In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 184: True or false Fuxi?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

at this time.

The porcelain vase that just blew Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying out.

Once again, amazing changes have taken place.

I saw the mouth of this porcelain bottle.

suddenly became enormous.

The diameter seems to be hundreds of kilometers.

A terrifying huge suction force burst out from the porcelain bottle.

He sucked in Ryder, who was caught off guard.

Zhou Fangyu and Jiu Ying felt the suction.

Immediately try to get rid of it.

But they did their best.

But it could only barely stand still.

There is no way to escape the radiation range of this terrifying suction.

Even, Zhou Fangyu sent out a trace of divine power fluctuations to the outside world.

They were all sucked out of the bottle in an instant.

This made Zhou Fangyu want to use divine power to transmit voice to other gods.

Let them figure out a way to save themselves.

Can't do it.

At this time, Hades used a very weak voice.

Excitedly, he shouted to Zhou Fangyu:

"Zhou Fangyu, this is the god I followed behind and manipulated me. When I entered a special time and space, I accidentally got the treasure."5

"Before, I never took it out and used it, so I was afraid of being discovered by that guy!

"Unexpectedly, you became the first person to try its power!"

"If you don't want to die, immediately tell me the secrets of why your God's Domain is so large and why your realm strength has improved so quickly!

"Otherwise, this treasure can turn you and the nine-headed dragons under your feet into pus and blood in an instant!"

Zhou Fangyu ignored him at all.

Just weird looking at this little china bottle...

No, the small porcelain bottle that absorbed a lot of divine power has now turned into a big jade pot.

"Jiuying, how do I feel, the power above is very familiar!

Zhou Fangyu felt the jade pot.

The terrifying suction that came from made it impossible for him and Jiuying to escape at a distance of more than ten kilometers.

And in this suction, there is a power that he is particularly familiar with.

"Master Lord, you are indeed very familiar with this power, because this is the power of demons!

Jiuying immediately replied:

"And if I'm not wrong, this treasure may be a treasure in the hands of Empress Nuwa, the sage of the Great Desolation...

Zhou Fangyu heard this.

He carefully looked at the shape of the jade pot, and suddenly asked in surprise:

"Could it be—refining the demon pot?!"

Nine babies nodded:

"That's right, this should be the demon refining pot that Nu Wa used the Qiankun Cauldron to refine back then!

Zhou Fangyu heard this.

Suddenly thought of something.

The system had reminded him earlier.

The exclusive secret space of the Truth Society was refined by the Nuwa Palace.

He linked this to the demon pot refining.

Suddenly he thought of something that shocked him...

It even made him feel a little unbelievable!

He turned to look at Hades and asked aloud:

"Hades, don't you want to know why I can become a true god so quickly?

"I can tell you the answer!"

"But you have to tell me one thing first!"

Hades asked excitedly, "What's the matter?

Zhou Fangyu asked:

"The god who has been manipulating you and Uncle Zhang behind your back!

"What the hell is his name?! 35

Hades thought for a while, and probably thought that Zhou Fangyu was dead anyway.

It doesn't matter if you tell him about it.

Even if Zhou Fangyu goes back on his word, he doesn't tell the secret of his rapid increase in strength.

Hades also has confidence.

With the refining demon pot in his hand, he forced Zhou Fangyu to submit.

Therefore, Hades did not hide and tuck, and directly stated the answer.

"The name of that god has never been heard by anyone in the entire god world. Even if I tell you, you certainly don't know him々||!""

"But since you want to know so much, I can tell you!"

"He's got a weird name—"


After Zhou Fangyu heard the name.

Everyone was stunned.


This T`M is a coincidence, and it is the Fuxi of the Great Desolation.

Really came to the world of gods?

If only a coincidence.

Why was the secret space of the Truth Society transformed from the Nuwa Palace?

If it wasn't a coincidence, Fuxi was really the same as the real person Huanglong.

