square kilometers

[Player Race]: 2000W (humans, witches, ghosts, females)

[Racial priesthood]: 0 (9 priesthoods can be conferred at present)

[Innate Races]: 11904 (Monster), 10301 (Dragon, including Jiuying), 5004 (Asura)

[Greeding Races]: 6323 (Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin)

[City]: 3 large cities (6027 special buildings)

[Environment]: Grassland/Hills/Rivers and Lakes/Forest/Volcano/Buzhou Mountain/Ocean

[Vegetation]: 80 million mu of grassland, 50 million mu of forest, 20 million mu of ghost grass, 5 million mu of ghost forest, 200 million mu of ghost forest

[Monster Lair]: 1052 (Xianwujing to Golden Fairyland)

[Resources, Minerals]: 6068 (Xianwujing to Golden Fairyland)

[Evaluation]: Only a true god can possess a powerful divine domain, a large number of powerful divine domain races, and a group of powerful divine domain races that are being conceived.

"Fuck, it's true! I went straight to the middle-level child god, and I rose to the middle-level true god in one step?!"

Zhou Fangyu called out in shock.

It's not that he's uncommon.

It was his soaring realm.

has surpassed his cognitive limits.

To know.

in the world of gods.

A top-notch goddess who graduated from college.

It is nothing more than a high-level child god to the level of an extraordinary child god.

And from the university graduation.

Break through from a child god-level god to an elementary-level true god.

Fastest record holder.

It was this guy Bai Qi.

His record is 3 years.

And the fastest record holder for the promotion from the primary true god to the intermediate true god.

It is Zhou Fangyu's current "girlfriend" - Kaisha.

Her record is 2 1/2 years.

That is to say.

Start with college graduation.

The fastest speed to upgrade to the theory of the middle-level true god.

Also 5 and a half years.

Take Hades and Ryder, the two middle-level true gods who wish Zhou Fangyu died now, as an example.

Their two gods are already among the younger generation of the Western Empire.

The talent and strength of the top Tianjiao.

A high-ranking young deity second only to Keisha.

And both of them were only promoted to middle-level true gods when they were around 40 years old.

That is to say.

It took them eighteen years to become a middle-level true god after graduating from university.

And Zhou Fangyu hasn't taken the college entrance exam yet.

It has also achieved a middle-level true god.

If this is known by other gods or demons.

Guess it's not because he is jealous of Zhou Fangyu.

But to kill him immediately.

Fortunately, Zhou Fangyu now has the strongest means to conceal his strength.

That bone flute that can cover up all divine and magical auras.

There is also the skull flute that can erase all traces of divine and magical power.

It makes it impossible for other gods to see his true state at all.

It also allows Zhou Fangyu to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Don't worry about being targeted by all the gods and demons.

After being surprised by the realm strength of his crazy improvement.

Zhou Fangyu turned his attention to the panel again.

On a brand new content that was beyond his expectations.

"Canonized racial priesthood?! 99

"I remember this ability, isn't it only a peak true god can have?

Zhou Fangyu said strangely.

Canonized racial priesthood.

Generally, it is a special ability that can only be possessed by peak true gods.

Be in the realm of a peak true god.

There is the number and overall strength of a certain God's Domain race.

after reaching a certain level.

The gods can be among the races of this divine domain.

Pick and canonize a racial priesthood!

The souls of racial clerics will be engraved with the imprint of the gods' souls.

with this imprint.

Racial clerics can borrow some of the power and power of their deities.

on the one hand.

They can use this power to suppress all other individuals within the race.

To rule a race in place of a deity.

on the other hand.

Racial clerics will also receive strength enhancements and bonuses.

Their strength will directly increase by one rank.

For example, if Jiuying was canonized as a racial cleric of the Dragon Race.

Then he can be promoted from the elementary level of the earth fairyland to the middle level of the earth fairyland.

This is when the strength of the God's Domain race is low.

Can't see how great it is.

But when the strength of the God's Domain race reaches Heavenly Immortal, or even Golden Immortal.

It takes hundreds or even thousands of years to raise a small realm.

The strength of these racial clerics enshrined by gods.

It will far surpass other people in the same family.

And these are only benefits to the clergy themselves.

to the gods.

After the canonization of the racial clergy, it also has great benefits.

A qualified racial cleric.

Not only can it manage and lead a divine race to develop better!

more importantly.

Racial clerics can be used by deities as bridges to mobilize a vast dominion race!

That is to say.

With canonized racial clergy.

The deity does not need to mobilize a large number of dominion races each time.

All open a very large space entrance and exit.

It only needs to open an entrance and exit enough for the clergy of the race to enter and exit.

Because racial clerics have an innate ability.

