In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 192: Cut meat and bones? It's really cosplay Nezha! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

at this time!

The nine-clawed golden dragon led by Ao Rin!

Still facing off against the earth players led by Twitter masters.

Both sides are ready to fight.

Ao Rin issued an ultimatum to the armed fortress where the Twitter masters were located.

"Twitter guy, I'm warning you one last time."

"Although this black dragon went ashore and killed some players, disobeying the Lord's orders.""

"But players can be resurrected infinitely, but our dragons can't be resurrected.

"Every time a dragon is killed, our dragon bloodline is reduced by one point!"

"If this kind of killing of the Dragon Clan is allowed to happen, then the face of my Dragon Clan will be lost, and everyone will dare to insult my Dragon Clan in the future! 99

"So, today I have to kill this kid!"

"If you stop it again, you will be the enemy of my entire dragon clan.

Twitter geeks don't eat him.

"Ao Rin, I'll tell you one last time too."

"This kid is part of our guild, and there's nothing wrong with what he's doing!"

"I will never let you touch a single hair of him!""

Although the Twitter master usually speaks out of tune, and likes to mess around.

But at the critical moment, it is also reliable.

In this case, if he let the dragon clan kill Wang Nezha.

Then he will be the end of the chairman.

Ao Rin's patience also reached its peak.

"June 40" "Aung Ang Ang..."

An extremely sharp dragon roar sounded.

In an instant, it spread throughout the East China Sea.

Then, in the East China Sea, countless powerful dragons flew out from under the sea.

The tens of thousands of dragons covered the sky and the sun, with the momentum of sweeping everything.

Fly towards the east coast.

The dragon's huge body and terrifying dragon might.

All the aquariums and monsters near the East China Sea were trembling with fear.

In the sky.

It is also because of the intense breathing of many dragons.

A large black cloud formed.

It gives people a feeling of dark clouds overcoming the city.

Soon tens of thousands of dragons were assembled on the east coast.

Of course, there was actually no voice of Jiuying.

Although Jiuying is also considered to be a lineage of the dragon family.

But usually he is alone.

Only follow Zhou Fangyu's command.

There is no contact with the dragons of these ancestors.

When Twitter people saw the dragons gathered, they were not to be outdone.

"Ao Rin, don't think that you are the only one who can call people!"

"If you want to have more people than our human race, you are also blind."

With that said, the armed fortress where the Twitter masters are located.

Several flares were fired into the sky.

Soon, they will be able to enter the Shenzhou city of the prehistoric world and the Fengdu city of the netherworld.

Hundreds of armed fortresses, floating battleships, Terminator mechas, and divine power mechas flew out from the sky and the sun.

at the same time.

A large number of cultivators, warriors, witches, and nethers also rose into the air.

Fly towards the east coast.

A guild that has established a covenant with the Twitter master's guild.

Less than ten minutes.

All rushed to the east coast.

There are more than 200 armed fortresses, more than 100 floating battleships, 30,000 Terminator Mechas and Divine Mechas.

Plus more than 1 million Earth players.

Move the entire east coast to the sky.

All covered.

Even if each dragon family has a huge body that spans dozens of miles or even dozens of miles.

But under such a huge number of players on Earth.

Still seems a little lonely.

Lead a team to rescue Twitter's rose thorn, wind, flower, snow, moon, old bridge and others.

It is very easy to ask the cause and effect of the matter from the Twitter audience.

They are also very dissatisfied with the domineering of the Dragon Race.

Obviously it was your dragons who made the first move.

We just fought back.

You still want to kill the children of our earth players.

Isn't this deceiving too much?!

a time.

The tense atmosphere at the scene became more intense.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu was observing the situation with his spiritual sense.

Obviously can't wait any longer.

If it really makes the earth players fight with the dragons.

In the end, no matter who wins or loses, it is a huge loss for him.

But just when Zhou Fangyu wanted to go out in person.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had always wanted to build a divine guard.

Manage and supervise the plans of the major races in God's Domain for yourself.

For various reasons, this plan has not been implemented.

Now this scene.

Zhou Fangyu's personal exit is too unpretentious.

Just let the divine guard you planned to appear.

Do it when you think of it.

Zhou Fangyu quickly used his divine sense to transmit sound to the demon clan, the Asura clan, and the female scorpion clan.

Let them send the strongest 1,000 members of the clan to gather on the coast of the East China Sea.

at the same time.

Zhou Fangyu gave voice transmission to Jiuying who was hiding in the ocean of the East China Sea.

Let him immediately rush to the coast of the East China Sea.

Less than 5 minutes.

3,000 strong men from the demon clan, the Asura clan, and the female clan rushed to the coast of the East China Sea.

at the same time.

Jiuying's incomparably huge body also set off a storm in the sea.

Then, with an overwhelming momentum, it flew towards the coast.

Soon Zhou Fangyu as the grand voice of God's Domain Master.

spread all over the world.

"Today, in the name of the ruler of the gods, I declare all races in the prehistoric gods!""

"From today onwards, I will set up a Divine Guard."

"The team is composed of 1,000 strong people from all ethnic groups to join.

"From now on, I will only obey me, and the captain of the divine guard - Jiuying!!"

"The Divine Guard will be responsible for supervising, adjudicating, punishing, executing, all disputes and disputes between the various races in the Prehistoric God's Domain, and severely punishing the races that damage the strength of the God's Domain!