It was from the flood and fell to the world of the gods.

Then why has he never revealed his true body, let alone left any historical records in the world of gods.

more importantly.

This Fuxi behind Hades, the means and practices of acting.

Gives a very sinister, tyrannical feeling.

Completely a sinister villain who will do anything to achieve his goals.

and in the legend of the Great Desolation.

Comparing with Fuxi, who has a long-term view of the sky and the latitude of the earth, has no last resort, and is full of talent.

Completely two extremes.

It's a pity that Hades obviously didn't want to give Zhou Fangyu time to continue thinking.

He shouted at Zhou Fangyu:

"Tell me the secret of your rapid increase in strength."

"Otherwise, I will immediately inhale you into this pot."

"Turn you into pus and blood!!"

Zhou Fangyu ignored him at all.

He shouted to Jiuying:

"Jiuying, help me resist the suction of this demon refining pot! 35

Jiuying nodded.

A terrifying dragon roar sounded.

Afterwards, he turned his huge body.

In front of Zhou Fangyu.

Separate him from the refining demon pot.

Zhou Fangyu took advantage of this opportunity and quickly flew into the distance.

I want to get rid of the suction of the refining demon pot.

Hades saw this happen.

Frenzy took out a dagger.

Slashed his divine arm.


A large pool of golden blood splashed out.

All fell into the bottle mouth of the refining demon pot.

next moment.

The demon refining pot erupted with even more terrifying power.

A golden light burst out from the mouth of the refining demon pot.

Terrible suction.

He shrouded Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu behind him again.

Jiuying was angry at this time.

He ignored the danger that he might be sucked into the refining demon pot.

Crazy to open all the nine-headed dragon mouth to the maximum extent.

Then place it on a dot.

A sakura-like pattern is formed.

That's right, Jiuying used her ultimate killing move again.

It took him thousands of years to comprehend the power of the Dao Law.

"hold head high

With Jiuying's roar, it sounded again.

The terrifying dragon roar temporarily blocked the suction of the demon refining pot.


Nine babies in each mouth.

At the same time, a burst of energy with completely different characteristics erupted.

Fire, water, poison, thunder, wind, gold, rock, ice, wood...

There are nine energies in total.

These nine energies come together in one point.

A terrifying power that can easily tear space is formed.

Even the source of this power.

Just a grain of rice-sized Dao Law power.

But its terrifying destructive power.

It still completely interrupted the suction of the demon refining pot for more than ten seconds.

Zhou Fangyu took advantage of this opportunity.

Immediately fly out for hundreds of kilometers.

Temporarily got rid of the suction range of the refining demon pot.

Then, he immediately transmitted voice transmission to Taiyi and Dijun's divine power.

Let them carry the Ten Thousand Demon Banners and immediately rush over to help.

at this time.

The power of the law of terror released by Jiuying.

It was completely offset by the demon power of refining the demon pot.

The terrifying suction came out again.

Even Zhou Fangyu flew hundreds of kilometers.

Still sucked back instantly.

In the end, it took all his life to stop in front of Jiuying.

Relying on the guards of Jiuying, he was not sucked into the refining demon pot.

And after using the power of the Dao Law last time.

It's totally different.

This time, Jiuying used the power of the Dao Law.

There is still some leeway left.

In order to prevent himself and Zhou Fangyu from being sucked into the refining demon pot.

He frantically spit out fire, water, poison, thunder, wind, gold, rock, ice, wood...

Nine powerful energies.

Barely resisting the suction of the refining demon pot.

But the power in his body is rapidly depleting!

It won't be long!

Both he and Zhou Fangyu will be sucked into the refining demon pot.

Hades had injected divine blood into the demon refining pot twice in a row.

Go any further, and he might be weak and die.

"Zhou Fangyu, you're screwed! You won't last long.""

"Do you think you have this dragon to protect you, you will be fine?"

"I tell you, you're dead!"

