In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 702 Break and stand up, enter the Hongmeng space\r

In the universe of stars, Zhou Fangyu felt a kind of bondage, but after leaving the universe of stars, this bondage still exists.

"I have to break the shackles of the universe in order to go further, but one step further is the Hongmeng space, which is the same as the chaotic space, and it is impossible to enter below the primordial element. The powerful Hongmeng Qi will crush the existence below the primordial element into Asshole, don't even try to escape the primordial spirit.""

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the universe of Lin Meng, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

At this time, Lin Lei's voice came from Zhou Fangyu's ears: "Zhou Fangyu, you have found your own way, but to prove the Tao, you must enter the Hongmeng space. I have already received a promise from my eldest brother, as long as you can enter the Hongmeng space yourself, He will no longer stop you. But I also want to tell you that if you want to enter the Hongmeng space, unless you can practice the body of Hongmeng, or the body of Xuanhuang Indestructible.""

Zhou Fangyu's brows furrowed, then eased.

"Thank you very much, Linley, no matter whether you can prove it or not, I will always remember your favor." Zhou Fangyu replied.

In the Hongmeng space, Lin Lei glanced at Qin Yu: "The rest is up to him."

Qin Yu nodded.

"If you want to cultivate the body of Hongmeng, you need a lot of the aura of Hongmeng, and to cultivate the indestructible body of Xuanhuang, you need the energy of Xuanhuang. I don't have either."

Zhou Fangyu calculated that whether it is the body of Hongmeng or the immortal body of Xuanhuang, it is equivalent to the ninth level of the immortal body. If he can reach the ninth level of the immortal body, he can also venture into the Hongmeng-space for a try. .

"I have already reached the eighth level of the immortal body. If the five elements cannot go further, the immortal body cannot break through. Relying on the five elements, I cannot cultivate the immortal body. Now I can only rely on the five elements. – Relying on the laws of time and space.

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed on Zhou Fangyu's face, explosions kept coming from his body, laws were shattered, and his body became weaker and weaker.

The seventh level of the immortal body...the sixth level of the immortal body...the fifth level of the immortal body...

In just a few days, Zhou Fangyu lost his indestructible body. In the end, his physical body almost completely collapsed, and he could only be maintained by his powerful Primordial Spirit.

"Don't break, don't stand, break and stand!"

Zhou Fangyu had a hint of enlightenment in his heart. He had obtained Lin Lei's cultivation method of Hongmeng's body, and he had also witnessed Qin Yu's cultivation of the inextinguishable body of Xuanhuang. Thinking of the birth and death of the worlds he saw in the long river of time and space, Zhou Fangyu was suddenly touched.

"Integrating the world, I am the world, the world is me, and the invincible physical body is the world that is invincible. 99

Zhou Fangyu became enlightened, he laughed, his body completely collapsed and turned into nothingness. A transparent Zhou Fangyu stood there with his hands open, as if embracing a world.

"The body of time and space is also the world!"

The chains of the laws of time and space are vertical and horizontal, and the chains of these laws construct a world, and this world is Zhou Fangyu's body. What Zhou Fangyu wants to practice now is the body of time and space, and the body of time and space is also the most suitable for the world. Time is chaotic, space is also incomparably chaotic, and in this chaos and chaos, a powerful existence seems to slowly wake up. In the Lin Meng universe, all creatures felt tremendous pressure, even Tianzun was no exception.

"What's going on? Could it be that Master is angry?" In Baiyun City, Piaoyu Tianzun thought.

"This is the breath of the birth of the universe." Che Houyuan, who had just become Tianzun, suddenly said, and Tianzun Piaoyu and Tianzun Xiaoyao both looked at him.

"Well, it's not wrong. When I refined the Yuanzhu, I touched such a reaction, but I couldn't fully control the laws of time and space, and the Yuanzhu I refined was dead. And the current reaction, the law of time. The laws of space and space are extremely active, and the world is expanding and growing... Who can open up another world?" Che Houyuan said.

While the three were still discussing, Linley appeared.

"You don't have to be nervous, it's a teacher's friend who is cultivating." Linley said.

"Do we need another uncle?" Piaoyu Tianzun asked.

Linley looked at Zhou Fangyu: "It's hard to say right now, his realm surpasses yours, but he has not yet reached the master of Hongmeng. In comparison, he only has a chance. 35

Xiaoyao Tianzun and Che Houyuan didn't feel deeply about Lin Lei's words, but Piaoyu Tianzun was confused.

"A chance... This is what I have been looking for." Piaoyu Tianzun said in his heart.

The body of time and space is trained by the laws of time and space, and Zhou Fangyu's control of these two laws has reached 49%, but it is still extremely difficult to cultivate the body of time and space.

The law of time and the law of space are not like the law of five elements, which can be externalized, and the body of time and space is not a real body, but an illusory world.