That is, all individuals within their own race can be treated.

All are stored in the sacred space within the body.

In this way, when the gods mobilize a large number of races in the divine realm to fight.

It only needs to mobilize one or two racial clerics to come to the main world.

Instead of the trouble of mobilizing a large number of God's Domain races every time.

In and out of the realm of space.

More importantly.

According to Zhou Fangyu.

But after the strength of the gods has reached the realm of the king of gods.

His canonized racial clergy will be able to become his god.

A god can create his own divine domain, and put the entire divine domain race under his command into his own divine domain for development.

And God can also walk freely in the Lord's world.

This means that the god-king can have several completely loyal to himself.

In the world of gods, you can help the god-king handle conquest, management, rule... and other affairs.

That's why.

The high-level of the Eastern and Western Empires must be at least the gods of the God King Realm.

Because only the god-king has his own god.

Possess the ability to govern an incomparably vast area.

Hence, canonized racial clergy.

for every god.

Both are very important, and must be treated with caution.

Once the canonized racial clergy is incompetent.

It is likely to hinder the development of a race.

The general peak true god can confer 1 to 2 racial priests.

It is already a very powerful peak true god.

But Zhou Fangyu can canonize 9 racial priests.

It can be seen how terrifying the strength and number of his God Realm races are.

But even up to 9 racial priests can be canonized.

Zhou Fangyu also did not follow his own temperament and arbitrarily canonized racial priests.

He thought about it carefully.

Still decided to give all the gods a chance to prepare.

Then, under the circumstance that all the gods' races are in the spotlight.

Publicly canonized 9 race priests.

Let all gods races be convinced.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual thought moved.

In the Great Desolate God Realm, a mighty divine might immediately rose!

All the races of the gods felt this terrifying divine might.

Countless God Realm races fell to their knees.

Even Earth players mostly fell to the ground on one knee!

All the gods' races shouted in the direction of Zhou Fangyu:

"Father God is above 々||!""

"Master Lord!

"The Lord of the Divine Realm!


Zhou Fangyu's majestic voice exploded in the realm of the gods like thunder:

"My God Realm races.

"After experiencing the epic battle in the Lost God's Domain, now the Prehistoric God's Domain has greatly improved, and the number and types of God's Domain races have increased unprecedentedly. 35

"In order to better manage various races, speed up the speed of strength improvement of various races."

"I have decided to hold the canonization conference of clergy of all races in the entire Divine Region after the 30th (7 hours in the main world)."

"In each race, the one with the strongest belief in me and the strongest can be canonized as a priest of that race.39

"The clergy can use my divine power to command all things of their own family on my behalf."

"At the same time, the clergy will receive my divine power bonus, and their own strength will automatically increase by one rank.

"In the future, I will hold a canonization conference every year."

"The priests whose belief is not firm and whose strength is insufficient will be removed from the priesthood. They will be replaced by other strong men within their own clan."

After Zhou Fangyu's voice landed.

Many earth players are extremely excited, and their faces are full of fanatical expressions!

"Not only can I become the leader of a clan, but can also use divine power to rule the same clan, and can I also improve the strength of the first-order?!"

Facing the great benefits of the clergy!

All earth players are heartbroken.

Among the races of the Innate God Realm such as the Monster Race, the Dragon Race, and the Shura Race.

The strength of a clan leader and his subordinates is very different.

Therefore, the candidates who can become priests are very fixed.

But Earth players are completely different.

The difference in strength between players on Earth is very small.

As long as you work hard enough, you will be lucky.

It is very likely that the strength will become the first in a certain clan.

Therefore, many players with relatively high strength.

They all made up their minds.

This month, we must find ways to improve our strength.

As for whether the belief in the master of the gods is firm or not.

These players all feel that they admire Zhou Fangyu.

I don't think I have enough faith at all.

at the same time.

Taiyi and Dijun in the demon clan.

Jiuying and Ao Rin in the Dragon Clan.

Indra, Vishnu, Rutolu, and Ghost Mother in the Shura tribe.

Also after listening to Zhou Fangyu's God's Domain.

Start to discuss the matter of the racial clergy.

Only the female clan is the most calm.

In the beginning, they were all mad believers of Zhou Fangyu.

They will follow any instructions from Zhou Fangyu.

Second, Alice's strength far surpasses that of other female scorpions and dry scorpions.

There is no need to choose at all, the priest of the female clan must be Alice.

After Zhou Fangyu announced the canonization of race priests.

He soon left his realm.

Did not expect to come out.

He saw Keisha standing in front of his bed with a smile on his face.

He quickly got off the bed.

Standing in front of Keisha.

"You spent another afternoon in God's Domain?!"

