After assembling the team, Zhou Fangyu led directly to the battlefield following the officers in front.

This person doesn't speak much, or is simply a mute, and he never utters a word.

No matter how thick-skinned Zhou Fangyu is, there is nothing he can do when he encounters this stuffy gourd.

Before they reached the camp, Mr. Bucky hurriedly caught up.

He threw out a god at random.

"Old Hu, just follow Fang Yu and take care of anything. I am the smartest and most promising student. If something happens to him, I will ask you."

"It's long-winded, I understand, let's go. The warrior named Lao Hu was not angry, but just laughed and scolded.

Teacher Bucky didn't say anything, but gave Zhou Fangyu a look and left.

He was walking in a hurry, apparently in a hurry.

Zhou Fangyu didn't say much, and hung his shoulders with Lao Hu, talking about Mr. Bucky's various scandals, and laughed.

Lao Hu didn't know what kind of person Mr. Bucky was in the school. Hearing Zhou Fangyu's humorous words, he was also curious, obviously thinking about how to mock the old battalion commander next time we met.

That's what friendship on the battlefield is like.

After they settled in the camp, orders came from the front.

"Where's the new battalion commander? Military order to help the third battalion. 35

A guy covered in blood yelled at Zhou Fangyu, holding a bloody token in his hand.

Zhou Fangyu accepted it directly, "Go and take people to rest.

"You set up the camp here first, we are not familiar with the battlefield yet, so we won't take you on an adventure, and I will deal with things here when I come back.

Lao Hu, you are now officially promoted to the deputy battalion commander. After that, I will submit the confession. You can bring someone to set up the camp now. The safer the better. "Zhou Fangyu walked directly in the direction of the military order.

He and the three god slaves as well as Huang Zhan and Wu Jing left directly.

This is the battlefield, and the military orders are in a hurry, so he can't help but be in a hurry.

Moreover, according to the military order, the third battalion was under the joint siege and suppression of some demon clans, and the situation was critical.

When no one was there, Zhou Fangyu directly summoned the God Realm race.

The mighty hundreds of billions of dog-headed demons galloped up, like a vast tide, rushing towards the battlefield.

The elites of the Divine Realm races of all ethnic groups rushed out, and countless powerhouses rushed away.

Powerhouses from all walks of life have taken action, they have been suffering for a long time, and they need a hearty battle to relieve the pressure that Zhou Fangyu has put on them recently.

The decline of the human race can be seen, especially the rapid rise of other races, the faces of the major powerhouses of the human race are all ugly.

They wanted to explain that resistance had nothing to do with them.

But they couldn't explain it, because it was indeed their business, if it wasn't for those scumbags, they wouldn't be like this.

Moreover, it would be false to say that they did not intend to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Clearly, reality hit them hard.

The earth cannot go back, the new world is abandoned again, and human beings are in dire straits in an instant.

What can I do? I can only hold back.

They urgently need to vent and regain the approval of the Lord.

Rely on what? Now showing loyalty will definitely not work.

Therefore, the Terran has experienced several meetings and several discussions of leading figures.

It was finally determined that what the Lord of God needed was a warrior.

Yes, no matter what they do, in the end, every battle requires the participation of the left and right races in this world.

Explain what?

If those fighting enemies are real, it means that God Lord needs to fight.

Their role is only to fight.

After understanding this fact, it is much easier for everyone to act.

The big guy is practicing harder. In order to improve the overall strength of the human race, it is not only necessary to improve the strength of the top powerhouses, but also to ensure that the strength of the rest of the human race is as balanced as possible.

In order to improve combat power, the big guy began to study new directions.

Formation, so naturally fell into the eyes of everyone.

All kinds of small formations and large formations were taken out, and some people specially studied how to set up the formations and how to maximize the combat power.

With a little experimentation.

The human race has also successfully invented many kinds of special fighting methods.

Large arrays set small arrays, one ring is another ring.

Therefore, when the war begins, it is a stage, and all ethnic groups perform hard to attract the attention of the gods.

The performance of other races is not so obvious, and the human race is very deliberate.

Everyone strives to be the first, and everyone's fighting power soars.

But if you look closely, you will find that even in the battlefield of the strong, the human race is basically fighting more and less.

Each human race is in its own battle formation, and every time it attacks, several human races take action.