Zhou Fangyu combined, the body of Hongmeng and the immortal body of Xuanhuang, and added his own knowledge of the way of heaven and the world. After hundreds of millions of years, he finally got a clue, and the body of time and space gradually improved.

Time is changing in Zhou Fangyu's palm, space is cracking around Zhou Fangyu, and he now has a sense of being in control of the world.

"This is not my world after all.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, he removed the world of the five elements, and then integrated the body of time and space into the world of the five elements. With the reinforcement of the law of time and space, everything in the world of the five elements has changed. The tortoise, which was originally the way of heaven, was assimilated by the law of time and space and became part of the law of time and space. Variety.

Originally, there were three realms in the Five Elements World, but the three realms were of the same level, and there was no distinction between superior and inferior. With the advent of the power of time and space, the Five Elements World is divided into the mortal world, the fairy world and the god world, just like the Lin Meng universe and the star universe. This pyramid-shaped structure is more conducive to the stability of the world.

"The body of time and space, it's done!" Zhou Fangyu snorted softly, and the power of time and space swept across, and the world of the five elements calmed down again.

"Now I am the world, and the world is me. If I break through, the world will become a great world. If I fail, the whole world will collapse." Zhou Fangyu looked at the world he had created, his mind moved, and a tiny life began Appeared, that life began to evolve under the influence of time, it was just the blink of an eye for Zhou Fangyu

But for that life, it is a cycle of hundreds of millions of years. Hundreds of millions of years later, the once tiny life turned into a huge Flood Dragon, and the Flood Dragon tossed freely in the sea, showing its power.

"Although I can also create a powerful creature like the Jiaolong with a wave of my hand, my methods are fundamentally different from Qin Yu's magical powers of creation. After all, my world is not complete yet.

··For flowers....0

Zhou Fangyu knew that he was only one step away, but it was extremely difficult to take this step. He is now faced with two choices. The first choice is to enter the world of Hongmeng with the body of time and space, but Zhou Fangyu is not sure whether the body of time and space can withstand the crushing of the world of Hongmeng. If not, Zhou Fangyu may die.

The second option, Zhou Fangyu can now go back to the prehistoric world, or travel to other worlds. After practicing the body of time and space, the river of time and space is no longer dangerous to him. But whether it is Honghuang or other great worlds, Zhou Fangyu faces similar risks. In the midst of the Great Desolation, the sages headed by the ancestor Hongjun are waiting for him, and other great worlds, the powerhouses in this world, will not allow Zhou Fangyu to testify.

No matter what you choose, the result is the same.

"That being the case, I might as well give it a shot." Zhou Fangyu thought, the law of time and the law of space merged in front of him and turned into a sword-shaped magic weapon.

"My body of time and space is not comparable to the body of Hongmeng and the immortal body of Xuanhuang. I can't break through the space of Hongmeng only by strength. Now I can only use tricks."


If Zhou Fangyu cultivated other laws, even if he reached his realm, even if he was given an innate treasure, he would not be able to break through the primordial space. But the law of time and space is very special. After all, Hongmeng space is also constructed with the law of time and space. The sword of time and space condensed by Zhou Fangyu is enough to break the barrier of Hongmeng space.

Zhou Fangyu raised the sword of time and space. All his insights and realms are reflected in the sword of time and space. In the sword of time and space, a world slowly unfolds, and the world is very vivid and makes people yearn for.

"A sword makes the world!"

After some deliberation, Zhou Fangyu delivered his strongest blow. The sword of time and space sank into the space in front of him, and then a space crack appeared. Under the interference of the laws of time and space, the space crack gradually grew larger, and finally it was enough for Zhou Fangyu to pass.

"It's life or death, this time." Zhou Fangyu stepped into the space crack and entered the Hongmeng space. As soon as he entered, the space crack disappeared.

"Zhou Fangyu really did it." Lin Lei seemed very happy, "Big brother waited for more than a thousand years before I could break through Hongmeng space with my strength, and after I created the universe, I only waited for two years, and the third brother reached it. The realm of the Hongmeng controller. Now that Zhou Fangyu has also entered the Hongmeng space, the fourth Hongmeng controller may also be born."

Hongmeng opened his mouth and said: "Second brother, Zhou Fangyu is a creature from another universe after all, we should be careful. If he does not agree to entrust his primordial spirit on the Hongmeng Golden List, he will not be able to become the master of Hongmeng.

Lin Lei didn't care much after hearing this, but Qin Yu felt a little strange. He glanced at the Hongmeng Gold List, but didn't say anything in the end.

"Finally arrived at the Hongmeng space, but this is only the first step to prove the Tao, and the bigger challenge has just begun." Zhou Fangyu looked at the Hongmeng aura densely covered in the Hongmeng space. Violent, suppresses all laws, but the aura of Hongmeng is more gentle, and can also accommodate laws.

"There are indeed more complete laws of time and space in Hongmeng space!" Zhou Fangyu felt that the laws of time and space in Hongmeng space far exceeded his control.


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