Keisha asked.

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I went into the realm of the gods and sorted out the harvest of this expedition."

Kaisha nodded and didn't ask Zhou Fangyu what she had gained.

Instead, he lifted his arm with a smile and asked:

"When I came back at noon, did that little girl Vivian seduce you?!

Kaisha didn't ask Zhou Fangyu about the harvest this time, which made him very comfortable.

But when I heard the name Vivian, I was at a loss.

"..who is Vivian?!99

Keisha looked at his puzzled expression.

Laugh more happily.

"Looks like you haven't eaten that little girl yet! I'm not wrong!"

She smiled like a flower.

Zhou Fangyu guessed instantly, who is "Vivian"!

He embarrassedly said:

"The Vivian you mentioned is the maid who showed me the way!"

"How do you know that at noon, she..."

Speaking of which, Zhou Fangyu was embarrassed to continue talking.

Instead, Keisha said generously:

"At breakfast today, Mr. Gabriel once mentioned it. It seems that you are usually busy with improving your strength, and your personal life is not taken care of.

"So, he wants to give you Vivian as your personal maid!"

"I was not very happy when I heard Lord Gabriel say that!

"But after thinking about it, if I'm not by your side, no one will help you take care of your daily life.

"Later, I agreed."

Zhou Fangyu was completely stunned when he heard this.

"Ah?! You agree?"

"Yes, such a beautiful maid, don't you want it?"

Keisha asked with a smile.

Zhou Fangyu looked at her smiling face and didn't know whether she was telling the truth or testing herself.

But the world of gods does not prohibit polygamy, Zhou Fangyu is not worried about what Kaisha has in mind, but just said the truth:

"Forget it, I think. I'm not used to being served by others."

"When I see Lord Gabriel, I will solemnly reject this matter."

Zhou Fangyu's voice fell.

Keisha's smile grew even sweeter.

"Then how can it be, you can't have no one to take care of you!"

Having said this, Keisha paused to think for a moment, and then said:

"Since you're not used to having Vivian serve.

"I applied to Lord Gabriel to transfer me to the Holy See branch in Dongyang City of the Eastern Empire.

"In this way, I can always be by your side and take care of you."

Zhou Fangyu thought of Dongyang City, and there was another Wang Haiyan waiting for him.

It feels a little big, but everyone Keisha's words have come to this point. Zhou Fangyu had to let her come to Dongyang City.

"Okay! That way we don't have to separate." Zhou Fangyu said sweetly.

Kaisha smiled and nodded, and while pulling Zhou Fangyu out, she said:

"Come on, I'll take you to change your clothes. The evening celebration is about to start. If you don't change your clothes, it will be too late."

Subsequently, Keisha is like a qualified wife.

(Wang Liaozhao) He took Zhou Fangyu to the yard where he lived.

Put on the evening dress you wear to the banquet.

Afterwards, the two rushed to the battleship Paradise together.

Went to the gala dinner hosted by His Royal Highness the Son tonight.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu is not only attending the dinner tonight.

More importantly, it is still necessary to find out on the Paradise.

The divine aura of that suspected Western looting regiment.

If we can find out this Western looting group in advance.

Before they invade the earth's time and space, they will be completely eliminated.

Then the hated clan would not be able to sense the time and space of the earth.

The breath left by their family.

The earth can also not be affected by war, resulting in total destruction.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu attended this dinner with goals and tasks.

Just when Zhou Fangyu and Keisha rushed to the battleship Paradise.

Goddess Island.

In the palace where the high-level gods of the Western Empire stayed.

Hades, who also received an invitation to the dinner party.

But still did not move.

He hid in his room and used divine power to set up a shielding barrier.

Insulate the room from the outside world.

Now, Hades was listening gloomily—

He sent out at noon to investigate the Divine Realm race of the news.

Report him all the information about this Lost Gods expedition.

The more he listened, the more ugly his face became.

"During this expedition, none of the arrogances of the Eastern and Western empires tamed a real dragon..."

"Not a single god has seen the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren and Wu Junhou die together..."

"Wu's prepared a million-year plan, is it a joke?"

"How do I report this result to the director?!"

Hades growled.

at this time.

Hades' realm suddenly opened automatically.

A silver card floated out.

Inside the card, a terrifying black shadow.

Suddenly jumped out and stood in front of Hades!

If Zhou Fangyu was also here, he would definitely be able to sense this shadow.

Not only Zhang Bo's divine aura.

There is also the breath of the Asura family.

There is even the breath of the sea of ​​​​blood and the remnant of the Styx.

Then, Zhou Fangyu must be able to guess.

This is what Wu Junhou said before his death - that mysterious senior member of the Truth Society.

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