In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 186 : Kill Hades, a dilemma?! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu listened to the temple of Hades——

After the content of the last Tibetan Berry.

I just felt a chill down my spine.

He really didn't expect it.

The way of this Hades~ is so wild.

As the bishop of the Holy See in the Eastern Empire, he is not only a member of the Truth Society.

Or the accomplice of the mysterious Fuxi.

And he also hooked up with the Night Demon clan.

That's right.

This Tibetan sound Berry.

The person who had a conversation with Hades turned out to be one of the Seven Great Demon Generals of the Night Demon Clan——


Zhou Fangyu said MPP in his heart, and almost couldn't help but burst out!

Is this Hudsney Mar a spy movie?!

What shocked Zhou Fangyu even more was the content of this recording.

It was actually related to a big plan that the Night Demons were going to implement in Dongyang City.

Because Hades represents the Holy See Temple.

He has held the post of bishop in the Nanyuezhoufu Diocese of the Holy See all the year round.

Therefore, he is in charge of a group of priests in the sub-sacred realm in Dongyang City.

The gluttony of the Night Demons came to Hades this time.

Just to inform him.

After Hades returned to the Eastern Empire, he commanded the priests of the Son of God in Dongyang City.

Hold a few large missionary events, preferably with some riots.

Attract the attention of violent agencies such as the Dongyang City Anti-Magic Bureau and the Defense Bureau.

Execute the final plan for Night Demon and create favorable conditions.

As for what this final plan is.

Gluttony does not say.

Fortunately, Hades wanted to avoid heavy casualties among his priests.

Asked about when and where the final plan for gluttony was launched.

Gluttony does not hide this information.

Tell Haders directly.

The plan starts on the second day after the end of the college entrance examination.


The ranking of the college entrance examination results and the number one winner of the college entrance examination in Nanyuezhou will be announced.

The guardian of the folding sword will also hold a grand celebration dinner on this day.

to this time.

Zhou Fangyu and Bai Qi had previously discovered the "decapitation plan" of the Night Demons.

It has already been speculated.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu is not surprised by this.

But what made him break out in a cold sweat was.

Gluttony told Haders.

On the day the Night Demon clan carried out their grand plan.

Let Hades be the priest under his command.

All of them were transferred to places far away from the 28 high schools in Dongyang City.

That is to say.

The plan of the Night Demons is actually aimed at 28 high schools in Dongyang City.

and Zhou Fangyu and Bai Qi had previously guessed.

The idea that the Night Demons want to implement a beheading plan on the Folding Sword.

Totally the opposite.

What's even more surprising is that.

On the day of the celebratory dinner held by the Folding Knife.

Teachers and students of major high schools in Dongyang City will have dinner parties at Shenshen Square in Dongyang City.

Then, outside the guard house, watch the guard called Folding Lie Dao.

Personally give the top ten candidates of the college entrance examination in Dongyang City and the top ten candidates of the college entrance examination in Dongyang City.

Issue the divine crystal and honorary certificate awarded by the garrison.

If Dongyang City's college entrance examination champion, at the same time become the college entrance examination champion in Nanyue Prefecture.

Folding Sword will also publicly promise the book he promised to reward—

God-king-level exercises are exclusive exercises for gods!

Pass it to the top student of the college entrance examination by hand!

That is to say.

When the Night Demon clan carried out their plan.

Among the 28 high schools in Dongyang City, theoretically they should all be empty.

There are no gods at all!

I don't understand at all why these Night Demons made their plans.

On 28 empty high schools.


Hades is just a peripheral partner of the Night Demons.

the way they trade.

It was Hades who used his identity.

Provide convenience for the Night Demons' activities in the Eastern Empire.

Then the Night Demons help Hades with some dirty business he can't get his hands on.

Provide Hades with a lot of training resources needed by the gods.

At the same time, the Night Demon clan was also a back-hand for Hades to counter Fuxi.

Because at the end of this recording.

Hades informed Fury in detail about Fuxi's latest situation.

It is clear.

The Night Demons were also very interested in something in this Fuxi's hand.

Furious told Haders that it would be based on the information he provided.

Take some action on this Fuxi.

This provided Zhou Fangyu with a new idea to find Fuxi.

