In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 229 The heart or the kidney, of course, the heart\r

In the face of such an enemy, players continue to die, and more players have to gather together to fight against those powerful beings.

Just like this person who obtained the potential pet beast, the combat power of the earthly bear will skyrocket when he becomes an adult, and he is almost the one he looks up to on the frontal battlefield.

In the face of the existence of the Great Earth Bear, people had to gather together to fight against him.

The players of the Great Earth Bear are not fools. After killing hundreds of people, they also found a lot of powerful guys, temporarily united and cleaned up the battlefield.

And the unlucky Feng Hua Xue Yue can only keep running away with his pet beast.

His pet is something like a golden salamander.

Even after accelerating, it is difficult to form combat power.

This is an auxiliary pet, named Jin Hua, he can produce a special aroma, help the owner to concentrate and speed up the practice, his saliva can also assist in the treatment, the body can quickly recover, the tail can be reborn, and his body can also change and attach On the host, it blocked a lot of attacks for the host.

He is considered an immortal Xiaoqiang, but he has no actual combat power.

When encountering such a beast, he can only rely on himself.

"Damn, no, I'm just bad luck, you don't have to target me like this. 33 Fenghuaxueyue looked at the rookie players chasing after him.

Who made him the commander-in-chief of the old player? People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Of course, they must first gather to kill him.

"Hey, that seems to be Xiaoyueyue, damn, so many people, is this crazy?"

"There are times like this in the wind and snow? Interesting."

"Would you like to help him?"

"Help me, the three or two of us aren't enough for others to chop.

Twist vine, Zuckerberg is hiding behind a tree.

One of their pets is a dragon ape, and the other is a tree bag. They are all tree creatures, and they just use the towering trees here to cover themselves.

As for the other old players, the people around the world have long since dispersed, these old players have been diluted.

The two of them are very lucky to be together.

Fenghuaxueyue was chased away just like that. Although he was chased, but by virtue of his own strength, he kept clearing and killing those who were chasing him.

This is a jungle after all, it is still difficult to catch up with a master.

If it weren't for the newcomer plus too much, he would have fled.

In fact, there are many similar situations. Some people recognize themselves clearly, and after a fierce battle, they withdraw from the battlefield and concentrate on their cultivation.

Some are struggling to the death, constantly looking for the opportunity to win.

Sometimes even though the luck is a little bad, it can be made up with strength.

Fenghuaxueyue is like this. After being chased and killed countless times, he can recover quickly. First, he naturally has this pet. As long as he doesn't die, he can recover from any serious injuries.

The second is that his fighting consciousness is super strong after all, even in the face of the pursuit of hundreds of old players, he can find vitality in it.

Finally, there is a certain element of luck.

After experiencing several battles of life and death, Fenghuaxueyue finally realized the cooperative battle with Slider.

"If you want to take your heart, you also have to take your kidneys 々||." Feng Xue sighed a little.

In a battle that was almost integrated with Slider, it was Slider who blocked most of the lethal attacks each time.

On the other hand, he was desperate and desperately trying to hurt the opponent.

After hundreds of battles, he finally won the final victory in the island battle.

He is a typical example. The process of turning a soft assistant into a hard assistant is amazing, and the running-in speed with the pet is also very fast.

In the face of the tyrannical bear, he was stunned for the ultimate victory.

In the end, although it was a tragic victory, the whole person was even scrapped.

But it is good to win, for them, this is the most gratifying.

The battle continued, and people were eliminated constantly.

When the entire jungle, the number dropped to dozens of people.

"The number of people is less than 100, and the number of people is starting to be replenished."

Fenghuaxueyue, Twisted Vine, and even other old and new players were dumbfounded.

"Damn, isn't it, you don't even have time to rest?"

"If it goes on like this, God will be exhausted to death.

"I'm quitting, I'm going out."

The same battle space, the same terrain, finally started the battle again.

There are still many such islands, and the same thing is still happening.

Whether it is luck, strength, or perseverance.

As long as you persevere, Zhou Fangyu will affirm it.

In this way, more and more elites were left.

They are all used to the battle here, and they have become extremely skilled with pets, forming their own set of fighting methods.

Simba, old Twitter, peerless elegance, no trace of shadows, etc., new and old players, all lasted to the end.

These are the elite of the elite, and they all know how to fully fight pets.

This battle gave Zhou Fangyu some thoughts.

He saw a lot of acquaintances, Twisted Vine, Zuckerberg, old Twitter, Simba, and many more.

It has to be said that the older generation of players are mostly players, and only a small number of new players are promoted.

It's not that the older generation is stronger, it's just that the older generation's fighting consciousness is the most mature.

They can recognize themselves better and know how to cooperate with their pets to form a greater combat power.

A small number of new players have a terrifying will to fight. Although the experience is not constant, they have their own talents as supplements, and they cooperate seamlessly with their pets.

With so many talents gathered together, Zhou Fangyu felt that if they were not allowed to experience the death process of a pet beast, they might not understand the reality of this preview.

Gathering the last thousand people together, these are all extremely powerful beings, not only their strength has reached the human fairyland.

Everyone's pet is used by them.

Like that cheap old Twitter, there's a speed change bug.

With this pet beast, he ran rampant in the entire jungle, causing trouble to many people (the king's).

Maybe while you're eating, he'll pop up and spit at you.

Maybe he popped up and smiled at you when you were on the toilet.

But you can never catch him.

Because he always shoots and runs away, never giving you a chance to spot him.

He grasped the characteristics of pet beasts and gave full play to this characteristic.

This is the representative of mature players.

There are many more.

Simba's jungle rain leopard, magnificent gibbon flying ape, Twisted vine's dragon ape and so on.

In the end, Zhou Fangyu released the countless powerful monsters that he had arranged on the entire Imperial Beast Island.

He felt that hide and seek had been played long enough, and it was time for them to come out and have a real fight.

It's time to end this fight.

When the hiding players are forced out.

While everyone had to fight against the monsters, they also guarded against the humans behind them.

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