"No race in the Wild God Realm can disobey the ruling of the Divine Guard! 39

"Otherwise, it will be regarded as disobeying my order and will be killed without mercy!"

"Divine Guard members must not favor any race, and if they find someone who uses power for personal gain, they will be killed without mercy!

"If there are players on Earth who dare to defy the ruling of the Divine Guard!"

"Permanent deprivation of the right to enter the realm of the gods! 35

Zhou Fangyu's announcement fell.

The earth players and dragons on the east coast were all shocked.

Knowing that this is the Lord of the Gods Domain is dissatisfied with their behavior.

Only then did the Divine Guard be established to resolve disputes between them.

Jiuying had already followed Zhou Fangyu's voice transmission at this time.

With 3000 new members of the Guards, they came to the beach.

The earth players and the dragons are directly separated by them.

Jiuying's extremely rough and tough voice.

In an instant, it exploded above the heads of all dragon and earth players.

"According to the oracle of Lord Sovereign, I am here on behalf of the Divine Guard to adjudicate that the black dragon devoured a large number of players and was beaten to death on the spot by Wang Nezha."9

"Now, all the dragons above the East China Sea, as well as all the earth players present, each retreat 100 kilometers.

"Within 1 minute, if there is no retreat, all will be killed!!"

After Jiuying's voice rang.

The 3,000 Guardsmen who followed behind him.

All of them burst out and shouted:

"Kill to Kill!! 39

"Kill to Kill!! 35

"Kill to Kill!!""

The sky-shattering momentum stunned both the Dragon Race and the Earth players.

Everyone present spontaneously exited 100 kilometers one after another.

No one dared to disobey Jiuying's order.

Seeing this situation, Jiuying nodded with satisfaction!

He shouted:

"Little Diamond Wind is out! Read the verdict to everyone present.."

In the divine guard, a monster flew out immediately.

He was the first fanatic of Zhou Fangyu.

The little drill wind that Zhou Fangyu often borrowed from his body in the past!!

Because of the innate magical powers of the heavens and the earth.

He was favored by Jiuying and acted as a special propaganda member in the divine guard.

I saw this little drill wind flying into the air.

A strong demonic energy gushed out of his body.

Then, his body grew long against the wind.

It quickly became enormous.

Even bigger than the giant beast Jiuying.

under the pressure of this behemoth.

There was no dragon or earth player who dared to make trouble.

"Today, according to the oracle of Lord Master, the God Guard will make a final ruling on the killing of the player by the black dragon of the dragon race and the killing of the black dragon by Wang Nezha!"

"The black dragon of the dragon clan violated the oracle of the Lord, entered the prehistoric world, and killed the earth players innocently, and he died.

"All dragons must not seek revenge for this, let alone continue to kill other earth players."

"In addition, considering that this black dragon has been killed. It is now decided to hand over the body of the black dragon to the earth players killed by the black dragon to compensate for their losses.

after the ruling was published.

The Earth players cheered.

However, the Dragon Clan's expression was dim and resentful.

Of course they didn't dare to hold grudges against Zhou Fangyu.

But dissatisfied with the earth players!

Of course, Zhou Fangyu had considered this situation.

Therefore, he will also give the Dragon Clan an explanation.

Xiao Zhanfeng continued to recite in an earth-shattering voice:

"Of course, the Black Dragon of the Dragon Race is at fault. But killing him will damage the overall strength of the God's Domain!"9

"Wang Nezha killed the black dragon privately without the ruling and approval of the Lord Master.

"It is a great disrespect to the Lord Master, and it also caused huge losses to the Dragon Clan and the Divine Realm!

"After the ruling, Wang Nezha is sentenced to cut his flesh and bones, and use the dragon energy of the East China Sea to reshape his body. He will be transformed into a dragon man with dragon blood.

"In the future, Wang Nezha will replace a Dragon Clan to enter the Divine Guard and serve as a member. He will compensate for the loss caused by the death of the Black Dragon to the Dragon Clan."

After hearing this verdict.

The Dragon Race and Earth players present in 3.9 were all in an uproar.

The dragon's anger has disappeared a lot.

The Earth players were stunned.

Especially the Huaxia players, at this time, their hearts are all stunned.

This Wang Nezha has just played the famous scene of "Nezha makes trouble in the sea and kills the dragon".

Now the verdict of the Divine Guard.

It is about to make a famous scene of "cutting the flesh for the mother, cutting the bones for the father"!

The trace of this cosplay is too heavy.

If it wasn't for Xiao Zhanfeng saying that he would use dragon energy to shape Wang Nezha's body.

Instead of using lotus root for body sculpting.

Huaxia players probably thought they had gone to the wrong studio.

It's not the realm of the gods, but the Romance of the Gods!

Look at the face full of "I am a little hero" expression!

It is estimated that he did not understand what the bear child Wang Nezha who "cuts flesh and bones" is!

There is also the mother of Wang Nezha, who has been crying to tears next to her.

Huaxia players couldn't help but complain in their hearts:

"It's called Wang Nezha, but it's not the real Nezha!"

"Does this divine guard have to play so hard?!""

What these players don't know is.

Nine infants and little diamond wind of the guards and others...

How can there be such - the evil taste of watching famous scenes in the wild!

The person who made this decision was actually their master, Zhou Fangyu.

The God Guard is nothing more than a scapegoat!

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