That is to find a way to pass the actions of the Night Demon clan.

Find the whereabouts of Fuxi.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu can't do that yet.

Therefore, this should only be used as an alternative.

After really capturing the top of the Night Demon clan in the future.

Then find a way to get more information about Fuxi from the other party's mouth.

After listening to all of Hades' Tibetan sound shells.

Zhou Fangyu finally remembered.

Hades, who was still in the demon refining pot.

Think about it.

He put his divine sense into the demon refining pot.

And Hades, who was still desperately resisting the Qi of Heaven and Earth at this time, said:

"Hades, I have found the Tibetan Yinbei you hid."

"I know almost all of your secrets!

"If you don't have any other important information, it's time to send you on your way!

Hades heard Zhou Fangyu's voice.

Knowing that his life is now on the line.

He shouted desperately:

"Don't kill me, I still have a very important message about Keisha..."

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved when he heard this.

"Come on, if it's really important."

"I might consider keeping a trace of your soul!""

Hades didn't do it.

he shouted:

"No, you have to keep me safe before I tell you!

Zhou Fangyu immediately said:

"Don't worry, as long as you say it, I will definitely not kill you!

"No, unless you swear to the will of the gods, let me leave alive.

"Otherwise I would never tell you the news!"

Hades isn't stupid either.

He knew that the only one in his hands could save his own life.

This is the news about Keisha.

He didn't believe Zhou Fangyu's casual promise.

Under the premise that you cannot be sure that you are absolutely safe.

It is absolutely impossible for him to tell the news.

Zhou Fangyu felt a headache when he heard Hades' words.

Hades guessed right.

Zhou Fangyu was planning to do it after he told Keisha's news.

Kill him immediately.

It's not that Zhou Fangyu's words don't count.

It's just that this Hades is too dangerous.

Not only did he know the number of Zhou Fangyu's god domain races.

And know many other secrets.

If you don't kill this guy, the hidden danger is too great.

But look at Hades' attitude.

If Zhou Fangyu does not swear to the will of the world.

Definitely don't want to know that piece of news about Keisha.

It was Zhou Fangyu who decided to be cruel.

When he decided to kill Hades even if he gave up the news of Keisha.

The system prompt rang suddenly.

"Attention, host, your current strength has reached an intermediate level true god.

"After annexing Ryder's Divine Realm and obtaining Ryder's Godhead and Divine Flame!"

"Your strength will break through to a high-level true god!"

"With your current strength, you can already use the teleportation system!"

"Forcibly sign a soul transfer agreement with a god whose realm is lower than yours, and turn the other party into your god's slave!!

"Become the deity of your divine slave, and the soul will be integrated into the core of your divine domain.

"Then, from the core of your divine domain, project a virtual soul, stay in the divine body of the divine slave, and continue to control his divine domain and divine domain race. 39

"But it should be noted that once a god becomes a god slave, his realm of strength will always be lower than his own god master.

"At the same time, with your current soul strength. You can only have two god slaves.

"Please choose the candidates for the god slave carefully."

After Zhou Fangyu listened to the system prompt.

Instantly lit up.

Unexpectedly, this teleportation system can also transfer the soul of the gods.

Teleport to his realm!

Let this god completely become his own god slave.

It's just so rude!

Especially for today's Zhou Fangyu.

It just solved a big problem for him.

to be frank.

If it weren't for the fear of Hades telling his secret.

Zhou Fangyu is really reluctant to kill him now.

Because Hades is implicated in the mysterious Fuxi, the Holy See Temple, the Night Demon Clan, the Truth Society and other important forces and gods.

If he can live.

Zhou Fangyu can pass him.

Find the mysterious Fuxi and get back Yuantu and Abi two treasures.

You can also use him to find a way to get back the 10 Ancestral Witch Mud Puppets in the Pope's hands.

You can even enter the mysterious organization of the Truth Society through him.

more importantly.

Zhou Fangyu can also pass Haders.

Find a way to figure out the plan that the Night Demon clan is about to implement in Dongyang City.

It can be said.

Hades was definitely more alive than he was dead.

More useful to Zhou Fangyu!

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu finally confirmed to the system in his mind:

"System, I signed a soul transfer agreement with Hades to make him my god slave.

"Is it possible to make sure he never disobeys my orders?"

