In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 402: The Third Battalion Aizen, Weird Luo Shuai\r

"Hey, should I understand?" Zhou Fangyu scratched his head in embarrassment. As long as it was not mentioned by the school, he generally didn't know about it. Although he knew about the immortal substance, he didn't know exactly where it was extracted. Besides, with so many gods, no one told him!

"Nonsense, even if you don't understand, you should have heard it? Could it be that you are an abandoned son of the family?" Aizen teased.

After all, he is a son of a big family, otherwise who would have given him so many guardians.

Zhou Fangyu naturally knows what he thinks, but only he knows about his own affairs. If he really has a family, he will come out to develop a fart. Isn't it good to be a rich second generation?

Only fools come to die on the battlefield.

The cruelty of this battlefield is actually clear in one or two sentences?

Moreover, even the immortal Hu Tianhu died so tragically, let alone these high-level gods, they could have any good results.

So, be careful and be careful, the only way to get more benefits here.

The two walked back to the camp just like that, but this time it was safe, and no one would attack again.

Zhou Fangyu thought about what happened today, if there was a magician by his side, maybe the situation would be different.

Only the Array Mage can break through that kind of space disturbance, or stabilize a hole in their small space, and can also summon a lot of God's Domain races. In this case, they will not be so passively beaten by others.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu can be considered to be wise and wise, and he decided not to leave his team casually.

Here at least he can expand his divine domain without any scruples, even if it is discovered that this is his own divine domain race, it will be fine, at least the divine domain is still safe.

If this person is ambushed, he will die of suffocation.

No matter how powerful your divine domain is, you cannot withstand the harassment of countless demons.

It came to a world as powerful as a god, and it was beaten and retreated, and the destruction of the flood might also be related to the demons.

It is conceivable how strong the demons in this world are.

This is still the Demon Race without the Demon Realm. They just developed on some Demon Realm fragments and became the current climate. If the Demon Realm is complete, wouldn't it be even more powerful?

I can't imagine how powerful they are.

"Sir, are you coming back so soon?" Luo Pinghao ran out quickly. The few of them had just set up the camp, and the camp was still being set up.

"Well, this is the commander of Aizen's battalion, the third battalion. From today, he will officially enter our camp." Zhou Fangyu pointed at Aizen and said.

"Really? That's great. The villain will arrange it now." Luo Pinghao shouted happily, they are safer here.

"My new housekeeper, okay?" Zhou Fangyu's face twitched, others might not be able to see his specialness, but I believe Aizen should be able to see it.

"Okay, could it be true that there is a past life and this life?" He asked in a low voice with some surprise, he is already an immortal god, and he has never really seen anyone who has been reincarnated, because this world does not have six reincarnations, However, various legends about past and present lives have been circulated for a long time.

And on this body that seemed to be only a high-level god, it actually sensed the aura of a strong man. It was similar to Luo Pinghao, but more powerful.

As if it was really a resurrection from a previous life.

In the orcs, it is called atavism, in the gods, this is the reincarnated god.

"You're lucky." Aizen showed an envious look for the first time.

"Yeah, I also think I'm lucky. Speaking of which, I really saw it before, but since I gave him his father's relic, he started to wake up. He's already so strong now, how long has it been? Zhou Fangyu sighed with emotion.

'Well, it may also have been stimulated by his father's death," Aizen was stunned for a moment after saying this, and then thought of something, "By the way, what kind of relic did you give him?

"A pet, I don't know the breed, it looks a bit like a deer! Zhou Fangyu couldn't think of the specific appearance of the pet for a while.

"Ugly deer?" Aizen asked tentatively.

"Well, how do you know?" Zhou Fangyu looked at Aizen suspiciously, this guy is too amazing, could it be the reincarnation of some god operator?

"Well, not only do I know, I also know what his father's name is, is his father Luo An?" Lan Ran asked with a smile.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head.

"No, it's obviously Roan, he won't change his name! Aizen wondered.

After thinking about it many times, he was sure that it was indeed Roan, and he couldn't be wrong.

Zhou Fangyu sighed, "I really don't know what his name is. 35

"Oh, you didn't say it earlier, it made me think I remembered it wrong.

··For flowers...

"How did you know them?" Zhou Fangyu pointed at Luo Pinghao, since he knew them, that meant that this guy might not be a reincarnated god.

Probably something else.

"This Luo Pinghao, there is a problem. 35 Aizen pointed at his head.

"what is the problem?

"Multiple personalities, extremely complex triple personalities."

"Oh, and then what?"

"That Roan, his father, is actually a super strong.

"How strong?" Zhou Fangyu was instantly interested.

"Do you know how strong the old man surnamed Wu is?"

"You mean Marshal Wu? You mean that Roan, who is about to die, is actually a master-level powerhouse?"

"Well. He is called Luo Shuai, the top powerhouse, but because he has such a worrying son, he has always been unknown. Oh, it is not unknown, but he is not very famous outside. On the battlefield, they are extremely unknown. famous. 55

"I'll go, then I'm done. I'll treat his son as a younger brother. Lao Luo can't tear me into eight pieces, hurry up and drive Luo Pinghao out." Zhou Fangyu suddenly became an ant on the hot pot, anxious disturbed.

"Don't be in such a hurry to clear the relationship, I have to say, you are lucky. Luo Shuai arranged several identities for his son to suit his three personalities, this Luo Pinghao, Bacheng is one of them, as long as you It's to your advantage to accompany him to finish this important role with peace of mind."

"Well? I'm crazy or are you crazy, if there's something wrong with it, our family doesn't deal with the master." Zhou Fangyu shook his head, not thinking it was a beautiful mistake.

"You, confused, you don't know how much Luo Shuai loves his son, as long as you finish this scene well, not to mention that you will be directly promoted to the immortal realm, it will give you the resources to reach the immortal realm, and so will others. I won't frown, it's a huge profit! Aizen said anxiously.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, still unmoved.

Immortality is not his end, this temptation is still bearable

Aizen sneered, "I want to quit now, it's too late, who made you already in the game? Boy, if you don't finish the show for me, let's talk about it, is my pet so easy to ride?

He suddenly seemed to have changed.

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