Hades growled wildly.

It seemed that Zhou Fangyu and Jiu Ying could be captured in this way.

But right now.

Taiyi and Dijun finally arrived.

They saw mid-air.

is struggling.

Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu who are about to be sucked into the refining demon pot.

All were shocked.

"This is actually Nu Wa's demon refining pot? How could it appear in this world?"

Tai was surprised.

Di Jun shook his head and said:

"..Let's take back this demon refining pot first and save God Father and Lord Jiuying!""

Tai Yi immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, take out the ten thousand demon flags. Let's cast spells together and take back the demon refining pot. 35

The Wan Yao Fan and the refining demon pot were originally Nuwa's treasures.

Back then the Great Lich War.

The Wan Yao Banner was borrowed by Di Jun and Tai Yi.

It has been in their hands ever since.

Di Jun took out the ten thousand demon banners from the primordial spirit.

Tossed towards the demon refining pot in the air.

Afterwards, he and Taiyi tried their best to stimulate the demon power in their bodies.

The Ten Thousand Demon Banners were originally only the size of a flag.

Under the urging of the demon king and demon emperor.

The wind is long.

It soon turned into a huge flag with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Covers the entire demon refining pot.

"The power of ten thousand demons, return to this one, give it to me! 39

Taichi's fingertips!

The Wan Yaofan immediately released an incomparably pure demon power.

Wrap the demon refining pot tightly.

Hades saw this situation and wanted to control the demon refining pot.

Go attack Taiyi and Dijun.

But what he didn't expect was.

Under the control of the pure demon power of Wan Yaofan.

The control of the demon pot has completely returned to Taiyi.

At this time, the refining demon pot not only failed to attack Taiyi and Di Jun according to his ideas.

Instead, he was controlled by Tai Yi.

Directly sucked in the weak Hades.

Tai Yi put Hades into the demon pot.

Reaching out his hand, the refining demon pot fell into his hands.

And the ten thousand demon banners automatically returned to Di Jun's hands.

Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying breathed a sigh of relief.

Taiyi and Di Jun hurried to Zhou Fangyu, and the two of them knelt down in the air.

"Taiyi, Dijun, the rescue is late! Please God Father punish! 35

Zhou Fangyu waved his hand and held up the two demons with divine power.

Don't let them continue to kneel.

"You guys came (Wang Haohao) very quickly."

"No fault! Get up quickly! 35

Speaking of which.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while and suddenly asked:

"Di Jun, Taiyi, let me ask you one thing!"

Di Jun and Tai Yi immediately bowed their hands and said:

"Father God, please, I will definitely know everything!""

Zhou Fangyu nodded and asked:

"After your monsters were born in the realm of the gods, do you still remember what happened when you were in the prehistoric times?"

Di Jun immediately replied:

"Report to God Father, after I waited for the demon clan to transform into shape, I knew almost nothing about the prehistoric things.

"Just remember that it was you, Father God, who created and nurtured our demon clan."

"Until the last time I saw Kunpeng's remnant soul above the abyss of death."

"Taiyi and I only remembered in a trance, the few memories related to the flood."

Taichi also said:

"Report to God Father. Now we can only think of Nuwa, Fuxi, Kunpeng and other powerful demons.

"There are also some treasures that we used when we were in the Great Desolation, and some Taoism that we have learned.

"Furthermore, what have we done in the Great Wilderness, what happened, how did we leave the Great Wilderness, and how were we born in your God's Domain...

"We can't even remember."

Zhou Fangyu nodded his head.

"So, how much memory do you have about Fuxi? 35

Tai Yi and Di Jun looked at each other.

Di Jun said:

"We only remember that Fuxi is the elder brother of the demon saint Nuwa. 99

"Later he was reincarnated into the human race and became one of the three emperors."

"Finally enter the Huoyun Cave, become the emperor, and obtain the semi-holy throne!

"As for the rest, we don't remember.

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