On the other hand, the demons on the opposite side were in a panic, calmly engaging in battle.

They are all old people on the battlefield. Although the Demon Race didn't expect the newly arrived Protoss Lao Kan to move so fast, he came to support him directly when he first arrived. The efficiency is a bit scary.

Don't investigate how many demons and how many strong they have.

Zhou Fangyu has actually been a little arrogant recently, and he had no idea how many enemies he would face this time.

After they fought, the entire battlefield seemed to be in the mud, and more and more gods and demons were dragged into it.

In particular, the demons were panicked by internal and external attacks, and they were at a loss.

Who can imagine that a God Race camp actually brought out so many God Realm races, hundreds of billions in number, especially the dog-headed demons, which are all over the mountains and fields, although they are not strong in battle, but relying on the powerful numbers, let those Demon Race fundamental interests. The idea of ​​not resisting.

Ten kobolds might not be able to kill an ordinary demon.

However, hundreds of thousands, even high-level demons can't handle it.

The leader of this Demon Race is also an old man on the battlefield, and he knows that he won't be able to get a bargain this time.

"Assemble, withdraw ||."

Following his order, some of the guys who were in charge of the tail-cutting stayed behind, and the other demons quickly evacuated.

Zhou Fangyu was very unhappy watching those demons rushing around with their heads in their arms. He didn't get much merit this time.

You know, this time, he just wanted to annihilate them all.

Too bad these guys run too fast.

Zhou Fangyu had no choice but to put away the other races of the God Realm first.

As for the kobolds, just let them chew on them, killing one is one.

Every time there is a battle, there will be some breakthrough powerhouses among the dog-headed demons.

It is one of their characteristics, although their upper limit is not very high, but relying on the number and mutation, there are still many kobolds rising.

For these dog-headed demons, Zhou Fangyu marked them, and immediately picked them up and put them away.

"Old Hu, I didn't expect to be rescued by you this time. I never expected it!" A voice came from the Protoss camp.

Zhou Fangyu smiled slightly and put away all the races of the God Realm, including the kobold.

He looked at the scattered warriors who came out of the Protoss camp, and they were almost wiped out by the group.

"But the battalion commander of the third battalion, Zhou Fangyu, the battalion commander of the fifth battalion of the new old battalion, is in front of him. As for the old Hu you mentioned, he has already died. He died in the chaos of the heavens."

Zhou Fangyu sighed with emotion, the battlefield, the dead are too normal, even such an old camp can be almost wiped out, not to mention other.

The battalion commander was obviously familiar with Hu Tianhu, the former battalion commander of the 5th battalion. He walked up to Zhou Fangyu and said sadly, "I didn't expect that the old fox was gone. I have been fighting recently, and I don't even know about the death of the old fox. letter."

"My condolences." Zhou Fangyu didn't know how to comfort him. In fact, everyone was not familiar with each other, but he felt a little sad about the death of a rabbit.

"It's okay, don't console me, I've only had a few drinks with him and a few fights." He reluctantly put away the tears in his eyes.

Zhou Fangyu was silent. To be able to do this is already a very good friend. After all, this place is so tense, it is really not easy to take time out for a drink and a chat.

"My condolences." Zhou Fangyu could only be so comforting.

"First time meeting, battalion commander Aizen of the third battalion, what's your surname, little brother?" His face became a little more relaxed.

"Zhou Fangyu, I just came to the battlefield, so I would like to ask the adults for more advice." Zhou Fangyu said solemnly.

"Not to mention advice, let's learn from each other, the younger brother is not very old, and the cultivation base is not very high, but your strength is really strong, are those God Realm races all your own?

He saw this little guy put away all the races of the gods.

"No, you misunderstood, those gods are my guardians, but they don't want to show up. Zhou Fangyu explained with a smile.

Anyway, they couldn't find out whether his God Realm race was collected by him or by other gods.

Although the divine domain aura of these divine domain races is similar.

However, no one can guarantee whether there is any fraud, and it is certain that it is the same god.

"It turns out that these guardians of yours are really haunted." Lan Ran nodded, he didn't go too deep, whether it was his own or his guardian's, it was the same result, that is, he was rescued by others ,that's enough.

Although the military orders are like mountains, they still care about human feelings. If they are not human, they may even lose their chances of being saved.

