"Sir, stop chasing him, you go and cut off his banner, the demons care about that banner the most." Aizen spoke suddenly.

His voice made Zhou Fangyu stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up, I care about race warriors, you care about Daqi, let's see which of us will be distressed first.

He turned directly and rushed into the human race.

He opened the way in front of the human race.

Millions of Heavenly Immortals then made concerted efforts to go towards the banner of the Demon Race.

He is not a fool, go by himself, isn't he courting death?

You can only rely on your own divine realm.

"It's actually a son of a family who needs the help of the God Realm race to frighten Laozi to death. It seems that there should be no eternal gods. Boy, after chasing Laozi for so long, he will die." "Mo Jie's face suddenly turned hideous.

He's not a nice guy.

Now that you know the details of this kid, it's easy to say.

Zhou Fangyu didn't even know that his subconscious "seven-nine-seven" action was caught by others.

He is still charging with the Terran.

Suddenly I felt a crisis.

Before he could think about it, he felt a whirlwind.

"Hey, have you been beheaded? It's so fast." Zhou Fangyu was surprised, but he didn't panic at all.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that Zhou Fangyu, who looked extremely powerful, had his head cut off in an instant.

"Impossible! Aizen is dumbfounded, what about this guy's guardian? Just watch him get killed?

"No, my lord..." The other battalion commanders were also stunned. This is too magical. That guy who looked so powerful just died?

Mo Jie was also surprised, "It's just a show!"

When he finished speaking, he disappeared in place in an instant, watching the position where he had just stood vigilantly.

"You're actually an evil clan?" Mo Jie looked at Zhou Fangyu who suddenly appeared in surprise.

"Che, you are the Evil Clan. Have you ever seen such a handsome Evil Clan?" Zhou Fangyu looked at him disdainfully, but it was just a resurrection ability, and it was crazy to think of the Evil Clan.

"Hey, it's not really, but your ability is similar to that of the vicious clan, boy, let's die." Hearing Zhou Fangyu's voice, he finally determined that this guy is just a young boy, just relying on This ability has come to recruit military workers on the battlefield.

But this guy is a little bit stronger.

"Can't kill? I just don't know if you can be resurrected infinitely, hahaha!""

He bombarded Zhou Fangyu again.

Unfortunately, Zhou Fangyu still walked out of the void with a relaxed expression.

"Although I really want to say that you can give it a try, wouldn't it be too rubbish for you to kill me. Come on, let's see who is cruel."

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, he rushed towards him directly.

When he wanted to make a move, he exploded directly.

At this time, he was a high-level god, and the power of this self-destruction directly emptied the surrounding demons.

The face of Mo Jie, who was also smashed, was full of flesh and blood.

Both belong to Zhou Fangyu.

But before he could react, Zhou Fangyu appeared beside him and blew himself up instantly.

The crazy self-destruction made Mo Jie dumbfounded, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

He found that he would be bombed wherever he was.

Even if he escaped, this despicable guy actually blew himself up in the direction of the banner.

This kind of lifeless, not afraid of pain, and even more shameless behavior made him embarrassed and abnormal. Should he escape? Or should he go up?

"You lunatic, Laozi fought with you." Mo Jie's face flushed, but he still caught up with Zhou Fangyu.

I just went back and killed those God Realm races, but so many times and a half will not be able to kill.

Might as well hold off this perverted god.

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, because he felt the most distressed for those God Realm races.

Those are his babies.

He will be weak for some time around him.

But not really dead.

Just an immortality, even if it consumes energy, it will kill him.

I really thought the sea of ​​blood was just a joke.

There are strong people who can boil the sea of ​​blood, but it is definitely not this immortal.

"Kill..." Zhou Fangyu fought a war of attrition with this magic hero.

He blew himself up, and Mojie didn't dare to hide, so he could only resist.

Moreover, there were no gods and demons within ten miles around them, and they were also frightened by these two crazy guys.

Who would have thought that a good battle could turn into a cannonball?

Everyone looked at the two of them like they were perverted.

But Zhou Fangyu's God Realm races are not ambiguous, and they are not afraid of life and death when fighting.

This battle can be said to be related to the status of each ethnic group.

Now everyone knows that the battle of gods may kill people.

The infinite resurrection may never happen again.

If a race is valued by the gods, it can obtain more resources. Only when the resources are sufficient, many races in the gods can achieve the best development.

Therefore, it can be said that the war of resources is related to the life and death of all ethnic groups.

Why don't they try hard?

Didn't you see that even the human race that was clearly disgusted by the gods could return to the embrace of the gods?

Therefore, all ethnic groups are fighting to be the first, just to get the attention of the gods.

They only know when resources are tight that the Lord of God is actually such a useful guy.

This is also the reason why Zhou Fangyu has always been a free-range management, and has not formed much prestige in their hearts at all.

But he is not a guy who became a god by faith.

As long as the leeks can become stronger.

"You gentlemen, to penetrate them and win the banner is victory." Hades, the king of the underworld, pointed at the banner in front of her, she had already obtained Zhou Fangyu's divine power.

If you cut down the Demon Race flag, you will definitely win this battle.

"Jiedu is a great formation of gods and gods, calling the real body of Pangu.

Command Fenghuaxueyue to find the opportunity and directly start to summon Pangu's real body.

At this time, there was no demon to stop them, and the demons in front gathered together to stop them.

If the real body of Pangu is summoned, they will maximize the effective lethality.

In this way, the demons can no longer stop them.

When the real Pangu appeared on the battlefield again with the concerted efforts of everyone.

Many gods and demons were stunned.


They thought that Zhou Fangyu from the Underworld was big enough.

The summoned Pangu real body directly scared everyone.

A piece of demons with one foot, there is no resistance at all.

The powerful deterrent force made many demons unable to resist, shivering under his feet.

"Damn it." Mo Jie was furious, this kid actually has a backer.

What exactly is this summoned, why even I feel deep fear.

This is not the fear of encountering a powerful being.

It is the kind of fear that penetrates into the soul and penetrates into the blood.

It seems that this is an ancestor of the Demon Race.

Although he had this feeling, he was not suppressed.

There is no special suppression in the Supreme Demon Ancestor.

In other words, he may not be a demon, but he has a great relationship with the demon.

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