The system replied:

"The lord of the gods dies or is injured, and the slave of the gods will also die and be injured!

"The Lord of God can even view and manipulate the thoughts and memories of the slaves at any time.

"So, the loyalty of the god slaves is much higher than that of ordinary gods!""

Zhou Fangyu was finally relieved when he heard the recovery of the system.

He reintroduced the Spiritual Mind into the refining demon pot.

・・Ask for flowers・ …

"Hades, now I have a way to keep you alive.

"It's up to you to do as I say or not!"

Hades was on the verge of collapse at this time.

At any time, it may be turned into a pool of pus and blood by the Qi of Qiankun.

He shouted:

"As long as you can keep me alive.

"I'll do whatever I want!"

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Well, you just need to sign an agreement, and I'll let you out immediately."

The voice fell.

The conveying system is in accordance with Zhou Fangyu's request.

Directly sent the soul transfer protocol to Hades.

Hades took a quick look at the contents of the agreement.

His expression changed instantly.

He finally knew why Zhou Fangyu was willing to spare his life.

It can be said.

If this agreement really has such terrifying power.

After Hades signed.

He has completely become Zhou Fangyu's slave.

Zhou Fangyu naturally wouldn't just kill a completely loyal slave of a god.

"Zhou Fangyu, you are so cruel!"

Hades growled.

Zhou Fangyu sneered:

"Whether you sign it or not, if you don't, I'll send you on your way right away!

Hades gritted his teeth for a long time.

Finally, he nodded and said

"I sign!


Hades just followed the requirements of the delivery system.

On the transmission agreement, he signed his name and the name of God.

At the same time, a drop of divine blood was left in the agreement.

With the agreement signed.

A terrifying suction.

Suddenly it came out from Zhou Fangyu's God's Domain Core.

This suction actually passed through Hades' domain.

through the walls of the temple.

Passed through the spout of the demon refining pot.

Directly sucked out the soul of Hades in the refining demon pot!

Zhou Fangyu only saw a struggling Hades phantom.

Like a streamer.

Instantly flew out of the refining demon pot.

Then he fell into the core of his own God's Domain.


He felt that in his own divine soul and divine sense.

Suddenly a little man appeared.

This villain turned out to be Hades' soul.

through this little guy.

Zhou Fangyu can easily read Hades' thoughts and memories.

Hades can be killed at any time.

He can also control Hades to act according to his ideas.

Exactly what the system says.


In Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm core, a phantom flew out again.

This phantom is Hades' soul projection.

It allows Hades to control his body, spirit, godhead and divine flame normally.

It's no different from an ordinary god.

But in fact, he has completely become Zhou Fangyu's slave at this time.

Hades at this time.

Even thought about it in my own mind.

Have any disrespectful and unruly thoughts towards Zhou Fangyu.

Can't do it!

Zhou Fangyu sees this situation.

He released Hades from the demon refining pot with great confidence.

Hades at this time has completely changed.

As soon as he came out, he immediately knelt in front of Zhou Fangyu.

In a very enthusiastic tone, he said aloud:

"Lord God, Hades is your most loyal servant from now on!"

"I will give you my everything, even my life!""

Zhou Fangyu checked, Hades' thoughts at this time.

Exactly as he said.

Nodding with satisfaction.

In the future, there will be Hades, the most loyal slave of the gods.

A lot of things in the world of gods.

There is no need for Zhou Fangyu to do it himself.

Just give it to Hades.

more importantly.

Hades' identity, status, and the forces and gods he was involved in.

All can bring huge benefits to Zhou Fangyu.

This is what Zhou Fangyu values ​​most.

"Hadders, you just said that you have another important message about Keisha."5

"Tell me right now.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Hades kneeling in front of him and ordered.

In fact, he could directly check Haders' memory at this time.

Here you can find information about Keisha.

But this search process is rather cumbersome.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu simply asked Haders to speak directly.

Hades did not hesitate, and immediately told the news about Keisha.

Zhou Fangyu finished listening.

At first I was very surprised.

But then, his eyes quickly lit up.


"With this news, I can both avenge Keisha and get back the thing I've been looking for! 99

"This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!!

"Hades, it seems that I chose not to kill you, and I really made the right choice!


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