As long as people procrastinate and procrastinate casually, or take a step back when saving people, or delay a little, they may lose the chance to save their lives.

Therefore, a person with insufficient emotional intelligence cannot be a battalion commander.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Aizen and asked with a smile, "Brother Aizen, I don't know what team of demons came this time? I feel that the fighting power is very strong. Moreover, the fighting consciousness is good, and I know how to advance and retreat."

Aizen felt a little sad when he thought of this. If he hadn't been careless, he wouldn't have suffered such a big loss. His battalion was considered disabled.

"...Speaking of which, I have also fought against this Demon Race many times, and I haven't found out what his name is, but he leads this team and is definitely an elite Demon Race.

They are usually elusive, they don't fight head-on at all, and they always make sneak attacks, which also gives me a lot of headaches.

In the end, I decided to deliberately reveal the flaws, and wanted to introduce them into my camp, come to an ambush, and defeat them head-on.

Unexpectedly, this guy is a thief, and he actually seized the opportunity to join several teams to attack me together. I can't stand it, and I have to ask for help.

These guys take advantage and run away, it's really abominable.

If it weren't for the fact that the situation on the battlefield is so bad, I would really like to join forces with a few old camps to bring them all together.

He is self-inflicted, just dealing with a person who is not very dominant, but can also hold him back.

However, when he showed his flaws, he showed his fangs directly, and he actually wanted to kill with one blow. This fighting quality made Zhou Fangyu tremble with fear.

You must know that on the battlefield, it is the most important to assess the situation and see the fighter plane. If you don't know how to assess the situation, it is impossible to find a fighter plane.

Of course, the ancestors of the human race once said that the purpose of battle is to destroy the enemy's living strength, and not to care about the gains and losses of one city and one place.

Therefore, the camp is not important, the important thing is how to eliminate these hateful demons.

"Well, let's give up this camp for the time being, go to the camp with me first, let's join forces together, and we can take care of each other.

Zhou Fangyu asked tentatively.

In fact, this is also to protect Aizen's self-esteem. After all, if you seek refuge in others, most people still can't open their mouths.

"Alright, I'm just thinking about how to explain to the commander-in-chief. Although we are not an important hurdle here, it is really going to be lost, and the loss will be huge."9

"Okay, Brother Aizen, then I'll go back first. Everyone in the family is really worried. You should come as soon as possible."

Zhou Fangyu was really afraid that the demons would find his camp, and those rookies would be slaughtered instantly.

(Zhao Zhaozhao) That's why he was so anxious to go back.

"Okay, little brother, go back first, I'll be there soon.""

Zhou Fangyu was concerned about the camp, so he walked quickly, and his three god slaves followed him to protect him.

As for Wu Jinghuang Zhan, he had been sent out a long time ago, and he went back to check the situation first.

Just when he just passed through a jungle, he suddenly felt something strange in front of him.

He roared fiercely, "With a golden body. 35

"Thorn..." A harsh crack sounded.

Even his golden body has been cut, although it is only a skin, but the sharpness of this thing can be imagined.

"Enemy attack." Zhou Fangyu clutched his neck and almost got his head cut off.

What is this, it is so delicate, and it is extremely difficult to detect.

If it wasn't for a sense of crisis surging into his heart, he really wouldn't have noticed it.

"Kill him." In a roar, countless demons came from nearby, surrounded by terrifying demons, and it was obvious that there were powerful demons around.

Zhou Fangyu's heart skipped a beat, it was hard to do this now.

Surrounded by demons, they have already disturbed the positioning of the space. At this time, if they call God's Domain, it is very likely that the demons will grope to the coordinates of God's Domain.

By then, he's really done.

You must know that this is an important means for the demons to deal with the gods.

After the fuzzy positioning, the coordinates can be positioned from the time when the Protoss opened the realm of the gods. This method is simply too abhorrent.

An exposed God's Domain is the same as a delicious cake in front of you. As long as you relax, you will be divided up by others.

So Zhou Fangyu had to break through quickly under the protection of the three god slaves.

Fortunately, those immortal demons didn't know whether they looked down on themselves, or because they didn't know that they were the battalion commanders, they didn't do anything with their parents.

So they retreated while fighting, and they didn't have a big problem for a while.

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